

  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,330 Member
    edited November 2015
    Hi folks, I'm home!

    Been in my pj's all day. I got a memo card for my phone in London and got the serving staff to transfer my photos over. Of course a whole lot of other photos came flying through the ether and clogged up the thing. Drat! Been deleting stuff. Masses. I've probably deleted something important, but I guess it doesn't matter. My phone doesn't sinc to the wifi usb very well, so that was a lot of time wasted. Will try again another day. It's still as slow as treacle, even though I've moved apps around etc. The nice young man did tell me I can get a new phone 73 days before the end of my contract, so I will check when that is.
    Part of it is that I like to be tidy and I like things to be efficient. Don't like clutter and excess stuff.

    Well, I forgot Margaret's maxim about the hook last night and got very irate with my difficult friend. She was going on non stop about all the property her tax avoiding husband was buying. >:) I should have let it ride, but I couldn't stand her nonsense any longer. She took it ok, but it left a bad taste in my mouth. The restaurant was pretentious and crazy prices. :grumble: I got home to a very grumpy DH because my train was late and he had had to wait. We went to bed not speaking, but all is well now.
    November is a difficult month for him because his previous partner died then. It has also been raining non stop.
    I will have to think very carefully about another meet up. I am not good at groups and when other people are organising they don't measure up to my high standards. :laugh:

    I will have to get over myself.

    So sorry for all those suffering. I have been bingeing on pain killers myself. Glad to see Kirby on his feet!

    Love Heather UK
  • miriamwithcats
    miriamwithcats Posts: 1,120 Member
    edited November 2015
    Crewel (yarn embroidery)
    Ribbon Embroidery
    Crewel (yarn embroidery) and embroidery
    This is some of my needlework. I also did a bunch of counted cross stitch, but don't have any of them.

  • margaretturk
    margaretturk Posts: 5,084 Member
    edited November 2015
    Heather I have had a few moments the last couple of days. I just got through them best I could.
    It did not sound like your favorite kind of evening. I have trouble breaking away when something is irritating me. I need to remember I can always excuse myself. In the case of subbing for that difficult third grade yesterday I found myself saying to myself. Remember you do not have to come back to this class. It did help.

    We went to see a Thomas Jefferson presentation this morning at our History Center. It sold out and we got the last two tickets. Out lucky day! An actor takes on the role of the famous president. He did a phenomenal job! He was interviewed by a local radio broadcaster and then took questions for the audience. If I had asked a question I would have asked him about his gardening and would he be involved with GMO's.

    Pip Glad to see Kirby up and about.

    Lenora I just joined Facebook and wish I had not. I only joined it so I could see photos of my great nieces and nephews. Now because what I learned about Identity Theft I would rather they not post. I now will never share photos of children who are easily identified. Tagging is out for me too. I only like posts that have posters I like and nature. Anything political or controversial I stay away from.

    Joyce hugs and prayers. I will try to follow my own advice and take care of yourself.

    :heart: Margaret
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,675 Member
    purdy needlepoint. getting some replacement emergency glasses are out... $400.00. went to walgreens and got him some reading glasses (+1 at their recommendation) for $20.00. now at home and putting in a load of laundry, put away the dishes and start on the room.

    later peeps
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,786 Member
    Pip~ wish I could zoom over and help you.. hurts for me to be so far away and not be able to help...
    just got back from the massage and let me just say it was heavenly,
    I feel like a wet noodle...
    it is 60 degrees outside but feels cool to me.. maybe because we were tucked under nice warm covers, they even had heated pads on under the sheets on the massage table..
    Miriam~ just stunning.... I have to say I am sooo proud to know so many wonderful talented ladies..
    it just makes my heart feel like it is busting all over
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,972 Member
    edited November 2015
    This is the sweetest and kindest group of women.....there have been so many examples, the ones I can think of immediately were Terri, sending hats to give to kids in my town, all of you who wanted to buy bowls from Sylvia and glassware from Mia, all of you who invited Katla and her husband for the holidays, everyone who wanted to come west and help Pip care for Kirby, and now Miriam offering to alter the leotard for Sylvia's granddaughter. I am honored and blessed to be part of this community. :)<3o:)
  • Peach1948
    Peach1948 Posts: 2,473 Member
    Miriam, your stitchery is beautiful!
  • mtowne002
    mtowne002 Posts: 152 Member
    Having a pity party bad. Can't stop crying sporadically. Yes I took my meds. Took a hilarious fall last night walking the dogs at the last minute to make the last 300 steps of my 5000 steps per day goal challenge. My sisters bulldog which never gets loose and is never out after eight pm had a late night outing w my DS lisa, and ran around my two dogs joyously just before midnight. I got wrapped up like a maypole! Lisa comes running over in her pjs and we had to unhook my dogs individually before I could get free and I blew my midnight deadline by about a hundred steps. Ridiculously I started crying and poor Lisa thought I was hurt more than I was! She's not an excersize r and wasn't worth explaining to her. Anyway it was silly to be that upset and this am I am back at crying again. This time bc my son who moved in June to Florida won't be coming for Christmas, my Tday plans are up in the air, I messed up my bank account by setting up automatic pymts to soon to my phone bill, my house is a big mess and I and late mailing two dolls I sold on eBay last Monday. I think I'm just over whelmed. Oh and my hip hurts from the fall. Okay WAAAAA. kick it to the margins now that it's out. Somebody sweep it for me please.
    I feel ridiculously selfish and small minded even saying anything bc some of you have such HUGE challenges going on. I apologize. I just can't stop crying and its a little scary. I took Advil and plan to hobble up the street and hope the walking warms my stiffness up and irons my emotions out. I have nice plans for tonight to watch Fried Green Tomatoes with my SIL who is my bestie and take home some food from an undecided restaraunt. Hope every bodies situations improve soon. Again sorry for the pitiful pity party.
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,675 Member
    thanks grandmallie - just knowing you're thinking about me wanting to come over is good enough! :0)....
  • miriamwithcats
    miriamwithcats Posts: 1,120 Member
    Margaret,, I can partially answer your question about Jefferson (I have studied his gardens/ landscaping and architecture). He was very involved with selective breeding of plants to maximize desired traits and minimize undesirable ones. That was the beginning of GMO plants. Now they actually manipulate the genetics rather than selective breeding, but I suspect he would be fascinated with that idea. He had a very scientific and inquisitive mind and was constantly reading to learn more about the world around him. I don't think the concept of GMO is necessarily bad, but the practice of it, with huge farms all with the genetically identical plants with no possibility of natural selection of the crosses is where it becomes a problem. Remember, they develop these plants to be resistant to pests and diseases, and the fear is mostly that they will be so strong that they overtake other plants. Farming was on a much smaller scale then, with everyone raising a wild variety of plants on their farms, so it would not be the problem it is now.
  • miriamwithcats
    miriamwithcats Posts: 1,120 Member
    Mindy, it sounds like seasonal depression and holiday anticipation has hit you hard! Crying jags are an "early warning sign" that things are starting to go downhill, so now is when you pull out your wellness tools to get yourself back on track before it gets worse. I don't know what works for you, or if you have even thought of making a "wellness toolbox" which is just a list of things that might make you feel better. Some of my best wellness tools are exercise, light (sun or full spectrum in high intensity), planning something socially, starting a new project, watching a comedy movie or show, and a trip to the library but I know other people have things like taking a bubble bath with candles and mood music, getting a pedi/mani, throwing the ball with their dog, getting a massage or new hairstyle, going to a football game, etc. Of course, it might help to schedule an additional session with your counselor if you find that is helpful. And maybe talk to your doctor about a med change IF the down period persist.

    I often around this time of year gave talks about how to get through the holidays, and one of the best bits of advice is to enjoy the moment and lower your expectations. The media, TV, magazines, etc. (paid for by ADVERTISERS, remember) promote this idea that everyone should be having the time of their life with family and friends during the holidays. Remember, they are out to make money off us buying things. In the past before media took over our lives, people just expected to have some quiet time with a few friends or family and there wasn't the push to have perfect holidays. Do you think the travel industry has influenced media to promote that we should all be together at the holidays? It is really just another day, and it may not be the best time to spend with family. Tickets are MUCH more expensive during the holidays and it is because they can get away with it. They have taught us that we have to have ALL our family around us. It is a much healthier attitude to drastically reduce what we want out of the holidays, and to enjoy the moments we have. There are so many people around the country who have no one to spend the holidays with- elderly, disabled, kids in foster care. Maybe giving to others during the actual holiday, and planning time with family at another time might be a good idea. Then you could really enjoy a more relaxed visit without all the emotional baggage of the holidays (and a cheaper visit!). Just some thoughts about what has helped me get through many a holiday spent alone with no family, or working every day during the holiday period, and I know many people that these ideas have helped.
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,675 Member
    progress is being made peeps -
    picked up the dog poop
    talked to my friend who has the kids and she will keep them as long is i need without a fee, she insists.
    did a load of laundry, put another load in.
    started cleaning out the room - doing it in-between easy jobs
    got some reading glasses for him to take back.
    type to ya later!
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,972 Member
    Miriam, You are a multi-talented person.....your stitchery is awesome and your wise words about wellness tools and how to get along during the holidays are balanced and useful for all of us. I appreciate your presence and participation on this thread and probably haven't said it enough. :)<3o:)

  • fanncy0626
    fanncy0626 Posts: 7,152 Member
    Mindy - (((hugs))) Miriams advice to you is also helpful to me and others. Together we can accomplish great things! I love the idea of wellness tools! I think I am going to relax in a bubble bath and rest my sore foot. Thank you for sharing!


    Mary from Minnesota
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,675 Member

    The bottom room is cleaned out and the bed made up! Now more laundry , got help from a neighbor!
  • GloworminWA
    GloworminWA Posts: 704 Member
    :( Feeling overwhelmed
  • DeeDee2211
    DeeDee2211 Posts: 1,133 Member
    Pip :) Wow! What a time you've had lately!!! I am so glad Kirby is doing good!!! Sending hugs and prayers for a fast healing! I'm glad you have a neighbor who can help you, like many others here, I would be there if I lived closer! Tell Kirby even all cut and bruised up, he's still HOT!!!

    Sylvia :) I love your bowls!!! I think my favorites are the white ones with the pinched rims....beautiful!!!! I hope you have luck finding a leotard for your granddaughter, my friend that owns a dance studio here said if you could find a supply house for dancing attire, you could get one that would fit. Healing thoughts for your son!!! I also wanted to say I love the picture of Molly in the Oct. thread, what a beautiful regal girl she is!

    Mia :) Your glass art is beautiful!!! I love especially the flowers!!! I used to do a lot of painting and I never thought my art was very good, yet I sold everything that I didn't give away!

    Miriam :) Wow, such beauty!!! I love love love the first picture with the gorgeous flowers!!! How is your son doing! Did he get all settled in? Congratulations on the adoption!!!

    Katiebug :) Anytime you're in the area you are welcome to come organize my house! You know you could make a lot of money organizing people and their stuff!!! Awesome!!

    Mindy :) Sending you a warm hug!!!

    Mary :) I'm so inspired by you and all you've been doing! You and Michele are like the energizer bunny!

    Katla :) Glad the windows are in!!! Hope you're enjoying the riding lesson today!

    Margaret :) Keeping you and DH in my prayers!!! Glad you're getting out and having some fun!

    Rori :) Keeping you and your DH in my prayers also!!! Sending you hugs!!!

    Meg :) Noel and I send Benny Beagle hugs!!!

    DJ :) Hope you had a wonderful time modeling, I did that a few years for one of my friends that owned a store, we had a great fun and also got a good discount on the clothes if we wanted to buy them! Are you getting a lot of rain at the beach? It's been so rainy here lately, my poor mums evidently drowned!

    Michele :) Congrats to Denise!!! Hope you're having a good time this weekend with Jess!!!

    Heather :) A pj day sounds absolutely fabulous!!!

    Wishing everyone health and happiness <3 !!!

    DeeDee in soggy rainy NC
  • 17761776
    17761776 Posts: 1,098 Member
    Crewel (yarn embroidery)
    Ribbon Embroidery
    Crewel (yarn embroidery) and embroidery
    This is some of my needlework. I also did a bunch of counted cross stitch, but don't have any of them.


    Just beautiful!!!! I have a kit for the 3 wise men, don't do needle point. Have had it for 20 years, sits in a box with the rest of my projects.

    Organized my drawers today, too much stuff. Have a bag for the inner city.

    Watched a wonderful movie on Netflix "Advanced Style", take time n watch!!

    Holidays can be hard, today I would go with mom to craft shows. We would meet family n friends, they are gone. Still have mom but she can't walk, her mind is good!!

    Have a great weekend!! Gayle Minneapolis
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,675 Member
    DeeDee2211 wrote: »
    Pip :) Wow! What a time you've had lately!!! I am so glad Kirby is doing good!!! Sending hugs and prayers for a fast healing! I'm glad you have a neighbor who can help you, like many others here, I would be there if I lived closer! Tell Kirby even all cut and bruised up, he's still HOT!!!

    DeeDee in soggy rainy NC

    deedee- that will really make him smile, when i get back to the hospital, i'll tell him!
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    barbiecat wrote: »
    This is the sweetest and kindest group of women.....there have been so many examples, the ones I can think of immediately were Terri, sending hats to give to kids in my town, all of you who wanted to buy bowls from Sylvia and glassware from Mia, all of you who invited Katla and her husband for the holidays, everyone who wanted to come west and help Pip care for Kirby, and now Miriam offering to alter the leotard for Sylvia's granddaughter. I am honored and blessed to be part of this community. :)<3o:)

    I feel the same way, Barbie. This is a very special group. :heart: :heart: :heart: