October 2015 Running Challenge



  • patrikc333
    patrikc333 Posts: 436 Member
    edited October 2015
    01/10 - 10.3km
    02/10 - 13.1 miles
    03/10 - 10.3km
    04/10 - 22.1 miles
    05/10 - 10.3km
    06/10 - 13.1 miles
    07/10 - 13.3 miles
    08/10 - 10.3km
    09/10 - 13.2 miles
    10/10 - 10.3km
    11/10 - 22.2 miles
    tot 209/500km

    not so fast 10k yesterday, was feeling tired and weather was miserable, foggy and grey, classic day when you don't feel good and no matter how much you push, pace is not going down

    35.7km today, marathon training complete, let's see what happens next Sunday, was feeling again tired but I think it is normal after a 80 miles running week and while avoiding tens of dogs (my poor knees!!!) at the park

    I did suffer a bit mentally at the beginning, I am nervous, I run a lot to prepare myself but I feel l'll fail when it'll count, don't know why

    will prob keep my usual regime till wednesday, then will do a few slow 10k till sunday

    looking forward to spend a few days in amsterdam before the marathon, no commuting, no work, no usual boring repetitive stuff

    congratulations to all that run and achieved their goal this weekend

    and wonderful pictures, as usual, so so so wish I was there
  • Elise4270
    Elise4270 Posts: 8,375 Member
    This is not running friendly... May be angry tendon, may be stress fracture, may be dislocated cuboid...wait on radiology to verify. No running for a week. Really thought they'd say " oh your fine, go run. It's all in your head"


  • kristinegift
    kristinegift Posts: 2,406 Member
    edited October 2015
    @patrikc333 Are you just doing a 1 week taper before your race then? That looks like a lot of miles leading up to a marathon! I marvel!

    @Elise4270 Oh no!! :( I hope it's something angry and nothing broken :( Glad you went in today though if this was their action!
  • patrikc333
    patrikc333 Posts: 436 Member

    yes l'll see if it is a good or bad idea in less than a week :smiley:

    I really cannot stop and running helps me a lot, prob the failing feeling is due to the fact that I've overdone and that was not wise

    but amen, it's always nice to try something different - and I'll really won't care about pace, I'll enjoy the experience
  • annekka
    annekka Posts: 517 Member
    @MamaMollyT Congrats! And I spot some Lulu shorts!

    October Goal—stretch goal 120 km
    10/1—rest getting a cold I think…
    10/2—10.18 km
    10/3—rest, taking care of errands and resting up for…
    10/4–10.73 km
    10/5—typhoon day, good thing it’s a traditional rest day anyway
    10/6–5.16 km
    10/8–5.49 km
    10/10–13.92 km
    10/11—3.34 km recovery run
    10/12—5.12 km
  • ddmom0811
    ddmom0811 Posts: 1,881 Member
    @jorocka - WOW! <2:00!!! That's amazing! Congratulations!
    @mamaMollyT - awesome job on the race! Congratulations!
    @elise4270 - oh no, so sorry to hear that it is more than you thought and you have to stay off a week. :disappointed:
    @skippygirlsmom - lol, that car needs to be trained! Love the shoes!
    @mwyvr - love the pictures!
    @patrikc333 - Amsterdam! Enjoy it. When my daughter worked in London one summer she went to many different cities and said Amsterdam was her absolute favorite. I'm going next summer!
    @gabbo34 - The heat is not great for runners, that's for sure. I kept telling people the last couple weeks (prior to the HM that I ran last Sunday) ... I'm never training for a fall HM again! It was too hot in Florida to train. However, what I didn't realize is that when I got to NY and ran it there, I did way better than I thought because it felt so great. So now I'm thinking... training in the heat is better, as long as you can then run in the cold for the event!
    Good luck!
    @ohhim - It has been a very surprising October in Central Florida. Not nearly as bad as usual. However, that can all change tomorrow. You know how it is. I remember when my kids were little - some Halloweens we'd be drenched in sweat trick or treating; other years it would be jackets on top of costumes and unhappy kids.
    @dharwood68 - I do road biking every weekend with my husband and I am finding I love the mix of biking and running. However, I discovered today that apparently biking shorts DO wear out. I was wondering why I was getting so sore and found out the padding is very thin after wearing them 2-4 times a week for a year. Ordered some today!

    Oct 1 - cycling class
    Oct 2 - rest - traveling
    Oct 3 - rest
    Oct 4 - 13.1 HM!
    Oct 5 - rest - traveling
    Oct 6 - cycling class
    Oct 7 - 4.71 + strength training
    Oct 8 - 3.01 slow and steady
    Oct 9 - strength training
    Oct 10 - 34 mile bike ride
    Oct 11 - 40 mile bike ride


  • juliet3455
    juliet3455 Posts: 3,015 Member
    edited October 2015
    Had a bad case of Gravitational Mattress this morning so I missed the 9:00 am Running Club.
    Paid my Penance in the afternoon by doing a really long run for me - 16.8 Km 1hr 40 and reverse split as I was slowly getting faster. Didn't realize how close I was to the magical Half Marathon 21.1 km distance. Will have to do a push this week and knock off that distance as a new PB. Needed another 4.3 km, if I had just ran another 2.2km ( 12.5 minutes ) before I made the turn for home. So Close.

    10/04 – 7.1 Km – 7.1 Km – 92.9 Km to go
    10/05 – 7.0 Km –14.1 Km – 85.8 Km to go
    10/07 – 12.5 Km –26.6 Km – 73.4 Km to go
    10/10 – 16.8 Km –43.4 Km – 56.6 Km to go - - - YTD 43.4 + 237.8 = 281.2 Km

    Hard to keep up with all the great adventures of everyone.
    @JoRocka Great stuff girl, way to rip it.
    @skippygirlsmom Would love to see a Photo of your complete " Shoe Collection"
    @kareF Hope you get to change from the 5 to the 10 km. Love the positive attitude.
    @mwyvr Looks like a great running trail - even with the obscene elevation gain/loss.
    @MamaMollyT Great Photo of you and your precious girls. A few more years and you will be like @skippygirlsmom running with them.
    @Elise4270 Hoping for the best for your injury.
  • snha
    snha Posts: 388 Member
    @mwyvr beautiful pictures
    @skippygirlsmom definitely nice shoes
    @karef go for it, that sounds so good. maybe i should try to change my 5k (a week from now) to 10k, I feel am ready too
    @JoRocka that is awesome, congratulations!
    @suzu_2 welcome!
    @MamaMollyT congrats, and the two kids, awesome. Okinawa, wow!
    @kristinegift wow, 20+ miles yesterday and now a 4 mile recovery run--amazing.
    @dharwood68 oh, i miss biking. my bike was stolen a couple of months ago and i need a new one so badly.. maybe next week!
    @patrikc333 good luck next Sunday.
    @Elise4270 so sorry about this and hope for quick recovery!
    @juliet3455 amazing runs. are you training for something or just pushing the distance?

    10/1 4.75 -- I would like to do 6+ miles in the coming days, so, am resting tomorrow!
    10/2 rest day
    10/3 6.51 -- first 10k, longest run (time), and farthest run (distance)
    10/4 rest day--this was a horrible day, could not get any exercise done and felt miserable
    10/5 no running, but good elliptical workout
    10/6 5.53 -- excellent run. the weather was cool and crisp, my muscles cooperated and all went well
    10/7 3.11 -- recovery run? that's what i thought of this one. felt good though!
    10/8 5.61 -- very good run.
    10/9 3.11 -- a little over 9 minutes mile pace!
    10/10 rest, the elliptical hour
    10/11 5.00

  • CrimsonWhite
    CrimsonWhite Posts: 104 Member
    10/5 3.5 miles
    10/6 4.0 miles
    10/8 3.0 miles
    10/11 3.75 miles for a total of 14.25 miles out of a goal of 42 miles for the month.
  • 5BeautifulDays
    5BeautifulDays Posts: 683 Member
    10/1 8.25 treadmill run at just around 12:00
    10/2 3.75 treadmill run at 11:28
    10/3 rest

    10/4 3.0 @ 12:03 outside
    10/5 unplanned busy busy "rest" day
    10/6 5.25 @ 11:40 on the treadmill, plus strength training
    10/7 6.0 @ 12:05 on the park trail (and 2.5 walking to and from school/warm up/cool down--not counted)
    10/8 rest
    10/9 5.25 @ 11:14 on the treadmill, plus strength training
    10/10 rest

    10/11 4.5 @ 11:49 on the park trail, just a nice, enjoyable run on a beautiful Sunday morning

    Congratulations, @JoRocka on your PR!
    @mwyvr --I'm glad you had a good run in spite of your setbacks this week. It looks like an amazing place to run!
    @skippygirlsmom , it would be awesome to hear your review of your new trail shoes after you've worn them a bit. I won't be replacing my toe-killers with the same shoe, so I want to hear about other trail shoes!


  • gabbo34
    gabbo34 Posts: 289 Member
    @Elise4270 - I hope you have a quick recovery....
  • Ohhim
    Ohhim Posts: 1,142 Member
    @ddmom0811 - now that I'm back, Florida weather almost seems bearable as I did my first run tonight
    @mwyvr - Definitely starting to understand the beauty appeal of trail races, as the footing/ankle twist risks always seemed to put me off racing over that type of terrain. Great pics.

    Got in a balmy 8 miler tonight as I was back in Florida. Although I initially dreaded the run, postponing it until late tonight, I'm glad I finally went out as the weather subsided to the point that my "easy" HR range pace actually matched the recommended JDaniels "easy" training speed for my VOMax range. Humidity was still over 85%, but with the mercury down to 70, it was almost comfortable. Still, in another 2 months I'll be in perfect running weather here so I really don't have the right to complain.

    10/1 - 7 miles
    10/2 - 8.5 miles
    10/3 - 4 miles (pace run at 1/2 marathon speed)
    10/4 - 9 miles
    10/5 - 8.5 miles
    10/6 - 8.5 miles
    10/7 - 8 miles
    10/8 - 8 miles (w. 0.25-0.5-0.75-1-0.75-0.5-0.25 pyramid @ 6:35 pace)
    10/9 - 9 miles
    10/10 - 4 miles
    10/11 - 8 miles

    Total: 82.5 miles
    Goal: 170 miles
    Remaining: 87.5 miles
  • runner_girl83
    runner_girl83 Posts: 553 Member
    @skippygirlsmom Love the shoes!!

    @mwyvr The photos are really nice! Must be nice running in the forest too!

    @MamaMollyT Congratulations on your achievement! :smile: I am about to do my first 10km run in 2 weeks.

    @Elise4270 Sorry to hear about your injury.. Hope it isn't as bad as they think and you are back on your feet in no time!

    @juliet3455 Wow 16.8km! How are your legs feeling after that?

    @snha Let me know if you decide to change to the 10k run! I still can't believe I ran 7.5km yesterday! Today my hip is a bit tight but otherwise, my legs are feeling fantastic! So so proud of myself! :blush: I will run again in 2 days time and see how I go :smile:

    1/10.......rest day
    2/10.......rest day
    3/10.......3.0 km
    4/10.......3.0 km
    5/10.......rest day
    6/10.......2.0 km
    7/10.......3.5 km
    8/10.......rest day
    9/10.......rest day
    10/10.....5.0 km.......slowed pace & ran injury-free and longest distance for the first time! :smile:
    11/10.....7.5 km
    12/10.....rest day
    24 / 40kms Total Run Distance
  • patrikc333
    patrikc333 Posts: 436 Member
    edited October 2015
    01/10 - 10.3km
    02/10 - 13.1 miles
    03/10 - 10.3km
    04/10 - 22.1 miles
    05/10 - 10.3km
    06/10 - 13.1 miles
    07/10 - 13.3 miles
    08/10 - 10.3km
    09/10 - 13.2 miles
    10/10 - 10.3km
    11/10 - 22.2 miles
    12/10 - 10.3km
    tot 219/500km

    steady and quite 10k this morning, if I was feeling tired on Saturday I was feeling in control today, didn't push, just had a decent pace

    lost 300meters when saving the run on my garmin, anyone else with the same experience? prob 1/10 I save the run, but it restarts and then it seems to miss 2-300 meters at the end of the run

    no music today, I enjoyed the sound of my steps, even if wind was moving some leaves and I felt like being chased!
  • Clarewho
    Clarewho Posts: 494 Member
    edited October 2015
    5k before breakfast. Boom!

  • Clarewho
    Clarewho Posts: 494 Member
    edited October 2015
    Double post
  • msf74
    msf74 Posts: 3,498 Member
    edited October 2015
    Congratulations @JoRocka for a great HM. I hope I can do half as well (see what I did there? No one? Daaaaaw) when I attempt my first next year.

    Lots of great stories of the rich tapestry of running life in this thread - the highs, the lows, and everything in between. Too many folks to mention but you are all amazing ;)

    Date: 2/10 Length: 7.1 km Duration: 0:39:33 Total: 7.1 km of 100 km
    Date: 4/10 Length: 12km Duration: 1:12:50 Total: 19.1 km of 100 km
    Date: 6/10 Length: 8.2km Duration: 0.50:02 Total:27.3 km of 100 km
    Date: 7/10 Length: 8.6km Duration: 0.55:23 Total:35.9 km of 100 km
    Date: 11/10 Length: 8.1km Duration: 0.42:45 Total:44 km of 100 km

    Tricky run on Saturday. My Asics calls it a "build up" run. The idea is to hold an easy pace for the first few kms, then a moderate pace for a few more and then a high (but not all out pace) for the last few kms. It was much harder to execute than I imagined as holding a moderate pace was challenging. I tended to veer from easy to high without a consistent pace. A bit more practice is needed. Good fun though.
  • ddmom0811
    ddmom0811 Posts: 1,881 Member
    Sky was cloudy but temperature was nice for my 4:30am run. Came around one corner this morning and had a slight pause ... wondering what this big orange thing was down the street and realized it was about an 8 foot tall blow up pumpkin.

    Oct 1 - cycling class
    Oct 2 - rest - traveling
    Oct 3 - rest
    Oct 4 - 13.1 HM!
    Oct 5 - rest - traveling
    Oct 6 - cycling class
    Oct 7 - 4.71 + strength training
    Oct 8 - 3.01 slow and steady
    Oct 9 - strength training
    Oct 10 - 34 mile bike ride
    Oct 11 - 40 mile bike ride
    Oct 12 - 5 miles


  • smithie092015
    smithie092015 Posts: 56 Member

    10.1: 6 miles
    10.3: 1.1 miles
    10.4: 9 miles
    10.8: 5.2 miles
    10.9: 2.5 miles
    10.11: 10 miles

  • kristinegift
    kristinegift Posts: 2,406 Member
    ddmom0811 wrote: »
    Sky was cloudy but temperature was nice for my 4:30am run. Came around one corner this morning and had a slight pause ... wondering what this big orange thing was down the street and realized it was about an 8 foot tall blow up pumpkin.

    Oct 1 - cycling class
    Oct 2 - rest - traveling
    Oct 3 - rest
    Oct 4 - 13.1 HM!
    Oct 5 - rest - traveling
    Oct 6 - cycling class
    Oct 7 - 4.71 + strength training
    Oct 8 - 3.01 slow and steady
    Oct 9 - strength training
    Oct 10 - 34 mile bike ride
    Oct 11 - 40 mile bike ride
    Oct 12 - 5 miles


    Haha, I had the same reaction the other morning to some Halloween decor: a "man" doing a handstand.... was a pumpkin-headed scarecrow (also doing a handstand). Definitely got my heart racing in the dark though!

    Also, great miles today after 74 weekend miles on the bike!