


  • SLLRunner
    SLLRunner Posts: 12,942 Member
    Guy weighs 800 pounds and only loses 20 over the course of 2+ months while in a program specifically designed to help him lose weight? There's no way this was his first transgression. His father is definitely part of the problem.

  • JustSomeEm
    JustSomeEm Posts: 20,242 MFP Moderator
    15. Divisive Topics Are Better Suited For Groups, Not the Main Forums

    Divisive topics and posts, particularly those that seek input from or are relevant only to a select group of users, are better placed within an appropriate Group rather than the Main Forums. For example, topics relevant to only one religion should not be placed on the main forums but rather within a group related to that religion.

    Hi guys!

    Due to the above guideline, I had to delete a really interesting 'side-bar' discussion out of this thread. Divisive topics (like politics, religion, etc) tend to cause arguments on the forums and should be kept to groups. Rather than close this discussion down, I went on a huge delete spree. In some (a few) cases I was able to edit posts to remove content, but thanks to the multi-quote thing Vanilla does (where ALL the quotes inside of a quoted post come over too), I ended up having to remove some posts that weren't in conflict with the above guideline simply because they had quoted (somewhere along the line) a post that did have to be removed. Nearly 60 posts in this discussion were deleted, so it would have taken forever (no really, forever) to check/find each quote and edit posts... so I only did that with the easy ones (because I have to head to work... should have left already).

    Anyway, please keep this discussion off of politics. If you'd like to have a political discussion here, please find or create a group for it.

    I hope you guys are having an awesome Friday!
  • elphie754
    elphie754 Posts: 7,574 Member
    Kalikel wrote: »
    The CHEAT meal got him into trouble!

    "He (Assanti) tells ABC6 he lost over 20 pounds. To reward himself for that small victory, he decided to have a "cheat meal," ordering a pizza from his favorite spot, Tommy's, in Cranston.


    No, everyone who diets doesn't do that. Pizza is part of the program for some, but not for all.

    If he wants to eat Tommy's pizza, then he should do that, but not waste the time of experts who are trying to help him learn to be a healthier person.

    I dislike the way they're trying to make this the hospital's fault.

    If it's a voluntary thing, not a locked unit where rules are enforced, then people have to agree to abide by the rules. If not, out they go. Make room for someone who wants to be there and do what they're told is best.

    This guy needs to be on a locked psych unit where he gets professional help and where rules are enforced, so he cannot order pizza. His "I'll just drive around until someone helps me" dad obviously cannot help him and his problems are big ones.

    100% this.

    The have locked psych wards for other eating disorders (anorexia/bulimia), drug addictions, mental disorders and such. I would say this is a situation where a locked ward would be beneficial, however it should be a voluntary commitment into such ward.
  • flaminica
    flaminica Posts: 304 Member
    elphie754 wrote: »
    Kalikel wrote: »
    The CHEAT meal got him into trouble!

    "He (Assanti) tells ABC6 he lost over 20 pounds. To reward himself for that small victory, he decided to have a "cheat meal," ordering a pizza from his favorite spot, Tommy's, in Cranston.


    No, everyone who diets doesn't do that. Pizza is part of the program for some, but not for all.

    If he wants to eat Tommy's pizza, then he should do that, but not waste the time of experts who are trying to help him learn to be a healthier person.

    I dislike the way they're trying to make this the hospital's fault.

    If it's a voluntary thing, not a locked unit where rules are enforced, then people have to agree to abide by the rules. If not, out they go. Make room for someone who wants to be there and do what they're told is best.

    This guy needs to be on a locked psych unit where he gets professional help and where rules are enforced, so he cannot order pizza. His "I'll just drive around until someone helps me" dad obviously cannot help him and his problems are big ones.

    100% this.

    The have locked psych wards for other eating disorders (anorexia/bulimia), drug addictions, mental disorders and such. I would say this is a situation where a locked ward would be beneficial, however it should be a voluntary commitment into such ward.

    This was my first reaction as well.

    Playing the blame game is unproductive in general, but in this case there's more than enough to go around for everyone to share it. Someone who got to 800 lbs has a serious eating disorder and should have been in a strictly institutionalised environment to monitor intake. I can absolutely distribute some blame to the hospital. He occupied a bed for three months with no useful results and they let him. He ordered food into his room on (probably) a daily basis and the reception staff waved it through. The nursing staff must have seen him eating it because maintaining that much weight would require eating for several hours a day. They also did nothing. Presumably the administrators were happy to collect the insurance company's fee for the bed for 90 days then booted him out when the cheques stopped arriving.

    So the insurance company got its premiums, the hospital got its fees and the patient paid out several hundred thousand dollars for less weight loss than a co-ed doing Jenny Craig. He's the big loser but being mentally ill it feels cruel to lay too much culpability on him. He needs the right hospital environment, not a cynical cash-grab clinic, major psych therapy and he needs his enabling family well away from him.
  • GaleHawkins
    GaleHawkins Posts: 8,159 Member
    The sad thing this guy can not live in an SUV for years to come. I was talking to a guy that smokes and one doctor told him if he did not stop smoking that he would stop seeing him. It seems doctors are in their right to withhold service after the patient proves to be noncompliant.

    I to not get the going on TV/news media part even if there was $$$ involved.
  • ColinsMommaOC
    ColinsMommaOC Posts: 296 Member
    The sad thing this guy can not live in an SUV for years to come. I was talking to a guy that smokes and one doctor told him if he did not stop smoking that he would stop seeing him. It seems doctors are in their right to withhold service after the patient proves to be noncompliant.

    I to not get the going on TV/news media part even if there was $$$ involved.

    As someone that works in media, yes there was most likely a cash payout given to the father/son in return for their story. So the guy got paid to badmouth a hospital that kicked him out (rightfully IMO) for violating the terms of his agreement.

    To the people that think we should continue to fund this man's (NOT BOY/KID) hospitalization;
    Programs like these are generally run on public funding with some supplementation from donations. They ask for applicants to fill the 5-20ish spots in the program that they have available. They get hundreds of applications and only take as many as they can before putting the rest on the wait-list or outright rejecting them. The out of pocket cost for the person applying is generally nothing to very minimal amounts. He was given 3 months to show that he was committed to the program and making an effort. He failed. Why some people would have those hundreds of wait-listed people continue to wait so this self-centered spoiled MAN can continue to cheat and not care about the program is beyond me. Does this man need help? Yes. Should we continue to give him help after he repeatedly showed not only that he did not want the help, but a contempt for the help he was getting? Absolutely not.
  • jgnatca
    jgnatca Posts: 14,464 Member
    As the relative of mentally ill family members, involuntary incarceration is a big deal. One has to prove that the person is not able to make informed decisions about their own health. Even though this man's thinking about food is disordered, is he delusional about the consequences if he continues to eat this way?
  • elphie754
    elphie754 Posts: 7,574 Member
    edited October 2015
    The sad thing this guy can not live in an SUV for years to come. I was talking to a guy that smokes and one doctor told him if he did not stop smoking that he would stop seeing him. It seems doctors are in their right to withhold service after the patient proves to be noncompliant.
    I to not get the going on TV/news media part even if there was $$$ involved.

    Yes and no. A primary care doctor and specialists are not required to accept every pt that seeks their services, although it is rather rare. The one exception is emergency care. There is a law called EMTALA (emergency medical treatment and active labor act) which states that a person has the right to receive medical attention and stabilazation for an emergency or if they are in labor.
  • DeguelloTex
    DeguelloTex Posts: 6,652 Member
    jgnatca wrote: »
    As the relative of mentally ill family members, involuntary incarceration is a big deal. One has to prove that the person is not able to make informed decisions about their own health. Even though this man's thinking about food is disordered, is he delusional about the consequences if he continues to eat this way?
    If he's not delusional, at what point does he become lucidly suicidal?

  • jgnatca
    jgnatca Posts: 14,464 Member
    Lots of people are killing themselves slowly. There's COPD patients still smoking, diabetics with tingling toes letting their sugars run rampant, alcoholics with liver disease, and bankrupt gamblers. I think we can delude ourselves for quite a while that we can still pull out of the death-spiral, after one more hit....compulsions are powerful things.

    Here's a man who has habitually rewarded himself with food. He achieved a milestone, and he went straight to the reliable reward.
  • atypicalsmith
    atypicalsmith Posts: 2,742 Member
    Unfortunately, mental illness seems to be at the bottom of the list of health/governmental services. My thinking is that obese people are at the bottom of the list, as they could not physically go out and do a mass shooting. I personally don't get why the obese people's families are contributing to this. Someone mentioned the son would scream and disturb the neighbors to coerce his father into getting the food he wanted. Well, let him scream. Let the neighbors call the police. Let the police arrest him. Let the landlord kick them out. BUT STOP BUYING/FEEDING HIM FOOD OVER X NUMBER OF CALORIES! That is, if the father cares about him. Sounds like he doesn't, putting him into one hospital after another. Mental illness should be the top priority of health care these days.
  • Azuriaz
    Azuriaz Posts: 785 Member
    jgnatca wrote: »
    As the relative of mentally ill family members, involuntary incarceration is a big deal. One has to prove that the person is not able to make informed decisions about their own health. Even though this man's thinking about food is disordered, is he delusional about the consequences if he continues to eat this way?

    Not in Florida. That Baker Act! I have a thunderstorm phobia. It's rather silly, but I won't go near Florida in case a public display of hyperventilating terror causes some concerned stranger to have me taken away in one of those nifty jackets with the tie-tie sleeves. :#
  • jgnatca
    jgnatca Posts: 14,464 Member
    Is it a mental illness to be overridden by a compulsion like over-eating? Sure, they are killing themselves. But it's legal and voluntary. Like smoking and drinking.

    As for the enabling family, I believe the bedridden is well-practiced in the powers of coercion, and the family members conditioned to respond. An "unhealthy" symbiotic relationship if you will.
  • Azuriaz
    Azuriaz Posts: 785 Member
    Unfortunately, mental illness seems to be at the bottom of the list of health/governmental services. My thinking is that obese people are at the bottom of the list, as they could not physically go out and do a mass shooting. I personally don't get why the obese people's families are contributing to this. Someone mentioned the son would scream and disturb the neighbors to coerce his father into getting the food he wanted. Well, let him scream. Let the neighbors call the police. Let the police arrest him. Let the landlord kick them out. BUT STOP BUYING/FEEDING HIM FOOD OVER X NUMBER OF CALORIES! That is, if the father cares about him. Sounds like he doesn't, putting him into one hospital after another. Mental illness should be the top priority of health care these days.

    I would agree with you, but seeing as our top shrinks in the USA helped our government torture people, maybe some of them need help first.
  • Kalikel
    Kalikel Posts: 9,603 Member
    I think jgnatcha is talking about permanent commitment to a state facility, not just a quickie lock-up. If you throw a fit of crazy in McDonald's and they call the cops and the cops see the crazy and cannot stop it, they're going to take you to the hospital, where you'll be locked in a psych unit. Nobody has to go to court.

    At least one person got locked up after threatening to kill themselves and others on a board much like this one. They had no idea it could be traced, but the cops showed up at the door and took them to the psych unit (where they really belonged.)

    You can be locked up for any number of crazy things. Being permanently committed takes some work. A lot of people have to say, "This person cannot function in society and is a danger to themselves and/or others." But a quickie commitment is nothing and happens like 1000 times a day, every day.
  • Azuriaz
    Azuriaz Posts: 785 Member
    Kalikel wrote: »
    I think jgnatcha is talking about permanent commitment to a state facility, not just a quickie lock-up. If you throw a fit of crazy in McDonald's and they call the cops and the cops see the crazy and cannot stop it, they're going to take you to the hospital, where you'll be locked in a psych unit. Nobody has to go to court.

    At least one person got locked up after threatening to kill themselves and others on a board much like this one. They had no idea it could be traced, but the cops showed up at the door and took them to the psych unit (where they really belonged.)

    You can be locked up for any number of crazy things. Being permanently committed takes some work. A lot of people have to say, "This person cannot function in society and is a danger to themselves and/or others." But a quickie commitment is nothing and happens like 1000 times a day, every day.

    Ah, okay. Still, I imagine even a 'quickie' visit to the psych ward must be terrifying. I don't intend to risk it for anything in the world. Too much to live for out here, with all you other lovely free range crazies. ;)
  • Azuriaz
    Azuriaz Posts: 785 Member
    Okay, I started to derail this, I should repent and get back on subject:

    Let's say they get this guy to check himself in on the condition that he waives his right to come and go freely or to get food from any source besides his dietitian. And then he dies after begging and pleading for food and saying he was starving literally to death. Lawsuit city. I do get that facilities are in a mess when they treat anyone against his or her will.
  • Traveler120
    Traveler120 Posts: 712 Member
    Being 800 lbs is surely worse than death.
  • Kalikel
    Kalikel Posts: 9,603 Member
    Azuriaz wrote: »
    Okay, I started to derail this, I should repent and get back on subject:

    Let's say they get this guy to check himself in on the condition that he waives his right to come and go freely or to get food from any source besides his dietitian. And then he dies after begging and pleading for food and saying he was starving literally to death. Lawsuit city. I do get that facilities are in a mess when they treat anyone against his or her will.
    People are treated against their will ever day. Like I said, it happens about one thousand times a day, every day. That's not new territory in the world of psychiatric treatment. Even if you enter voluntarily, they can keep you there against your will if they decide they need to do that.

    We lock up anorexics, but they really cannot think clearly because the starving has messed up their brains.

    There is lots of talk about making obesity a mental illness, but IMO, it won't go anywhere. Some people have medical issues. Some very high-up lawyers and politicians are fat. They'd fight it, for sure.

    I don't know. If we can label those who starve with EDs, can we label those who eat too much? People with BED are already labeled. So, why not the obese?

    I don't know. You keep going with that and eventually, everyone who eats pizza is now mentally ill, lol. It is for smarter people than me to decide how to work that out...or whether it even should be worked out.

    As far as this guy goes, though, I'd bet there is more going on than just an eating disorder. He needs help with more than his diet.
  • Azuriaz
    Azuriaz Posts: 785 Member
    Kalikel wrote: »
    Azuriaz wrote: »
    Okay, I started to derail this, I should repent and get back on subject:

    Let's say they get this guy to check himself in on the condition that he waives his right to come and go freely or to get food from any source besides his dietitian. And then he dies after begging and pleading for food and saying he was starving literally to death. Lawsuit city. I do get that facilities are in a mess when they treat anyone against his or her will.
    People are treated against their will ever day. Like I said, it happens about one thousand times a day, every day. That's not new territory in the world of psychiatric treatment. Even if you enter voluntarily, they can keep you there against your will if they decide they need to do that.

    We lock up anorexics, but they really cannot think clearly because the starving has messed up their brains.

    There is lots of talk about making obesity a mental illness, but IMO, it won't go anywhere. Some people have medical issues. Some very high-up lawyers and politicians are fat. They'd fight it, for sure.

    I don't know. If we can label those who starve with EDs, can we label those who eat too much? People with BED are already labeled. So, why not the obese?

    I don't know. You keep going with that and eventually, everyone who eats pizza is now mentally ill, lol. It is for smarter people than me to decide how to work that out...or whether it even should be worked out.

    As far as this guy goes, though, I'd bet there is more going on than just an eating disorder. He needs help with more than his diet.

    I agree your slippery slope isn't all that slippery. It's plausible. I agree he needs far more than help with his eating (most likely).

    I don't want to derail further, so I'll just say the mental health field isn't where I personally think it needs to be to treat a lot of things it does treat against a patient's will, so I suppose for now the less power that 'industry' has the better. At the same time, I don't like the idea of a human being dying because he can get pizza into his hospital room. I guess I'm torn.