
    GRITSandSLUTSandWINOS Posts: 2,573 Member
    barbiecat wrote: »
    kimses2 wrote: »
    Hi all ... got a new scale and it's 2 lbs higher but that's ok. At least it is consistent and I only have to weigh myself once. I'm more or less starting from scratch again.

    Really bad work day yesterday. I had my competence called into question by two 30 year old superstars --- totally "threw me under the bus" to the head of the company. In my 30 years of working in this type of job, I've never been undercut by a team member like this before. Always have gotten excellent reviews and feedback. But the superstars can do no wrong and I suppose I have to look at what happened for elements of truth and learn from it and improve. I cried for a hour which is totally unlike me. I was really crushed. Then headed to the kitchen. Then stopped and walked out the door for a 2 mile walk instead. That's the silver lining.
    The disturbing part of this is that it's a very young company and I am clearly the oldest person in the company. Is it age discrimination? I don't think so. I think it's an impatient millenials that could use a little maturity. ...(those little sh***s. lol...had to say that).

    Anyway, I feel my job is on the line. I'm going to let myself feel hurt for a while, then pick myself up and deal with it head on.

    Yesterday -- 30 minutes of weights for upper body. 8,000 steps.
    Today -- checking in here is the start. I will plan my meals. and I will get in 60 minutes of exercise in some manner.

    I'll be moping until 9:00 am and then I'm moving on.

    Enjoy the last of the warm weather.

    Kimses in MA

    :)<3 You responded to this in many good ways---not eating over it, getting exercise to cope---recognizing that there might be a few grains of truth in what your critics said---resolving to improve in the required areas--and continuing without giving up or making the situation worse <3 Success is inspirational. Disaster is educational.

    I agree that the millenials (whatever) don't have any patience ... want instant gratification. I've got a new DnL who loves me and respects me ... the other one seems to be so jealous of things and wants to 'stir the waters muddy'. She first texted her and when she did not get an instant response she chewed her out for ignoring her. New DnL gave it back to her (but not before showing it to my son - did not want to make the issue worse). DYS called DOS and asked him what the 'hades' was going on with his wife and sent the entire series of emails to him. Told him to tell her that they don't have good Internet service out where he lives and she doesn't bring her cell phone with her when her daughter is with her and had not seen it for 2 days - WTF? She ended up apologizing (knowing she was wrong) and then promptly turned it on me. I was totally blind-sighted when the subject matter was "Good Morning" and the email was things that she has 'felt' for 16 years. I could have been a real B**** and responded; but, all of you ladies have taught me so much more class than I knew that my Mother had already instilled in me. Deleted it only after my DH read it. I think it made him madder than it did me; no way of knowing what is going through her head. It's like watching someone that you 'really' do love slowly having a meltdown and can't do anything about it. It's hurt! I've cried so much the past couple of days and then I come to this site/thread and see just how strong y'all are. I can endure this - mainly because I have a GREAT spouse who has always supported me, even when things were upside-down for me at times in my life. Sometimes it is like looking into a one-way mirror knowing that someone is watching for you to trip up and then BAM - hit you with both barrels. I sometimes pop off at the mouth when I feel backed into a corner. My eyes literally turn amber when I am in that position. But, I can't read her moods - and they have swung like a pendulum clock on steroids. It's like watching the Tasmanian Devil rip up a paper factory. Scary and I can't say anything without making it a whole lot worse, a whole lot quicker. I feel like I am being asked to choose and I can't and won't do that. I have literally bitten the end of my tongue so that it has a small blister at the end of it. GGGrrrrrr! >:) And I really try to <3 her; but the harder I try the more belligerent she gets to the point that she is attempting to drive wedges into every crack she finds. I'm just not use to this type of family rift. Did not grow up with it, DH did not grow up with it, did not bring up our sons in it and suddenly it is right on my door step. I'm not ill, I just need a little 'support'; it is like she is taking it out on me for losing weight and she keeps gaining. I don't know ... maybe I have my feelings right on my shoulder for them to be slapped off or something. LOL! Trying to :# so I won't :'(
  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,474 Member
    For some reason, the bosu workout didn't download correctly. Not a real big deal since I'm not real crazy about this format, anyway. So I did a basic step DVD instead. Boy, was I sweating. I don't think I've ever taken a "rinse the sweat off" shower at home, but I did today.

    The plan for tomorrow is to do an Ultimate Weights Tranining and Cardio DVD. Then we'll leave to go to Jess'

    Had Newcomer bowling last night. Vince has a men's lunch today, but I don't have anything on the calendar (phew!). I'm thinking that I do need to go to Aldi and then make chicken for next week. I don't want to have to do that when we get back. The other thing that I want to do today is pack (food and clothes) for the trip to Jess'

    NCCarol - have a great time in the mountains. When are you getting back?

    pip - I bet Kirby is going to recover as quickly as you are. He's in such good shape. Continued prayers

    For any bakers (Kim? Mary's hubby?) - when I've made an apple pie (2 crust), after baking it the apples always seemed to get smaller leaving a big space between the top of the piecrust and the apples. Well, the other day I made a pie with a lattice top (first time I've ever done that). If I use that type of top, will it lie flat after baking the apples?

    Joyce - so glad you had such a nice surprise when you got the hosp bill! I'm sure you'll get everything else cleared up

    Sharon - I can't believe that I called the hotel to see about working out earlier in the day! I'm addicted, I'm sure of it. I haven't done balance games on the Wii in a while. To be honest, I probably won't do them right now only because the holidays are coming up and I want to exercise and burn more calories.

    Jenna - do we need to send DJ to you to give you a kick to get to the gym? Don't make us do it!!!! When we drive to FL we usually have to give two of our cats chill pills.

    Miriam - Vince and I used to volunteer at the Humane Society (we haven't done it in a while), and I remember one lady there saying "when I die, can I come back as one of your cats?"

    Lisa - they built a house across the street (it took them two years to build it). When the new owners moved in, I took them a spinach/feta quiche. Anyway, they told me that they don't have cable. That must s*** big time. Love the hotpad

    kimses - good for you taking that walk. It would have been so so easy to have a pity part in the kitchen. I'm ever so sorry about your job

    Pat - how wonderful that your hubby is so supportive and asks if things work for you.

    pip - sure sounds like Kirby is getting better. Does he REALLY belong in ICU???

    drkatiebug - my talent also lies in organization. It frustrates me to no end that Vince has things in a mess (admitted, it's a clean mess) and many times he forgets he has something because it's buried beneath stuff

    Was watching Downton Abbey when I remembered that I had a $10 off coupon at JCPenney for a $10 purchase. I went there and they had a cardigan sweater with buttons. I just wish it was whiter. I also found a pair of shorts that fit me, Lee brand, orginally $44 for $4. You can bet I bought them.

    katla - make a trip to NC. We do a BIG thing for the holidays. Vince says we'll start decorating Tuesday

    Denise called tonight. Pete proposed to her at dinner tonight. She didn't realize (or at least she didn't let on to us) that we knew he was going to propose. Frm what I gathered, his mother had an influence as to where it would be done. That's OK. Denise says she wants a church wedding, and I think it'll happen. No date set, which is fine. Rushing isn't good.

    Sylvia - we have a sign in our house that says "if you want the best seat in the house, move the cat". We may have a king size bed, but when all the cats plus us adults get in it, it's not big enough. So sorry about your son

    Michele in NC
    GRITSandSLUTSandWINOS Posts: 2,573 Member
    Hey, Katla ... can you make it to SW GA before the weekend before Thanksgiving? I've taken to getting boxes and throwing in all the stuff that's been thrown into 2nd bedroom which has become the dumping ground; and the door stays shut. Kitchen counter looks like a bomb went off. Got to find my new insurance card IDs before just chunking it all. We get magazines out the ying-yang because we 'support' our grandchildren's school fund raisers. I don't even get to look through them all. Can't just donate $$$ have to buy something. This year I did not 'join' the grandparent's club at the school - so I did not get asked to bake anything or to even work. WOW! How refreshing that was. Was asked a couple of years ago if I wanted to be the President. I looked at the woman as if you had lost her mind ... UGH ... "NO!" turn around and walk away and never look back. She's had the job now for 4 years and could not pay someone to take the position. I'm not a joiner; learned to say 'no' very early on when I had 2 boys in parochial school. "No" is an absolute honest answer and it does not need to be 'explained'.

    Have a WONDERFULLY, GLORIOUS weekend all y'all! B)
  • DamitJanit
    DamitJanit Posts: 1,329 Member
    Call me crazy but I love to see other people happy and succeeding .

    Good Evening Ladies,

    DrKatie, I’d say it’s an understatement to say that you are good at organizing! Woo wee. And I have found that getting things in order is only half the job. It’s the keeping it that way where I seem to fall behind. smiley-happy114.gif

    Katla, most of us that need an occasional Pity Party have tons of wonderful things in our lives. You are still entitled on occasion. Just next time, invite us to the party. I hope you had a good one and feel better now. ((Hugs))

    Kim, you are so right about all the talent in this bunch of ladies. I have to say that if we were all stranded together I’d be most grateful for you and Heather as you cooked all the great meals. I’m struggling with trying to decided what healthy dishes I will serve at Thanksgiving. Most of my old standbys are way too full of calories. I’m open to suggestions. smiley-happy026.gif

    Vicki, if you have been an officer for the past 3 years then good for you in taking a break. Sometimes groups will let the same people keep doing the work as long as they will and never have anyone new step up.

    Irish, you go girl!!!! You can do this.

    Meg, so sorry to hear about Benny Beagle. I hope this was a one-time occurrence. I also hope you can catch up on your rest and are feeling better. (((Hugs)))

    Sylvia, my heart goes out to you!!! I can’t even imagine knowing my child was going through what your DS has. I know it has to be hard watching him struggle and I just keep thinking how lucky he and his girls are to have you. I hope you get a good night’s rest. ((((Hugs))))

    Pip, if Kirby is in ICU and took 45 minutes to get out of bed, did no one notice or check on him in all that time??? The times I’ve had family in ICU the beds were all in view of the nurses station so they were watched pretty much constantly. I’m glad he was strong enough to do it but sure shouldn’t be trying things like that alone at this point. Sending more healing thoughts and prayers.

    I hope all of you have a healthy and happy day. rose.gif

    Words I live by:
    Savor. I have to slow down and savor every bite.
    Opportunity. Each day offers new opportunities for good health and happiness if we just look for them and choose them.
    I Love you, smiley-love013.gif
    Myrtle Beach, SC
  • fanncy0626
    fanncy0626 Posts: 7,152 Member
    Michele - the reason that the crust did not lie flat the other times is that you did not have enough ventilation holes for the heat to it scape and the crust to settle as it cooked. The lattice top should prevent this because there are several holes for the steam to escape. However you could do it the conventional way just make sure that your holes are large enough and The quantity is enough that the steam should be able to escape and the crust will settle down on top of the apples.


    Mary from Minnesota
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 17,130 Member
  • bwcetc
    bwcetc Posts: 2,816 Member
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 17,056 Member

    Kirby is standing up! Out of icu, will probably b there til Monday then transfer to another hospital (closer to hm) for in patient rehab. They estimate 2 weeks, depending on how good he does it could b sooner. So I have a sense urgency in getting his bedroom ready. Someone from taking care of myself? Honestly, no. I know i need to take care of me so I can be of the take care of him blah blah blah. I worry about me later. Haven't exercised since this happened. I will get back on track, trust me, when I do, it will be full force, with docs approval, nite peeps. Oh when I gave him his first shower after this pic, that was a workout on the shoulder! Nite
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    Kim: Your invitation for a visit is incredibly tempting. Thank you for a lovely offer. :heart: You are absolutely right that this is an amazing group. You are a gem. :flowerforyou:

    Meg: I'm sorry to hear about Benny the Beagle. Hugs to you and a gentle ear rub for Benny. :flowerforyou:

    Sylvia: I am so sorry your son is having additional health problems at this time. I hope his situation improves. :heart:

    Pip: I'm so happy to see Kirby standing on his own two feet. It seems like a miracle that he can stand. I hope the healing goes well. You two are both lucky in love because you have one another. :heart:

    I've heard form both of my kids this evening. DS and DDIL are coming tomorrow to work on his boat. DD has asked me to come in January to help her close up her house & get ready to move. DSonIL has been offered a job in Illinois and will be in training for a few weeks while she is at home closing up the house. No specific dates are available yet. Life is complicated & I plan to keep on doing what comes next.

    Katla in Beautiful NW Oregon

    “Our greatest weakness lies in giving up. The most certain way to succeed is always to try just one more time.” Thomas A. Edison

    November Goals :
    1. Log every bite and swallow.
    2. Cardio exercise at least 3 days a week. Work on flexibility and back strength.
    3. Have fun every day.
    4. Drink at least three glasses of water daily, preferably more!
    5. Eliminate alcohol.
    6. Monitor sleep. Try to average 7 or more hours of sleep nightly.

  • jmkmomm
    jmkmomm Posts: 3,247 Member
    Not going to comment much as I have a monstrous headache. It has been growing on me all afternoon and really gotten bad. I do't have headaches very often at all and I don't want it. I want to return it to sender.

    Finally got Charlie's medicine for his colon infection cleared up. We have two pharmacists that take the original compound for a medicine and put it in a different form. So the $524 (?) pilll he was going to get at Sam's is $149 in a liguid form from an apothecary. I sure hope it works quickly. His infusion is Monday and it will be hard for him to sit for 3 hours. There is a public restroom right across the hall from the infusion room but he has to take his IV with him and it's a big pain. Plus he will have to clean the toilet each time with our clorox wipes.

    Miriam, about your deaf kitty, Could you reserve a blanket or towel just for this kitten and anytime she sees the towel on your lap she knows to come get her petting?

    Glad Kirby is better.

    Joyce, Indiana
  • dreamwriter
    dreamwriter Posts: 610 Member
    Allison/Lillian - Enjoy every minute of those massages
  • dreamwriter
    dreamwriter Posts: 610 Member
    Lisa - The jean pocket hot pads are very cute.

    Pip - Glad Kirby is doing so well. It's great that with everything that's happened he hasn't lost his smile. You are 2 tough birds.

    Katiebug - Organizing is a great talent to have. I only wish....

    Meg - Sorry to hear you are not feeling well. Poor Benny Beagle. I hope it isn't a tumor.

    Sylvia - Can you find someone to sew DGD a leotard?
    Your poor son has certainly had health challenges. He's lucky you live close and are willing to help.

    Kimses - I think you handled the situation well.

    Made it through another work day. Came home and was asked to watch DGD while DD helped her Dad on a job. My eyes did not stay open. She is a good kid but my living room looked like a storm had hit. Apparently she asked me for a snack and I said sure. She made herself peanut butter and crackers and helped herself to a vanilla pudding and a banana (because that is for health). The evidence was every where.
    DH filled the car up for me. Good thing or I would have been walking to work and I'm pretty sure I couldn't do the coulees.
    I didn't get the china cup tonight because my DBIL made the tea. DS read him the riot act about that. LOL. Good visit and plan made to car pool to the baby shower on Sunday.
    Off to bed I go
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 17,056 Member
  • GloworminWA
    GloworminWA Posts: 704 Member
    Procrastinating from packing and instead doing something I enjoy - visiting with all of you -in this less than enjoyable time. Up to page 9 tonight with 7 more to go to catch up but only going to read another 10 minutes then back to searching rentals on the computer.smiley-alien011.gif Becca beam me up!
  • TerriRichardson112
    TerriRichardson112 Posts: 18,773 Member
    edited November 2015
    Grits 'It is like she is taking it out on me for losing weight and she keeps gaining.'
    I think you hit the nail on the head here. There are a lot of people like this DIL of yours, who hate anyone else having success at something. She is one unhappy dude.

    Pip That man is a wonder! Still smiling after all that happened. Take care of both of you. Sending Healing thoughts and positive vibes your way.

    Becca Hang in there, sister! Something will turn up!

    I am going out for the day with my DYD. We will go to IKEA and then have a walk round a lovely nearby small seaside town, if the rain stops. This is a regular outing for us. The town has great wee gift shops and we will do some Christmas shopping.

    November Goals update Still stuck at 166 on that pesky scale! I have hit my goals, but think I need to reduce my calories a little and improve the quality and intensity of my exercises. I think I may have gotten a bit lackadaisical on those fronts, hence my refocus yesterday.

    :heart: Healing thoughts and prayers to those who need them! :heart:

    :sunglasses: Welcome to our Newbies. Sit a spell! :sunglasses:

    :star: Each one of us is a vital cog in an infinite universe. :star:
    We may not know our purpose, but each cog needs to be oiled and tended.

    :heart: May peace and joy shine on your day! :heart:


    Irish Terri
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 17,130 Member
    edited November 2015
    This will be a rest day for me. No dogs to walk, no fitness center at the hotel and not a good neighborhood for walking
  • mollywhippet
    mollywhippet Posts: 1,890 Member
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 17,056 Member
  • miriamwithcats
    miriamwithcats Posts: 1,120 Member
    Meg, so sorry to hear about Benny. there are many causes of seizures. hopefully his is a condition he can live with.

    Sylvia, so sorry about your son's difficulties. About the leotard, ship it to me, and I can add side panels to make it wider. It would be a fairly easy change. I am short and have a huge bone build, even when I was skinny. My wrist measurement has always been the size of a large man! Shoulders and ribs too. Nothing off the rack fit right, so I had to make all my clothes or make major alterations to make them fit. Miriam Righter, 609 8th Avenue, Wellman IA 52356. I also used to make the costumes for my friend's daughter who was in dance. Seriously. Send it to me.

    Pip, so glad to see Kirby up and smiling! He is lucky not to have a brain injury! That is my biggest worry when I hear about accidents like this.

    My photo is of me skinny, and you can see how wide my shoulders are, etc. I made the blouse I am wearing.
  • DamitJanit
    DamitJanit Posts: 1,329 Member
    Call me crazy but I love to see other people happy and succeeding .

    Good Morning Ladies,

    , good for you on the take out box. I do it on occasion as I hear these ladies in my head. Aren’t they great support even when we are away from the computer? Portion control is something I am really needing to work on this month. I didn’t do such a great job of it this week. Keep up the good work. Now you are inspiring me to do better, too. (((Hugs)))

    Pip, I just can’t believe ya’ll are going through this so soon after your tumble in Vegas. You know we are all thinking of you and sending prayers. Take care of both of you. (((Hugs)))

    Katla, with what all is going on with your kids, at least it sounds like you won’t be sitting around the house with nothing to do. smiley-angelic005.gif Sometimes I think life’s distractions are blessings for us.

    Joyce, so sorry about the headache. I don’t get them often either and know what you mean about sending it back. Feel better.

    Sharon, glad DGD didn’t leave more of a mess than she did. You must have been one tired Grandmother.

    Gloria, I so hope you can find just the right rental and at a great price. You know we are all pulling for you. Have you talked with any rental agencies in the area? I’m sure you are exploring every avenue. Good luck.

    Barbie, I think it’s wonderful to have a day of rest but I somehow can’t see you sitting still. barmy.gif I picture you up and moving around in the hotel room, probably burning more calories than I do on one of my active days. Lol Do enjoy yourself, whatever you do. (((Hugs)))

    The Moose Style Show is today. I need to get moving because I have to be there early. So many of the models have done it for a few years so there is no rehearsal of any kind. I know how to model but thought they would do a walk-through of where they wanted us to go. Guess I can go anywhere I want on the stage—which is the whole dance floor. Lol They serve desserts at the intermission so I’ll just refrain. I made pumpkin bars from a mix. (Hanging head in shame) Won’t know how they taste so I hope they are okay. Lol As always, you lovely ladies are such an inspiration to me in so many ways. I am so thankful I found this thread and that our wonderful Barbie keeps it going month after month. I hope all of you have a healthy and happy weekend with tons of success in whatever you do. rose.gif

    Words I live by:
    Savor. I have to slow down and savor every bite.
    Opportunity. Each day offers new opportunities for good health and happiness if we just look for them and choose them.
    I Love you, smiley-love013.gif
    Myrtle Beach, SC