

  • janemartin02
    janemartin02 Posts: 2,653 Member
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,342 Member
    Hello ladies!

    I had a lovely lunch with my friend. Just had two starters; one was very low calorie, and I didn't eat the brioche on the other. Forgot to log the small glass of white wine I had in the spritzer. :blushing: So I am a bit over today, but still in maintaining zone. It was good to chat.

    My solicitor has emailed me to say the buyers are ready to complete. I just need an exchange date so I can get the house clearance people in. It seems the buyers want me to leave a few items, but I need a list. They've just told me the things they want cleared. :noway: I would like to exchange next week and complete at the end of the following week. Here's hoping! :D I will be one happy bunny!

    Had a bit of low back ache again today, but it's not any worse. Took a few pills. I hope it's just tension. :ohwell:

    Sent off some money to my usual Christmas charity today. It provides a Christmas Day for homeless people, including social and medical help. I like to support it because I have experienced that feeling of being on the edge of my life disintegrating.

    Love to all. Heather UK
  • fanncy0626
    fanncy0626 Posts: 7,152 Member
    edited October 2015
    Hello everyone! Had a busy day today. I did my Stronglifts 5X5 today. And finished painting the storm windows that I brought in from outside. We also had a load of dirt brought in to level out some areas. So my DH filled the wheel barrel and I went around and filled spaces. I feel I got a lot of work done today.

    I was able to sleep halfway decent last night. I set the alarm to get me up and only hit it twice to snooze. I will have to stick to this for a while. I hope it helps with my insomnia.

    Have a great night everyone!

    Mary from Minnesota
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,976 Member
    :)Lisa, you have wise words about food.....today at my line dance Halloween party/class several people brought treats. One woman asked me to try the great cookies that her neighbor made. I said told her that I don't eat desserts and I don't eat at that time of day. She told me that I had great willpower, but I don't think of it that way, I just have a strategy that works for me.

    :)Cheri, in Al-Anon, they say that you didn't cause the problem, you can't cure the problem, and you can't control the problem....good luck to you finding a way to be peacefully detached.

    :):) Today was the line dance Halloween party/class. I wore my pumpkin Halloween costume that I wear every year. Almost all of the 32 students who came wore costumes. We danced ten dances to Halloween theme music (Ghostbusters, Thriller, etc) and had a fabulous time. Before class and at the break people took pictures.



  • nccarolb
    nccarolb Posts: 858 Member
  • csofled
    csofled Posts: 3,022 Member
    barbiecat wrote: »
    :)Cheri, in Al-Anon, they say that you didn't cause the problem, you can't cure the problem, and you can't control the problem....good luck to you finding a way to be peacefully detached.

    Thank you. :) I am slowly learning this approach. I will write this down and have it with me as a reminder.

    Cheri NE Ohio
  • nccarolb
    nccarolb Posts: 858 Member
    I like my long skinny shadow!
  • TerriRichardson112
    TerriRichardson112 Posts: 18,349 Member
    edited October 2015
    Heather Delighted to hear that you are finally moving ahead with the apartment sale. I think we will have to put a rocket under our agent about our sale. It seems that he isn't making much effort on our behalf.

    Barbie Love the costume pics. I must look up some line dancing videos. I haven't done any for years. We are going back to our ballroom dancing next week! I hope the new hip will hold up to it.

    Carol How wonderful to be at the beach. We had a week in August with elder daughter and grandkids. Loads of beach walking in glorious weather. Seems such a long time ago.

    We are planning 4 days in Rome with my Latin Study group the week after next. I will need to get my summer clothes back out of my standby closet.

    DGCs are here for Hallowe'en so it has been rather hectic. We made chocolate apples and drew in the dark with sparklers tonight.

    Have read poss up to date. It's difficult to keep up with you lot at times. Have a great festive weekend. Mwahahahahaha!


    :heart: (((Hugs))) and prayers for those who need them. :heart:

    :star: Welcome to our Newbies! You will find a warm support team here! :star:

    :star: Each one of us is a vital cog in an infinite universe. :star:
    We may not know our purpose, but each cog needs to be oiled and tended.

    :heart: May peace and joy shine on your day! :heart:


    Irish Terri
  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,385 Member
    Did an hour of exercises in the pool today. The plan for tomorrow is to do a DVD by Ada Jenkowitz called Basic Training.

    Last time I exercised in the pool on my own, the CD player there kept cutting out. I donated a 5CD changer to them kinowing that there's a place where it was needed. Guess what wasn't in the pool area today?

    Mary - Duncan Hines is the only mfg. that I know of who makes a spice cake mix. But in its place, I would think that a white cake mix with the spices added would work. If you try it, let me know how it works out.

    Oh, I tried making the tofu pie (we don't tell Vince that there's tofu in it). But to get it to "gel" I added a bit of unflavored gelatin. I got these small graham cracker pie crusts to use. The first time it was too rubbery. I know that's because I used too much gelatin. The second time was better but still a bit too rubbery. The third time I think I got it. It even got the "Vince seal of approval". I didn't add any sweetener since I would only be adding a tiny amount to these.

    mtowne - beautiful house, street and everything else (except for the mess....lol)

    barbie - good to know that I'm not the only one who falls asleep with the light on! Do you fall asleep with your glasses on too? Great costumes

    Exercised, then went to Bi-Lo for the items on sale, stopped in at Burke's Outlet to see if they had a sweater that I'd like (they didn't) but I did find a shirt (ok, it's a short sleeved one) and paid a whoping 77 cents for it. Picked up a prescription for Loki and Vince asked me to go pick up a prescription for him. Wish he could have waited a day or two because I bet we're going to have candy that needs to be returned. But he couldn't. Put out the Halloween decorations. It having rained the past 3 days, this year the decorations are going to be scaled down. But I have a feeling that the Christmas decorations are going to go up right after Halloween

    Carol in NC - what a great beach pic!

    Terri - I never heard of bowling "bakers style". Makes sense.

    Kimses - enjoy yourself

    betty - so sorry to hear about your dh. You have so much on your plate

    katla - have a great time with your friends. A nice quiet evening...sounds heavenly

    Carol from GA - welcome! Glad you're out of the background. Post when you can

    Heather - hope the exchange goes off without any hitches

    Well, Pete called today. He was very insistent that we Skype, he didn't want to say it in person and this was the only time he had. We knew what was coming. Later in the afternoon we Skyped with him. I did tell him that we'd really like to get to know him better. Seems he bought the ring, he said he'd like us to be there for when he proposes. Denise always talked about wanting my mother's rings. So in a sense I'm a little disappointed. To think of the money he could have saved! But what's done is done. He said he felt uncomfortable asking me for the rings since we had a very rocky start to our relationship. He said that his mother is looking for a home for them to buy. I'm just a bit sad that she isn't going to use my rings.

    Michele in NC
  • DamitJanit
    DamitJanit Posts: 1,329 Member
    Call me crazy but I love to see other people happy and succeeding .

    Good Evening Ladies,

    Betty, yeppers I’d say that was a setback. smiley-sad016.gif Definitely do put on your oxygen mask first. I hope you see improvement soon.

    Katla, have a wonderful time visiting with your friends over dinner.

    CarolNC, your beach trip sounds heavenly. You enjoy!!!!!

    Karen, good for you for not eating everything in sight after your meeting with the jerk. Don’t ever let someone like that drive you to eating; just slug em’. Hee hee hee

    Heather, so glad it looks like the exchange date will be right around the corner. Was the rental furnished? I know you will be so happy when it’s over and we will be happy for you.

    , I love the pictures! In the first one, ya’ll stood in order by height. I love the last one with the dogs looking like they are waiting for a treat.

    CarolNC, I like your long skinny shadow, too. smiley-laughing004.gif

    , your trip to Rome sounds great. I often forget that you go from one country to another the way we go from one state to another. How cool.

    MicheleNC, when I made the cake with pumpkin I used a cinnamon coffee cake mix and it turned out great. If Denise wants your rings, maybe they could return his and use the money toward the house??? I can understand him not feeling comfortable asking you for yours.

    I hope all of you have a healthy and happy day. rose.gif

    Words I live by:
    Savor. I have to slow down and savor every bite.
    Opportunity. Each day offers new opportunities for good health and happiness if we just look for them and choose them.
    I Love you, smiley-love013.gif
    Myrtle Beach, SC
  • mtowne002
    mtowne002 Posts: 152 Member
    Hello ladies,
    Good start to my day at work but got a wicked tummy ache and Naseau so policy is home I go. My DD met up w me and paid her bills. I was pleased. She said she was doing good...Mumma worries tho. We held hands during the visit hugged and smooched cheeks a few times. I'm ready to let her go. I think.
    Spending my early evening doing some paring down in my pantry of stuff still in date I have no interest in using. DD took a few things the rest I will donate. Meanwhile I put some rice chicken thighs and marinated salmon to cook for meals this week. It feels really good to be getting prepared. I was going to roast some asparagus as well but frankly have never done it. I know I love Outbacks asparagus and I think they might use some beef broth in the pan or to baste it? Any advice girls? I tried some new spices on the chicken...smoked paprika and minced onion w a drizzle of sesame oil.

    Thank you everyone for the compliments on my home. My father and Grampy built it in 1954. It's super sturdy and has a lot of personal touches that went into the building of it. The floors are sure showing their age though and desperately need sanding and polishing! They are made of wide pine planks from trees on the property that Dad and Grampy milled. They're very soft and I want to hire an experienced sander but not sure when I will come up w the funds.

    Carol. Nice pics too I have always wanted to visit the Smokies on a more leisurely trip and stay at one of those rustic cabins.

    Ovens beeping. Goodnight everyone
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,976 Member
    The reason most people fail instead of succeed is that they trade what they want the MOST for what they want at the MOMENT.

    1056287i3zmwzup2m.gif Stats for today:
    18,000 steps
    113 minutes of dog walking
    43 minutes riding the exercise bike
    taught the line dance class

    smiley-sleep012.gif I am headed for bed later than usual because of rare evening event....I have no classes or appointments tomorrow so if I sleep late, it will be no big deal...tomorrow I will be posting the new thread for November so be looking for it in the evening....also checking to see how you did with your resolutions and goals for October and planning new ones (or repeating the old ones) for November.

    t110008.gif Barbie from beautiful NW Washington
  • fanncy0626
    fanncy0626 Posts: 7,152 Member
  • jmkmomm
    jmkmomm Posts: 3,247 Member
    Carol, I loved the pic of your sandals at the beach. And your skinny shadow was eat! It sounds like you have a plan to really de-stress. The beach and mountains are my favorite places to go also. Who knows, you might meet a nice guy down there.

    Barbie, I like it that you have worn the same costume for several years but girl, that pumpkin needs stuffing. Enjoy sleeping in tomorrow. Hope the dogs let you.

    Well I didn't have to get up and stay on hold this morning. Charlie pretty much knows his bowel schedule for the night and knew he would more than likely be up at 8 and he called. They wanted him to have a doppler study of his legs to see if he had any blood clots that would be making them swollen. I had already thought of that and had checked his pulses and the temperature of his legs and all seemed normal. The tech told him that she didn't see any and the complete report would come from our doctor. Well that was 10 AM that he had it. The place where he had it done is real good about having things read and dictated to doctor's offices the same day. Since they didn't call us with a report I assume it was normal. I don't know why any of the doctors aren't concerned about his blood pressure. So this afternoon we saw the GI guy. Well, no one sees the doctor, they see one of the many nurse practitioners. She examined him, saw that his belly is quite tender all over, did a swab of his stool. That understandably isn't comfortable but I told him it is nothing like a pelvic exam. Anyway, she said they would explore several things to see why he has so much diarrhea. Infection was the main thing. She ordered a general xray of his abdomen to see if he has an impaction. She said it would be a long shot but the xray would also show an enlarged colon to let them know some about the inflammation. He might have to change his IV infusion to a different medicine and he also may need to have another colonoscopy to have a good look see. So after that appointment we rushed over to the lab and xray place before they closed for the day.

    The xray place was giving out treats which was neat. They had a basket of 8 oz water, basket of healthy treats like animal cracker or granola bars and then a basket of regular candy. So you could have a nice choice.

    Charlie loves Halloween. He loves to see the kids in their costumes, act scared and let each and every child know what kind of candy we have and let them choose 3 pieces. Drives me crazy. Just reach into the bowl and give them a couple. He is thinking tomorrow of dividing each kind into a separate bowl. He was thinking there would be kids out today and Sunday! I can tell what he did for Halloween!

    We have early voting tomorrow so we are going to go vote.

    Joyce, Indiana

  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,685 Member
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    Heather: Yay! You have a closing date for your rental. I'm happy for you! :bigsmile: We'll have to hold a celebration when it is all done. Having something stressful gone from your life will be worth celebrating. :flowerforyou:

    Barbie: You are one cute pumpkin! The women in your dancing group look like an interesting and fun group. :bigsmile:

    Carol: I love the sandals in sand. I imagine you happy and at peace. I like your long skinny shadow, too. :smile:

    Irish Terri: I would love to know the recipe for chocolate apples. They are two of my favotrite things to snack on. (Just a little chocolate at a time.) :devil:

    Our friends came, talked our ears off, and have just gone home. It was good to see them. Michael is DS's Godfather. He was astonished to know DS is now 40. :noway: Tomorrow is Halloween, and I will be surprised if we have any trick-or-treaters here. There aren't any small children who live nearby. I have some candy, just in case. The candy I bought is individually wrapped and 50 calories or less per piece SO if I get stuck with it I can gradually use it over time without over doing it. :smiley: I'm looking forward to my riding lesson in the morning. Tomorrow there will be an obstacle course and there will be an unknown number of others there enjoying the fun. I'm looking forward to the challenge. Everyone will be gone long before dark and the horses will be home and safe from spooks and goblins. :devil:

    Katla in Beautiful NW Oregon

    “Our greatest weakness lies in giving up. The most certain way to succeed is always to try just one more time.” Thomas A. Edison

    October Goals :
    1. Log every bite and swallow.
    2. Cardio exercise at least 3 days a week. Work on flexibility and back strength.
    3. Have fun every day.
    4. Drink at least three glasses of water daily, preferably more!
    5. Eliminate alcohol.
    6. Monitor sleep. Try to average 7 or more hours of sleep nightly.

  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,385 Member
    DJ - I spoke to Pete today and mentioned that Denise always said that she wanted my rings. He wanted to get her something that supposedly shows her how much he loves her. To me, I told him I would be honored if she used my rings and (although I didn't say this to him) I would think that by using my rings it would send a message to Denise that he wants to share in our family, too. He feels that although she says she wants them, I can give them to her on her wedding day and she can wear them on another finger. No, I'm sorry, they aren't an afterthought. They're an heirloom,. It really hurts me in that I know that I won't be shopping with her for her wedding gown, it would be at least something that I can do. Yes, that money (hundreds of dollars) could have and to me should have been applied to something else like a new car she talked about needing or a home. But I guess he's going to do what he wants to do.

    Mindy - CopyKat recipes says that Outback uses original grilled hickory rubbed seasoning

    Joyce - Vince knows me and he knows that I just dig in and give each kid a HEAPING handfull of candy. And if there's a cute little baby who comes by -- that's it for me, that baby gets lots and lots. One of thoe hospitals by us will x-ray the candy.

    katla - good plan buying low cal candy!

    Michele in NC
  • dreamwriter
    dreamwriter Posts: 610 Member
    Irish Terri - Great job -3lbs and 21/2". Awesome.

    Cheri - I'm sorry you are caught in the middle trying to balance everyone out. Remember to care for yourself. Thank you for reminding me to use the light box.

    Sylvia - I do hope that your arteries are clear.
    Your DGS made me teary eyed. How sweet he is!

    Heather - Congrats to your DH on completion of his novel. Are you celebrating?

    Kim- It's wonderful that you were able to spend time with your nephew and provide some guidance.

    Vicki- Buying a winter coat that fits is a great NSV

    Carol - That is a delightful photo of your beach. I sat and drank in the calm for a few minutes.

    Allison - Fill up your own cup or you will have nothing for others. Sounds like time to practice some extreme self care.

    Karen - Good decision not to let some toad control your eating. Tell us anything, we're here for you.

    DH came home from hospital yesterday. Today he has been busy running all over town. Things we usually bundle into one trip he had divvied up into 5 trips. Yikes! I told him not to run me out of gas.
    He is already bored.

    I came home from work yesterday because of this stupid cold. My eyes were watering so bad that it looked like I had been out in the rain. I rested all day and all day today. Tomorrow I am attempting work because I can only imagine what my desk looks like.

    I am looking forward to seeing all the kidlets tomorrow. DGS is two face (I now know who that is) and DGD is Snow White. DD was busy all day with appointments and is booked right up tomorrow. I wish I knew how to post some of the faces she has done.xwfllp94mndf.jpg
    So I just put in a couple of the costumes from other years.
    Not dressing up this year. Just can't get into it which is weird for me.

    -Sharon in Lethbridge
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,342 Member
    Irish Terry - Have a lovely time in Rome. We were there 2 years ago doing all the ancient stuff. (I did A level Latin at school) Had such a great time. But I don't think you'll have to break out the summer clothes! A cold wind whistles down the Tiber! You could google the temps for mid November. You may be lucky and get nice weather. Hope so! :flowerforyou:

    Michele - I have to ask- why do you all use boxes of cake mix? It's not something we use. You can buy them, but I don't know anyone who does. But you all seem to use them all the time.

    We didn't have any trick or treaters last year, but two children have moved in next door, so they might call. Like Katla we have some wrapped sweets. I usually have one of those last thing in the evening and DH likes to have about five or six, so they can have a few of those. I give out the minimum possible as I don't like the idea of children having all that sugar. :noway: Yes, I'm a grinch! ! ! ! ! :s My brother, who is a very religious Baptist, doesn't celebrate Halloween. I'm just a health nut. :laugh:
    I could give out a carrot, I suppose! :D Don't know how well it would go down! ! ! ! ! :laugh:

    Carol - You are a very good photographer. It is something you have studied? Lovely spot. :)

    Mindy - I was very taken with your lovely house and neighbourhood. Just the kind of place I would love to rent if I came over for a prolonged stay. Kind of picture book USA. Some others on here have traditional houses, Pip, Miriam I think. I really fancy those New England clapboard houses.
    I have been watching some TV programmes about buying real estate in Florida. Very good value compared to over here. :noway: You would definitely be shocked by the house prices in the UK, especially in the South. A $200, 000 house in Florida would be $2, 000, 000 or much more. Houses are cheaper in the north, but there are expensive pockets. Any where that's nice is pricey. In Europe prices are generally much cheaper, especially Spain and Portugal. We have a lot of programmes about people moving out there or buying holiday homes. I'm a bit of an addict! ! ! !
    That addiction is what lead me into buying my tiny rental. Big mistake. Reality is not the same as the TV. :laugh: Found out I hated it. Hated looking after it. Can't wait for it all to be over and I can get back to fantasy. ROFL.

    Cup of tea calls. Love Heather UK
  • Lagopus
    Lagopus Posts: 1,016 Member
    edited October 2015
    Thanks for reminding me Heather. Yeah, cake mixes are common in the US. Things may have changed now that artisanal baking is fashionable, but when I was growing up I didn't know anyone who made baked goods from scratch. Cookies, yes, but not cakes, pastry or bread. My (Swedish) brother in law studied at Cornell University back in the 1970s and astounded everyone by making a raisin cake from scratch and without a recipe. He attracted a long string of girlfriends that way. :blush:

    I've had a fair night's sleep and will shortly be heading out to see the grandkids :love:

    Post y'all later!
    /Penny, soon to be home at the emoticon-object-026.gif