What's the funniest comment you have had..



  • allenpriest
    allenpriest Posts: 1,102 Member
    edited October 2015
    Back in the day... My Grandmother said I was to fat. Lost weight then she said I was to thin. Decided there was no pleasing Grandmama.

    I started out needing to lose over 200 pounds. After almost two years I'm halfway there. So the other day my father tells me "You're fat. You need to lose weight. "

    Gosh I never realized that. All the weight lost so far was just an accident. Now that I know I'm fat I can get right on that.
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,180 Member
    wrenak wrote: »
    Machka9 wrote: »
    I had one today ...

    I'm standing at a morning tea with a plate containing a few pieces of fruit.

    Her, looking at my plate: Are you on a diet?

    Me: Yes.

    Her: So ... you're not well then?

    Me: No, I'm feeling great!

    Her: But you've lost a lot of weight ... you must not be well. Are you sick?

    Me: Nope, I'm fine. I just wanted to lose some weight.

    Her: Hmmm ... you're sure you're not sick?

    Good grief. "Actually, now that you mention it, I am dying... to get out of this conversation!"

    :lol: Yeah ... that was about it!!

  • SergeantSausage
    SergeantSausage Posts: 1,673 Member
    edited October 2015
    ReeseG4350 wrote: »
    Another one I get from older women (I'm 24 - So I do not mean that in an offensive way, I just work with women that range from about 40-50, I'm the youngest!) "It's EASY for you - you're so young! It's harder at my age".

    Way to discredit my hard work!!

    What 'they' don't realize is that it is not 'easy' for almost anyone. It takes hard work and dedication to the goal to make anything happen, even weightloss.

    This kind of thinking is the biggest part of the problem.

    I can't do that <whine> it's hard </>

    Anything ... *anything* can be Easy or Hard/Difficult depending on motivation/attitude.

    The old lady was just making excuses for herself. She needs an Attitude Adjustment.
  • ReeseG4350
    ReeseG4350 Posts: 146 Member

    And some people just never learn to censor themselves.

    too true. I should start calling her out on it :) [/quote]

    YES! Not suggesting you be mean and nasty to her but... rude deserves to have a spotlight shone on it! I love to shove people's noses in their stupidity at times - especially when they really have earned it!
  • ReeseG4350
    ReeseG4350 Posts: 146 Member
    AspenDan wrote: »
    "You can only lose weight because you're a dude"
    No, I lose weight because I'm structured, disciplined, and actually make sacrifices every single day...also I could point out 1000 MFP users who've lost a lot of weight without being a dude..

    LMFAO! SERIOUSLY? I love that one! Jealousy is such an hilarious thing to behold. "You can only lose weight because you're a dude". (Maybe she (I'm guessing) cannot lose weight because she's a dud'?) And you are so right. Losing weight, getting fit/healthy is a choice! It's a choice you have to make every minute of every day. At work, someone offers a piece of cake or whatever. You choose to have a chunk of that sweet, or a sliver, or pass it up with a polite "not this time, but thanks." You go out to dinner with friends - you choose to have that big, cholesterol-laden, fat and calorie-filled meal, or you opt for something less 'offensive' to your body. You choose to get up an extra half hour early in the morning to workout before you shower and get ready for work/or to stop at the gym or whatever to workout after work.

    With rare exception, we have all chosen the lives we have - and that includes obesity or a flabby, sloppy, unhealthy body. There is no margin for blaming someone else. You're diagnosed with lung cancer? You have been smoking since you were fourteen? You CHOSE that! The doctor finds "a few dozen beef, bacon, cheeseburgers in your arteries (cholesterol)? You CHOSE to eat 'dirty' fast food instead of eating 'smart'. We can also choose to do everything in our power to reverse those negative outcomes of past choices. Everyday is a chance to start anew... to overcome the choices we might regret of a previous day.

    It's easy to make excuses for why we don't do 'the right thing'. It is less so to actually take action to overcome those excuses. But... Every journey begins with the first step. And, with fitness, that literally means a step! Sometimes it's harder to take that step than others but... Don't give up! Once you decide you are worth the sacrifice, promise yourself that you will do what's right. Then keep your promise to yourself and Do It!

    Well... That or... You can only lose the weight because you're a dude... Or is it because you're not over fifty? Or... maybe because...???
  • H34v3nlySinsx3
    H34v3nlySinsx3 Posts: 65 Member
    To be honest, the funniest comment about losing weight wasn't said to me but by me. It was, "I miss my fat" in regards to how cold I get in the winter time. I never realized how warm my fat kept me until I lost it, haha!
  • BernieMBurke
    BernieMBurke Posts: 206 Member
    @H34v3nlSin, Yeah, but you don't want to find it again (like I did),
  • ReeseG4350
    ReeseG4350 Posts: 146 Member
    To be honest, the funniest comment about losing weight wasn't said to me but by me. It was, "I miss my fat" in regards to how cold I get in the winter time. I never realized how warm my fat kept me until I lost it, haha!

    HAH! That's what coats and sweaters are for, skinny-minnie!
  • ReeseG4350
    ReeseG4350 Posts: 146 Member
    ReeseG4350 wrote: »
    Another one I get from older women (I'm 24 - So I do not mean that in an offensive way, I just work with women that range from about 40-50, I'm the youngest!) "It's EASY for you - you're so young! It's harder at my age".

    Way to discredit my hard work!!

    What 'they' don't realize is that it is not 'easy' for almost anyone. It takes hard work and dedication to the goal to make anything happen, even weightloss.

    This kind of thinking is the biggest part of the problem.

    I can't do that <whine> it's hard </>

    Anything ... *anything* can be Easy or Hard/Difficult depending on motivation/attitude.

    The old lady was just making excuses for herself. She needs an Attitude Adjustment.
    HAH! There should be an AA group for people like her!
  • ReeseG4350
    ReeseG4350 Posts: 146 Member
    Back in the day... My Grandmother said I was to fat. Lost weight then she said I was to thin. Decided there was no pleasing Grandmama.

    I started out needing to lose over 200 pounds. After almost two years I'm halfway there. So the other day my father tells me "You're fat. You need to lose weight. "

    Gosh I never realized that. All the weight lost so far was just an accident. Now that I know I'm fat I can get right on that.
    That's when you tell "Daddy Dearest", Gee! Thanks, Dad! Appreciate your support.
    And... Is he in a position to make such a rude judgment? Does DD have any poundage HE could lose?
  • bri170lb
    bri170lb Posts: 1,375 Member
    ReeseG4350 wrote: »
    AspenDan wrote: »
    "You can only lose weight because you're a dude"
    No, I lose weight because I'm structured, disciplined, and actually make sacrifices every single day...also I could point out 1000 MFP users who've lost a lot of weight without being a dude..

    LMFAO! SERIOUSLY? I love that one! Jealousy is such an hilarious thing to behold. "You can only lose weight because you're a dude". (Maybe she (I'm guessing) cannot lose weight because she's a dud'?) And you are so right. Losing weight, getting fit/healthy is a choice! It's a choice you have to make every minute of every day. At work, someone offers a piece of cake or whatever. You choose to have a chunk of that sweet, or a sliver, or pass it up with a polite "not this time, but thanks." You go out to dinner with friends - you choose to have that big, cholesterol-laden, fat and calorie-filled meal, or you opt for something less 'offensive' to your body. You choose to get up an extra half hour early in the morning to workout before you shower and get ready for work/or to stop at the gym or whatever to workout after work.

    With rare exception, we have all chosen the lives we have - and that includes obesity or a flabby, sloppy, unhealthy body. There is no margin for blaming someone else. You're diagnosed with lung cancer? You have been smoking since you were fourteen? You CHOSE that! The doctor finds "a few dozen beef, bacon, cheeseburgers in your arteries (cholesterol)? You CHOSE to eat 'dirty' fast food instead of eating 'smart'. We can also choose to do everything in our power to reverse those negative outcomes of past choices. Everyday is a chance to start anew... to overcome the choices we might regret of a previous day.

    It's easy to make excuses for why we don't do 'the right thing'. It is less so to actually take action to overcome those excuses. But... Every journey begins with the first step. And, with fitness, that literally means a step! Sometimes it's harder to take that step than others but... Don't give up! Once you decide you are worth the sacrifice, promise yourself that you will do what's right. Then keep your promise to yourself and Do It!

    Well... That or... You can only lose the weight because you're a dude... Or is it because you're not over fifty? Or... maybe because...???

  • rhianna818
    rhianna818 Posts: 85 Member
    mrsfitzyv8 wrote: »
    My favorite one was having a 92 year old resident tell me "looking good kiddo!! Your boobs are finally bigger than your belly!!"

    My female boss told me this the other day! lol
  • rhianna818
    rhianna818 Posts: 85 Member
    I have an ex who told me that I was starting to look like a Barbie doll...all boobs and legs. It was his way of complimenting and insulting me at the same time. Same ex started spreading the rumor that I had had weight-loss surgery when we broke up.

    Lots of people have told me that I look taller.

    I've been told like 3 times that I look shorter... I'm 5'3" I don't have many inches to lose :)
  • lkpducky
    lkpducky Posts: 16,980 Member
    An old lady friend "E" with whom I used to eat dinner occasionally would always say "You're being good!" if I chose a less-caloric entree or if I didn't order dessert or something alcoholic. Once a friend "A" ate with us and got a combo dinner that included dessert. She told the waitress she didn't want the dessert. Instead of pushing her to eat it anyway, "E" turned to me and asked if I wanted it. I asked "Why didn't you urge A to eat it?" "Because she needs to watch it. You don't."
  • angelexperiment
    angelexperiment Posts: 1,917 Member
    I had one from here asking me why don't I have gastric bypass or a sleeve done bc I obviously have b.e.d.

    I said well bc I am not morbidly obese, I've managed my binge quite well on my own and why would I cut into my body if not medically necessary, what would that teach me anyway about my relationship With food? It really took me aback bc I had lost around 25 at that point and it changed my view on this person drastically.

  • rhianna818
    rhianna818 Posts: 85 Member
    To be honest, the funniest comment about losing weight wasn't said to me but by me. It was, "I miss my fat" in regards to how cold I get in the winter time. I never realized how warm my fat kept me until I lost it, haha!

    I have always joked said I have some weird form of reverse fat that doesn't keep me warm. I always get cold. As much as I hear my fellow MFP posters complain about being cold makes me very worried for how cold I'll be as I continue to lose. :neutral:
  • bri170lb
    bri170lb Posts: 1,375 Member
    I had one from here asking me why don't I have gastric bypass or a sleeve done bc I obviously have b.e.d.

    I said well bc I am not morbidly obese, I've managed my binge quite well on my own and why would I cut into my body if not medically necessary, what would that teach me anyway about my relationship With food? It really took me aback bc I had lost around 25 at that point and it changed my view on this person drastically.

    That lady is not ok. Very strange thing to say to someone you are not VERY close to.

    You just keep moving forward. If you lost 25 pounds - you can lose the rest! You got this!

  • CoffeeNCardio
    CoffeeNCardio Posts: 1,847 Member
    bri170lb wrote: »
    I had one from here asking me why don't I have gastric bypass or a sleeve done bc I obviously have b.e.d.

    I said well bc I am not morbidly obese, I've managed my binge quite well on my own and why would I cut into my body if not medically necessary, what would that teach me anyway about my relationship With food? It really took me aback bc I had lost around 25 at that point and it changed my view on this person drastically.

    That lady is not ok. Very strange thing to say to someone you are not VERY close to.

    You just keep moving forward. If you lost 25 pounds - you can lose the rest! You got this!

    Amen to this.
  • echmainfit619
    echmainfit619 Posts: 333 Member