October 2015 Running Challenge



  • shanaber
    shanaber Posts: 6,407 Member
    @Somebody_Loved - Not crazy at all (well if you are than many of us here are too)! I love rain runs!
  • Clarewho
    Clarewho Posts: 494 Member
    @JoRocka brilliant well done, great time
  • Ohhim
    Ohhim Posts: 1,142 Member
    Congrads @JoRocka!

    Got in a final run this morning as I scrambled to get everything packed up so I could bike over to a final football game (Pitt-UVA) before returning to the airport this afternoon. I'm definitely going to miss the cooler weather, gorgeous fall foliage scenery, and dearth of running partners, but hopefully I'll just have 1 more month of sweltering before Florida returns to cooler fall/winter temperatures. On the plus side, with all of my fitness clothes in one location for the winter, laundry won't have to happen as frequently - which is good as my first set of winter beach guests arrive in a few weeks.

    10/1 - 7 miles
    10/2 - 8.5 miles
    10/3 - 4 miles (pace run at 1/2 marathon speed)
    10/4 - 9 miles
    10/5 - 8.5 miles
    10/6 - 8.5 miles
    10/7 - 8 miles
    10/8 - 8 miles (w. 0.25-0.5-0.75-1-0.75-0.5-0.25 pyramid @ 6:35 pace)
    10/9 - 9 miles
    10/10 - 4 miles

    Total: 74.5 miles
    Goal: 170 miles
    Remaining: 95.5 miles
  • annekka
    annekka Posts: 517 Member
    October Goal—stretch goal 120 km
    10/1—rest getting a cold I think…
    10/2—10.18 km
    10/3—rest, taking care of errands and resting up for…
    10/4–10.73 km
    10/5—typhoon day, good thing it’s a traditional rest day anyway
    10/6–5.16 km
    10/8–5.49 km
    10/10–13.92 km
    10/11—3.34 km recovery run
  • runner_girl83
    runner_girl83 Posts: 553 Member
    1/10 – rest day
    2/10 – rest day
    3/10 – 3.0 km
    4/10 – 3.0 km
    5/10 – rest day
    6/10 – 2.0 km
    7/10 – 3.5 km
    8/10 – rest day
    9/10 – rest day
    10/10– 5.0 km - finally learned how to run!!
    11/10 - 7.5 km
    24 / 40kms Total Run Distance

    7.5km!!!!! I can run!!!!! Wooohooo!
    Calling the 5km run event organisers today to see if I can run the 10km run in 2 weeks instead! :smile:

    Happy running everyone!
  • skippygirlsmom
    skippygirlsmom Posts: 4,433 Member
    edited October 2015
    My car got too close to Fleet Feet today and I had to buy this trail shoes LOL Skip liked them too, so we will be twinning.


    Montrail Mountain Masochist III

    I haven't read all the posts, but I did see @jorocka GREAT JOB!!!!! I'll catch up with everyone else later.
  • dennie24
    dennie24 Posts: 251 Member
    Congratulations, @JoRocka !!
  • runner_girl83
    runner_girl83 Posts: 553 Member
    JoRocka wrote: »
    So quick up date. We are alive. I'm feeling a little pulverized and my stomach is now giving my grief... But I crossed the line around 1:58. I did a happy dance... Okay it wasn't a hair dance. It was a straight end zone fist pumping F+++KYESSSSS kind if reaction. Super happy e are done. Very happy I accomplished my goal.
    Pictures and more later!

    Congratulations!!!!!!!? :smile: looking forward to photos!!

  • shanaber
    shanaber Posts: 6,407 Member
    @skippygirlsmom - love the shoes!
  • suzu_2
    suzu_2 Posts: 311 Member
    edited October 2015
    I'm a newbie - shooting low for 30 and will try to go for more.
  • HonuNui
    HonuNui Posts: 1,464 Member
    October goal 75 miles

    10/1 big fat...REST day
    10/2 3.15
    10/3 4
    10/4 7.55
    10/5 rest
    10/6 4
    10/7 4.14
    10/8 snorkel 3 hours: Lined Butterflyfish

    10/9 rest
    10/10 6.17

    Total 29.01
    Congrats @JoRocka (what was the final color decision)
    Nice shoes @skippygirlsmom
    Ticker is my goal for 2015 and accumulation to date:


  • mwyvr
    mwyvr Posts: 1,883 Member
    edited October 2015
    This morning I joined just over 100 other folks running in the hills high above Indian Arm. Normally scenic, all the views along the 25km route I ran were blocked by fog and cloud, until the monsoon hit.

    Due to kidney stones / vertigo last week / cold this week I just have had a rotten string of luck leading up to this race and haven't been running mountain trails much, so I decided to hold back and use it as a training run and enjoy. Took lots of photos. Apparently that slows me down, but no matter, I still managed to not be last and had quite a few conversations with other runners. Even the monsoon rains were just fine. "It's a warm rain".

    The CMTS organizers put on a good race and it was extremely well flagged - no danger at all of going off course. :smile:

    Month to date:		067.66 km
    Minimum Goal:		282 km / 175 miles (23% completed)
    Stretch Goal:		322 km / 200 miles (21% completed)
    Oct 10 25.00 km CMTS Run Ridge Run race. 4,250 feet climbing. Monsoon. Tired!
    Oct 09 -----    Rest day
    Oct 08 10.11 km Trying to loosen up before race day
    Oct 07 -----    Cold here, bppv gone!
    Oct 06 -----    Darn, caught a cold
    Oct 05 -----    Rest day
    Oct 04 16.49 km Weighted pack run, hilly
    Oct 03 01.60 km Ugh
    Oct 02 14.46 km Screw BPPV I'm running anyway
    Oct 01 -----    Day off dealing with BPPV
    45 runners in the 13km, 58 in the 25km route.
    Fortunately no rain at the start so the major climb wasn't further complicated.
    This would prove to be the easiest trail.
    Most look like this. Or much worse. All in good fun.
    All in all a good day!

  • MamaMollyT
    MamaMollyT Posts: 197 Member
    Beautiful pictures!
    Today I ran a little 10k here in Okinawa Japan. I placed second in my age group and was the fifth woman to finish. I usually run longer races but never place. Maybe more shorter races in my future!



  • kristinegift
    kristinegift Posts: 2,406 Member
    @mwyvr Beautiful pictures! Looks like a lovely place to run!

    @MamaMollyT Congrats! And the picture with your girls is adorable.
  • Elise4270
    Elise4270 Posts: 8,375 Member
    @mwyvr Love the photos! Sounds like a good run despite the "string of bad luck" leading up to it.

    @MamaMollyT congratulations!

    @suzu_2 welcome and happy running!

    @HonuNui love the fish, so jealous I'm landlocked.

    @skippygirlsmom love the shoes.

    I'm considering some minimal shoes for treadmill running. I ran my first half last week and since have had a bit of weight bearing lateral foot pain, mostly while in my shoes. Barefooted I seem to walk differently and have less pain. Might be a sign. Of course, I still have the tears in my hip, which may be a gait issue.
    Advice welcome on the foot- probably sprained.

    Surgeon appointment tomorrow.

    3 miles this last week- *sigh*.. Maybe I can try the foot out later today...or maybe I'll load up my bike... Or maybe I'll lay around.... B)
  • skippygirlsmom
    skippygirlsmom Posts: 4,433 Member
    edited October 2015
    10/1 - 8 miles
    10/2 - 5 miles
    10/3 - 5.1 miles
    10/4 - rest day Allen's son is in the Nat'l Guard and was supposed to jump yesterday. We were headed there when they cancelled the jump :-1:
    10/5 - 10.1 miles
    10/6 - 5.1 recovery miles
    10/7 - rest day
    10/8 - 6.6 miles of hilly hills :smiley: not big hills just rolling up and down and up and down
    10/9 - 5 miles my first mile I thought was crappy because I thought my watch said 10:50 and it felt like 10:50. Turned out it was 10:05 which I didn't realize until I pushed harder and my next split was 9:47. Ended up with a 9:49 pace... so happy especially after dancing too much and too late at the Miranda Lambert concert last night!
    10/10 - 5 miles - 9:55 pace don't know what's gotten into me. Ran with Skip who is home from Disney.
    10/11 - 5.1 miles

    55 of 120 miles


    Everyone did some great running this weekend!

    @mwyvr great pictures
    @mamamollyt love the picture with the girls, congrats on a great race
  • kristinegift
    kristinegift Posts: 2,406 Member
    10/1: 8 miles am and 6.2 pm with the Thursday crew
    10/2: Rest day
    10/3: 10 miles with Saturday crew
    10/4: 13.1 - Princeton Half Marathon (new HM PR!)
    10/5: 5 miles recovery style
    10/6: O Holy Rest Day........
    10/7: 7 miles hills
    10/8: 10 miles (am), 6.4 miles (pm) with the Thursday crew
    10/9: Rest day
    10/10: 20.5 miles
    10/11: 4 miles

    Woke up just in time to watch the Chicago Marathon while laying in bed drinking coffee this morning. Saw the men and women finish and Deena Kastor crush the women's master's American record, and then dragged a friend out to do a slow recovery run with me. I was definitely feeling the long miles from last week, so I was glad we decided to run on the flat, soft canal trail instead of up some pavement-y hills. Plus, it wasn't too hot for being 11:00 am, and we saw EIGHT turtles on a log in the canal which was pretty cool.


  • dperich1968
    dperich1968 Posts: 235 Member
    10/3 2.91
    10/4 5.16 (8.07)
    10/5 3.21 (11.28)
    10/7 3.12 (14.4)
    10/8 3.29 (17.69)
    10/9 3.00 (20.69) power walking on the treadmill after PiYo
    10/10 rest day
    10/11 12miles on the bike with the hubby. Been over a year since I have gotten on my road bike. Not counting these easy miles for my total. I'll do my long run in the morning. Time for some football.

  • vandinem
    vandinem Posts: 550 Member
    Date      Miles      MTD
    ------    -----    -----
    Oct 03      6.0      6.0
    Oct 04     11.2     17.2
    Oct 06      4.3     21.5
    Oct 08      6.3     27.8
    Oct 10      8.3     36.1
    Oct 11      6.0     42.1


    Nice day but a slow 6 miles after the faster long run yesterday.
  • gabbo34
    gabbo34 Posts: 289 Member
    10/2 - 3.6
    10/4 - 11
    10/7 - 3
    10/8 - 5.7
    11/11 - 11.9

    Last run before a half next weekend. I wish it had been better. It was a warm day in north Texas with the temps getting up to 77* by the end of the run this morning. I hit a wall in mile 10. Hopefully it'll be a bit cooler next week.

    I've been pretty discouraged this go around. I had really hoped to cut my time from the first race. But the heat just killed a lot of my runs the last 2 months. It was SO much easier training in the winter.
