

  • bwcetc
    bwcetc Posts: 2,777 Member
    Mia ... Beautiful!
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,710 Member
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    Barbiecat - I can get here by hitting the link you posted in October; but, for some reason the star will only bring up October for me and it does not change to yellow. I don't know what I am doing wrong; but, possibly you or someone can advise me how to actually do it. It should be simple; but, this month is doesn't seem to want to do it for me. :'(

    You need to click on the blank star at the top of the page for each new month to turn it yellow and make it the new book mark. I wonder whether you've clicked on the star at the top of this page and made it change to yellow. If you have, you'll get here. Why don't you give it a try right now and see whether it works? :heart:
  • nccarolb
    nccarolb Posts: 858 Member
    I'm off to the mountains tomorrow and don't know how often I will be able to check in since there will be no wifi. There will also be no hiking because it is supposed to rain ALL day on Saturday. :neutral: We do plan to eat out a couple of times and have chosen our restaurants.

    Mia and Sylvia - Your artwork is amazing!! Sylvia, I liked all of the bowls but absolutely loved the flower one. Mia, your blown glass is spellbinding.

    Rori- I am sorry to hear about your husband's health issues. I hope your back feels better soon.

    Alison - I read an article that reminded me of you. It was about people who do too much for others so that they neglect themselves. I'll try to figure out where I came across it and get you the link.

    Pip - I am very anxious to hear an update on Kirby. My son has had some mighty close calls while on his bike and Kirby's accident makes me even more worried.

    Margaret -You and your husband are in my prayers as well.

    I know I'm missing folks who are having difficulties. I do make mental notes as I read but, well, my mind is old and leaky, so I miss personally mentioning everyone.

    Michele and DeeDee - I will wave as I pass your respective cities tomorrow and Sunday!

    Welcome newbies!!!

    I'm late for sleeping and I have to do all of the driving tomorrow so, good night.

    Carol in NC
  • 17761776
    17761776 Posts: 1,098 Member
    miakoda40 wrote: »
    Grits - Are you clicking on the empty star just above the magnifying glass?

    Barbie - you are so wise. Focus on each step as it comes up and don't worry about everything at once.

    Pip - Sending good thoughts to you and Kirby. I hope he recovers completely and soon.

    I got all of the glass that is in condition to sell.

    Here is the table:


    And all of the ornaments on the couch:


    I want some!!!!!! Just lovely!!! We have some very talented ladies!! I collect glass n pottery, would pieces from both!! Lovely gifts, tis the season
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,710 Member
    Exermom- he is not on my insurance. He has his own. :0/ bummer but he has homeowners ins and work ins.
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,710 Member
    Nite peeps
  • jmkmomm
    jmkmomm Posts: 3,247 Member
    Pip, I am so sorry about Kirby's accident. Well we know him well enough and are so enamored with him, we all claim him also. I hope that with how good in shape he is that he will recover as quickly as you did. I understand his injuries are different but he has that athletes determination lie you do.

    Miriam, Geronimo doesn't look happy at all with his get up to help him. He is making an awful look at you.

    Mia, your work is so beautiful. And this is all work that you have hand blown? I can't imagine the hours of work you have put into all of that. Please take that into consideration when you set your price.

    I forgot to tell you an incident before when you were all talking about pic crusts. One time very early in our marriage I was going to attempt to make my wonderful new husband a home made pie. I don't know what I did wrong but it never even made any kind of dough. It was just crumbly pieces. So I threw it all away in the trash can. Later that evening I was giving my eyes some rest from my new contacts. Back in those days they were the hard contacts that you had to get used to them by only wearing them a few hours at a time. So bedtime and you know what happens at bedtime for newlyweds, we were cleaning up the living room and I threw away my contacts with something else!!!!! :o I sifted through all that awful dough until I found those contacts. I had insurance on them but I had to turn the old ones in. That also ruined the rest of the night.

    I have said some crazy things also. Charlie had set a time in our marriage that he wanted to start having children. I wanted them earlier. So one night I concocted this story about my being my grandma's favorite grand child and at my whatever birthday i was going to get a lump some of money. Well needless to say we tried for that baby that night. Before I went to work the next morning I told him I made it all up!!!

    Also my girls loved for me to go to the haunted houses with them. I usually had a slew of other girls with us. some because they wanted to have the same kind of fun my girls had and others because they were petrified of haunted houses and my girls just wanted to take them so they would be scared. The first haunted house I went to to I was with my husband. There was this statuesque man standing near the entrance. Well I thought he was fake and copped a feel. I soon found out he wasn't fake but a real young verile man. So ever since then I decided to make fun of the people that were the actors in the haunted house. I would do something scary, if a person was in a coffin, I would cover them up and close the lid and maybe even sit on it. I would just have fun to let my girls and other girls know that those people are only humans that are acting a part. We had one guy that met you at the end of the haunted house with a chain saw. He would follow you all the way out to you car. So I just got in my car before the girls did and started after him. One year I had the entire youth group go with us. I was the person the girls wanted s a chaperone at any event.

    Got Charlie's hospital bill today. It was much less than I thought it was going to be. I was expecting about $100,000 and then we would pay what insurance didn't. It was $72,000 and our payment was $1700! He had his infuion for his ulcerative colitis while he was in the rehab center and billing told them that they would have to pay that. Well that was on our bill. So I called them and they aid it would have to go before a insurance review committee. We still haven't got it straightened out about Charlie's new medicine for this colon infection. Now the insurance is telling us that he doesn't have pharmacy coverage. Come on people, we get a monthly prescription drug summary from them. So I have to follow up on that tomorrow. And with it being Friday, we may not get this drug started this week.

    Joyce, Indiana
  • dreamwriter
    dreamwriter Posts: 610 Member
    whew! Finally caught up and didn't nod off once.

    Sylvia - Lol The thought of you sliding down to the floor has me in stitches. I hope you get some rest.

    Barbie - I so admire your determination, obviously it works. I'm glad those splints are giving you some relief.

    Mia - Just push through that old self doubt. I, for one, am a fan of your glass work. I love the blues.

    Praying for Kirby and Pip
    Rori and her dear husband
    Margaret and her DH
    Any others that are having a difficult time.

    Went to my weight loss nurse and discovered I am back down to the weight I was the last time I lost weight. Finally......Onederland again. I came home and did some Wii balance games. My balance really needs some work and then I did yoga.
    Made it through my shift at work but everyone is complaining to me about the schedule. I am not the one making it. Today I had to fix today's schedule, tomorrow's and Saturday's. Saturday we are open until 9 and there were only people scheduled until 6. Hopefully my fix will take care of the mess.
    Chico is sticking by me because he is still mad about the bath Larry gave him. It is funny.

    -Sharon in Lethbridge.
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,355 Member
    Good morning ladies!
    Barbie - Thank you for the quote. I needed that! And Rori, you reminded me how lucky I am. :flowerforyou:

    Going to get up, have a cup of tea and off to breakfast.

    Love Heather UK
  • 53welshlady
    53welshlady Posts: 136 Member
    Morning all
    Haven't caught up with all the posts since yesterday as work computer dropped network connection this a.m. and has only just come back on and now I have to work!!
    An OK day yesterday, decided against going to gym, no real reason , just feeling a bit lazy. Will go tonight anyway.
    Was expecting this morning to be very foggy after Guy Fawkes night but it was surprisingly clear. Think most of the big bonfires are scheduled for tonight or tomorrow. Dog wasn't too bad last night, just went behind sofa and stayed there, then came to bed with me later!! Unfortunately the fireworks seem to go on for ages here and can go off at any time so I just have to keep her chill pills handy to give her when it gets a bit much.
    Roll on the weekend!!

  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,803 Member
    morning friends~
    Hoping Kirby is feeling a tad bit better today..
    today I will go feed DFIL and see if we can play some Frank while he eats, then from there go take care of Faith and do her insulin and get her breakfast and lunch together... then will go up after work and get her dinner together...
    then will come home go to bed and then get up early and go do the breakfast and lunch and pill thing again ... then go to work.. after work is the massage ...
  • Lagopus
    Lagopus Posts: 1,016 Member
    Enjoy your massage, Allison. You deserve a bit of TLC from someone else.

  • trisH_7183
    trisH_7183 Posts: 1,486 Member
    csofled wrote: »
    susb wrote: »
    Kim, don't get discouraged. You're putting negative thoughts in your head if you are relati g to how easy it was in the past. It can be accomplished now! Yes, our bodies do change as we age but that doesn't mean we can't reach our goals. I did, and it was shocking. I call it, silly as this might sound, eating correctly in the right amounts to lose or maintain your weight. I shocked myself as well as everyone who knew me. This sounds like one of those darn ads! It is not. I got rid of the mindset that I was on a "Diet", which to me represented denial of all the foods that I love. I simply told myself that I was never going to win the battle of losing or maintaining my weight by eating in that manner, day after day, year after year. It was a battle I was never going to win and as you know, you are continually left feeling defeated! I do know what it feels like to eat foods due to stress and comfort. This is never good, right? It makes you feel like you have no self control. It is, mindless eating...

    I have to tell you this: by setting up a healthy eating plan, I lost 40 punds in few months. No, I did not starve myself. I did, every now and then, hit a couple of plateaus but I was patient. In the end I weighed 118, the same weight I was when I was 20 years old and this happened at the age of 55! Only, after six weeks of eating correctly, did I begin to do a small amount of walking and I added Pilates. I could never have imagined the results. I never went to a class, just used and bought DVD's to do at my home, at my convenience. I added my cardio by opening up my front door and walking in my neighborhood. A few months later, I had not only lost every pound I had ever dreamed of losing bit I was toned and in great shape.

    I made sure I ate at near the same time, morning, noon and evening, around, 8, 12, 6 with 100-150 calorie snacks mid morning and mid afternoon. I was never starving and I enjoyed my meals and snacks more than ever because, I feel, I wasn't shoving food down my face all day long! I also wrote down everything I ate until I lost every last pound! I also drank green tea for a snack here or there, throughout the day.

    I ate lots of protein, vegetables and fruits (wow, what a surprise!) My grocery list had all the healthy items included each week when shopped.

    Overall, I did not eat bread at every meal. I kept bread, pasta, rice and potatoes to a minimum while I was losing the weight and measured it out when I was in maintenance. I did switch everything to whole wheat or grains. I did eat sweet potatoes. I did not rule out peanut butter (natural), butter (whipped) olive oil, low cal salad dressing or honey. I made sure to limit these items and measure them out, so I could add them into my daily count. It would be ridiculous to think that any of us could sustain a healthy diet for life without having the small amounts of flavoring these type items add to your overall eating experience. I think this is where people go off track, they feel they have to go on a "diet" and deny themselves of everything if they are ever going to reach success; not true! It's not small amounts of anything like these items; it was the overall excess calories day after day, that made us put on all of the extra weight, right?

    I made sure not to bring any food that was tempting or not good for me, into the house, especially during the first six weeks of forming my healthy eating routine. If someone did bring something home, I quickly tucked it out of sight, later, it didn't matter, my quick results and healthy eating habits were a way life.

    I measured everything I ate with measuring cups and spoons.

    When I went out to eat, which I avoided because of old habits, I strictly ordered healthy items.

    Oh yes, two more things, I weighed myself every day and I used 5 lb. goals as an incentive from the start. 160 would be 155, 155 would be 150' until I reached the last goal of 118. In the end, I was too skinny. Best weight, for my age, was anywhere from 120 to 130.

    I was so proud when I went to my OBGYN and blurted out that I had lost 40 pounds! He told me: you're too thin, you need some weight on you, you've passed menopause!

    Wow, sometimes you can't win! This was one issue I didn't mind having and I could easily modify.

    I hope I am not coming off as preachy; I simply want to share my experience so that all of you could realize losing and maintaining weight should not be thought of as a battle; it truly does have to be a way of life!

    Yes, make sure to reward yourself with bubble bath, body lotion, a new DVD or anything you like, instead of using food as a reward!

    SUSB......Thank you. This is my basic eating plan.Altho I am the worlds slowest loser,came to realize I may never lose down to the point where I wanted to be.That is ok......to say & mean that is fabulousfantasticlywonderful.

    For the first time ,have stuck with it nearing 3 yrs. Not sure I have ever made a month!
    Simply amazing for me as this eating plan....for me....is my way of life.There have been blips,hiccups & bumps.

    Don't know what or how it changed,but am thankful for every tip,every speck of encouragement on this thread.Thank you for taking time to write it down & congratulations. Pat

  • miriamwithcats
    miriamwithcats Posts: 1,120 Member
    Rori, Your comment reminded me of a former veterinarian I had. She said that being adopted by me was like winning the kitty lottery! LOL I get so much pleasure from each and every one of my kitties that I cannot imagine life without them.

    It is interesting for me to see how disabled kitties manage. I have had a blind kitty, and discovered that he never ran in to furniture, and just like some sighted kitties he would CLIMB! So the biggest issue I had with him was rescuing him when he got up somewhere. He couldn't see how far to gauge his jump getting down and would pace until he could no longer wait, then just leap. So when I heard or saw him pacing I would go rescue him.

    Now I have this deaf kitten (about four months old). He is like a roaming disaster area. I figured out that since he doesn't hear the bang when he knocks things off, he hasn't learned to avoid knocking things down. So everywhere he goes, he knocks things down. He uses my paper shredder to jump to the top of a desk he likes to sit on, and knocks it over on to the floor every time. He jumps off piles of books which send them banging on to the floor. Runs headlong through the barbie stuff left on the table and sends it all flying. If I hear a big noise, chances are he is there. It is so funny! It is also hard on me because I have not yet figured out how to get his attention for petting. With the other kitties, you call their name or cluck at them and they know you will pet them. I haven't found a visual cue that he responds to. So I just have to wait until he decides HE wants pet, and then he is very vocal letting me know.

    I had PT yesterday, and we did lots of stretching, which has helped a great deal with the pain level. I also finally figured out how to unlock my hot tub temperature control so I set it where I need it. It had gotten stuck at 95 degrees when I first refilled it and let all four kids play in it before I finished heating it. The jets have to be unlocked before you can unlock the temperature. I don't use the jets so didn't even try to unlock them. So thankful that the manufacturer responded so I didn't waste money I don't have paying for a maintenance visit.

    I am so worried for Rori's husband with the melanoma. I lost a friend to a melanoma. I had noticed it while watching him sanding a car. His girlfriend, a beautician, had also told him to have it checked out. But he delayed, and died from his delay. So sad. He restored old cars and did a wonderful job, and was also a gardener with a great eye for design.

    Hang in there everyone with troubles. We are all behind you!

    Miriam from small town Iowa.
  • lhannon062709
    lhannon062709 Posts: 1,140 Member
    Morning all... just a quick run-through:

    Pip - how are YOU doing, having to deal with the doggies and your arm still in a sling? Thinking about Kirby--one really good thing about your shared lifestyle is that his physical fitness level will get him up and motoring twice as fast as someone who's been sitting in a recliner and vegging in front of the TV. Hope his recovery is speedy and as painless as it possibly can be...

    Mia - that glass is impossibly beautiful, especially the blue webbed vase in the center. I can only imagine what the kitties would do with that on a shelf, with my stone tile floors! I can hear the breaking sound from here... especially since one is trying to gnaw on my elbow and the other is going psycho kitty behind my back in my office chair as I type this! I have great sympathy on the upcoming sale - I was also told I underpriced my stuff, so will be raising prices for the craft sale for the crocheted dishcloths and will be trying to get jeans pocket hotpads constructed over this next two weeks. Plus, of course, selling the books. Luckily, they won't have time to read them while they're there!

    Rory and all who are dealing with your own or loved one's medical and other issues, thinking about y'all, and hoping for the best.

    I've had my head up in getting ten months worth of transactions for two companies and our personal expenses into Quickbooks for the last few days when I wasn't at the warehouse, so my head is rumbling with numbers... numbling?

    Anyway, also pitched an absolute, email-writing, scathing complaint because the local cable company told me they could connect the broadband Internet at the warehouse, then the tech came out a week later and told me they couldn't, because they "didn't serve this block." In a town of 8,000 people, and the warehouse is literally two blocks from their office. Evidently it went fairly high up in the company... and a temporary line is now in place, and they're supposed to have me up and running today. We'll see. Told them I'd happily eat my words if they actually accomplish it, and I will. If it works. We'll see.

    Off to the races... should break 10,000 words today for the sequel to "This Little Pig," my mystery novel, and get part way through Chapter 5. Only two dead bodies so far, both stuck in quite public places... and today, I get to write the villain into it. Or is he the villain? I'll be interested to find out, as I often don't know until the characters tell me. I was totally surprised by the ending to PIG. :smiley: Life as writer. The working title to the sequel is "Flak Be Nimble..." And yes, for the new ones, you can find my novel, as well as my collection of my opinion columns, "She's Thinking Out Loud," on Amazon. Do a search for Lisa C Hannon. :)

    Lisa in sunny West Texas
  • kimses2
    kimses2 Posts: 218 Member
    Hi all ... got a new scale and it's 2 lbs higher but that's ok. At least it is consistent and I only have to weigh myself once. I'm more or less starting from scratch again.

    Really bad work day yesterday. I had my competence called into question by two 30 year old superstars --- totally "threw me under the bus" to the head of the company. In my 30 years of working in this type of job, I've never been undercut by a team member like this before. Always have gotten excellent reviews and feedback. But the superstars can do no wrong and I suppose I have to look at what happened for elements of truth and learn from it and improve. I cried for a hour which is totally unlike me. I was really crushed. Then headed to the kitchen. Then stopped and walked out the door for a 2 mile walk instead. That's the silver lining.
    The disturbing part of this is that it's a very young company and I am clearly the oldest person in the company. Is it age discrimination? I don't think so. I think it's an impatient millenials that could use a little maturity. ...(those little sh***s. lol...had to say that).

    Anyway, I feel my job is on the line. I'm going to let myself feel hurt for a while, then pick myself up and deal with it head on.

    Yesterday -- 30 minutes of weights for upper body. 8,000 steps.
    Today -- checking in here is the start. I will plan my meals. and I will get in 60 minutes of exercise in some manner.

    I'll be moping until 9:00 am and then I'm moving on.

    Enjoy the last of the warm weather.

    Kimses in MA
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,803 Member
    Well I am here at the nursing home with DFIL and have Frank Sinatra on,he is loving it... :) so wonderful to make him happy...
  • miriamwithcats
    miriamwithcats Posts: 1,120 Member
    Oh Kimses, what a feeling of betrayal! Just keep reminding yourself that it is THEM that are the problem, not you! And yes, they are little *kitten*.
  • Peach1948
    Peach1948 Posts: 2,473 Member