

  • lhannon062709
    lhannon062709 Posts: 1,140 Member
    Kimses in MA – Enjoy your time as Paula Deen… just remember, you can’t put a pound of butter in everything! :) And good for you for thinking about the food before you go to your Halloween party. You’re right, we can’t make food the enemy. I find I keep my balance better when I keep food in the “fuel” category and out of the “evil” category.

    Eating food is not a bad thing, it’s how we stay alive. But when we demonize food, we also end up demonizing eating. Down that road you’ll find eating disorders. So, fueling up before you leave for your party gives you lots of energy, without any need to refuel while you’re there. Plus, if we make food the bad guy, then we have to think it all the time to save ourselves. It’s almost as if we create the situation where food haunts us. When we can forget about it, it means we’re in control, not the food.

    Something I read somewhere also said if you change the way you refuse food, you help yourself tremendously in that process—instead of saying “I can’t eat that…” and following on with a struggle of some kind, “I’m on a diet,” “I’m trying to lose weight,” whatever reason we state, we are much more successful by saying “I don’t eat…” whatever. “I don’t eat sweets,” “I don’t drink beer,” “I don’t eat between meals,” just pick something that makes sense. By saying “I don’t,” it becomes part of our definition of ourselves and removes it from the sense of a never-ending struggle which is doomed to fail.

    Thus endeth this morning’s lecture -- “Psychology for Lifestyle Change 101.”

    My performance on my goals for October, in anticipation of tomorrow…

    October Goals:
    • smiley-signs007.gif Weigh less at the end of October than I did at the end of September. After a week of HARD physical work, I actually peeled off over six pounds, and landed at one pound lighter than I was September 30. Dropped from 169 to 168 pounds. Yay!
    • smiley-signs014.gif Run three days a week minimum. Failed miserably…
    • smiley-signs018.gifFinish out this restaurant contract with some semblance of honorable closure and get back to my real life with a sigh of relief!. COMPLETE!
    • smiley-signs013.gif Log every calorie every day! Since I got out of the restaurant, I’ve done this almost every day.
    • smiley-signs021.gif Keep my calories under 1500 every day. Yep, since I got out of the restaurant… Man, I'm glad that's over!

    November Goals:
    • Weigh less at the end of November than I did at the end of October.
    • Take care of myself first!
    • Log every calorie every day.
    • Keep my calories under 1500 every day.
    • Write 50,000 words in November for NaNoWriMo.
    • Get the RV storage lot ready for ribboncutting Nov. 16 (while taking care of myself!)

  • csofled
    csofled Posts: 3,022 Member
    Annr wrote: »
    We women are naturally FIXERS and regulators of the world. That carries so much stress for us though. So the only real thing we can do is be there for people we care about, and let them find their own solutions and answers in their lives.

    Thanks I needed to see this! <3

    Cheri in drizzly NE Ohio
  • csofled
    csofled Posts: 3,022 Member
    janetr7476 wrote: »
    Mindi - I am in LOVE with your street and house. Not too sure about pig at this point. Lol. Thanks for sharing the pics.
    Janetr OKC

    Me too! Me too! :)

    Cheri in drizzly NE Ohio
  • Lilymay2
    Lilymay2 Posts: 2,524 Member
    Annr wrote: »
    Someone posted that they think I am the happiest person they know....I almost choked on my coffee!! I think I mentally "woke up" when my husband got his new liver. Second chances and looking at life from death's door, you see a whole new perspective of your life. I shall never forget how my life was....when I woke up not knowing how my husband would be, functioning pretty well, or a man that I would have to help to walk. I equate it to living with an alcoholic, because I still had my teenager to keep positive with life, and not freak out about our strange situation. A couple of years of just not feeling anything really. It was easy to "just not go there" mentally then to constantly break down.

    So now I feel like I can breathe again. That my husband is his true self, as well as I am. No masking of feelings. Say what I mean and mean what I say, that is how I am living my life. It feels good honestly.

    To all of you with struggles, troubles with family, remember one important thing YOU. I have a sister that I haven't talked to since June, and even then it was a couple of sentences. It pangs me to know she doesn't wish to have me in her life, that other priorities are more important than me. I shall always love her, but sometimes it feels like she has passed or something. I have lost track in how many messages I have left her. So my door is open, and my heart hurts some days, but by letting her set the tone, I take care of ME most importantly. I cannot change her, nor help her but I can help ME in learning to not let it take over my life.

    We women are naturally FIXERS and regulators of the world. That carries so much stress for us though. So the only real thing we can do is be there for people we care about, and let them find their own solutions and answers in their lives.


    Oh this morning my scale read 232....sheeesh 2 lbs up? I eat like a clean machine, and swim like I am being chased by JAWS yet still....aaargh...frustrating...:-)

    Glad to hear you are better and so is hubby.

    And YES, we are FIXERS!! Sometimes it is hard to see past the issues to remember that we are the important one, but I am working on it.

    Lillian in West Central Saskatchewan
  • terri_mom
    terri_mom Posts: 748 Member
    Happy Friday ! ! !

    Kim – thanks for the embroidery advice. I will find a woven dish towel or something.

    – High School bowling is “Baker Style”. 5 kids bowl 1 game taking turns on frames, but staying in order: (frames 1 & 6, frames 2 & 7, etc.) Then, if someone is struggling to mark, he/she goes to the practice lanes and someone else bowls for a game or more. Some coaches, if they have 10 kids, will just create 2 teams, and rotate the entire team. So only 1 game per lane is being bowled at a time. A full match is 7 games or more until one team wins 5 games total. Some games, if most kids are striking, may only take a few minutes.

    Mindy – I hope you can learn positive self-talk. It really doesn’t matter when a person sleeps, that’s why some people prefer the different shifts. Take care of yourself. Thanks for sharing your pictures, all is beautiful (except the naughty dog) Hugs ! ! !

    Becca – take it easy on yourself regarding the number on the scale. Remember, if you are burning fat but building muscle, the scale will look like it is moving the wrong direction. Attitude is everything. You can do this ! ! ! I’m sorry you didn’t have a haunting experience. Maybe next time.

    Pip – good luck getting through Security quickly. Have a great time.

    Carol – Beautiful pictures and relaxing location. Enjoy ! ! !

    – ghost gangster tour? Sounds like fun.

    Nega-holics - I try to give them 3 chances, because sometimes people are just having a tough time, and we need to ride the storm out with them. But if it has been too long, or too often, and I’ve exhausted my attempts at helping them find happiness, I try to cut them from my life. I do this most often on Facebook, but have done it in real life, too.

    Supervisor and I are the only people that dressed-up for Halloween today. She looks amazing in a 60’s-70’s wig and clothes. I have my normal work uniform, but have “early zombie” make-up, a bat hanging from my tiara, a zombie mark on my arm, and leaves in my hair.

    Good/bad news - I also am in the ranks of taking a sleeping pill. I try to limit my pain meds, especially at night, so I take Amytriptaline about 1 hour before bed. This, coupled with the fact that I have been a sleep-walker since childhood, causes all kinds of crazy things at night, but never outside of my home. Last night it was the dipping chocolate (I think). The container was empty in the sink. I’d like to hope that DS ate it, but I have my doubts. I promise to never even buy it again, unless I am going to use it for baking immediately, cross my heart.

    Today at our employee meeting during lunch hour the Supervisor brought a Taco Bar that she made from 21 Day Fix recipes. I still brought a bowl of my own lettuce, to make sure I am extra careful (want to avoid the shells or tortillas). I also made sure to arrive at work a little early, so I could get some time on the exercise bike. Not enough, but I can always dance or walk around my office a few times today.

    Hugs for Everyone ! ! !

    Terri in Milwaukee
  • nccarolb
    nccarolb Posts: 858 Member
    Good morning!

    For those who asked about/commented on my picture...I am at Emerald Isle, NC. I'm lucky enough to have friends who own a house here. It is not ocean front but is a VERY short walk to the beach. The sound of the surf is very clear. When I'm not walking in the beach, I spend a lot of my time on their screened in porch listening to the surf and reading. This is a place where my "soul" takes a rest and finds some peace. A couple of my ideas were implemented when they built the house so it is kind of special to me, too.

    As for the mountains, I don't have a specific place that I go to. Since my parents live there, I usually go to visit them. This time, though, I am staying in a house owned by the not-so-wonderful church that I work for. Never been there before but I mostly just wanted a place to sleep. I plan to spend my day on Saturday actually IN the mountains on a trail(s) somewhere. That is where I typically find healing for my inner self. I would have loved to go back to the cabin in the middle of nowhere that I stayed in for a week a couple of years ago, but that's too pricey and I don't have the leave available from work. The house is just across the mountain from my parents so we will probably have lunch with them on Sunday on the way home.

    Hope everyone has a great day! I'm off to put my toes in the water.

    Carol in NC
  • Lilymay2
    Lilymay2 Posts: 2,524 Member
    Good morning all, checking in. I haven't been able to check in as much as I would like. Work and life some days gets in the way. The stressors of work took over yesterday, ate at work all day... OH MY GOD!!! I sure hope I can recover from it this weekend. I need to get outside and see the sky.....

    I missed the comments about Omega 3... I went back a few pages but couldn't find the start... Why , how much ?

    Today is going to be cold, zero degrees - clear sky so far. So I will get some yard work done and finish digging the parsnips, Forecast is for snow on Monday so the winter tires need to get put on my car this weekend. We only have 4 kids that come for Halloween so will get bags ready for them and a couple more in case the grandkids show up.

    Take care everyone

    West Central Saskatchewan
  • bjkidfun
    bjkidfun Posts: 377 Member
  • DamitJanit
    DamitJanit Posts: 1,329 Member
    Call me crazy but I love to see other people happy and succeeding .

    Good Morning Ladies,

    Kimses, I hope you are feeling better today. You are so right about these ladies that are so dedicated to diet and exercise while balancing family struggles. So very impressive and motivating. Have fun at the party tonight!!!!

    Katla, glad you got the car issues straightened out and they are working well.

    Joyce, I hope you didn’t have to sit on hold too long this morning.

    Gloria, I have still been holding off on installing Windows 10 also. pcwhack.gif I actually don’t hear as many problems with it as I expected. DH has it and no major complaints but he is so low tech, I’m not sure he would know if he had a problem. Lol

    , I don’t exercise like I should either but at least I rarely eat junk. Get a grip, my friend. You know we are here for you and you deserve only the best. (((Hugs))) That quote was just to install the pellet stove??? I wouldn’t think the stove itself would cost much more than that! Can you get a quote from anyone else? Wowzers.

    MNMargaret, so glad DH is feeling a little better. Good that you got to go on the gangster tour. It sounds like fun!

    Lisa, congrats on the goals you reached. I am so close to you that I like to see your progress. I have actually been at 169 the past two days so it looks like I can honestly say I’m weighing less than at the beginning of the month. I sure would like to see a two or three pound loss but will take the one that I can get.

    Terri, sleep walking eating sounds worse than closet eating! Maybe you need to put alarms on the pantry and fridge to wake you up if you get in them? Have fun with Halloween.

    Carol, so glad you got this get away. surfing.gif Are you traveling with a friend or alone? It’s been years but I used to love coming to the beach alone so I didn’t have to worry about anyone else’s schedule or wants and needs.

    Lillian, I’m somewhat of a Halloween Grinch. I’d like it if only 4 kids came to Trick or Treat. LOL I do like seeing the cute kids in their costumes but don’t like the inconvenience of having to answer the door every few minutes. Plus the candy has gotten sooooo expensive! When it’s nice (like tomorrow) we often just sit on the front porch to hand out candy.

    I’m just looking around my little office and decided I need to do some filing and straightening up today. I have a spot where I pile things to be filed until I get around to it. I also want to take some time to watch/practice some of the line dance videos. We are having a Christmas party where we will be doing some dancing so I need to brush up. I hope you all have a pleasant and productive day.

    And I wish that you all be healthy and happy. rose.gif

    Words I live by:
    Savor. I have to slow down and savor every bite.
    Opportunity. Each day offers new opportunities for good health and happiness if we just look for them and choose them.
    I Love you, smiley-love013.gif
    Myrtle Beach, SC
  • kimses2
    kimses2 Posts: 218 Member
    Thank you Lisa. You nailed it...zeroed in on exactly what I am struggling with. Seems you've been through this yourself, eh? :smiley:
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,699 Member
  • oceanmelody
    oceanmelody Posts: 399 Member
    From Becca: We women are naturally FIXERS and regulators of the world. That carries so much stress for us though. So the only real thing we can do is be there for people we care about, and let them find their own solutions and answers in their lives. --So true
    Just when I was finally figuring this out for another situation in my life I got a new stressor in the the form of DH with SEVERE pain in his knee. He is trying the prescription anti-inflammatory, ice and resting as much as possible. Two days after finally seeing the doctor he was at least back at work but apparently upon leaving yesterday he made a bad twist dealing with the elevator and by the time he got home he was leaning against the doorbell screaming for help. I think this is a setback, no?
    So he is re-medicated and all iced up and home today with cell phone in pocket and with firm instructions to remember how to call 9-1-1 in case he falls. He is not a happy camper.
    I need to put the airplane oxygen mask back on myself before I get to the point where I cannot take care of either one of us.
    Carol in NC -- can I come to your beach and just fall onto it? Looks so blissful!
    Betty WNY
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    Kim: Congrats on the lower gas prices! We need to appreciate every little blessing. Sorry about the computer keyboard. :flowerforyou:

    Becca: I'm glad that you had a good time at the haunted hotel. It is a hotel, right? Or is it a theater? I appreciate your outlook on happiness, and share it. I have come to realize that happiness is a point of view that can be chosen. That choice doesn't mean that we are immune to bad things happening in our lives but it impacts how we deal with them. :flowerforyou:

    Terri in Milwaukee: I love the term nega-holics. It just fits some people! I've also called certain people an Eeyore. (from Winnie the Pooh.) :wink:

    Betty in WNY: I hope your DH gets well soon and some of the stress you are carrying goes away. :flowerforyou:

    Long time friends that we haven't seen in ages are coming for dinner this evening. We were planning on taking a haunted tour, but have backed away from that idea and will be enjoying a meal and conversation instead. DH wouldn't be able to do the tour, and our friend also has mobility issues.

    Katla in Beautiful NW Oregon

    “Our greatest weakness lies in giving up. The most certain way to succeed is always to try just one more time.” Thomas A. Edison

    October Goals :
    1. Log every bite and swallow.
    2. Cardio exercise at least 3 days a week. Work on flexibility and back strength.
    3. Have fun every day.
    4. Drink at least three glasses of water daily, preferably more!
    5. Eliminate alcohol.
    6. Monitor sleep. Try to average 7 or more hours of sleep nightly.

  • nccarolb
    nccarolb Posts: 858 Member
    DJ - I am indeed by myself. My favorite way to visit here!!!

    Betty - Come on down. There are three more bedrooms that I'm not using. The water felt so good last night that I just wanted to lie down in it! The water is still warm here.

    Carol in NC
  • terri_mom
    terri_mom Posts: 748 Member
    edited October 2015
    Katla - Eeyore from Winnie the Pooh fits, also.

    I must have been sleepwalking last night, because I could just close my eyes and go to sleep sitting up, but I won't. No alarms in the kitchen, just no more buying things that I choose to not eat !

    My make-up must be realistic looking, because one patient yelled "what happended to you, are you okay?" as soon as she walked in the door.

    Another 15 minutes just 4 more times, and it will be time for lunch and our meeting. I better get up and dance to get my blood pumping and increase my oxygen level.

    Hugs !
  • Peach1948
    Peach1948 Posts: 2,473 Member
    Hello All! I opted out replying to this chat for a while but have been reading as I so much enjoy the posts here. I even started a new account in hopes that giving myself a new start would help my motivation. Anyhow, just wanted to chime in because I don't like feeling like a lurker. Will not reply often but wanted to wish all of you who are having problems with health, daily life and family the very best. I think of you often.

    Carol from GA
  • klanders30
    klanders30 Posts: 2,569 Member
    Happy Halloween to anyone celebrating, I'll be handing out candy tomorrow and looking forward to seeing the cute neighborhood kids that come a knockin'

    Just had a very uncomfortable work meeting with the most pompous, arrogant so and so that I work with. Luckily I don't have to work with him very often but spending the last 45 minutes with him was really uncomfortable (he can judge you with a look and slows down every meeting with his overblown opinions).
    So I guess you would call this a NSV, because usually I would leave and grossly overeat to handle this horrible tension that I am feeling.....Instead I am writing this post!

    Thanks for listening! Karen from NY :s

    GRITSandSLUTSandWINOS Posts: 2,573 Member
    edited October 2015
    Cracker got her first bath since having her 'fixed'. She had one before going to get 'fixed'. She's not too wild about water. Would not go out in the rain to do her number; so I bought her a raincoat that was 'on sale'. Would not have paid full price for it.

    Louis just called to see if I wanted to eat Mexican - gee, right after I ate Italian for lunch; but, what could I say? I'll just eat 1/2 of whatever I order and leave the numbers to the computer.
    GRITSandSLUTSandWINOS Posts: 2,573 Member
  • csofled
    csofled Posts: 3,022 Member