

  • miriamwithcats
    miriamwithcats Posts: 1,120 Member
    Wow, DrKatieBug! What a talent! I have four barrister bookcases that were nicely organized but then I ran out of room and started stuffing books in on top of the rows. This is even with giving away most of the books I read, and using the library extensively! But I had the mental health books all categorized, and kids' mental health, a shelf of leadership building (now given to my son), history by general area, an area of religious history/ philosophy, another smaller barrister bookcase with very tall shelves full of landscape design/ gardening books, Maybe this winter I will do another purge and get them back in to shape. I would love the rest of my house to look like that. I love that everything is labelled. That might help me keep a system going. My biggest problem is if I cannot see things, I forget that I have them. I end up with multiples of things, and still cannot find them when I need them. I bought a label maker, but the labels were too small so I couldn't read them without my glasses. That is no help. I also get distracted and put things away in the wrong place. I would love a walk-in closet with shelves for all my shirts and jeans, etc. but the closets in pre-1900 houses are just sad afterthoughts. Right now I am using a small add-on room (part of the wrap around porch that was enclosed but has no heat or AC) as a walk-in with dressers for the folded clothes. But, I tend to just leave stacks on top of the dressers so I can see what I have! LOL. Really sad. I am trying to teach my girls to be better organized than I am, so when I organize lately, it is their craft stuff, toys, clothing. I am constantly buying more hooks, shelves, drawer space, etc. trying to get myself more organized but it just doesn't get done or it doesn't stick. You are SO lucky to have such a talent.
  • trisH_7183
    trisH_7183 Posts: 1,486 Member
    edited November 2015
    patceoh wrote: »
    Started responding a new way...& lost every bit Grrr. So this will be shorter than planned.

    SSB....That is how I eat. Will soon be 3 yrs & proud of that,even tho it's not easy being the worlds slowest at losing.My last "diet" might have been for 2 wks :s As for
    rewards,my latest is perfume. o:)

    KATLA, big part of my problem was also portion control.

    MARGARET, glad the med is working for your DH.
    My DH is so far,so good,thank the Lord.

    HEATHER,micro popcorn,especially low fat was not a fav.Just recently got a micro popper.Was $8-10 & works with /without oil.I just measure it by the cup full.
    The grkids are so sweet.

    "This time around (dieting) I made sure to do only those things (eating and exercising) that I could sustain going forward into seniorhood. Nothing over the top commitment wise as in the past that has been my downfall. Going full force and then messing up and then ultimately giving up. I want to engage in fitness and eating patterns that I know are sustainable. I think I am doing that as I have stayed longer on this path than ever before. Perhaps I can pull the reins in a little tighter as I have been successful thus far in staying the path."
    CHERI.......I so agree! Being already into Seniorhood,having Drs .& meds.....A food plan has to be what I can live with all my life.

    We will eat at Tx Roadhouse for Veteran's Day. Love the salad & baked potato,so take my salad dressing,enjoy every bite & bring the meat home. That will be DHs dinner the next day.More & more finding it easier to pass on food that isn't a fav.DH
    enjoys eating out,but always asks "will this work for you?"So we are both getting trained ;)

    SYLVIA.....Maybe it's the sum total of your day that is tiring? Looks like a long day before dinner.When our only Grdaughter was small,I would pick her up & head for grocery,shopping etc. She started yelling because she didn't like being buckled in.After a couple times,turned car around & took her home. When stopping there to see if her Mama needed anything,Grdau would ask "can I go?" Meanie Grma said "no,you don't know how to behave".Of course she cried,but off I went. Only took 2 times & she never tried that again. :/

    Love the white bowls with the writing/ decal edge. Would love to buy some if you sell them

    Past time to get busy.Yest was fried cabbage....so good. Have no clue for today. Laundry read to fold & dishes to wash. Have a great day. Pat

  • Peach1948
    Peach1948 Posts: 2,473 Member
    edited November 2015
    Dr. Katie, your closet is amazing.

  • terri_mom
    terri_mom Posts: 748 Member
    Miriam - just after my divorce, DD and I lived in a tiny efficiency apartment, and I had to use bookshelves instead of closet or dresser (couldn't get the dresser out in time). It was actually kind of nice, because, like you said, you can see everything without opening and digging through the drawers.
  • GodMomKim
    GodMomKim Posts: 3,657 Member
    Jenna – I had a dog so terrified that on July 4 (our fireworks day) I had to drug her heavily…

    Penny – I can not imagine wiggling through a cave on my tummy – I get the heebbie jeebbies just thinking about it. Wow! On the invite….

    Alison… thanks for telling us about Kirby…

    Pip – I am thinking of Kirby and you!!! Later* Wow, sounds horrible, sending boat loads of good thoughts. Later later **** Glad he was able to get himself up, but agree with you, he has to be careful – I am sure like everyone else has said that is amazing fitness level will help. – on the time away from work what about family leave, it’s paid I think…

    Kimses – I have had the scale act mean before, but usually if I look back over a month, and if I have been true to logging it does come down…stick with it. ** Later – grr on those whippersnappers!!!

    Katla – I do love yoga, it just took to my last b-day to qualify for the senior class which I can afford. The regular class was $20-25 an hour… The eye candy is 2 years older than I am, no ring – which doesn’t mean much….

    Mia – pictures and then we will tell you how wonderful it is… but if the glass you have to sell is anything like the stuff you showed us a bit ago… It is fab!!!! ***Later I’m with Miriam, I am also drooling… the glass pumpkin!

    November Goals -
    Attend yoga each wednesday evening
    Walk everyday –would like to see 160 miles
    continue counseling and hold my weight where it is as I deal with my current set of emotional issues
    weekly fun things
    W1 –
    Kim from N. California
  • trisH_7183
    trisH_7183 Posts: 1,486 Member
    RORI Last post wouldn't accept these few lines to you.Will try again.
    DH had his 1st ever surgery 5 yrs ago.....something we had never heard of,a pitituary tumor.It took nearly 12 hrs till he was back in his room.His wonderful surgeon & 3 others removed it by going thru the nose.
    Makes me weepy just thinking of it all.
    He came thru ok.The recovery took several months.He still sees 2 of the surgeons for yearly check ups.They call him their star patient.
    Drs can & do wonderful things. Hoping your DH has good results.Hugs for you,I know how scary it can be. Pat
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    Pip: You and Kirby seem like peas in a pod. Both of you are strong, mentally tough and brave. :heart: :star:

    Kim: Enjoy your class and your eye candy. You're right about the absence of a ring being no clue one way or the other as to whether a person is involved in a long term relationship. I don't wear mine. I had it resized bigger when I was heavy, and now it is too big. I've had it reduced once and it needs it again. :ohwell:

    Barbie: Have a great trip. :bigsmile:

    I'm having a pity party today, and it isn't pretty. :noway: In fact, I'm more than a bit ashamed of myself because there are loads of good things in my life. :embarassed: DDIL just invited us to have early Christmas with them. They'll be spending real Christmas with her family. DD will most probably be spending real Christmas with her DH's family. We will be on our own. We need to think about what we'd like to do to celebrate having each other.

    Katla in beautiful NW Oregon
  • GodMomKim
    GodMomKim Posts: 3,657 Member
    Katla - come here for Christmas - a warm fire, a warm home, a dog, a tree with unique decorations, SF, wine country and I cook!
  • GodMomKim
    GodMomKim Posts: 3,657 Member
    Hi all
    Just had to comment on all the talent… so glass from Mia, bowls and other pottery from Sylvia, organization from KatieBug, genealogy from Cynthia, writing from Lisa, Heather and???, Sailing from Katla, care giving from Alison, music from Becca, Joyce, Margaret and others, dancing from Barbie Terri-irish, DJ, gardening and canning from Lillian, a number of you have the religion gig covered, Cooking from Heather and I, quilting from Lisa, painting from Mary, Pip –fitness extraordinaire… I know I have left out a bunch of you, and I am sorry – it was not intentional just what dropped in my head as I was typing… But I was thinking if we got stranded together, we pretty much have all the bits covered!!!

    Usually my days are filled to the brim and the embroidery is all for clients doing what ever they request, but I am doing a craft fair in Dec. and business is slow slow slow, so I am creating for the fair. Of course I want a variety of things but the fair is at an Equestrian Center, so a horse theme is part of it. It is so fun to let go and do all sorts of things, and different designs. I love my work, but it is so much about making the $$ that sometimes I don’t just have time (give myself time) to be creative for the sake of being creative.

    Well tonight is the 2nd to the last football game for my nephew, and it is senior night so he gets to have his family join him on the field for introductions and photos… It has been a disappointing season, they have not won a game in fact have not gotten on the score board a few times. But they have had more than their share of ambulance rides… we have 6 players sidelined and 1 will never play a sport again – broken neck, not paralyzed but so fragile. So I consider it a win every time Kyle finishes a game with no injuries…

    Was good so far today but dinner out, and my mom is picking it out and bringing it to the game, I will eat what I am brought but good thoughts that she makes ok choices…. She is a bit random…

    November Goals -
    Attend yoga each wednesday evening
    Walk everyday –would like to see 160 miles
    continue counseling and hold my weight where it is as I deal with my current set of emotional issues
    weekly fun things
    W1 –
    Kim from N. California
  • Vickil57
    Vickil57 Posts: 1,816 Member
    Going to be another beautiful Fall day. Temps in the 50-60's. I love it. I am working 6-5:30 shift today and then off the weekend. Last couple days I have been feeling kind of funky and had a major meltdown Wednesday evening. So needless to say my eating the last couple days has not been good. But am feeling better today and looking forward to having the weekend off. Tonight is our CMA meeting and we will be voting on new officers and I am not running for one. I have served the last 3 years and just want to be a member for awhile.

    Rori--Sending prayers and hugs for you and DH. Remeber to take it One Day at a Time.

    Pascale--Welcome you have come to a great place for support and friendship. Glad to have you join us.

    Heather--Sorry you are feeling down. I hope you enjoy your trip and time with friends. I have been trying to come down with a cold and my voice is rough. Sure would like to see a picture of you in your (18) outfit. I bet you look very stylist. Glad your trip is going well. I so enjoy hearing about your outings.

    Sylvia--Love the bowls. Sure wish I lived closer. Thanks for the smile, glad you were not hurt. If it would of been me I would of been snoring with my mouth open. According to DH I do that when I fall a sleep in the car.

    Margaret--Sending prayers and hugs for you and DH. The fear of the unknown is not a fun place to be. Pray you get some answers soon so you can decide what to do.

    Gritts--Sending prayers and hugs. Family drama is hard to understand and deal with. I have one DDIL that gets upset as she feels we do not spend enough time with her kids. We go to all their events and do waht we can, but never enough. We have 28 grandchildren and 4 great grandsons. Somedays I feel like hitting my head against the wall with her. Now that the kids are older some of them will not be in the same place as the other so we end up with several holidays every Thanksgiving and Christmas. I am learning to just do what I can and let God handle the rest
    DJ--I haven't been a bad girl at work yet! Just have a supervisor with a swelled head. I have a meeting Monday afternoon with the director of our dept. They have decided to meet with us every two months. Should be interesting. I am taking the schedule I made out showing how we all can get our full hours and not work split shifts. See how that goes over.

    Katla--Glad the painting got done and that you were happy with the work.

    Sending prayers for Pip and Kirby. How scary.

    Penny--The ice crave sound interesting, but know I could never do it. Last year when we went to SD I did go in this one cave with our group and at the bottom I about had a freak out. Couldn't get out of there fast enough.
    I remember going to the store with my step day when I was a teenager and whenever music would be playing he would grab us and dance. I have that as a good memory now.

    Mia--Beautiful. You should be proud to set that out and sell. You do such a good job.

    Well my day is almost over and only to top of page 14. I will try and check in tomorrow. Not sure what is on the schedule since both DH and I are off. I do want us each to go through the closet and bag up things that do not fit and toss what needs to be tossed. There is a church here in town that has a free clothes give away every Thursday so want to take the stuff there.
    Have a good rest of Friday and sending hugs and prayers to everyone.
    Blessings, Vicki GRAND ISLAND, NE

    November Goals
    1. Weigh less at the end of the month then at the beginning.
    2. Log every bite.
    3. Stress less--Pray more
    4. Write down something each day I am Thankful for.
  • TerriRichardson112
    TerriRichardson112 Posts: 18,372 Member
    edited November 2015
    Have read to here but too tired to comment individually.

    Being on this plateau is really bugging me today, so I have had a massive audit of how I've been eating. I have been prevaricating for weeks, and not losing weight. I am taking this on board pronto.

    The thing I don't do is blame others. I have a total personal responsibility attitude to life, but complacency has crept in over the last month. I am kicking it to the kerb, starting NOW!

    Treats will be non-food except on rare occasions. I have written 6 new positive affirmations as I think that will work for me.

    New Health Affirmations

    :star: make healthy choices about every bite I eat
    :star: be prepared to make sacrifices
    :star: non-food treats only, except for out of the ordinary events
    :star: practice my new habits daily
    :star: kick complacency into touch
    :star: reaffirm my commitment to total personal responsibility for my health choices



    :heart: (((Hugs))) and prayers for those who need them. :heart:

    :star: Welcome to our Newbies! You will find a warm support team here! :star:

    Irish Terri
    GRITSandSLUTSandWINOS Posts: 2,573 Member
    Please, can someone with more computer savvy help me? My laptop has now started giving me 1000 feeds all at once; and all I tried to do is bookmark the Women 50+ for November 2015. I really want to have that as my only thread that I go to. I feel like slinging this damn laptop across the room. It seems to have a mind of its own. Maybe the stars are falling down on 'chicken little'. I'm going to see if my technicians can straighten it out; but, I don't really think they know how to stop something that is coming online.
  • fanncy0626
    fanncy0626 Posts: 7,152 Member
    Lenora - sorry I can't help!

    Irish Terri - thanks for the inspiration!

    Miriam - LOL


    Mary from Minnesota
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,710 Member
  • megblair1
    megblair1 Posts: 1,222 Member
    Hello to all my fine friends. Things have been rocky here with me being sick then last night benny beagle had a major seizure that led to all of us practically spending the night at the emergency vet. He probably has a big brain tumor. So I'm loaded with drugs to give him including liquid valium in case of another. He's home now and acting normal, so we just have to wait and see what happens. I had to work all day, so now I'm just beat and heading to bed. I'm glad you are all here even though I don't get here much these days. Meg from Omaha
  • Annr
    Annr Posts: 2,765 Member
    @GodMomKim I think you hit the nail on the head with your comment. I have noticed there isn't a one on this here thread that doesn't have a talent. I am amazed by all of our unique creativities.

    I think if we wished to create our own utopia we would have it all covered. Picture this......little homes connected with sidewalks so we could race our scooters, with gardens placed here and there. I suppose our significant others could come, (to do all the heavy lifting of course, and build stuff, and get up early to milk the utopia's cows etc)...OK....I have thought upon this WAY too much eh?....I would personally love it. A society where the barter system is the norm, "trade you a bunch of spinach for that there tomato?" Once when we were younger parents, we "historically camped like 16th century folk" for a couple of weeks. There were about 5 encampments. At the end of every day, we all made our way to the edge of this high mountain. Each brought something to sip or share, a musical instrument, and we toasted the day and watched the sun set. It was glorious, and humbling. Days come and go, and we are but travelers in them. Being close to the ocean I have found that I can hear the earths heartbeat. Hypnotic, but soothing. Sometimes it makes me feel insignificant but most often I feel blessed, and also blessed to have friends like you all.
    Utopian through and through but,
    living in Oregon
  • mollywhippet
    mollywhippet Posts: 1,890 Member
    Meg, I'm sorry to hear that you have been sick, and that Bennie Beagle had such a scare. I hope it's not a tumor.

    It's 7:00 and I'm thinking of going to bed. I have not had a very good day, so maybe I just need more rest. I made chicken with pesto tonight for dinner, along with some sautéed sweet potato. It was yummy. Hubby is on the sofa with all three dogs. It's pretty funny. Poor guy just gets a tiny sliver of space. Doesn't look comfortable but he doesn't complain.

    I ordered a leotard for my DGD, and I ordered the very biggest size they had. It arrived today and it looks so tiny. There is no way that is going to go around her tummy. It's stretchy, but it's not miracle fabric. I found a web site that sells adult leotards but they would be way too long (she's four feet tall) and they don't come in pretty little girl colors. She wanted a shiny pink. So, I'm sad about it.

    My sons health situation has gotten more complicated. Now in addition to his lung disorder he has been having episodes of "testicular torsion", which is apparently very painful. He went to the emergency room yesterday at the direction of a urologist's office, but the emergency room kept him in there for four hours without doing anything, and the situation righted itself, at which point they accused him of just trying to get pain meds. He was "fired" by his pulmonologist because he dared to criticize his treatment, so he's having to search for a new doctor. He got qualified for a new portable oxygen machine which arrived today but he found it is not nearly powerful enough. He said he went to the lobby and by the time he got back his oxygen saturation had dropped to 64%. He was hoping it would let him get around better. He has oxygen canisters but they run out pretty quickly. He's pretty much housebound. Today I had to go get groceries for him because he was feeling so bad.

    Well, I think I'm going to bed. Have a great evening.


  • csofled
    csofled Posts: 3,022 Member
  • kimses2
    kimses2 Posts: 218 Member
    Hi everyone. Thanks for the support. Hearing that I need to keep the focus on my health helps. And having a group that understands a NSV means a lot too.
    Never got out to exercise. I was still at my desk and in my pj's at 5 (the advantage of working from home). TGIF.

    Went out for dinner with my son and husband. For the first time ever, I asked for a take home container BEFORE my dinner came and put away half of my dinner before starting to eat. I'd hear that a million times in WW but never did it. I have to be honest that I was seriously eyeing that container, but it's safe in the refrigerator now.

    Did well with food today. Made a solid plan to deal with the work issues. Am going to focus on me and my family this weekend. Time to count my blessings.

    One thing is for sure, I'm exhausted. Totally drained.
    See you tomorrow.

    Kimses in MA
