October 2015 Running Challenge



  • AJLovinLife
    AJLovinLife Posts: 125 Member
    10/1 3 mile walk and circuit training
    10/2 4.5 mile run
    10/3 rest day
    10/4 rest day (unintentional)
    10/5 1.5 mile walk and circuit training
    10/6 4 miles run
    10/7 2 mile walk and circuit training
    10/8 5 mile bike ride
    10/9 1 mile walk
    10/10 3 mile run / 5 mile walk
    10/11 1 mile walk / 7 mile bike ride


  • starryeyedsnoozer
    starryeyedsnoozer Posts: 89 Member
    1/10 3.72
    3/10 3.28
    5/10 2.4
    7/10 4.17
    8/10 1.57
    10/10 1.48
    12/10 3.32
    Total= 19.94 /50 miles

  • jtarmom
    jtarmom Posts: 228 Member
    10/2 - 4.16 miles
    10/3 - 6.22 miles
    10/5 - 3 miles
    10/7 - 3.23 miles
    10/10 - 3.28 miles
    10/11 - 12 miles

    So....running a 5k race right before my last long training run was probably not a great idea. Lots of aches and pains on the 12 miler, actually had to call it about a hundred feet short because of pain on the 'good' knee. Taking a rest day today and tomorrow - lots of ice and glute exercises...

  • snha
    snha Posts: 388 Member
    @karef i actually decided to stick with 5k and to try to improve my pace! Next race will hopefully be a 10K :) You're doing so good! Go get them :)
  • skippygirlsmom
    skippygirlsmom Posts: 4,433 Member
    Decided to take a rest day today. Legs were feeling tired and a bit sore, also Allen is only home for a few more days.

    dogs.jpg 119.5K
  • MrsKGrady
    MrsKGrady Posts: 276 Member
    October 3 - 3.1 miles (Superhero 5k)
    October 7 - 3.65 miles
    October 10 - 4.21 miles
    October 11 - 3.11 miles (Halloween Hustle Trail Race)



  • 9voice9
    9voice9 Posts: 693 Member
    Wow - a couple days off-work, and I get so far behind on reading your wonderful posts!

    01-Oct: 2.64 miles; 3.09 miles (walk)
    02-Oct: 0.00 miles; 2.44 miles (walk)
    03-Oct: 6.27 miles
    04-Oct: 0.00 miles
    05-Oct: 3.62 miles
    06-Oct: 3.21 miles
    07-Oct: <Life Day>, but 2.38 miles (dreadmill)
    08-Oct: 6.54 miles
    09-Oct: 5.57 miles
    10-Oct: 6.82 miles
    11-Oct: 6.47 miles

    OTOH - it let me catch up on my mileage! Yay me!

  • juliet3455
    juliet3455 Posts: 3,015 Member
    edited October 2015
    @snha Its a bit of Both - Training for a few Winter HM's and slowly pushing up my distance
    @kareF My legs are feeling fine. About an hour after my long runs I always do a 1 - 2 km walk to keep everything loose. That's also when I take the 1 liter water bottle and re-hydrate.
  • karllundy
    karllundy Posts: 1,490 Member
    @kristinegift - Wow! Congrats on the mileage best!
    @JoRocka - NICE! Excellent HM!
    @mwyvr - the trail pictures are great...and I can really get behind your new profile pic!
    @ddmom0811 - HA! That happened to me last winter with a giant snow man! Hazards of running early, I guess.

    10/1 - 3.1 miles on the 'mill; plus 5.8 miles / 20 minutes on stationary bike.
    10/2 - Had to skip run/workout for a life insurance physical (bloodwork, etc.). Then, they couldn't get me to bleed, so I'm gonna have to do it again! Grrr!
    10/3 - 11.5 miles with HM group; cool, beautiful weather!
    10/4 - waaaayy overslept!
    10/5 - not off to a good start this month; kids up half the night with illness / asthma issues
    10/6 - 4.75 miles on a beautiful, cool morning.
    10/7 - 4.85 miles of hills with HM group
    10/8 - 4.65 miles
    10/9 - 0. Up half the night, again! Now feeling a bit under the weather. It's too early for this stuff, isn't it?
    10/10 - 7.92 miles with HM group. Cool morning, flat loop...nice run!
    10/11 - 3.15 mile "recovery" run. Slower pace with one of my 9 year olds...love getting to run with my kids! Sore hip though.
    10/12 - 4.75 miles. Beautiful weather! Hip better, but not perfect. Fired up for 5k and HM this weekend!


  • karllundy
    karllundy Posts: 1,490 Member
    @Elise4270 - Ouch! Take care of yourself and feel better soon!
  • skippygirlsmom
    skippygirlsmom Posts: 4,433 Member
    @5beautifuldays I'll let you know if I like the shoes, all the reviews are good
    @juliet3455 I'll have to take the photo for you. Between Skip and I it's insane. She has 3 pair of "road" shoes, 2 pair of spikes and now trail shoes.
    @elise4270 I hope you're 100% soon!
    @karef great run on Sunday!
    @msf74 I saw that, great play on words
    @ddmom0811 LOL I can just see you getting startled at the pumpkin. I agree with @karllundy it's one of the hazards of running early. Between not wearing my glasses and the dark there are morning I'm running along and need to do a WTH check at something in front of me.
    @karllundy glad the hip is getting better. Woohoo for HM 5K weekend!
  • GillianLF
    GillianLF Posts: 410 Member
    I've only 16k done. Better get my *kitten* moving! Hoping to achieve 50 by the end of the month.
  • LunaStar2008
    LunaStar2008 Posts: 155 Member
    edited October 2015

    I am in. It will keep me motivated to report to others. Finals in my University class are done, so I have more time to get going.
  • ceckhardt369
    ceckhardt369 Posts: 115 Member

  • corinne1977
    corinne1977 Posts: 144 Member
    10/1: 0
    10/2: 0
    10/3: 0
    10/4: 0
    10/5: 2
    10/6: 3
    10/7: 0
    10/8: 3.5
    10/9: 0
    10/10: 9
    10/11: 0

    Off to a bad start this month but its getting better.
  • RunTimer
    RunTimer Posts: 9,137 Member
    edited October 2015
    It's getting colder (yea, I know..excuses excuses)

    I'm in it for 45
    Oct 03 - 6.0mi
    Oct 07 - 6.8mi
    Oct 10 - 5.8mi

    2015 500m

  • 7lenny7
    7lenny7 Posts: 3,493 Member
    I had hoped to get 5 or 6 miles in yesterday but ended taking longer at my mom's than expected (we moved her into senior living and are now getting her house ready for sale)

    It's going to be tough for me to get miles in this week (and doubtful I'll make my monthly goal). I'm taking my youngest son deer hunting starting Thursday and since I was busy with Mom's house all weekend, I'll need to get packed and ready for deer hunting after work today through Wednesday.

    10/01 - Camping
    10/02 - Camping, hiking
    10/03 - Camping, hiking
    10/04 - 5.6 miles running, hiking
    10/05 - 7.9 miles
    10/06 - Rest
    10/07 - 9.7 miles
    10/08 - 5.0 miles
    10/09 - Rest
    10/10 - 18 miles, 10:29 pace, <--Distance PR!
    10/11 - Life Day

    Goal: 150 Miles
    Progress: 46.2 Miles
    Remaining: 103.8 Miles

    @shanaber, here are a couple of pictures from my 18 mile run Saturday on that "rails-to-trails" trail. It's one of MANY we have in her Minnesota. The bright spot on the right of the first photo is the Cannon River that runs along much of the route. This trail has become my new favorite place to run, but it's unfortunate that it's an hour from my house. This particular trail is 20 miles long and has very few road crossings, lots of tree cover, and not too much traffic. If anyone is interested in a few more pictures they can be found here:


  • skippygirlsmom
    skippygirlsmom Posts: 4,433 Member
    @7lenny7 looks awesome! Enjoy the hunting...had deer sausage and venison chili this weekend, life is good.
  • Somebody_Loved
    Somebody_Loved Posts: 498 Member
    I had a great run today. I had to use the treadmill at work since I won't have time to run outside when I get home tonight. I was dreading it, especially after the booze-filled weekend I had. Well, the saying "never judge a run by the first mile" was so true for me today.

    I was hating it the first few minutes and told myself to just get to 30 minutes and then I could stop. By that point I was in the zone and kept going to finish my workout. When I was done I was drenched in sweat and felt phenomenal! So glad I didn't stop when I first wanted to.

    10/01: 4.34
    10/04: 4.92
    10/06: 4.96
    10/08: 1.69
    10/10: 4.78
    10/12: 5.12


  • ewrook
    ewrook Posts: 90 Member
    Beautiful afternoon. Pure blue sky. The trees are turning, every day is different.