Motivation, Success and Frustration Sharing!



  • bluepoppies777
    bluepoppies777 Posts: 438 Member
    Welcome noobs (and stalkers! LOL)! Dana - isn't every day National Wine Drinking Day?! hah!

    Well, it's a new month, and getting that much closer to shorts wearing weather... so I'm thinking I have to get more serious. Not that I'm not serious about losing, but maybe more strict again, like I was in the beginning. I've been more relaxed about saying no to snacks after dinner, and haven't been as diligent about logging every single thing. So no wonder I only lost 2 lbs in March! This month is both of my son's birthdays, and my mother's, so there will be cake, but I think I will make sure it is chocolate (so I can't eat it!). I've got to make more time to pre-plan meals, and also pre-plan what I will be eating on weekends, because I think that will make a big difference. I'm finding that I am getting lots of exercise and still motivated in that way, but it always comes down to the FOOD!!! I was wondering the other day if I will truly ever be able to get past that love of food... I have my doubts. But I am determined to try!
  • csbucher
    csbucher Posts: 3 Member
    Hi All! I'm new to fitness pal and new to this group. So far I am loving fitness pal and it seems a group for accountability would be good. It looks like I am the "oldie" of the group but I'll try to keep up :) ! My struggle right now, aside from just staying on the plan I have set for myself, is sugars. I can stay within the limits for calories and the other listed categories fairly easy ... but not the sugars! I have set a goal for myself to lose 20 lbs by June 1 (vacation date!). That is a pretty aggressive goal but I'm going to give it a go! Over the last 2 decades I have lost the same pounds over and over. I usually divert to the Weight Watchers plan and I find fitness pal is an easy switch. Thank you for this group and I hope I can offer encouragement and ideas to help too!!
  • danan01
    danan01 Posts: 136 Member
    Happy Friday! Thanks gals for all the encouragement about the running. I guess I really did just need a little "push" to get myself to go further! Even with the run yesterday, I didn't come close to my steps for the day. I am not even close to you guys this week. But-next week it is back at it! Our company will be gone, and school is back in for the kids. So back to routine. I am going to make it a goal to get my 10,000 steps at least 3 times during the week. This weekend we are heading back to the house in Florida, but with our company. So probably not much work getting done, but maybe some nice walks on the beach! I am looking forward to that! It's the 6 hour drive tonight that is not so fun. Hope everyone has a great weekend! I love all the posts!
  • plunky58
    plunky58 Posts: 13 Member
    I just have a general question that maybe someone can help with...I love Map My Walk and was seriously thinking of going pro but this is the third time it hasn't recorded my stats. Any suggestions to one that works ALL the time? I find them to be great motivators. (I always want to one up myself)
  • ShyCush6
    ShyCush6 Posts: 951 Member
    Rachel0778 wrote: »
    Guess who woke up this morning in the 140s?!?!?! I am so incredibly excited that as of today I am a healthy BMI!

    We haven't had a "Happy Dance" in awhile!! Way to go!!
  • ShyCush6
    ShyCush6 Posts: 951 Member
    danan01 wrote: »
    Update-he did not let me out of it. I knew he wasn't going to. So I went, and I did it! Hung over and all! And I ran a full mile without stopping! Granted, he literally pushed me for half of it so I couldn't stop. He forced me and I did it! And I didn't die. Omg-I have tried twice now and it keeps erasing half of my post. Ugh... Anyway-I ran for 1 1/4 mile out of the two we did. Yay!

    That's awesome! Way to go!! I would totally do that myself!! Way to stick to it!!
  • ShyCush6
    ShyCush6 Posts: 951 Member
    Sinead!! Love the memes!!! Awesome!!! I can't even pick a fav!! Too funny!
  • SusanConway333
    SusanConway333 Posts: 9 Member
    Lots of good advice! i am going into this weekend with the attitude I will try to do my best. Whatever happens, i am not going to beat myself up about it. Just start again on tuesday. I already made plans for the leftover birthday cake...I am keeping 1 sm slice and sending the rest home with family members! The buffet will be a challage but we will see. But NO DESSERTS! as for the fetteccini Alfredo, it made 3 full meals when I was not dieting. Might send some of it home with my fellow diners and just keep 1 serving for me......At least that is my game plan. Lets see how I do. IDK because I really love that stuff! But tks for the Bday wishes!
  • JenHul
    JenHul Posts: 368 Member
    jkhoffe wrote: »
    JenHul wrote: »
    @jkhoffe Thanx! I love running/walking/gasping for breathe in the "Fun" runs ie: Color me Rad, The Mud Run ect Good luck on your half Marathon goal!

    There is a Suds Run in Minneapolis that has a beer option at the water stop - My favorite run EVER

    Oh man, I'm so jealous, wish we had a suds run here in Alberta Canada
  • ngolden3320
    ngolden3320 Posts: 360 Member
    Jeez that was a lot of reading. Since the moved me from my dungeon to the front office at work they are really messing with my catching up time. And what is the deal with all of the flipping food people bring in. Do they not have people at home to feed it to. Broke down and ate a donut today.
    Dana good job on getting the run in.
    Newbies welcome.
    Cari have fun on ur holiday. Sounds like fun.
    Susan enjoy you birthday week end. We will have your back come next week.
  • ngolden3320
    ngolden3320 Posts: 360 Member
    Anybody else having trouble w posts. I blab in and on and then try to post it and it cuts it off. WTH
    So in had to work 2 days this week since I was on vacation. My girls r on the way home from the beach. Sure did miss them. I worked harder cleaning while I was off then I did at work. Scrubbed the kitchen floor and the it rains and the dog comes in and thinks he has to walk on every square inch of it with his muddy paws.
  • CariTJR
    CariTJR Posts: 343 Member
    edited April 2016
    Well, it's nearly time to go.....I've been running around like a complete eejit since first thing this morning, sorting out my outfit, changing money, shopping, sorting out insurance and breakdown cover etc etc etc, you get the picture....then just to top it all off, my Mum, who has a congenital heart defect (a bad one), got admitted to hospital today with an infection, so i've had to rush to the hospital too! How totally inconsiderate of her, doesn't she know i'm going on holiday first thing tomorrow! :wink: Anyway, I literally ate nothing all day until 10:30pm, i've just been too busy, and worried, but my Mum is insistent we still go as my Brother is still here and she should be fine in a few days with the help of some antibiotics. Jeeez, talk about a stressful day. I'm off to bed in a minute, I can't even begin to explain how drained I feel. I will try and log in each day while we're away to keep up with everything that is going on, and I hope everyone has a great weekend. Anyway, i'll stop rambling now, and bid you lovely people adieu! First stop on the road trip, Germany, here we come.....
  • janetay01
    janetay01 Posts: 1,298 Member
    @CariTJR - sorry to hear about your mum, that must be incredibly stressful and worrying. Hope you have a good break - enjoy the road trip and hope your mum is better soon.

    @ngolden3320 - I have issues posting on my phone - it types everything in but when I then post it, I'm lucky if half the post actually show up. I don't bother any more - I just wait until i've got access to my laptop cos I can't be bothered with it all!

    @SusanConway333 - sounds like a good game plan, enjoy the weekend :)

    Quiet weekend with us so far - my little boy had his first haircut this morning! It's only taken 15 months for it to be long enough to need it! Glorious weather here so hoping to get out this afternoon and get a walk in the park or something - get some fresh air and sun for us all. Husband has been battling a cold and virus for a while and my little lad has a cold and an ear infection so we're not the healthiest! Trying to boost us all with good food, vitamins etc. Really enjoyed my tapas night last night and was able to restrict to half a glass of wine as I was driving home. It's a good way for me to ensure that I don't drink my calories and I was able to offer a couple of the others a lift home as well so all good. Hope the rest of the weekend treats you all well :)
  • ChangeIsADecision
    ChangeIsADecision Posts: 709 Member
    jkhoffe wrote: »

    I so wish there was a like button on here... Love this one. Ha!
  • ChangeIsADecision
    ChangeIsADecision Posts: 709 Member
    danan01 wrote: »
    Update-he did not let me out of it. I knew he wasn't going to. So I went, and I did it! Hung over and all! And I ran a full mile without stopping! Granted, he literally pushed me for half of it so I couldn't stop. He forced me and I did it! And I didn't die. Omg-I have tried twice now and it keeps erasing half of my post. Ugh... Anyway-I ran for 1 1/4 mile out of the two we did. Yay!

    Way to go @danan01 - such a trooper to go even when ur hung over. B)
  • ChangeIsADecision
    ChangeIsADecision Posts: 709 Member

    *like* <3
  • ChangeIsADecision
    ChangeIsADecision Posts: 709 Member
    jkhoffe wrote: »
    JenHul wrote: »
    @jkhoffe Thanx! I love running/walking/gasping for breathe in the "Fun" runs ie: Color me Rad, The Mud Run ect Good luck on your half Marathon goal!

    There is a Suds Run in Minneapolis that has a beer option at the water stop - My favorite run EVER

    Hubby & I did a beer run last year... So fun! Walked 3.2 miles thru a beautiful park... 4 good craft beer stops ... It was awesome!
  • JillPoverud
    JillPoverud Posts: 27 Member
    Cari, Best wishes for you mom and trip!
  • JillPoverud
    JillPoverud Posts: 27 Member
    janetay01 - great self control with a dinner out!
  • GillianSmith2
    GillianSmith2 Posts: 387 Member
    @CariTJR hope your mum is better soon, and have a great holiday :)
    @danan01 great job on the running.
    @ngolden3320 i think a few of us have been having trouble with post cutting off, Its soo annoying.

    I have had a very busy day again i have been on the go since 9am with black belt training for 2 hours and then straight on to 1 hour of kickboxercise, then out to do some shopping, home to cook tea and i have only just sat down and it is 6pm, Still got the dog to take out later.
    Another busy day planned for tomorrow, this time digging in the garden :smiley:
    who said weekends are for relaxing? :grin:

    I hope you are all having a great weekend