

  • miriamwithcats
    miriamwithcats Posts: 1,120 Member
    Barbie. I agree with above. You are a very skinny pumpkin and your costume needs some stuffing! But not you!

    Cake mixes are full of chemicals! I always baked with the natural ingredients. It really doesn't take any more time. Now I don't bake. The gluten free baked goods are crumbly and flavorless. Not worth the calories.

    Get my grandkids today so they will finally get to go trick or treating. They are 5 and 7 and their mom has never bothered to take them out! My son works evening shift so he can't. They will have a ball with my girls!
  • TerriRichardson112
    TerriRichardson112 Posts: 18,349 Member
    edited October 2015
    Mindy It's great that you had some quality time with DD, and that you are feeling better about her going. As for floors, the natural wood is lovely but it does require upkeep. We have mahogany parquet in our hall and dining room and DH re-polished it last year and it made such a difference.

    Barbie Will look for that link later. I also have a completely free day today. My elder daughter and grandsons stayed over last night and we had some Halloween fun. Tonight we are going to a fireworks display in Belfast.

    Katla Chocolate apples: you need apples, chocolate of you choice, cake sprinkles, skewers (I cut wooden ones in half with kitchen scissors.
    :star: melt chocolate in a bowl in the microwave or in a double saucepan (don't have it too runny)
    :star: remove apple stalk and push skewer into the apple
    :star: tilt the bowl or saucepan slightly and dip and rotate the apple until it is coated with chocolate
    :star: sprinkle with cake sprinkles and place apple on an oiled plate to set
    Warning This is a very messy process but very enjoyable. I had my chocolate apple for breakfast today.

    Sharon Love the costumes.

    Heather Not keen on giving too much candy to kids myself. Used to offer them nuts years ago, but not any more. Too many allergies flying around! I don't understand the cake mix thing, either. It's so easy and much cheaper to do it yourself and you know exactly what is in the result. Too many additives in commercial products!

    Penny, Miriam and anyone else entertaining family Have fun with the grandkids. Mine stayed over last night and we are off up to Belfast for a fireworks display tonight.



    :heart: (((Hugs))) and prayers for those who need them. :heart:

    :star: Welcome to our Newbies! You will find a warm support team here! :star:

    :star: Each one of us is a vital cog in an infinite universe. :star:
    We may not know our purpose, but each cog needs to be oiled and tended.

    :heart: May peace and joy shine on your day! :heart:


    Irish Terri
  • lhannon062709
    lhannon062709 Posts: 1,140 Member
    edited October 2015
    Morning, afternoon and evening, all...

    Barbie, Love the costume, and thank you in advance for your dedication in making us a new thread each month.

    DJ, Thank you for saying you keep an eye on me, as we're so close in weight... oddly enough, it just felt like I have some existence outside these words on a screen. There are days I have my doubts.

    Carol in NC, Love, love, love those pictures... there was a sense of peace in those that I dearly needed when I hit the computer this morning.

    Heather in the UK, So glad you're finally nearing the release of the rental place! And once I found out what was in them, I never used a cake mix again. Not the chemicals piece of it... It's literally flour, sugar, baking powder, salt and flavorings. In other words, the cheapest part of what it takes to make a cake. They charge you approximately five times what the same ingredients cost in bulk! You still have to add eggs and oil of your own, even so... But then again, I also make my own bread, and when I'm in the mood, make pasta--it's usually just flour and eggs, and not that hard to make. My husband also makes everything from scratch, from chili to beef stew to macaroni and cheese. He grew up in Alaska, where all food had to be shipped in, so they always bought in bulk.

    Woke up missing my mother. Sixteen years after her death, I still sometimes wake up just drowning in that grief. A friend told me once that some wounds to the soul never heal, you just learn to live your life around the edges of them. My mother's absence left just that kind of wound in my life. I had the "I need my Mama," moment yesterday at the warehouse, when it all just seemed too overwhelming for words... probably the trigger for her presence in my dreams.

    I would say I'm over it (the "I need my Mama" moment) but it's a familiar place. Until we open the doors of the RV storage lot officially on November 16, I'll waver back and forth between being terrified that no one will actually show up and being terrified that everyone will! I learned a long time ago that courage wasn't the absence of fear, but being scared and doing it anyway.

    Doesn't mean I never waver... and after seven years together, my husband can deal with my occasional bouts of "Oh holy crap, what have we done," a lot better than he used to. It used to bother him so badly that I couldn't maintain my sunny outlook 24-7--but he's come to learn that the sun always comes back out for me, the lapses are temporary, and I always stand back up again and take the next step. When we were first married, he took it personally, as if I were saying he had screwed up, but he's come to understand that's seldom the case.

    No Halloween on the ranch, the only young'un is barely a year, and his mom and dad will take him in to celebrate with the grands in town. The DH is putting in some time at work this morning; it's his busiest time of year. He did get a cash bonus from the successful October hunts--they just started scheduling paid hunts again this year, instead of the all-investor hunts that are there to sweet-talk them into investing in Mr. M's companies. With paid hunts comes cash money... and they spread the wealth, which is nice. He'll be highly scheduled for November, but is trying to make time to be at the ribbon-cutting on the 16th. Hope he makes it.

    Hope everyone has a good weekend, whether the ghouls and goblins come to your house or not... For us US folksies, don't forget to set your clocks back tonight!

    Below is the weather map for us - see that little black, round-topped icon in the west? Look below it, and see the little bit of green there... right at the uppermost edge of it, is my house.

    Much love, Lisa in wet West Texas
    but at least I don't live in south Central Texas, where the flooding was...

  • fanncy0626
    fanncy0626 Posts: 7,152 Member
    Good morning ladies! Today I am being whisked away to an unknown location! Monday is my Birthday so DH has a surprise weekend planned. Packed my bag and ready to go! I will try to check in!

    Have a great weekend!

    Mary from Minnesota
  • mollywhippet
    mollywhippet Posts: 1,890 Member
    Good morning! It was raining here ALL DAY yesterday, which made for a pretty dreary day. And cold too. I guess this means summer is over?

    I spent the entire day glazing yesterday and got the kiln loaded. Fingers crossed that I get some bowls I'm not ashamed of. There are 45 bowls in this load.

    We drove to Joplin last night to go shopping but came home empty handed. I wanted to get hubby a waterproof camera for his birthday but had no luck finding one. I had looked at Sam's Club a few days ago and they only had one, for $179, but it didn't get good reviews and only had a 5x zoom. Last night we went to Best Buy but they only had two. One was the same as Sam's club but $20 more in price. The other was $399 and still only had 5x zoom. Grrrrr! I also went to Justice in the mall looking for a leotard for DGD#1, but they only have leotards online, so I had to order one. I had hoped I could pick it up at the store and save on shipping but that wasn't an option.

    We ate dinner at Cracker Barrel, and I'm afraid I went totally crazy. Pancakes, one slice of bacon, one sausage patty and two eggs. Hubby ate my hash brown casserole. I didn't eat more than half my pancakes though, so it's really not THAT bad. Still, I'm afraid to get on the scale this morning.

    Today we are staying at home instead of spending the night at the lake so I can be here to pass out candy tonight. I love seeing the kids all dressed up. Our neighborhood has a lot more little kids than it used to, and other people are starting to bring their kids here because it's a pretty safe little enclosed neighborhood where it's safe to walk in the street. I just hope I got enough candy. I hid it in an old cooler in the pantry to keep hubby from eating it.

    Well, it's time to go swimming. Have a great Saturday.

  • janetr7476
    janetr7476 Posts: 4,001 Member
    edited October 2015
    Morning ladies. A bit down this morning. Originally, plans were for Jack to be home yesterday evening, now it looks like it will be another week. We didn't really get to celebrate our anniversary cuz I had just got out of the hospital after knee surgery. Now he won't be home to celebrate my birthday. Good news is he is able to be there for his Mom and brother when they need him. Also good is my niece, just a few years younger than me (always been more like a sister to me) will fly in from Denver on my birthday, which is Thursday, and spend the weekend with me. I am so excited

    We never have any trick or treaters. We're not in a typical residential area. I always miss seeing the kiddos.

    Michelle return Halloween candy? I had no idea you could do such a thing.

    Next door neighbor and I went and picked up Jack's new/old Jeep yesterday as he won't be home for a while. I may take it for a little drive today. :)

    Rained hard all day yesterday, cloudy this morning but so far no rain. Have a great Halloween ladies.

    Janetr OKC
  • Lilymay2
    Lilymay2 Posts: 2,524 Member
    Wow, I can't believe it... 8 a.m. and I am dressed already!! I best be careful today, it could be a really long day.

    I am off to my scrapbooking room to put the final touches on my 4 Halloween bags. Will post a pick when I am finished.

    Hugs to all

    in West Central Saskatchewan
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,976 Member
    edited October 2015
    t98010.gif..we won't have any trick or treaters in our neighborhood, but when we did have them , we gave coins, not candy.

    that skinny shadow looks great....I always enjoyed seeing my shadow like that, but never thought of taking a picture.

    Heather, congrats on getting a closing date on your rental. We had rentals for many years (inherited from my parents) and after we finally got rid of them someone asked my hubby if he had considered having rentals again and he said that he'd rather eat a bug than ever have rentals again

    Katla, the obstacle course on your horse sounds fun and challenging

    Sharon, glad DH is home from the hospital.

    Lisa, when I started my weight loss journey in 2009, I gave up baking and gave all my pans and ingredients to some young friends who were delighted to have it.

    Cracker Barrel = sodium=water retention=weight gain......no matter how little you ate, the scale will not be nice, so don't worry about it.

    t111078.gif the dogs didn't want to be out walking before breakfast because of the rain......unless the rain has stopped, they won't want to go out afterwards either

    t98451.gif Barbie

  • kimses2
    kimses2 Posts: 218 Member
    Hi everyone -- quick check in. The Halloween party last night was fun and food wasn't too big an issue. I had a salad with grilled mushrooms before I left and had some appetizers at the party and did indulge in a few treats. I'm not berating myself today which I'm happy about.

    Heading away for the night with two other moms for a getaway. I'm in good company in eating light. I expect my exercise will be walking the beach. One extra hour tonight! Yeah!

    Have a good day!

    Here's my Paula Deen costume. Only a few people knew who I was and asked me where my butter was. rxv4x6gcfu1y.jpg

    Kimses in MA
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,342 Member
    edited October 2015
    Miriam - the gluten free cake I cooked for the party was very moist. It has a lot of ground almonds in it and a whole boiled orange whizzed up. :)

    I don't have a date yet for the rental, but it is getting close. Over here we have EXCHANGE, when 10% of the money is handed over and there is no going back, unless you forfeit the money, and then COMPLETION, when it's all done and dusted. I intend to clear the flat when I have exchanged contracts, so I know there will be no hiccups. I want to get it done before the freezing weather sets in and I will have to keep some heating on. There was a burst pipe in the floor one year. :sad:

    Our meeting next week up in London is getting closer and I am so glad I am staying in a hotel and not with my friend, like the others. Just reading her emails gives me a headache. She is trying to give us instructions on how to find her apartment. I am asking my other friend, who has been there once, to give me decent instructions. :laugh: We are going to have pre dinner drinks there. :*

    DH has gone out to a local football match. He was so good this morning at clearing leaves in the garden that I made him a thermos of coffee and packed him some shortbread to take with him. <3 Normally he does all that himself.
    This afternoon it is the final of the Rugby World Cup. I have it on record for him and he doesn't want to know the result. He will drive home without the radio on and I will keep him out of the room while I get the playback fixed up and running. The match will still have 15 min to go. :laugh:

    Janetr - sorry to hear you will be husbandless for your birthday. But your niece visiting is great. :flowerforyou:

    Lots of love, Heather UK

    PS Nice Halloween photos everyone! :D>:)
  • fanncy0626
    fanncy0626 Posts: 7,152 Member
    Janetr- Happy Birthday!
  • DamitJanit
    DamitJanit Posts: 1,329 Member
    Call me crazy but I love to see other people happy and succeeding .

    Happy Halloween Ladies, t98097.gif

    Mindy, I love my fresh asparagus baked in the oven. Just spray a cookie sheet with oil type spray, put the prepared asparagus on it and sprinkle with seasonings. I use McCormick’s Grill Chicken seasoning. It’s just a nice combination. Bake until tender but still al dente’. I do my broccoli, cauliflower. Cabbage steaks and green beans the same way. I agree that you should get pros to sand the floors as it is easy to sand too deep. I’m sure they want a pretty penny to do it right but probably worth saving up for.

    Joyce, I sure hope they can find the reasons for some of Charlie’s problems and then solutions. You guys are doing everything right so you should get some relief, for Pete’s sake. I hope you both enjoy Halloween and just remember to breath while he is doing his thing with the candy.t98183.gif

    Katla, glad you enjoyed your friends. Your riding lesson sounds like so much fun. I’m so happy you are getting to do that for yourself!!! You deserve it.

    , I’m sorry that Pete didn’t agree with us but I hope you won’t let it get in the way of a good relationship with him. That can be so important. It is the man that she picked, after all. Now about the cute little ones and giving them a bucket of candy????? You know they don’t need it so go easy! I don’t care how cute they are. t98254.gif

    Sharon, I love the costumes and hate that you aren’t into dressing up this year. I guess it’s a good sign that DH is already bored? You get well before going back to work, no matter what your desk will look like. (((Hugs)))

    , I’m not too sure giving out carrots would work well here either. That might be all it takes to have a few Tricks played. t98383.gif But I like the thought. About cake mixes…first of all, I’m not a baker so rarely bake cakes but actually always made them from scratch. I am now using mixes when I do bake a cake because they are so much better than years ago and so easy. (You know it is really hard to actually measure things on our own. LOL) I’m not even sure my baking powder/soda would make a cake rise because they are probably out of date. My mother was a Home Economics teacher and very good cook, plus we couldn’t’ afford things like cake mixes if they even had them back then.

    Miriam, so glad your DGK will get to go Trick or Treating. They are at the age where they should have a blast.

    Irish, I love your Halloween sign!!! I’m not a chocolate lover but the chocolate apple sounds good. You and the DGK have fun tonight.

    Lisa, I still have times that I miss my mother so much and it’s been 25 years. I think part of it must come from having a great mother who is also a good friend. With mine, there was something so comforting and supportive about her. I’m glad you are in the flood areas and really feel for those that are.

    Mary, I hope you have a wonderful weekend and enjoy your BD surprise.

    Sylvia, if you are firing the bowls that you showed us a picture of, then for sure you will have bowls you aren’t ashamed of!! They were great!!! I’m sure it’s not easy to not be so critical of your perfectionist self, but try to look at them as though someone else had made them and they were in a different shop. Then maybe you can see how good they are. yes.gif You must have a huge kiln if you can fire 45 at once. Too bad you didn’t find the camera you were looking for.

    Janetr, sorry to hear that Jack will be delayed. I’m glad your niece will be there for your birthday. I didn’t know you could return unopened Halloween candy either.

    Lillian, there is always a possible nap if the day gets too long. Especially when there is an extra hour in the night.

    Paula, I mean Kimses, love the costume. Have a great get away with the girls.

    I slept very well last night. When I got up this morning and took one step on my right leg, my knee buckled and was very painful. I can barely walk on it and don’t know what that is about? I hope it goes away but so far it hasn’t. At least it has no pain when I’m sitting but it will really put a damper on any moving around.

    I hope all of you have a healthy and happy day. rose.gif

    Words I live by:
    Savor. I have to slow down and savor every bite.
    Opportunity. Each day offers new opportunities for good health and happiness if we just look for them and choose them.
    I Love you, t98121.gif
    Myrtle Beach, SC
  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,385 Member
    Did an hour of Ada Jenkowitz's Training Camp DVD. The plan for tomorrow is to do a core sculpt pilates DVD.

    Heather - I really don't like using box cake mix. The angel food cake mix I use the box only because to make an angel food cake you need all the egg whites. The only reason I use the spice cake mix is because I know that the spices will be the right proportions. I will use a box cake mix in these chocolate cookies that Vince likes. But most of the time I really prefer to make a cake myself from scratch

    It was cold and now it got warm. So my sinuses are acting up again (ahhhh). Took a Sudafed and now I'm going thru the phase where I'm cold as can be.

    Penny and Miriam - have fun with the grandkids!

    Irish Terri - those chocolate apples! All's I can say is thank goodness for waterproof keyboards

    Mary - happy birthday and enjoy your weekend. You'll have to tell us what it's like and where you went

    Sylvia - Vince hoped he got enough candy so he bought TWENTY bags.

    Janet OKC - yes, you can return Halloween candy as long as it isn't candy in a halloween wrapper and as long as the bag is unopened. I know that Mars will give you full credit but they won't give the stores credit for holiday candies. You'll have one real big celebration (combination anniversary/birthday) when you hubby comes home

    kimses - what a great costume. Now, do you dance?

    DJ - the only time I ever buy cake mixes is when they are on sale for BOGO. Except for the angel food. That's never on sale

    Michele in NC
  • margaretturk
    margaretturk Posts: 5,087 Member
    edited October 2015
    Love all the costumes!

    Janetr Happy Birthday :flowerforyou:


    Getting things ready for the trick or treaters. We get between 80-100.

    Mary have fun on your birthday celebration. Hope you are sleeping better.

    I had strength as my 2015 word. I am finding if I relax into all that is happening rather than getting tense I feel and sleep better.I am changing my mantra into GRACE because that is the outcome of relaxing into a problem rather then tension. It gives me another approach to handling the problem.

    Update on DH. His clinic had him go back to the doctor who said he only had the flu for a med adjustment. They pharmacy called and said the adjustment did not look right. It was way too strong. The pharmacy think the doctor did not write it correctly. The doctor still has not gotten back to the pharmacy. They want him to see her again on Monday. I said if it were me I would insist on a different doctor. These are two serious oversights that had the potential to kill you. He says she is defensive and is arrogant and did not apologize for not getting the right treatment the first time. TIME to insist on a different doctor in the clinic!

    :heart: Margaret
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    Sharon in Lethbridge: You look divine. :bigsmile: I bought a Dracula cape decades ago & have been using it ever since. I put on really nice tops and slacks, because Drac is a rather elegant fellow, a touch of dramagtic makeup and the cape & I'm done comfortable & happy. Last year I bought a witch's hat, but the color doesn't go well with my Dracula cape lining. I should have chosen better. :ohwell:

    Heather: If you gave out a carrot for Halloween around here, you would probably get a trick as revenge. Candy & money are good. Parents don't let their children accept anything that is unwrapped. :noway: Candy from strangers is always suspect. We inspected every piece to be sure there were no slits or holes in the candy wrapper when our kids were trick or treating and we lived in an excellent neighborhood. :noway:

    Terri: Thanks for the chocolate apple recipe! I just put it into my recipe file. :heart:

    Lisa: Around here people clamor for covered RV storage. I suspect you'll have plenty of business when the word gets out. Thanks for the map showing the location of your home. I'm glad you were out of the flooding. :flowerforyou:

    Mary: Your DH is an excellent guy. Have a fun birthday and tell us all about it afterward. :bigsmile:

    Sylvia: Have a great time passing out candy. Your neighborhood sounds like a good place. :smile:

    Barbie: Your DH's comment that he'd rather eat a bug than have rentals made me laugh. My dad always warned against rentals as an investment and with all the Meth Labs out there, the risk is worse than ever in my opinion. :noway: When the dogs won't walk it is time for riding the recumbent bike in front of the TV. :wink:

    Kimses: You're a cute "Paula Deen." :wink:

    DJ: I'm so sorry that your right knee buckled this morning. Ouch! I hope it isn't a serious issue. :flowerforyou:

    Margaret: "Grace" is an excellent mantra. I agree with you about the doctor. It is time to find someone better. I'll be sending prayers that you and your DH find the right doctor. :heart:

    Halloween Day is starting out misty. The deck is wet, but it isn't actually raining at the moment. I hope the evening is dry enough for the kids to have fun trick or treating. I'm awake & have had my coffee. DH is still snug in bed & I'm not inclined to wake him. I am considering whether to get my breakfast or wait for him. A year ago DD was visiting with the grand children and we took them trick or treating in our townhouse development. I made arrangements in advance because we so seldom get ANY trick-or-treaters around here. It was fun for the little girls, the neighbors AND me. :heart:

    Katla in Beautiful NW Oregon

    “Our greatest weakness lies in giving up. The most certain way to succeed is always to try just one more time.” Thomas A. Edison

    October Goals :
    1. Log every bite and swallow.
    2. Cardio exercise at least 3 days a week. Work on flexibility and back strength.
    3. Have fun every day.
    4. Drink at least three glasses of water daily, preferably more!
    5. Eliminate alcohol.
    6. Monitor sleep. Try to average 7 or more hours of sleep nightly.

  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,794 Member
    well my fitbit battery was low and not syncing so after a long walk and raking leaves for 2 1/2 hrs I have diddly squat :{
    Oh well at least I know I got some exercise....
    Tom and the boys taking a snooze, and I just took a shower... went to feed DFIL this morning.. wow he was waaaaaay out in left field this morning.. but we just go along with it,,,,
    remember to turn your clocks back tonight.....
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,976 Member
    t98363.gifKimses, you look darling in your costume....what a clever idea.

    t4103.gifDJ, have you tried ice on your knee.....what a bummer to not be able to up and active

    :) Katla, I was on a jury once that involved a rental that had been used as a meth lab and turned out to be a huge disaster for the landlord

    t98397.gifOur downtown merchants welcome children in costume and give them treats so anyone who wants to see lots of children in costume can go to town and enjoy the kids. It's so rainy here right now that I hope it won't ruin things for the children this afternoon.

    t111055.gifBrandy and Sasha refused to go out this morning after breakfast so I went for a walk by myself and got very wet. Later Brandy was very desperate to go out and I took her because Jake was in the shower so I got soaked again. I'm wearing my third pair of jeans today.
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,342 Member
    My two DGC up in London this pm. Shame I can't be there!

  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,976 Member
    t98228.gif Heather, your grandchildren are adorable
  • bjkidfun
    bjkidfun Posts: 377 Member