

  • Lilymay2
    Lilymay2 Posts: 2,524 Member
    DJ and Sharon and all others that had weight losses!! YEAH!!!

    I have my hand weights bedside me on the couch so I can lift while watching TV. My mini trampoline is in the living room so during commercials I can jump on it. Or I can jump while making supper ....Just need to control my eating!!

    Thoughts and prayers to all that are not well or looking after spouses, siblings or friends.

    The funeral yesterday was small. It was good to see the family members that have moved away.

    Today - off to a massage and then shopping for a new mattress.... hopefully get a chance to get a walk in and make good food choices.

    Later everyone
    Lillian in West Central Saskatchewan
  • trisH_7183
    trisH_7183 Posts: 1,486 Member
    edited November 2015
    Started responding a new way...& lost every bit Grrr. So this will be shorter than planned.

    SSB....That is how I eat. Will soon be 3 yrs & proud of that,even tho it's not easy being the worlds slowest at losing.My last "diet" might have been for 2 wks :s As for
    rewards,my latest is perfume. o:)

    KATLA, big part of my problem was also portion control.

    MARGARET, glad the med is working for your DH.
    My DH is so far,so good,thank the Lord.

    HEATHER,micro popcorn,especially low fat was not a fav.Just recently got a micro popper.Was $8-10 & works with /without oil.I just measure it by the cup full.
    The grkids are so sweet.

    "This time around (dieting) I made sure to do only those things (eating and exercising) that I could sustain going forward into seniorhood. Nothing over the top commitment wise as in the past that has been my downfall. Going full force and then messing up and then ultimately giving up. I want to engage in fitness and eating patterns that I know are sustainable. I think I am doing that as I have stayed longer on this path than ever before. Perhaps I can pull the reins in a little tighter as I have been successful thus far in staying the path."
    CHERI.......I so agree! Being already into Seniorhood,having Drs .& meds.....A food plan has to be what I can live with all my life.

    We will eat at Tx Roadhouse for Veteran's Day. Love the salad & baked potato,so take my salad dressing,enjoy every bite & bring the meat home. That will be DHs dinner the next day.More & more finding it easier to pass on food that isn't a fav.DH
    enjoys eating out,but always asks "will this work for you?"So we are both getting trained ;)

    SYLVIA.....Maybe it's the sum total of your day that is tiring? Looks like a long day before dinner.When our only Grdaughter was small,I would pick her up & head for grocery,shopping etc. She started yelling because she didn't like being buckled in.After a couple times,turned car around & took her home. When stopping there to see if her Mama needed anything,Grdau would ask "can I go?" Meanie Grma said "no,you don't know how to behave".Of course she cried,but off I went. Only took 2 times & she never tried that again. :/

    Past time to get busy.Yest was fried cabbage....so good. Have no clue for today. Laundry read to fold & dishes to wash. Have a great day. Pat

  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,980 Member
    kimses2 wrote: »
    Hi all ... got a new scale and it's 2 lbs higher but that's ok. At least it is consistent and I only have to weigh myself once. I'm more or less starting from scratch again.

    Really bad work day yesterday. I had my competence called into question by two 30 year old superstars --- totally "threw me under the bus" to the head of the company. In my 30 years of working in this type of job, I've never been undercut by a team member like this before. Always have gotten excellent reviews and feedback. But the superstars can do no wrong and I suppose I have to look at what happened for elements of truth and learn from it and improve. I cried for a hour which is totally unlike me. I was really crushed. Then headed to the kitchen. Then stopped and walked out the door for a 2 mile walk instead. That's the silver lining.
    The disturbing part of this is that it's a very young company and I am clearly the oldest person in the company. Is it age discrimination? I don't think so. I think it's an impatient millenials that could use a little maturity. ...(those little sh***s. lol...had to say that).

    Anyway, I feel my job is on the line. I'm going to let myself feel hurt for a while, then pick myself up and deal with it head on.

    Yesterday -- 30 minutes of weights for upper body. 8,000 steps.
    Today -- checking in here is the start. I will plan my meals. and I will get in 60 minutes of exercise in some manner.

    I'll be moping until 9:00 am and then I'm moving on.

    Enjoy the last of the warm weather.

    Kimses in MA

    :)<3 You responded to this in many good ways---not eating over it, getting exercise to cope---recognizing that there might be a few grains of truth in what your critics said---resolving to improve in the required areas--and continuing without giving up or making the situation worse <3 Success is inspirational. Disaster is educational.
  • margaretturk
    margaretturk Posts: 5,092 Member
    Rori you and a woman I saw yesterday who waited too long to get a spot removed got me to make an appointment for a physical. I know I have some beginning spots on my face that are best taken care of now. Prayers for you and DH.

    Kimses (((Hugs))) Working as a team is so important in any industry. Sorry your teammates let you down. Love your attitude you will take the feedback and use it to help you improve.

    :heart: Margaret
  • bjkidfun
    bjkidfun Posts: 377 Member
  • terri_mom
    terri_mom Posts: 748 Member
    Happy firday ! ! !

    Mia – That is an outstanding collection of glass. Every single piece is beautiful, and personal. Your ability and spirit are within everything, and that is obvious. I admire your talents ! ! !

    Heather – Glad your trip is pleasant so far.

    – thanks for telling more funny stories about childhood. I can’t really repeat some of mine, because my DS is just like me, so his antics have replaced mine in my memory. But I love that he can go outside and “just be a kid” instead of being locked to the videogames.

    Allison/Lillian – Enjoy the massages. You deserve it ! ! !

    Sylvia – what a lovely day. You deserve every wonderful moment of it. Enjoy your new projects.

    Rori/Margaret/everyone having struggles – Hugs and prayers for you and your Loved Ones ! ! !

    Pip and Kirby – More hugs and prayers ! ! !

    Sharon – Hip-hip-hooray for entering one-derland (I hope I can join you soon) ! ! !

    Miriam – your cats sound like quite the trip. Funny how they all have their own personalities, just like us.

    – Can I see a picture of your jeans pockets hot pads? Sounds interesting. The only item of mine that I truly sell (or give as VERY special gifts) are what I call TailGate Mittens. I crochet a mitten around a bottle cozy, then make another matching mitten. At craft fairs they fly off the table at $20, but I usually don’t have many made at a time. Everything else I donate or give as gifts. A co-worker wants me to make a bunch of things for a patient here who brings us DELICIOUS desserts and other treats. She deserves a thank you gift. I’m still trying to finish the baby blanket for my middle sister’s youngest daughter, but my left knuckles are flaring, so nothing is getting done right now.

    Kimses – Congrats on taking your moods on a walk instead of feeding them. Wonderful NSV ! ! !

    Today we have a visiting doctor, so my brain is a little scattered; if I missed something, or missed you, please accept my apology.

    Things went pretty well again yesterday with my eating. I was tempted to walk into the kitchen for something to nibble, but since I wasn’t hungry I walked back into the livingroom and worked on my crochet. It didn’t take too long for me to realize that was too painful, so I took my night-time medicine and watched TV in bed. I don’t even know when DH came home from bowling. DH claims I got up in the middle of the night again, and he knows that because I changed the channel on the TV. But, there were no dirty dishes, so I guess I didn’t sleep-eat last night. That is good, too ! ! ! Now the big challenge will be the weekend. I work until noon tomorrow, so that part of my day will be fine, but my afternoon is open. There is another bowling tournament on Sunday, so I must take my crochet or knitting to keep my hands busy.

    DS has a different bowling partner for this tournament, so we’ll see how this goes. These 2 have been friends for a long time, but this particular tournament is 3-person teams. 2 youth and 1 Hall Of Fame bowler. They bowl scotch and baker and regular, then cut the field down and finish step-ladder Baker until a single winner is announced. DS and a previous partner won this 4 years ago, when they were 11 and 14. Top prize is 2 bowling balls and $500 per kid (scholarship of course). DS and his partner REALLY want more balls, so they will be really gung-ho about this tournament. Luckily it is just a few towns away, so I won’t have to spend hours in the car, leaving in the dark, to take him this time.

    Today I rode the bike for 20 minutes, and will use the handbike for 10 minutes during lunch.

    Hugs for Everyone ! ! !

    Terri in Milwaukee
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    Margaret: I'm glad you've decided to have your questionable spots checked and get a physical. Taking care of our health is important to those who depend on us, and also needs to be important to us. The word should goes too frequently with but, as in "I should get a health checkup BUT I don't have time..." I am sometimes one of the worst offenders. :embarassed:
  • fanncy0626
    fanncy0626 Posts: 7,152 Member
    Good morning ladies! I am going to do my strong lifts 5X5. Then start painting the inside of the house. First we have to seal everything with a good sealer. Then paint 1 to 2 coats so I'm thinking it will take one to two weeks to finish. So that is my additional exercise for the next two weeks.

    Have a great day everyone!

    Mary from Minnesota
  • lhannon062709
    lhannon062709 Posts: 1,140 Member
    The jeans pockets hot pad - this was just a one-off... takes about 15 minutes to put them together once they're cut. Pretty simple. My husband's a mechanic, and has the iconic red rags, which I just split in quarters, and sew one quarter into the top edge of the pocket. The flip side is just plain jeans material, and there is some lightweight heat-resistant material you can get at any fabric store to put in between - it's called Insul-Bright.


  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,710 Member
    UPDATE: Kirby is doing a lot better I'm here at the hospital. I found him sitting on his chair and thought that they came over to help him already. He told me that he got in the chair all by himself. While I'm proud of him he did it with no one around. I scolded him because it would've been worse if he would've slipped! He told me that they're probably going to change him into a different bed out of ICU which is a good thing.May take out his catheter and IV monitoring his is probably not needed now. He said it took him about 45 minutes to get from the bed to the chair which included getting poles and IVs out-of-the-way but his own. Things are looking up.
  • DamitJanit
    DamitJanit Posts: 1,329 Member
    Call me crazy but I love to see other people happy and succeeding .

    Good Morning Ladies,

    DrKatie, I’m with you on the “research” for puzzles.

    Barbie, you and the study you shared have convinced me to keep dancing. Have a nice overnight trip.

    Katla, too bad about the dog prints in your newly painted trim. Yes, the rain will surely slow down the drying process. It just seems like it’s always something, doesn’t it?

    Mia, get a grip, woman. Of course it’s good enough to sell! And I don’t think you are going to hold a gun to anyone’s head to force them to buy it. I know it’s hard to have confidence in your work but trust me, this is the right thing to do. Just listen to the voice that is telling you all the positive things and ignore that negative voice. It will be great. Take a deep breath and take this supportive (((((Hug))))) and move forward. Try to have fun with it. (later) OMG it is beautiful!!! Don’t give it a second thought and give people a chance to buy what they want. You are soooo talented!!!

    Terri, you are right that FB is great for communicating with friends near and far. It is easier than trying to send an email to everyone about something going on in your life. I so rarely post anything there but love it for keeping up with family and friends. It’s nice that you got to catch up with the other bowling moms. So do you do this sleep eating most nights? Does DH know when you get up? That is just disturbing to me. ((Hugs))

    CarolNC, sending healing thoughts your way. It must have been all that relaxation at the beach? Feel better, my friend. (((Hugs)))

    Mindy, I hope you don’t let the busy season get to you at work. Just hang in there. What a cute picture. I just wonder why you got such tiny dogs? LOL They fill that couch!

    Chris, what a view. Wouldn’t it be nice if the temperatures could stay like that?

    Miriam, cute picture!!!

    Terri, I’d try the Samsung tracker for $9.99. I’m not ready to fork out what a FitBit costs at this point.

    Allison, it sounds like you had a very busy and productive day. Good for you!!

    Heather, glad the trip is going well. I hope the weather will cooperate for you. Have fun.

    Irish, glad that dancing class went well.

    MicheleNC, I laughed about the rolling turd. I feel the same way about not making guest accommodations too comfy. If it’s like a fancy hotel, they may never want to leave. I like Mia’s glass that looks like a pumpkin, too.

    Sylvia, I’m so glad you had a nice drive to deliver your bowls and it sounds like a nice lunch too. It’s cool that you got to stop at the Elk Falls Pottery. I guess you had better get going on preparing for the holiday shopping!!!!

    Rori, I hope your back improves soon. That can really slow down all activity. (((Hugs)))

    CarolNC, you said, “well, my mind is old and leaky”. That is a very good description of mine! I hope your trip to the mountains is as successful as your trip to the beach! Isn’t it wonderful to be within driving distance of both?

    Joyce, wishing you luck with getting the medical bills figured out. Sometimes they make us work for what we have already paid for.

    Sharon, a big CONGRATS on reaching Onederland again!!!! You have to be pleased. Keep up the good work.

    Allison you are so busy taking care of others. I’m glad you are getting the massage. Enjoy!!!

    Lisa, I can’t say you took any time to rest after finishing at Restaurant Impossible. You are a busy lady and getting it done. Way to go. Good luck with the Internet connection.

    Kimses, congrats on turning away from the kitchen after your upset!!! That is a wonderful NSV. Good plan to do your moping then move on. (((Hugs)))

    Lillian, it sounds like a great day! A massage then a new mattress, wow. Have a great day.

    Pat, it sure sounds like you have this journey figured out. And how great that your DH is in “support mode”. I feel for those that don’t have the support of their spouse. You are doing great so keep it up.

    Margaret, glad to hear you made the doctor’s appointment.

    Pip, I so hope that things turn out much better for Kirby than the original thoughts. Are you able to take any time off work or are you having to work through this? Prayers and good thoughts being sent your way. (((Hugs)))

    m1277.gifto any Newbies that I missed. Come often and join in the chat. This thing works!! Please sign your post with what you want to be called. It makes it easier for us to respond to you. Also a location is great, be it specific or general. We are happy to have you join us.

    I think I was too tired to finish reading last night and went to bed. I finally caught up so need to get moving this morning. I did get more exercise done yesterday and have already done some a few times this morning. I feel better when I know I have done it so hopefully I’ll get back in the habit.
    I hope all of you have a healthy and happy day. rose.gif

    Words I live by:
    Savor. I have to slow down and savor every bite.
    Opportunity. Each day offers new opportunities for good health and happiness if we just look for them and choose them.
    I Love you, smiley-love013.gif
    Myrtle Beach, SC
  • drkatiebug
    drkatiebug Posts: 1,946 Member
    edited November 2015
    Mary, it wasn't me with the glass, but I agree. It is beautiful and Mia is very talented.

    Sylvia, I love your bowls, too. Many of you are talented in one way or another. My only talent lies in organization. I don't like to brag, but my closets and bookshelves are a work of art. LOL! 5cssh5dbyia6.jpeg


  • mollywhippet
    mollywhippet Posts: 1,890 Member
    Dr. Katie Bug, I'm blown away by your organization abilities. That is a MUCH more important skill to have in life than making pottery. I am a disaster with organization. I've tried a few times. For instance, I got plastic shoe boxes with lids and sorted my tools by type. They are all stacked on a shelf and marked, like "texture fabrics", "wooden ribs", "knives and needles", etc. All went well for about a week. Now they are all mixed up again and there are tools that never got put away in their correct place and just spread out all over the studio. I think part of the problem is being a pack rat. I just can't bear t get rid of something that "might" be useful someday. But my friends are all impressed with the amount of stuff I have. I guess it's true that "the one with the most tools wins".

    My kitchen is pretty much the same way. And my desk at home is the dumping ground and is so packed with junk that I have to set my computer up on the kitchen counter. I'm just being swallowed in a sea of junk. Not good for mental health, I'm sure. I know when I do get things cleared out a little I feel so much better. Lighter! But I can't seem to stick with it.

    Oh well.

  • klanders30
    klanders30 Posts: 2,569 Member
    I cried for a hour which is totally unlike me. I was really crushed. Then headed to the kitchen. Then stopped and walked out the door for a 2 mile walk instead. That's the silver lining.
    Kimses, your NSV is very inspiring. I get so walloped with work stress, that I just end up hurting myself, not the toxic folks I work with! I think you handled yourself wonderfully. The best revenge is to treat yourself like the professional that you are, karma is a b##**h and they too will be our age someday.....let's just see how that goes for them!

    Pip hope things go well, sounds like Kirby is making progress, all the best.

    Karen from NY

  • fanncy0626
    fanncy0626 Posts: 7,152 Member
    edited November 2015
    Drkatiebug- sorry about that! You are an excellent organizer! I can keep it that way for a short time then I have to reorganize again and again!

    Pip - thanks for the update! We are still praying for him.

    Hi everyone! Here are my numbers for today.

    Squats - 5x65/70/75/80/85/90/95/100/105, 5x5x110
    Sumo squats- 5x5x95
    BP - 5x65/75/80 5x3x85, I felt weak so dropped down to 5x2x80
    BR - 5x5x85

    I did a lot of squats because I really want to work that area. I am feeling good about my form while lifting the heavier weight. I almost feel like heavier cleans up my form.

    Mary from Minnesota
  • miakoda40
    miakoda40 Posts: 467 Member
    Pip - continued good thoughts being sent to you and Kirby. I am very encouraged that they are planning to move him out of ICU.

    Mia in MI
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,710 Member
    Hey peeps-
    Someone asked if I was able to get time off of work yeah they're pretty relaxed, unfortunately all of my time is been used up so this is unpaid time every time I'm away from work which is something I can't afford right now. Going to see if I can find a copy of the police report before I go back to work right now. Type to you later bye
  • terri_mom
    terri_mom Posts: 748 Member
    DJ – DH does not always hear me get up. We have a quiet bed. I just can tell by the stuff I leave out like empty boxes or dirty dishes. I have done this since childhood, and I have never attempted to leave the house, or make anything more complicated than a bowl of cereal. My sister used to cook food in a frying pan, so we really watched and listened for her, and had very sensitive smoke alarms. I am more of a threat to my weight than anything else. // My tablet is a Samsung, so I’m pretty sure one of us can figure out how to sync it to MFP on the tablet. And even if it won’t sync up to anything, I’m only out a few bucks. The next job will be to attach or buy some bling, because the picture looks like it is plain black.

    Lisa – thanks for showing me the hotpad. I expected a portion of it to be crocheted. But now that I’ve seen it, I will try something similar, and post it later if it turns out acceptable. Hopefully my left hand will be ready after this weekend (a normal flare lasts me about 3 days).

    DrKaiteBug – work your magic in my house ANY TIME ! ! ! I am the absolute worst. I don’t care what it looks like, and I don’t want to search and hunt when I want/need to use something, so I want it visible and quick and painless to find. The only thing really in good storage is about 75% of my yarn (the other 25% is right next to my chair or somewhere in the livingroom. Any organization would be better than no organization. I applaud you ! ! !

    Pip – More hugs and prayers for you and Kirby.

    Everyone with strugglesHugs and Prayers ! ! !

    Everyone with SuccessesHugs and Prayers ! ! !

    Terri in Milwaukee
  • trisH_7183
    trisH_7183 Posts: 1,486 Member
    PIP...best of luck to your DH.You both must feel like the walking wounded :s

    MARGARET,Sorry the news wasn't better for your DH.

    SYLVIA,You must of been beyond tired.Is there any help available?

    I went for milk & few things.Weather is going to be cold this wk end.Will stay in,might sort my large closet,read & stay warm. Hope everyone has a nice wk end.