

  • oceanmelody
    oceanmelody Posts: 399 Member
    Pip, we are all rooting for Kirby!!!
    Drkatiebug, I love acrostics, too, but hate filling in the teensy squares that the New York Times gives you in the print version. I do not know how those things get constructed in the first place -- it is one of the mysteries of life. And I love the NYT crosswords -- even saw/heard Will Shortz give a talk this fall -- it was way cool.
    Lillian when I was sick I dragged myself to work some days and took off others just so I would not have to get one of those doctor's notes -- it is written into the union contract that after three days' consecutive absence you need one of those blasted notes. What am I, a kindergartener? Plus, just a plain vanilla virus can last for at least a couple of weeks.What I also hate is feeling so sick you are like death warmed over and have to drag yourself to the doctor in the cold wintertime. I think the last time a doctor came to the house was somewhere in the early 60s before the Beatles and Vietnam...
    That scale is stuck in one place and I feel like I am starving. All because I got zero exercise when I was sick I think. Had my five almond morning snack and still the clock is ticking so slowly to lunchtime...
    Betty WNY
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,355 Member
    Oh Pip! Sending love for you and Kirby. <3 Can't life just change in a second. :'(

    Well, I've arrived! I'm in my hotel room watching TV. On the train I watched "The Great Pottery Throw Down" that Sylvia was talking about. :D Great fun and really passed the time.
    For some reason I felt really anxious about arriving, but much better now I'm settled in. I've had a cup of tea and some sushi. :laugh: We aren't eating until 8 pm. :*
    Soon will get changed and hope it isn't pouring with rain when I go over to the apartment. Hope I can find it. :ohwell:
    It's in a brand new big complex.

    Will check in tonight.

    Love Heather UK
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,980 Member
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    Kim: I love yoga and eye candy would be a nice bonus! Most of my fellow students are 50+. I think the younger crowd comes in the evenings. At the moment there are 3 teachers who each take a day, a male in his late twenties or maybe 30, a woman in her early 30's and a woman 50+. I like the different perspectives. I hope you fall in love with yoga. It is one of my fun things as well as being a positive health strategy. :heart:

    Heather: Congratulations on losing the pesky pound! Have a lovely time with your friends in London. :flowerforyou:

    Jenna: We take our dog to the Vet's for boarding during the 4th of July festivities becasue he is so terrified of the fireworks. We make reservations in advance. When we went to get him afterwards this year we ran into several friends that were also retrieving their dogs. Perhaps a similar strategy would help your dog through Guy Fawkes night. :bigsmile:

    Penny: We have some lava tube caves here in Oregon that were created by long ago lava flows. I've been though the part that is open to the public. An ice cave is another matter. I don't have that much courage. :noway: I'm glad you had a great time. :flowerforyou:

    Miriam: I'm sorry you have hip pain. You have a lot of courage and I admire that. :flowerforyou:

    Alison: Thanks for letting us know about Pip and Kirby. :flowerforyou:

    Pip: You and Kirby are in my prayers. So are the surgeons. I pray that they are skilled and able to do their very best work fixing his broken bones. :heart:

    DJ: Your Thanksgiving plans are generous and sound like they'll be enjoyable. Great idea! :flowerforyou:

    I don't remember whether Rori has posted here about her DH's upcoming surgery for melanoma on his forehead. While you are praying & sending good thoughts, please include Rori & her husband. I am hoping for clear margins and no signs that it has gone into other locations.

    We have dog prints in our freshly painted trim this morning. :grumble: I was able to get it off of the deck but not to fix the window trim. I'll have to borrow some paint from our neighbor when he gets his done so I can touch up the booboos. The paint is not dry yet and since it is raining, it will likely be quite a while before it is dry. White spots under the window are a mystery. There was no white paint used! I think it may be bird droppings. Birds have been known to use our windows for bombing practice. :ohwell:

    Katla in Beautiful NW Oregon

    “Our greatest weakness lies in giving up. The most certain way to succeed is always to try just one more time.” Thomas A. Edison

    November Goals :
    1. Log every bite and swallow.
    2. Cardio exercise at least 3 days a week. Work on flexibility and back strength.
    3. Have fun every day.
    4. Drink at least three glasses of water daily, preferably more!
    5. Eliminate alcohol.
    6. Monitor sleep. Try to average 7 or more hours of sleep nightly.

  • miakoda40
    miakoda40 Posts: 467 Member
    Ladies, I am freaking out here. Yesterday I committed to selling my glass on Dec. 1. I need to make sure none of the pieces have rough edges. I need to clean everything. Sign everything. Price it all. Pack it all. Then comes the table set up and selling part. Just seeing my stuff all set out on my dining room table has me questioning my sanity in taking this step. I've just about convinced myself that none of it is good enough to sell. Why o why am I like this when it comes down to having confidence in my own work?
  • terri_mom
    terri_mom Posts: 748 Member
    Happy Thursday ! ! !

    Margaret – Hugs and Prayers ! ! !

    – congrats on converting DD’s inadvertent sabotage behavior into walking and talking. Much healthier for everyone involved. // What a beautiful aura in that photo !

    Beth – It’s a new day. You can ignore that bite next time.

    Becca- Deep breath from your diaphragm. You can hit that note !

    Grits – Hugs and Prayers ! You are correct that sometimes it is best to avoid the red herring. I hope she soon bores of the bashing, and finds peace in her heart.

    Sylvia – I think I’m going to fall out of my chair, I am laughing so hard (mostly because I can relate). I’m glad you were not physically injured.

    Michele – yes, I had a moment of silence, said kind things, and gingerly put my coffee maker to rest in the garbage pail. I then turned to DS and reminded him to be careful when he takes out the trash later. So very sad. Today I must buy filters, and learn to tweek the ratio on the new/old one I will now be using. Thanks !

    Heather – Congrats on giving the boot to the pesky pound. Hooray ! ! !

    Joyce (re: Allison) – Perfectly said. A marvelous sentiment. You are also to be commended for those uplifting words ! ! !

    Sharon – Hugs for DGD and the croup. I hope everyone is able to prevent it’s spread.

    Jenna – Great job limiting the cake and avoiding the wine. You deserve to be proud of that NSV !

    – I truly enjoyed your ice cave story. Thanks for sharing.

    Hugs and Prayers for Kirby and Pip
    ! ! ! So sad and scary. // Since you were such a stellar patient, I know you will be so wonderfully supportive and helpful. I hope you feel all our support holding you up during this difficult time.

    DJ – Hooray for your 2 pounds gone. I like your theory on weight training every time you walk past the area. // Thanksgiving: DH is planning on working Friday, so we are staying “home”. We invited my sister, but she works third shift that week and weekend, so she rightly chooses sleep. DH will likely cook one HUGE turkey, or two medium, because he loves it so much. He makes all kinds of crazy things with the leftovers. My Dad is visiting my other sister’s kids in Arizona the week before Christmas, so we will share food with him on Thanksgiving, but it will be a quiet, casual thing, and if the Moose is open, he will probably go there for part of the day, too. You sharing with friends that would otherwise be alone sounds like nice plans.

    Peach – Hooray for your doctor’s scale being nice to you ! !

    Barbie – LOVE the snippet of information about dancing. Thanks for sharing.

    Just for the record, if anyone friends me on Facebook, and I post something, it is not a secret. I try not to dramatize on Facebook, but it is good for communicating with friends who live far away.

    The new exercise bike at the gym sounds similar to the scales and garmins some of you have mentioned. When I grab and hold the handles, it is supposed to give my heart rate. But sometimes it claims to be crazy-high, like 190 or something. So I let go, then grab 1 hand at a time, and it cuts that number in ½. Silly machines.

    So far NOT eating back my exercise calories has been working. I really need to think and plan, and have LOTS of won’t-power, but I’m certain that I can get under this plateau. Drinking more water is helping, too.

    The first H.S. bowling practice went well yesterday. DS kept his score up with the "golden child" (the kid of the coach last year who said "I'm not playing a freshman when there are Sophmores and Juniors on the JV team" ). DH spent most of the time on a separate pair of lanes coaching some of the brand-new-to-bowling kids (this high school cuts no one). He said it went well, and he will continue doing it unless or until the "better" bowlers start asking, too. It was also nice to spend some time with the Mom's that I have friended in the past, but our paths don't cross outside of bowling season. We keep in touch on Facebook or through text, but don't have other free time to spend together :(

    Issues as soon as I got to work today, so I only got 15 minutes on the exercise bike. Planning 10 minutes on the handbike at lunch, which starts in a few minutes. Since only the ring finger of my left hand is having an RA flare today, the handbike should be limited pain, which I can handle. The "oldies" station I have on at work has been playing a lot of faster music today, so I"ve been dancing, too.

    Sleep-eating last night looked to be yogurt and granola, so I'm just going to keep that in the very front part of the fridge, and keep trying to stay around 1200, so eating it won't become a problem. I'm still not sure how to log it, since I'm not positive of what I'm eating or when, only guessing by the dirty dishes and locations of items (and the knowledge that DS and DH have never been willing to taste yogurt).

    Hugs for Everyone ! ! !

    Terri in Milwaukee (another 60+ degree day outside)
  • terri_mom
    terri_mom Posts: 748 Member
    Mia - Breathe ! ! ! You ARE amazing. You have posted pictures. Drum up that confidence, and make that money ! ! ! You deserve to feel proud (and allowed to be nervous).
  • nccarolb
    nccarolb Posts: 858 Member
    Hi all! I've had some sort of stomach bug (complete with fever) since Monday. Prayers for those who are having health issues. Pip - I didn't catch the whole story, but hope Kirby heals well. Sylvia - Go to bed!!

    Congrats on losses!

    Carol in NC
  • mtowne002
    mtowne002 Posts: 152 Member
    Oh Pip! I'm so sorry! Hopefully his excellent health before the accident will boost his recovery!

    Mia oooooo lets see some pics!?!

    Sylvia I'm with some others the white bowls with the pinched edges are exquisite!

    Well trying to get my courage up for a night at work..it sure has been busy lately and I hear tis nothing compared to closer to the holidays. So comfy and somnolent w my two girls snoring away on their couch. Have a good day all.

    Boston Mindygukmvq5y0xda.jpg
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,710 Member
    Lagopus wrote: »
    Hmm, leave as is or try surgery when you have a broken clavicle. Seems to me I've heard that somewhere before....

    Pip, I'm glad it isn't more serious than that you are able to close your post with "lolol". I was awfully worried! You and Kirby have really been in the wars this year!

    That surgery was about the spine, not shoulder
  • miriamwithcats
    miriamwithcats Posts: 1,120 Member
    Mia, your glass is gorgeous. Post a photo of all of it on your table for us to oooh and aaaah over! I love glass.
  • mikesmom1983
    mikesmom1983 Posts: 582 Member
    Sending prayers to all those who are facing health issues.
    Chris in MA
  • mikesmom1983
    mikesmom1983 Posts: 582 Member
    67 degrees in MA in November!
    Doesn't get much better than this!
    Chris in MA
  • miriamwithcats
    miriamwithcats Posts: 1,120 Member
    I have mentioned the flea problem we have had. Three of my kitties have allergic reactions to the bites, and scratch themselves raw. I am trying this on Geronimo to see if it helps keep him from scratching. Somehow he UNTIED the bandanas I tied around his neck. Did not slip out of them but untied them!
  • miriamwithcats
    miriamwithcats Posts: 1,120 Member
    68 here in Iowa, but going down to the mid fifties tomorrow.
  • terri_mom
    terri_mom Posts: 748 Member
    Miriam - my wrist and the weatherman both agree that we will be getting rain tonight, right ahead or behind the cold front. I think the weather this week was nicer than most of the summer. I hope the REALLY bad storms jump right over both of us ! I hope the clothing helps the cats ! Fleas are such a pain (in many ways).
    GRITSandSLUTSandWINOS Posts: 2,573 Member
    BarbieCat - for some reason I am not being brought to the November thread; I end up going to the last page of October where you posted then new tread and got here; but even in my 'notifications' the last one is dated in October and is your post with the link to get here. Has anybody else had the same problem or not?

    Pip - Kirby's pain will be 'in his ribs' because every move he makes will cause him to need a bit of extra air; and we all tend to take in extra air normally. My sons' friend had a wreck and broke several ribs himself and they put him in a binder - he was miserable because it was so tight to try to keep him from expanding his lungs, to prevent further damage. I broke the 11th rib that is right under my left breast and sometimes it will 'catch' and I can't breathe; feel like I am having a heart attack; and it has healed. Being right-handed and all the moving is going to be difficult for him. Sorry he got hit while on his bicycle. Riding at dusk or at night is dangerous; it's bad enough that people in automobiles don't realize that bikers are supposed to follow the same rules as vehicles and they should watch out for them; but, bicyclists also have to look out for those who might be distracted and don't see them moving over to keep from running off the pavement. I think that is the reason that a lot of bike clubs ride together - see a lot of bikers in front of you will make them slow down some, or it should. I used to ride a street bike when we lived in town and I miss it; but, can't ride it now because we live on a dirt road.

    Margaret - my DGDs get a lot of 'memories' made with me - once I drove right past the 'order box' at a DQ and it had curbs on either side of it. They had earlier asked if we could 'go through a drive-thru' . . . so I could not back up because there was someone behind me; so I 'drove through the drivee-thru' and they started laughing. My middle one was so embarrassed that she got down in the floorboard. When I got to the window and she opened it up I told her, "We're just riding through the drive-thru; that is what my DGDs wanted to do." Last month my oldest one wrote me an email and said 'it was exactly 5 years ago that you drove through the drive-thru at the DQ'.

    I did it again once when they were begging me and I did not have the money to even buy a drink to share; so I drove through the drive thru at the local McDonald's . . . where you pay for the meal at the first window and pick up the meal at the 2nd one. After driving through the first window, and stopping giving the same message to the cashier, they wanted me to get 'out of line' and 'go home'; but, I told them 'no, you wanted to drive through a drive-thru, so we are doing it'. If you aren't more descriptive of what you want you might always get the thing you asked for - right then, not later. A couple of days later the line was so long that I decided we'd go inside; and one of them thought that the girl at the drive-thru window recognized them. LOL!!!! I told her that one day she would remember it and hopefully will be able to 'laugh about it'. I know I do!

    I think if I had fallen asleep and fell on the floor; I might have allowed them to call the ambulance just to keep from feeling 'silly' over it. I don't know about there; but, here the ambulance comes whether or not they transport you and they only charge you 'if' they transport you. I've called the before because of having an anxiety attack, which is just as scary as if you think you are having a heart attack. Twice in one day. The next day I found myself in the hospital to get my medications 'tweaked'.

    My husband is a self-employed paint contractor and has been so for the past 30 years after he was 'let go' from a job that he hated anyway. He had painted houses for 5 years prior to that, too. He has never advertised and is not listed in the phonebook under 'house painters'; his business has always been by 'word of mouth from other customers'. He's got 8 or 10 that call him every year to come wash down their houses and let them know if it needs a paint job (sometimes they just want to change the color of it). We had a neighbor who was 'loaded' and he painted their house, several times (usually with the same off-beige). I don't know if you know what 'dental trim' is on a house; but it is like little pieces of wood spaced evenly apart. His wife decided she wanted to change colors and the man called Louis and said they were going out of town for the week and because she had wanted to change the color drastically - he wanted to know if he could do it that week they were gone. So DH changed around a couple of jobs and started on it about 2 hours after they left; it was a big house; with a connected workshop, a carport and a garage. It was a job that required painting it with a brush and not a roller. Finished it and they drove up and she 'hated' the color (that she had picked out). So her husband called DH and told him what she had said and that she wanted to go back to the original color (which meant it had to have primer on it to cover thee drastic color change; and her husband paid DH twice for the repaint.

    The bowls are wonderful! Mia - I'm sure that whatever it was that you were doing to sell or give away was just as wonderful. I think we 'artistic' types are always harder on ourselves when we are doing something for anybody else. In that respect I think we tend to be 'pleasers'. My DOS is my 'critic' . . . and he can be 'brutal' at times; but, that is what I respect about him. If 'he' is able to see a mistake, whether it is in placement or in color I'd rather him be 'honest' with me than to say it is 'ok'. I don't want something that I am selling to just be 'ok'. I want the person receiving it (either buying it or getting it as a gift) will really like it. My DnL (one that is trying to 'dig' me into a hole) asked if I would paint her grandmother and I did . . . I had only seen her once; she had very deep set eyes with bags under the and I decided to paint it rather than to do it in pencil. I always copy the picture 'in color' and in 'black & white' because it gives me a better idea of what medium I should use. I've only been 'inside' their home once since I painted it (don't remember seeing it) so I don't know if she gave it to her grandmother or not; but I know that she saw it and she commented on the baggy eyes. I painted what I saw and did the best that I could.

    I think that 'family dynamics' can be 'good or they can be bad' depending on whether all parties give and take; but, when one is 'always' right and everybody else is 'in the wrong'; when you hear the same story with it slanted in the direction of the person telling it, that only means one thing - ONE of them is lying!

    I like to play 'Scrabble' and just ordered some books for those letters that are difficult to find a word with one of them in it. Like "X" and "I". I also enjoy a good game of Mexican Train (dominos) but don't have anybody else to play it with. Friend of mine and her husband got me hooked and for it to be 'interesting' it takes at least 4.
  • joanl9
    joanl9 Posts: 107 Member
    Thoughts and prayers to Pip and Kirby, as well as everyone else dealing with health issues.

    Joan in unseasonably warm Alabama
  • relater2000
    relater2000 Posts: 43 Member
    Annr wrote: »
    alerica1 wrote: »
    Bossman brought Almond Joy bars that he had leftover from Halloween to my office today. Lord help me!

    oooh RUN... FLEE....chocolate almonds and coconut are the DEVIL SPAWN. REALLY :-)

    Not here!!! (I very much DISlike coconut!

    Elaine in Lansing
  • Sunnygirl_2015
    Sunnygirl_2015 Posts: 184 Member
    Sending ((( hugs)))) and prayers to all those that need them, and special intentions for a super speedy recovery and get well soon wishes to Pip's dear, dear Kirby <3

    <3 Rosie in So Cal