November 2015 Bike Bicycle Cycling Challenge



  • cpanus
    cpanus Posts: 19,462 Member
    I'll go for 200 recumbent miles this month.

    11/1 - 12.26 miles
    11/2 - 12.30 miles
    11/3 - 12.23 miles

  • m1xm0d3
    m1xm0d3 Posts: 1,576 Member
    edited November 2015
    11/01 - 20.02 @ 16.7 mph
    11/03 - 50.34 @ 19.6 mph
    11/04 - 06.49 @ 18.6 mph (AM Commute)
    11/04 - 13.35 @ 19.4 mph (PM Commute)

    MTD: 90.20
    Goal: 500

  • cpanus
    cpanus Posts: 19,462 Member
    I'll go for 200 recumbent miles this month.

    11/1 - 12.26 miles
    11/2 - 12.30 miles
    11/3 - 12.23 miles
    11/4 - 12.05 miles

  • konagirl64
    konagirl64 Posts: 211 Member
    konagirl64 wrote: »
    konagirl64 wrote: »
    I'm in. November goals: 450 miles on recumbent bike, minimum 30 hours.

    11/1--20.6 / 75 minutes
    11/2--20.3 / 75 minutes
    11/3--7.7 miles /30 minutes (so didn't want to ride today, hardest 30 minutes ever!!!)
    11/4-- 19.9 miles / 75 minutes
  • SteveCro
    SteveCro Posts: 788 Member
    I'm in goal 200 miles

    11/1 - 10.11 miles, road bike, got 4 days of good warm weather coming this week,43.26 minutes,517 calories
    11/2 - 12.99 miles, road bike, 11.94 ave. rode first 7.6 miles with the wife, 65.19 minutes, 761 caloreies.
    11/4 - 17.76 miles, road bike, 14.75 ave., 72.14 minutes, 1007 calories.

    MTD - Miles- 40.86,: Calories- 2285,: Minutes- 180.59 , Year- 1159.76
  • NotSoPerfectPam
    NotSoPerfectPam Posts: 114 Member
    Hi All - I'm in. Good to meet some cyclists here! So many runners and lifters, so few that love the bicycle. I can't run easily because of my bunions, but love to ride. I'll shoot for 250 this month! Does everyone here ride every day? Do you feel like you're loosing out on fitness or weight loss? For me, I can't get my heart rate up or drop as many calories doing anything else. Anyone want to share their weight or other workouts?

    Nov. 3- 15 miles
    Nov. 4 - 8 miles (also did a fitness 'boot camp' in the a.m.)
  • tcaley4
    tcaley4 Posts: 416 Member
    edited November 2015
    This will probably be the last ride I get in this week. Severe storms forecasted for my area this afternoon and tonight, and we will be out of town for the weekend.

    11/1 16.99
    11/2 14.00
    11/4 16.88

    November total: 47.87
    Total for year: 2085.64
  • tcaley4
    tcaley4 Posts: 416 Member
    Anyone want to share their weight or other workouts?

    We all post our rides whenever we have time to do them. Some are able to make a ride every day. I first starting posting to these with the October version of this thread.

    You can look back at the previous thread, and kind of get an idea of how the month goes.

    When I started riding, I was 228 pounds. Now I am down to 192, with still a long way to go.

  • kcjchang
    kcjchang Posts: 709 Member
    Anyone want to share their weight or other workouts?

    I started May 2014 around 212# and been at 163# since summer (5'8"). I need to drop another 10# but it's been hard with the intensity I'm doing; I got tired being constantly dropped on group rides so been focusing on power at expense of weight loss. Over the winter I'm switching gears and hopefully get down to my old racing weight. This is probably not the best place to look up stats. If you are really interested, take a look at Strava.
    Does everyone here ride every day? Do you feel like you're loosing out on fitness or weight loss?

    I don't and probably will not even if I can afford it. I'm one those that can't ride easy enough on easy days so I take days off. I ride 5-6 days a week and average about 9 hours a week. Please note it really depends on your intensity and duration, there is nothing wrong riding every days as long as you allow sufficient time for rest. A few days of not riding will not impact your fitness but if it's more than two weeks it will drag it down. I was off for 3 weeks in September and I'm still trying to regain my prior fitness. As far as weight loss, initially I used my rides to offset the calorie intake, eating basically at maintenance and using the rides as the deficit. It's much harder since summer when I switched gear to improve my guns and keep up with the Jones.
    I can't get my heart rate up or drop as many calories doing anything else

    You are working harder while cycling than you are doing other aerobic activities. Max HR for cycling is roughly 5-10% lower than running. It's a gravity thing. If you mix activity category, strength and cardio, it almost meaningless as two reflect very different things that are happening. DO NOT use HRM for strength training (e.g. weight lifting, push up, lunges, etc.). HR recorded is reflective of the muscle contraction rather than response to the need for oxygen and explosion of waste.

    I wouldn't get to caught up on a single matrix. HRM tell you only one thing, how many times your heart is beating. Read up on TRaining IMPulse (TRIMP), Bannister et al in 1975, if you are interested. TRIMP is a way of calculating training volume verse intensity for endurance training based on heart rates or heart rate zones. It NOT a good model when applied to "recreational" volumes and intensities. The calories reported from HRM is probably just as accurate as MET ( which means if you are not similar to the study sample, which most of us are not, take it with a grain of salt. For most people, a HRM is a waste of time. Once I switch to a power meter, I ditched mine.

    When I restarted riding after a 23 year hiatus, I used the HRM as if I was still racing collegiate (TRIMP) but I was so out of shape the data was more or less useless. I'm probably at the same point when I first got interested in the sport. The use of HRM did not start being worthwhile until my third season of amateur racing (forth training regularly). I have just under 5.9k this year. If I maintain that level next year, TRIMP might be applicable in 2017. But, as mention earlier, I ditched mine.
  • Ohhim
    Ohhim Posts: 1,142 Member
    Got in another longish ride yesterday, doing some higher intensity stuff in the first half, breaking for lunch, then riding home at a more moderate pace.

    On the plus side, scored a spot this morning for IM Florida next November via registering for it & IM Augusta 70.3, so psyched about finally getting to race over 100 miles! Pretty happy to get a spot today as general registration opens up Saturday when I'm racing an Olympic triathlon, and IM Florida sells out fast, and a good friend in Augusta is having a kid so I'll be able to visit and see their newborn.


    Re Daily Rides: If you commute by bike, you can ride every day, still, it'll be a lower intensity ride as you don't want to go into the office sweaty. I'll commute to every ballgame (go to about 90/year) by bike w. includes a steep climb home, and go out for more leisurely rides with neighbors/friends, but only do 2 more intense workouts/week on my own. Still, I have a big surplus of free time, and generally run 5+ days/week, lift twice, and swim twice.

    Re HR: I'll max out at about 165/average for a sprint triathlon bike segment, but will get up to 175-180 (vs. 190 max) on the run segment. There is only so much cardio you can put into your legs before the muscles run out of steam, even if you spin faster. For my longer more intense training rides, I'll get up to 150BMP, but for my longer fun rides, it'll be rare to be above 125 for very long as it is pretty flat in my area, and I'm just trying to build up mitochondrion/endurance. I stay away from group rides for the most part as I'm trying to spend more time on my tri bike.

    11/2 - 34 miles
    11/4 - 39 miles

    Total: 73 miles
    Goal: 500 miles
    Remaining: 427 miles
  • saphin
    saphin Posts: 246 Member
    Haze seems to be over and work won't be distracting me this month so I'm in for 600km.

    1st Nov: 39.04 km @ 28.84 kph
    2nd Nov: 29.68 km @ 28.38 kph
    3rd Nov: 44.40 km @ 29.64 kph
    4th Nov: 35.21 km @ 27.78 kph
    6th Nov: 30.34 km @ 31.02 kph

    Month to date: 178.67 km
    Remaining: 421.33 km
  • m1xm0d3
    m1xm0d3 Posts: 1,576 Member
    11/01 - 20.02 @ 16.7 mph
    11/03 - 50.34 @ 19.6 mph
    11/04 - 06.49 @ 18.6 mph (AM Commute)
    11/04 - 13.35 @ 19.4 mph (PM Commute)
    11/05 - 06.42 @ 17.4 mph (AM Commute)
    11/05 - 13.46 @ 19.4 mph (PM Commute)

    MTD: 110.09
    Goal: 500
  • saphin
    saphin Posts: 246 Member
    Hi All - I'm in. Good to meet some cyclists here! So many runners and lifters, so few that love the bicycle. I can't run easily because of my bunions, but love to ride. I'll shoot for 250 this month! Does everyone here ride every day? Do you feel like you're loosing out on fitness or weight loss? For me, I can't get my heart rate up or drop as many calories doing anything else. Anyone want to share their weight or other workouts?

    Nov. 3- 15 miles
    Nov. 4 - 8 miles (also did a fitness 'boot camp' in the a.m.)

    Hi Pam

    Well done on joining; as you say, most people seem to run or lift here. I cycle because I love it and it's a great destressor after work. My job involves a lot of irregular hours (18 hour days are normal for up to three months at a time when we have a big opportunity in) and it often stops me riding for weeks at a time, but I try to get out whenever I can. I notice a fitness drop after about two to three weeks off, but it comes back relatively fast if you can push yourself.

    Last month was very inactive as Singapore was engulfed with the haze so I mostly just walked but I normally try to cycle 5 times a week, get my 10,000 steps a day and swim a couple of times a week. I'm 167 cm tall (just under 5'6) and 56.6 kg (125 lb) and 50 but get my heart rate to about 160 bpm (doctor approved as I know this is on the high side for my age) on my rides, 105 when walking and 147 on my swims.
  • cpanus
    cpanus Posts: 19,462 Member
    I'll go for 200 recumbent miles this month.

    11/1 - 12.26 miles
    11/2 - 12.30 miles
    11/3 - 12.23 miles
    11/4 - 12.05 miles
    11/5 - 13.00 miles

  • Ohhim
    Ohhim Posts: 1,142 Member
    Got in a bit more riding today to get used to my new shifters (dura-ace bar end) & cassette (switching from an 11-28 to a 12-28) before my olympic tri on Sunday. With the new cassette, I'm very happy doing much of my flat land spinning of the 17 cog gear (6th) at 85 RPM which seems to be my sweet spot for power/heart rate, as it keeps me around 20mph. The new shifters require much more force than the microshifts, but I haven't had a single missed gear since they were installed, so I'm much happier.

    11/2 - 34 miles
    11/4 - 39 miles
    11/5 - 19 miles

    Total: 92 miles
    Goal: 500 miles
    Remaining: 408 miles
  • tcaley4
    tcaley4 Posts: 416 Member
    Managed to get one more ride in before the thunderstorms hit.

    11/1 16.99
    11/2 14.00
    11/4 16.88
    11/5 16.81

    November total: 64.68
    Total for year: 2102.45
  • NotSoPerfectPam
    NotSoPerfectPam Posts: 114 Member
    Trying to get some riding in before more storms hit us...

    Nov. 3- 15 miles
    Nov. 4 - 8 miles (also did a fitness 'boot camp' in the a.m.)
    Nov. 6 - 20 miles

    Total: 43
    Goal: 250
    Remaining - 207

  • HopHead28
    HopHead28 Posts: 180 Member
    Hi @NotSoPerfectPam I'll jump in on the feedback about weight as well. When I started riding I was ~189 or so. I watched my intake when not riding and ended up at my current weight of 165-167. Biking is my standard method of working out but with winter around the corner I plan on starting some weight training as well.

    In the summer some days I will ride 7 days a week, however, my average is anywhere from 3-5. I am very much like @kcjchang where I can't seem to allow myself to ride slow enough during recovery days/rides that I end up taking a day off instead.
  • HopHead28
    HopHead28 Posts: 180 Member
    11/3 - 19.4mi
    11/4 - 24.9mi

    Total: 44.3mi
    Goal: 200mi
  • bicycle310
    bicycle310 Posts: 1 Member
    I must say, I'm a bit jealous of all of you. I'm one week post op right now and will have another early December. They will keep me completely out of the saddle until 21Jan16 if no problems. I'm already stir crazy. I'll be here in January though, starting with low mileage as the surgery is on my foot. Have a great season and see you soon enough.