Significant other and their habits..Break up or Suck it up??



  • Ninkyou
    Ninkyou Posts: 6,666 Member
    Wow. Just... wow.

    I really feel bad for your SO. How difficult must it be for him to live with a woman with such high expectations that his poop doesn't smell.

    I'm sorry OP, but you're waaaaay out of line. You're willing to throw away a 15 year relationship over HIS dietary choices? That's ridiculous. Absolutely ridiculous.

  • VeryKatie
    VeryKatie Posts: 5,952 Member
    That is a TERRIBLE reason to abandon your SO. I feel so bad for him for having such a selfish woman in his life who is willing to break up with him for something she should never have expected from him at all.
  • LastingChanges
    LastingChanges Posts: 390 Member
    edited October 2015
    Has anyone here had to deal with a significant other who just isn't "heading the same direction" I have become a vegetarian, trying to go vegan eventually.And my SO just keeps on eating meat.I have changed so much that just the thought of kissing someone who has chewed on meat kind of grosses me out.It has made me actually reconsider if this person should even be in my life.And let's not even mention the way the bathroom smells after they use it.(I am sorry if it sounds gross, but dead carcass coming out smells worse than going in! And my children are also vegetarian and the only time the home reeks is when the SO is here..15 years is what I have in the relationship, but after all this is my health and my life and I want someone who is at least CLOSE to heading my direction. And my SO generally likes "bigger" women which I am planning on NOT being ever again.Am I being too harsh or does anyone else have an opinion? Thanks ~~Kissimmee Disney~~~~ <3

    I think there are other issues here besides the different eating "habits". I think sometimes when you lose interest in someone random things that usually wouldn't matter become big problems. Maybe you lost interest in him in general and are using the differences in diet as an excuse or it is something that irritates you on top of a relationship that is already failing.
  • Liftng4Lis
    Liftng4Lis Posts: 15,150 Member
    PikaKnight wrote: »
    I feel really bad for the guy. OP, please break up with him so he can find someone better.

    Just wow.


  • rbee2015
    rbee2015 Posts: 50 Member
    What if you change your mind about vegan/vegetarianism in the future? Don't end a 15 year relationship over food preferences, I see major regret written all over your future, if you do.
  • senecarr
    senecarr Posts: 5,377 Member
    I guess the real issue is, why can't you just buy some lysol air spray? Is your husband both against vegetarianism and against taking 2 seconds to spray the air while using the bathroom?
  • MommyL2015
    MommyL2015 Posts: 1,411 Member
    They say true love is blind. I believe that. Ending your relationship because of his food choices? Sure doesn't sound like a lot of love going on there.
  • saitiffeh
    saitiffeh Posts: 251 Member
    edited October 2015
    You're even forcing your kids to be vegetarian?


    This post isn't turning out the way you had hoped, is it?
    He married you as a meat-eater. That is what he expected from the marriage. YOU changed. That isn't HIS fault, so you don't need to act like it is.
  • PrizePopple
    PrizePopple Posts: 3,133 Member
    I'd like to point out that she's not married to him, and it doesn't even sound like they live together as she says "the only time the home reeks is when the SO is here". I'm thinking he's dodging a bullet on both counts there.
  • queenliz99
    queenliz99 Posts: 15,317 Member
    Perhaps you need a better bathroom fan!
  • senecarr
    senecarr Posts: 5,377 Member
    I'd like to point out that she's not married to him, and it doesn't even sound like they live together as she says "the only time the home reeks is when the SO is here". I'm thinking he's dodging a bullet on both counts there.
    15 years + kids, but not living together? Lot more going on than who's poop stinks.
    I'll also point out, the OP's language doesn't even say it is a him. Also, she refers to the kids as her kids, not their kids, so maybe the kids aren't the SO's?
  • PrizePopple
    PrizePopple Posts: 3,133 Member
    senecarr wrote: »
    I'd like to point out that she's not married to him, and it doesn't even sound like they live together as she says "the only time the home reeks is when the SO is here". I'm thinking he's dodging a bullet on both counts there.
    15 years + kids, but not living together? Lot more going on than who's poop stinks.
    I'll also point out, the OP's language doesn't even say it is a him. Also, she refers to the kids as her kids, not their kids, so maybe the kids aren't the SO's?

    That would be my guess.
  • random5483
    random5483 Posts: 63 Member
    When we make a lifestyle change, we can expect our SOs to be supportive of our change. But we cannot expect them to conform completely to it. There is always a "healthier" way to live. I think you are expecting more than just support and want your SO to completely adopt your lifestyle. I don't think that is reasonable. Many people post here about how their friends and family are unfairly judging them for their change in lifestyle. Your post comes off as you unfairly judging your SO for not conforming to your new lifestyle.

    15 years is a long time and breaking up over something like this after 15 years seems extreme. However, if your relationship is in a deteriorated state where you would consider this, perhaps it is better to end it now.
  • senecarr
    senecarr Posts: 5,377 Member
    senecarr wrote: »
    I'd like to point out that she's not married to him, and it doesn't even sound like they live together as she says "the only time the home reeks is when the SO is here". I'm thinking he's dodging a bullet on both counts there.
    15 years + kids, but not living together? Lot more going on than who's poop stinks.
    I'll also point out, the OP's language doesn't even say it is a him. Also, she refers to the kids as her kids, not their kids, so maybe the kids aren't the SO's?

    Impossible. It has to be a man. Girls don't poop.
    Then it would seem the smell being worse when the SO visits would exist regardless of diet.
  • PrizePopple
    PrizePopple Posts: 3,133 Member
    senecarr wrote: »
    I'd like to point out that she's not married to him, and it doesn't even sound like they live together as she says "the only time the home reeks is when the SO is here". I'm thinking he's dodging a bullet on both counts there.
    15 years + kids, but not living together? Lot more going on than who's poop stinks.
    I'll also point out, the OP's language doesn't even say it is a him. Also, she refers to the kids as her kids, not their kids, so maybe the kids aren't the SO's?

    Impossible. It has to be a man. Girls don't poop.

    Crap. I never got that memo. No wonder The Man looks at me with such disgust after I walk out of the bathroom saying "Daaammn, don't go in there for awhile". :#
  • kommodevaran
    kommodevaran Posts: 17,890 Member
    That doesn't sound healthy, and I'm not talking about your husband's eating habits.
  • Lounmoun
    Lounmoun Posts: 8,426 Member
    Has anyone here had to deal with a significant other who just isn't "heading the same direction" I have become a vegetarian, trying to go vegan eventually.And my SO just keeps on eating meat.I have changed so much that just the thought of kissing someone who has chewed on meat kind of grosses me out.It has made me actually reconsider if this person should even be in my life.And let's not even mention the way the bathroom smells after they use it.(I am sorry if it sounds gross, but dead carcass coming out smells worse than going in! And my children are also vegetarian and the only time the home reeks is when the SO is here..15 years is what I have in the relationship, but after all this is my health and my life and I want someone who is at least CLOSE to heading my direction. And my SO generally likes "bigger" women which I am planning on NOT being ever again.Am I being too harsh or does anyone else have an opinion? Thanks ~~Kissimmee Disney~~~~ <3

    Get a scented candle or some air freshener. Get some professional relationship counseling.

    15 years is a lot of history together I would assume. I'd have an open, honest conversation with your SO about your changes and how you both feel about it. It may be that your relationship is done because you both want different things. I don't know.