Diet soda? Really that bad?



  • Sued0nim
    Sued0nim Posts: 17,456 Member
    rabbitjb wrote: »
    ReeseG4350 wrote: »
    Here's the drill. Your body does not know the difference between "real" sugar and "artificial" (chemically compounded) sugar. It responds the same way regardless. "artificial" sugars will cause fluctuations in insulin as well as trigger those 'sugar cravings' so many 'sugar junkies' (of which I am one) suffer.
    The only way I have found to minimize (NOTE: Not eliminate) sugars from my diet is to switch to flavored water. Granted, there is a modicum of the artificial, chemically compounded version of sugar in every drink, but it is actually better than the sodas I used to drink. Can't remember the last time I had a soda. Don't miss them anymore.

    And, here's a sad note for you. With the proliferation of soft drinks around the globe, a study tracking the introduction of the syrupy sweet, carbonated beverages around the world found a direct correlation between the introduction of soft drinks and the increase of obesity in the society. And, it didn't seem to matter whether the consumer was drinking diet or regular sodas. The upshot of that? Don't know the full analysis but the soda-drinking itself is not the only culprit. But it does seem to trigger a domino effect of dietary habit breakdown. What is happening in the body that tends to create the lifestyle and/or habits that tend to make so many consumers of soft drinks become overweight to obese? We don't yet know. But we are still investigating.

    Now... if I can just get through this holiday sugar-fest!!!

    You may not realise but Protein causes fluctuations in insulin too

    I sometimes wonder whether people understand what insulin is for in the body

    Where's that chart correlating increase in sugar and decrease in obesity rates in USA in the last decade?

    Edit to say found it


    LOL. Strike that ..switch it around ...carry on
  • BeaUtiful_1413
    BeaUtiful_1413 Posts: 200 Member
    I don't keep soda in my house if I get thirsty it's water and if I want something sweet I make homemade sweet green tea! But every now and then I'll slip and drink 1. But I looked up on YouTube cooking soda! This guy cooks it and it shows how much sugar is in pop. There really is no difference from diet and regular soda! There both bad
  • stevencloser
    stevencloser Posts: 8,911 Member
    I don't keep soda in my house if I get thirsty it's water and if I want something sweet I make homemade sweet green tea! But every now and then I'll slip and drink 1. But I looked up on YouTube cooking soda! This guy cooks it and it shows how much sugar is in pop. There really is no difference from diet and regular soda! There both bad

    No, there's a pretty big difference between diet and regular soda. About a 100 kcal difference per glass first and foremost.
  • blues4miles
    blues4miles Posts: 1,481 Member
    ki4eld wrote: »
    Except for Diet Mt Dew, which just tastes like battery acid and orange juice strained through a little meth,

    That must be why I like it so much.

    I can't drink regular soda anymore. It tastes like drinking maple syrup or something, too sticky and does not quench my thirst. Diet Dew is my fave followed by Diet Coke. Used to be a big Diet Pepsi fan but their sweetener change has thrown off the taste to me and I can't adapt to change. During the week I drink caffeine free diet coke (so like, flavored carbonated water?) so that the caffeine does not throw off my sleep cycle. I drink 1-2 cups of coffee in the mornings too every day. I don't believe there's anything 'bad' about diet soda, or that it's any worse than any of the other 'crap' I consume on a regular basis. You can have my diet soda when you pry it from my cold, dead hands.

  • T1DCarnivoreRunner
    T1DCarnivoreRunner Posts: 11,502 Member
    ReeseG4350 wrote: »
    Here's the drill. Your body does not know the difference between "real" sugar and "artificial" (chemically compounded) sugar. It responds the same way regardless. "artificial" sugars will cause fluctuations in insulin as well as trigger those 'sugar cravings' so many 'sugar junkies' (of which I am one) suffer.
    The only way I have found to minimize (NOTE: Not eliminate) sugars from my diet is to switch to flavored water. Granted, there is a modicum of the artificial, chemically compounded version of sugar in every drink, but it is actually better than the sodas I used to drink. Can't remember the last time I had a soda. Don't miss them anymore.

    And, here's a sad note for you. With the proliferation of soft drinks around the globe, a study tracking the introduction of the syrupy sweet, carbonated beverages around the world found a direct correlation between the introduction of soft drinks and the increase of obesity in the society. And, it didn't seem to matter whether the consumer was drinking diet or regular sodas. The upshot of that? Don't know the full analysis but the soda-drinking itself is not the only culprit. But it does seem to trigger a domino effect of dietary habit breakdown. What is happening in the body that tends to create the lifestyle and/or habits that tend to make so many consumers of soft drinks become overweight to obese? We don't yet know. But we are still investigating.

    Now... if I can just get through this holiday sugar-fest!!!

    Nice try, but you are wrong. Your pancreas does not take its cues for insulin production from taste buds. If that were the case, people drinking diet soda (except type 1 diabetics) will become hypoglycemic after consumption. How many people do you know about who went to the ER or to the morgue because diet soda-induced hypoglycemia?
  • juggernaut1974
    juggernaut1974 Posts: 6,212 Member
    edited December 2015
    rabbitjb wrote: »
    rabbitjb wrote: »
    ReeseG4350 wrote: »
    Here's the drill. Your body does not know the difference between "real" sugar and "artificial" (chemically compounded) sugar. It responds the same way regardless. "artificial" sugars will cause fluctuations in insulin as well as trigger those 'sugar cravings' so many 'sugar junkies' (of which I am one) suffer.
    The only way I have found to minimize (NOTE: Not eliminate) sugars from my diet is to switch to flavored water. Granted, there is a modicum of the artificial, chemically compounded version of sugar in every drink, but it is actually better than the sodas I used to drink. Can't remember the last time I had a soda. Don't miss them anymore.

    And, here's a sad note for you. With the proliferation of soft drinks around the globe, a study tracking the introduction of the syrupy sweet, carbonated beverages around the world found a direct correlation between the introduction of soft drinks and the increase of obesity in the society. And, it didn't seem to matter whether the consumer was drinking diet or regular sodas. The upshot of that? Don't know the full analysis but the soda-drinking itself is not the only culprit. But it does seem to trigger a domino effect of dietary habit breakdown. What is happening in the body that tends to create the lifestyle and/or habits that tend to make so many consumers of soft drinks become overweight to obese? We don't yet know. But we are still investigating.

    Now... if I can just get through this holiday sugar-fest!!!

    You may not realise but Protein causes fluctuations in insulin too

    I sometimes wonder whether people understand what insulin is for in the body

    Where's that chart correlating increase in sugar and decrease in obesity rates in USA in the last decade?

    Edit to say found it


    LOL. Strike that ..switch it around ...carry on


  • Nuke_64
    Nuke_64 Posts: 406 Member
    edited December 2015
    I love my Coke zero and tend to drink 4 or more a day. I see no problem with this for me but I struggle with the example I am setting for my daugher. We try to encourage her to drink only water. She gets milk at meals and one serving or less of juice a day. If I had my way, I'd cut out all the milk and juice but I can't convince her mother of that.

    She gets Sprite on rare occasions including Sprite Zero. I am thinking it would be better to replace her milk and juice with diet sodas but I know most would probably disagree with giving diet soda to a 5 year old--but there is no science supporting such a ban. For now, I just try to limit my soda consumption around her.

    To pre-empt the pro milk responses, please refer to this:

  • stevencloser
    stevencloser Posts: 8,911 Member
    edited December 2015
    I shall not refer to a youtube video, thank you very much. Some research would be nice.

    Also that's a new one. Diet soda is fine but milk is the devil. Can't say I've seen that combo before.
  • Nuke_64
    Nuke_64 Posts: 406 Member
    edited December 2015
    (Deleted as not want to derail thread on the need or want to click on videos)
  • VykkDraygoVPR
    VykkDraygoVPR Posts: 465 Member
    Azexas wrote: »
    cwolfman13 wrote: »
    i find that diet soda is bad in the taste department for sure...

    This is what I find also. I'm not a huge fan of the flavor of diet soda. Esp Diet Mountain Dew. I wan tto know what villain thought that one up.

    Hey, I'm drinking a diet Mtn Dew right now. GRANTED! the ones made with real sugar are the best, but this hits the spot on the occasion I want it. Now, if only they offered Live Wire made with sugar...

    Ha! I've found Diet Mtn Dew to be one of the very few diet sodas I've found palatable. Some of the sugar-free Monsters are relatively inoffensive.

    Not a huge fan of the diet Monster products (they are OK), but I like sugar free Rockstar. I actually prefer it to the (cloyingly sweet) normal version. I also like Rockstar Recovery, or Monster Rehab. 20 calories for a can isn't bad, and I like lemonade.

    Energy drinks make me jittery though, so I don't drink them often. I was drinking way too many of them a few years ago. I mean, I used to eat Skittles, and a sugar free Rockstar as lunch for several days a week. Would not recommend (though I would still do it if I could get them from the vending machines on our floor).
  • stevencloser
    stevencloser Posts: 8,911 Member
    Then you cite it please on here, I don't want to give that video any clicks.
  • stevencloser
    stevencloser Posts: 8,911 Member
    Or actually, maybe make a thread so we don't derail this one about soda.
  • BuddhaB0y
    BuddhaB0y Posts: 199 Member
    I hate the taste of diet soda, but I love the fizzy bubbles... So I drink Diet Coke now to satisfy the craving for bubbles. I used to drink a ton of sugary pop, but managed to stop cold turkey.
  • ki4eld
    ki4eld Posts: 1,215 Member
    ki4eld wrote: »
    Except for Diet Mt Dew, which just tastes like battery acid and orange juice strained through a little meth,

    That must be why I like it so much.

    I can't drink regular soda anymore. It tastes like drinking maple syrup or something, too sticky and does not quench my thirst. Diet Dew is my fave followed by Diet Coke. Used to be a big Diet Pepsi fan but their sweetener change has thrown off the taste to me and I can't adapt to change. During the week I drink caffeine free diet coke (so like, flavored carbonated water?) so that the caffeine does not throw off my sleep cycle. I drink 1-2 cups of coffee in the mornings too every day. I don't believe there's anything 'bad' about diet soda, or that it's any worse than any of the other 'crap' I consume on a regular basis. You can have my diet soda when you pry it from my cold, dead hands.

    We need to party together.

    That is all.
  • ReeseG4350
    ReeseG4350 Posts: 146 Member
    rabbitjb wrote: »
    You may not realise but Protein causes fluctuations in insulin too

    I sometimes wonder whether people understand what insulin is for in the body

    Where's that chart correlating increase in sugar and decrease in obesity rates in USA in the last decade?
    (The study you cite is flawed. (Even the USDA admits as much.)) There is no correlation, overall, of specific individuals' changes in sugar consumption vs weight. This also allows no consideration of the increase in obesity worldwide as compared to increased soft drink/high sugar consumption.

    Nice try, but you are wrong. Your pancreas does not take its cues for insulin production from taste buds. If that were the case, people drinking diet soda (except type 1 diabetics) will become hypoglycemic after consumption. How many people do you know about who went to the ER or to the morgue because diet soda-induced hypoglycemia?

    Yes. Protein does cause fluctuations in insulin. Pretty much everything you consume is broken down into sugars in your system during processing. Sugar is actually a nutrient and the body needs a certain amount of that to function properly. Sugars, even artificial ones, are processed in the body as sugar. The difference is "real" sugars are converted into energy to be used by the body. Artificial sugars are not. Those artificial sugars 'confuse' the body (for lack of a better word). And, no, it's got nothing to do with the taste buds, it's how the body and the brain respond to the cues.

    And, no, the pancreas does not "...take its cues for insulin production from the taste buds." It is far more complex than that.

    I'm not telling you to not drink diet soda. If that helps you to maintain your diet and your calorie consumption, then good for you. I'm just saying...
    All calories are NOT created equal.
  • ReeseG4350
    ReeseG4350 Posts: 146 Member
    Also that's a new one. Diet soda is fine but milk is the devil. Can't say I've seen that combo before.

  • stevencloser
    stevencloser Posts: 8,911 Member
    ReeseG4350 wrote: »
    rabbitjb wrote: »
    You may not realise but Protein causes fluctuations in insulin too

    I sometimes wonder whether people understand what insulin is for in the body

    Where's that chart correlating increase in sugar and decrease in obesity rates in USA in the last decade?
    (The study you cite is flawed. (Even the USDA admits as much.)) There is no correlation, overall, of specific individuals' changes in sugar consumption vs weight. This also allows no consideration of the increase in obesity worldwide as compared to increased soft drink/high sugar consumption.

    Nice try, but you are wrong. Your pancreas does not take its cues for insulin production from taste buds. If that were the case, people drinking diet soda (except type 1 diabetics) will become hypoglycemic after consumption. How many people do you know about who went to the ER or to the morgue because diet soda-induced hypoglycemia?

    Yes. Protein does cause fluctuations in insulin. Pretty much everything you consume is broken down into sugars in your system during processing. Sugar is actually a nutrient and the body needs a certain amount of that to function properly. Sugars, even artificial ones, are processed in the body as sugar. The difference is "real" sugars are converted into energy to be used by the body. Artificial sugars are not. Those artificial sugars 'confuse' the body (for lack of a better word). And, no, it's got nothing to do with the taste buds, it's how the body and the brain respond to the cues.

    And, no, the pancreas does not "...take its cues for insulin production from the taste buds." It is far more complex than that.

    I'm not telling you to not drink diet soda. If that helps you to maintain your diet and your calorie consumption, then good for you. I'm just saying...
    All calories are NOT created equal.

    a) aspartame and many other artificial sweeteners are proteins, not sugars
    and b) only present in fractions of a gram in a whole bottle of diet soda because of their 100s of times higher sweetness which leads to the low caloric content, not because the body can't convert them to energy.
    You don't know what you're talking about.
  • juggernaut1974
    juggernaut1974 Posts: 6,212 Member
    edited December 2015
    I shall not refer to a youtube video, thank you very much. Some research would be nice.

    Also that's a new one. Diet soda is fine but milk is the devil. Can't say I've seen that combo before.

    If someone can find me a YouTube video that says beer & bourbon (separately, not together) > water, I shall take it as Gospel
  • Nuke_64
    Nuke_64 Posts: 406 Member
    Also that's a new one. Diet soda is fine but milk is the devil. Can't say I've seen that combo before.

    I did not to say Milk is the devil, but it should be perceived in the same light as sugary sodas and juices. It is a source of calories that can easily be overdone.

    Diet soda on the other hand have little to no calories and IMO could be seen in same light as unsweet ice tea or even water.