October 2015 Running Challenge



  • shanaber
    shanaber Posts: 6,410 Member
    I have read through everyone's posts and so much is going on!
    @7lenny7 - thanks for the trail pictures. I really want to come run there - It is so beautiful! I think you will be awesome for your half on Halloween!
    @Elise4270 - Oh NO - that sucks about your foot! Did the doctor today say anything more about it?
    @JoRocka - awesome job on the half! Careful these races can be addicting! I just signed up for another one in February - I now have four on the calendar!
    @karllundy - good luck with the 5k and half this weekend!!
    @msf74 - Your buildup run sounds interesting. I think I may have to try it out!
    @skippygirlsmom - love the rest day pictures! Hope you had a great day off!
    @LunaStar2008, @SAfricaChick, @sybabe35 - welcome to this group of crazy runners!
    @mwyvr - Hope you had a wonderful Thanksgiving dinner

    I had a really great run this morning - it was warm but really didn't feel too bad because the humidity was down... unfortunately it is back now! At agility class tonight it was so hot and extremely humid! I was drenched when we were finished! It was nearly 90F still when I got home at 10pm! They are saying tomorrow will still be hot but then it will cool down into the 80's and we may even get some rain!

    10/01.......8.45........8.45 - +Strength Training
    10/05.......5.39......24.43 - + Agility
    10/06.......4.70......29.13 - + Strength Training
    10/10.....10.90......52.72 - Early long run
    10/11.......0.00......52.72 - Dog beach Sunday, a little walking, a little running. Hot even on the beach
    10/12.......6.29......59.01 - + Agility


  • patrikc333
    patrikc333 Posts: 436 Member
    edited October 2015
    01/10 - 10.3km
    02/10 - 13.1 miles
    03/10 - 10.3km
    04/10 - 22.1 miles
    05/10 - 10.3km
    06/10 - 13.1 miles
    07/10 - 13.3 miles
    08/10 - 10.3km
    09/10 - 13.2 miles
    10/10 - 10.3km
    11/10 - 22.2 miles
    12/10 - 10.3km
    13/10 - 13.1 miles
    tot 240/500km

    grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr - garmin froze and I'm missing about 1 mile from my HM record, plus pace and calories burnt are all messed up (obviously when I also have a work lunch)

    it was tough this morning, as said yesterday my head is full of negative thoughts for Sunday, need to get rid of them or disaster will happened

    I met a young fox again, it was beautiful, very fluffy tail

    don't quite get while people have to stand in their cars/vans for ages with the engine on, I got very sensitive to the smell of gas

    wore leggings for the first time, goodbye shorts, left home with 4C!

    tomorrow last big effort, then off to Amsterdam for relax and "some" running :smiley:

    can't wait to NOT go to work for a couple of days and walk around/relax/do some shopping
  • Mari33a
    Mari33a Posts: 1,135 Member


    Slowly but surely - getting there
  • LunaStar2008
    LunaStar2008 Posts: 155 Member
    edited October 2015
    exercise.pngAdded 3.5 miles this morning. Was nice and cool at 0215.
  • sybabe35
    sybabe35 Posts: 99 Member
    So I went back and looked at the miles I've done for the month of October. Turns out I've only gotten out twice this month. The rest of the time I've been indoors doing Zumba because of the 2 weeks worth of rain straight that we've had in NC!! :neutral: So I've decided instead of a goal of 70 miles, to do 50, and if I do more, that'd be icing on the cake!

    10/1/15 3.64 mi
    10/9/15 4.6 mi

  • ddmom0811
    ddmom0811 Posts: 1,878 Member
    @jorocka - loved your HM commentary. Too funny. LOL at the comment that the WV fans didn't appreciate your celebratory yell. Nobody looks good in their race pictures.

    @patrikc333 - people sit in their cars here as well, with the AC on, because it is so hot. There is a beautiful lake that I have run and biked and it is full of people sitting in their cars with the AC on. Feel like I shouldn't breath while going past them! Nothing like enjoying nature ... in your car. Positive thoughts for Amsterdam!

    Cycling today for me after work.
  • kristinegift
    kristinegift Posts: 2,406 Member
    10/1: 8 miles am and 6.2 pm with the Thursday crew
    10/2: Rest day
    10/3: 10 miles with Saturday crew
    10/4: 13.1 - Princeton Half Marathon (new HM PR!)
    10/5: 5 miles recovery style
    10/6: O Holy Rest Day........
    10/7: 7 miles hills
    10/8: 10 miles (am), 6.4 miles (pm) with the Thursday crew
    10/9: Rest day
    10/10: 20.5 miles
    10/11: 4 miles
    10/12: Rest day
    10/13: 8 miles, very hilly!

    Didn't feel like running my usual neighborhood runs, so I did 4 miles up from my apartment and up these huge, long hills north-westish of the main part of town. It's a really hilly, forresty area with some schools and parks and gorgeous homes, so it was a nice change of scenery. Plus, all the downhill was really fun :) I wish I'd taken my phone to snap a few pictures though; there were some really beautiful trees along the route and the sunrise was lovely.


  • kstarallen
    kstarallen Posts: 116 Member
    @kareF - wow thanks so much for the great advice! :smiley:

    I will definitely try some of your suggestions.
  • msf74
    msf74 Posts: 3,498 Member
    @skippygirlsmom ~ you can clearly recognise great literary talent when you see it. I salute you!

    @7lenny7 ~ Given your current pace and distance of your recent run I think you could go out tonight and run a sub 2 hour half. You did that on 4 hours sleep? Respect ;)

    @shanaber ~ I've been researching it (yes, I'm one of those people who simply must know why I am doing something rather than just shutting my mouth and doing as I am told...) and it seems that a "build up" run is a type of "progression" training run where the aiming is to get progressively faster as the run goes on. Apparently you can split it into equal chunks as I did, or aim to run at a moderate pace until the last 1km and then sprint for home, or something in between! It's certainly a challenge and adds a little variety. I have another one scheduled for tonight but I have the added weight of my backpack to think about as I can only squeeze in a run from work back home before an evening meeting. All in good fun though ;)
  • Pandora_and_her_box
    Pandora_and_her_box Posts: 240 Member
    Hi all,

    bit late, but I'm in for 35 miles for the rest of this month.

  • MamaMollyT
    MamaMollyT Posts: 197 Member
    Everyone is doing such a great job keeping up with their runs and posting. I'm behind despite all efforts but have some long runs planned. Hopefully I can make it up!

  • Stoshew71
    Stoshew71 Posts: 6,553 Member
    kareF wrote: »
    1/10 – rest day

    Okay, I hope you don't mind but I need to gloat!

    With shin splints in one leg, my physio and I have been working on my stride etc and stretches for over a month. I was worried about pushing through with shin splints but he said it was worse for me if I were to stop running and rest as my muscles are weak and as long as I ice, compress and take it easy, I should keep running.

    After Wednesdays 3.5km run, my shin was pretty tender. I have been doing stretches and resistance exercises at home between runs and massaging my legs after icing, rolling and wearing my compression sleeves during and after runs. Sounds like a bit of work, I know.

    Today I tried something different. I turned my distance audio cues on my phone app off completely and instead, told the app to give me 5 minute audio cues. So every 5 minutes, I was told how long I had run.. 5, 10, 15 mins etc.

    I jogged at a slow, steady pace.. Slower than usual, bent my knees a bit more and didn't worry about trying to land on my mid-foot for a change.. Just ran how my body felt it should.

    I went up hills, down hills (I did find my shin hurt a little going down, only because gravity was forcing me to go faster than I wanted to)..

    One thing I did notice, about slowing my pace right down was that I wasn't bobbing up and down as much as I usually do. I felt I was moving more like someone you see run a marathon (I am far from being a marathon runner, but hopefully you know what I mean :smile: )

    My last 5km time was 37 minutes.

    Today, I ran 5km in 40 minutes.

    Not that that worries me.. I just find it interesting - I slowed my pace and finished 3 minutes slower.. BUT I AM PAIN-FREE!!!!

    And the greatest thing of this.. Isn't even the fact that I ran 5km.. It's that my body felt so good that I could have kept going! I was on the verge of trying for an extra 1-2 km but thought I'd better not push my luck :wink:

    I am absolutely over the moon!!!!! :smile: A BIG thank you to everyone for your inspiration and kind words!

    That is great news. Yes, slower but longer works out great when you are building a base. Glad you are working with a physio and they are giving you a good overall plan. As far as the bobbing up and down, one thing that helps with that is a slight forward lean from your ankles. As shown in this video (tip #1):


  • skippygirlsmom
    skippygirlsmom Posts: 4,433 Member
    10/1 - 8 miles
    10/2 - 5 miles
    10/3 - 5.1 miles
    10/4 - rest day Allen's son is in the Nat'l Guard and was supposed to jump yesterday. We were headed there when they cancelled the jump :-1:
    10/5 - 10.1 miles
    10/6 - 5.1 recovery miles
    10/7 - rest day
    10/8 - 6.6 miles of hilly hills :smiley: not big hills just rolling up and down and up and down
    10/9 - 5 miles my first mile I thought was crappy because I thought my watch said 10:50 and it felt like 10:50. Turned out it was 10:05 which I didn't realize until I pushed harder and my next split was 9:47. Ended up with a 9:49 pace... so happy especially after dancing too much and too late at the Miranda Lambert concert last night!
    10/10 - 5 miles - 9:55 pace don't know what's gotten into me. Ran with Skip who is home from Disney.
    10/11 - 5.1 miles
    10/12 - rest day
    10/13 - 11.1 miles (yes I want my .1)

    66.1 of 120 miles


    Run felt good this morning, 58 F with 100% humidity but it was more fog than heat. I was so happy with this run my first mile was 11:16 and my last 10:22. I did pretty much negative (or same) splits the whole run.
  • Elise4270
    Elise4270 Posts: 8,375 Member
    @shanaber No, the doc never said anything else. It's getting better as long as I'm resting it often. Of course, that means I wanna run on it today. My mileage is falling off quickly..
  • skippygirlsmom
    skippygirlsmom Posts: 4,433 Member
    @jorocka LOVED reading about your HM. I see nothing wrong with your Jersey celebration yell, in the pictures you can see exactly where you saw your time! We need to see a finisher picture with your medal sounds interesting. The bag piper sounded insane how cool is that. I agree that no one, short of SonicDeathMonkey, looks good while running, he's just Mr. Running GQ. Sounds like the whole HM experience was fantastic, can ask for more than that.
    @msf74 my literary talent comes from years of reading smut novels :blush:
    @shanaber I need to keep my mind occupied on rest day, hence the goofy pictures. ha ha!
    @safricachick welcome!!!
    @7lenny7 it's awesome to see you lowering what you know you can do the half in, you are going to kill it. Mine is the 14th of November
    @kstar_lee I think @karef said it all about the shin splits I hate that they are giving you such a hard time
    @patrikc333 cool on seeing the fox. Enjoy Amsterdam! People with running cars is my pet peeve. Skip has asthma and like you is sensitive to the gas fume smell. She complains when cars go by when we are running and I don't even notice it. Perhaps growing up with a auto mechanic for a Dad and working on race cars my whole life killed my gas sensor ha ha! I really hate when you are sitting outside at a place eating and someone pulls up and runs the car and sits there....hey I'm eating here shut that off.
    @kristinegift - nice change up in the route today, sounds lovely.
  • Stoshew71
    Stoshew71 Posts: 6,553 Member
    edited October 2015

    All in all: 62 mile week, thanks to a HM and a long run in the same 7 days. My lower back is sore, my feet hurt, and I am totally exhausted, but this was a weekly mileage PR by about 7 miles! Moved today's long run from Sunday to Sat so that next week is only 44-48 miles, so hopefully I'll be feeling fresh for the Baltimore HM next weekend!

    Outstanding job. Good luck next weekend.
    JoRocka wrote: »
    So quick up date. We are alive. I'm feeling a little pulverized and my stomach is now giving my grief... But I crossed the line around 1:58. I did a happy dance... Okay it wasn't a hair dance. It was a straight end zone fist pumping F+++KYESSSSS kind if reaction. Super happy e are done. Very happy I accomplished my goal.
    Pictures and more later!

    Woot woot! Great job!!!

    Way to go @7lenny7 on your 18 mi rails to trails run.

    @Somebody_Loved - I actually like running in the rain too.

    I laughed so hard @skippygirlsmom when I read that your car got too close to FF. hahahaha
    Pretty pictures @mwyvr

    Way to get 2nd & 5th woman in your race @MamaMollyT Lovely family.

    Good luck on your race next weekend @gabbo34. For what it is worth, the heat adds to your training. Yes you have to go slower, but once it gets cooler out, you will feel the improvement big time.

    Good luck @patrikc333 on your marathon next Sunday. Trust your training!

    Sorry to hear @Elise4270. Take it easy until you get the official green light.

    LOL at "Gravitational Matress". That's a new one for me @juliet3455

    Welcome @LunaStar2008 & @suzu_2 & @SAfricaChick
    kstar_lee wrote: »
    So I'm not really sure what to do here. I took three days off last week because of shin splints, woke up the next day fine, ran, and shin splints are back again. I've been following C25k and did week 6 day 2 on Saturday. Is this program going too fast for me? Could it be my shoes? I don't know but this is really frustrating because I don't want to mess up my running schedule. I'm the type that will quit if I have too many days off. I don't want to quit!

    MTD - 20.3

    Try running slower maybe? If you suspect your shoes, bring them into a specialty running store and have them do a gait anaysis for you. That is where they watch you run on a treadmill and analyze your running form and sugggest shoes for you. Also, here is a good video for stretching those shin splints. Good luck.


    Welcome aboard @sybabe35
    JoRocka wrote: »
    1 hr 58 minutes and 7 seconds!!!!

    And no sh**tting on myself!!


    CONGRATULATIONS!!!!!!! Enjoyed your race report and triple WIN for free beer and nice bling.

    OK! I think I am caught up with everyone? :-)
  • Stoshew71
    Stoshew71 Posts: 6,553 Member
    Date Miles today. Miles for October

    10/1 6.6 miles - 6.6
    10/2 6.75 miles - 13.35
    10/3 22.1 miles - 35.45
    10/4 REST DAY
    10/5 10.75 miles - 46.2
    10/6 10.5 miles - 56.7
    10/7 6.6 miles - 63.3
    10/8 10 miles - 73.3
    10/9 6.75 miles - 80.05
    10/10 3.88 miles - 83.93 <<< Warrior Dash
    10/11 REST DAY
    10/12 10.25 miles - 94.18
    10/13 10.5 miles - 104.68


    WRH Brueggers Bagel Grp Run: Tempo Tuesday -- Total: 10.5 miles in 1:30:10 Warm-up: 1.5 miles in 13:11 at 8:45 // Workout: 9 miles in 1:16:59 at 8:33 OA, tempo 1st 2 miles then steady state the next 3, then recovery, then 8x 30 sec strides, then cool down Splits: 1) 7:12 2) 7:20 3) 7:44 4) 7:51 5) 7:45 6) 9:52 7) 9:22 8) 9:20 9) 10:27

  • Stoshew71
    Stoshew71 Posts: 6,553 Member
    kareF wrote: »
    kstar_lee wrote: »
    So I'm not really sure what to do here. I took three days off last week because of shin splints, woke up the next day fine, ran, and shin splints are back again. I've been following C25k and did week 6 day 2 on Saturday. Is this program going too fast for me? Could it be my shoes? I don't know but this is really frustrating because I don't want to mess up my running schedule. I'm the type that will quit if I have too many days off. I don't want to quit!

    MTD - 20.3

    Hey there :smile: Loooong time shin splint sufferer here! *waves*

    My personal advice would be to find a physiotherapist who specializes in running injuries. I have learnt not only brilliant stretches from mine (google: calf stretch, achilles stretch and outer hamstring and hip stretch).

    He has also shown me the pressure points where I get most of my pain and how to reset the muscles with a few short squeezes of the muscle - This needs to be shown to you personally though as you can have anterior or posterior shin splints - or something else.. So best to be sure before you prod around too much! :smile:

    I know a lot of people say that you need to rest. Rest for a few days, by all means. If it hurts to walk after a few days, I would honestly get to a physio and get checked out just in case. I haven't known anyone personally to go through it, but I have read that some unlucky runners end up with little fractures in the shin if it's gone too far without treatment etc. Not saying that's what you have.. but if it hurts to walk and you are feeling unsure, best to get it checked!

    I like to massage my calf muscles with the palms of my hands too.. I find it gives some relief.

    I have a foam roller and a little spikey hand-held massager - these are great tools to run alongside the shin to help loosen up small areas of the muscle (you can use a tennis ball too!)

    I wear compression sleeves on both legs every time I run (sometimes for an hour or so the morning after I run too).. I only get shin splints in one leg, though I cannot speak highly enough of the support these give my legs! They hold all the muscles in your lower legs tight so the calf muscles don't move around too much, while still allowing good blood flow and support - They make your legs feel like feathers! :smiley:

    After each run I do my physio stretches (search up on yoga exercises for runners too - there are some great stretches and make all the difference!)

    Then I ice my legs with the compression sleeves still on... and after my shower I massage my calves and shins with Deep Heat muscle relief ointment.

    My legs feel like a million dollars after all of this.

    I have to add too, I slowed my pace down by a LOT and since doing this, the shin splints are nearly non-existant! By doing this I have doubled my running distance and nearly 100% pain-free. Just something else to look at maybe.

    But first, please see a physio.. I'm lucky in that mine was diagnosed as shin splints - because my left calf muscle was still weak.. He said I just had to work on strengthening the leg muscles some more, take it slow.

    He did however (and every person with shin splints will say something different, depending on why they have shin splints).. that the longer you rest, the pain will go away.. but if it is something to do with muscles or if you are doing too much too soon, running to fast etc.. the shin splints will only come back after each rest.

    Best to rest while it is very sore.. but get to the bottom of it :smile:

    Nice write-up. Yes stress fractures are a real thing. I have 3 people in my running group who are currently dealing with a stress fracture in that area. I hope that is not the case for @kstar_lee

  • Stoshew71
    Stoshew71 Posts: 6,553 Member
    edited October 2015
    My car got too close to Fleet Feet today and I had to buy this trail shoes LOL Skip liked them too, so we will be twinning.


    Montrail Mountain Masochist III

  • dperich1968
    dperich1968 Posts: 235 Member

    10/3 2.91
    10/4 5.16 (8.07)
    10/5 3.21 (11.28)
    10/7 3.12 (14.4)
    10/8 3.29 (17.69)
    10/9 3.00 (20.69) power walking on the treadmill after PiYo
    10/10 rest day
    10/11 12miles on the bike with the hubby. Been over a year since I have gotten on my road bike. Not counting these easy miles for my total. I'll do my long run in the morning. Time for some football.
    10/12 a few miles on the bike running errands.
    10/13 3.52 (24.22)
