Motivation, Success and Frustration Sharing!



  • FitEqualsSmile
    FitEqualsSmile Posts: 160 Member
    Wow, the weather has been insane the last few days. One day I am walking in shorts and two days later we have 7 inches of snow, what the heck!

    So a question, any suggestion on water substitutions. I gave up all soda's about a year ago with no issues so for the most part I have been drinking Polar sparkling water, water, and water with fruit/veggies to give it some flavor. I think I have just about had it with water. What are you guys drinking that is low cal and yummy?

    Today is my crazy day. I have my trainer then I row for 30 minutes, then tonight I have yoga followed by pickle ball with my husband. By the time 9pm comes I collapse.

    Hope everyone has a great day and remember to smile -- Karen

    @janetay01 - I hope everyone gets better soon. I have knocked on wood no one has come down with this in my house yet. My cousins currently have it with a fever lasting over a week. Goodluck. Have a great time on your vacation. There is nothing more exciting then when one is just booked!!

    Cari - have a great vacation. I have to agree, DON'T worry about logging all your food. It will drive you crazy. We work this hard so we can enjoy our vacations. Just be mindful, attempt to get in some exercise and ENJOY. We seem to get so little downtime in our life as adults. Have a wonderful time. I would love to see that part of the country.

    Rachel - grumpiness and chores. When I used to work 60 hours a week it was bad. With two teenage boys pulling us all over the place and my husband not great with chores most things just did not get done. I can definitely relate. The BIG cleaning always waited until we were having company over and then there were lists and chores galore. I never looked really pretty during those days, a little crazy. The house is much more calm since I no longer work. We are truly blessed now. On the other side of this my husband DOES NOTHING now. I take care of the kids, inside and outside including all the home repair and updating. Positives and negative to everything.

    Shy - I can so relate with the dog. My golden doodle is constantly finding sticks on our walks and bringing them home to our yard. He loves it outside. My little one, goes out, comes back in.

    Joy - great job on the mammogram. I love where I go. I get mine done the day before Thanksgiving every year. Since I cook the meal, for 15, it is a forced break to get off my feet. Also, there is no one there and it takes about 20 minutes.
  • bluepoppies777
    bluepoppies777 Posts: 438 Member
    I just realized the MFP autocorrected my swears to the word kitten! Hahahaa! Well, that's interesting!
  • ShyCush6
    ShyCush6 Posts: 951 Member
    Bawwwwhhh!! That's "Kitten" Funny!!!
  • janetay01
    janetay01 Posts: 1,298 Member
    @ShyCush6 - what sort of crafts do you do? I've started recently getting into cross stitch and trying some card making :)
  • redchevy54
    redchevy54 Posts: 42 Member
    Thank you for being here. I have read Dr. Fhruman's books Eat to Live and End of Dieting. They have motivated me to be better at controlling my eating choices. I started the 6 week challenge from Eat to Live back in October. In the next 8 weeks I lost 60 pounds. I was a new person. I got too comfortable with my new fitness and have slowly let my guard down so that I have gained 30 pounds back. I started another 6 week challenge yesterday. I believe in the nutritarian way of eating. I have learned that without a motivation plan the eat healthy food plan is going to fail. The pressure is too great to overcome without daily motivation oriented efforts. Hopefully, I can get and give some of that here.
  • ShyCush6
    ShyCush6 Posts: 951 Member
    janetay01 wrote: »
    @ShyCush6 - what sort of crafts do you do? I've started recently getting into cross stitch and trying some card making :)
    Pinterest is my best friend! =) I am a Graphic Designer during the day so most of my projects include wood signs... but I love any fun craft. My Cricut is my second best friend... so loving all the cool things I can make! Wreaths are a fun new thing I've been getting involved in... almost anything fun and quirky... Absolutely love recycled projects as well... I am not super handy at sewing, but I want to eventually learn to quilt.
  • ShyCush6
    ShyCush6 Posts: 951 Member
    redchevy54 wrote: »
    Thank you for being here. I have read Dr. Fhruman's books Eat to Live and End of Dieting. They have motivated me to be better at controlling my eating choices. I started the 6 week challenge from Eat to Live back in October. In the next 8 weeks I lost 60 pounds. I was a new person. I got too comfortable with my new fitness and have slowly let my guard down so that I have gained 30 pounds back. I started another 6 week challenge yesterday. I believe in the nutritarian way of eating. I have learned that without a motivation plan the eat healthy food plan is going to fail. The pressure is too great to overcome without daily motivation oriented efforts. Hopefully, I can get and give some of that here.

    Awesome job on the loss... easy to put it back on... Check in often and we will try to help as much as possible!
  • FitEqualsSmile
    FitEqualsSmile Posts: 160 Member
    edited April 2016
  • ShyCush6
    ShyCush6 Posts: 951 Member
  • tazzy2911
    tazzy2911 Posts: 323 Member
    Haha shy, love it!!!!
  • tazzy2911
    tazzy2911 Posts: 323 Member
    I did a booty boot camp class today....who knew I could do so many squats...squats, squat jumps, squats with barbell, squats with kettle bell, squat jumps onto get the picture!!! Throw in a few lunges, planks and burpees....oh I'm going to be sore tomorrow!!!
  • ShyCush6
    ShyCush6 Posts: 951 Member
    tazzy2911 wrote: »
    I did a booty boot camp class today....who knew I could do so many squats...squats, squat jumps, squats with barbell, squats with kettle bell, squat jumps onto get the picture!!! Throw in a few lunges, planks and burpees....oh I'm going to be sore tomorrow!!!

    Way to go Sinead!!! That's awesome!! Love the motivation!
  • erod95695
    erod95695 Posts: 15 Member
    Can you add me to the group, sounds like a good group to be with. I haven't found much support here would just like a group of honest, kind motivated support to help with the day in and out of repetitive consuming never-ending hard commitment to see results from keeping strong one step , meal, day at a time.
  • tazzy2911
    tazzy2911 Posts: 323 Member
    @erod95695 welcome aboard! just introduce yourself and check in regularly, this is a great group!
  • Rachel0778
    Rachel0778 Posts: 1,701 Member
    I am so glad we're not the only ones that have difficulty not bickering while doing chores!

    @ShyCush6 I agree, it's so hard not to overeat during social events like that. Your weekend sounds so fantastic and relaxing though. Your craft room sounds like it's going to be put to good use!

    @tazzy2911 That class sounds amazing! Your quads and glutes are going to be SCREAMING tomorrow!

    @bluepoppies777 This crazy kitten site! You are already well on your way to being kitten hot! (I think you started a new swearing trend lol)

    @FitEqualsSmile It's by no means healthy, but I love the Crystal Light drink mixes to spice up water. I feel like I'm drinking juice all day for minimal calories and they're delicious. Also, I have no idea how you juggled 60 hour work week, 2 teenagers, and chores. I work 40 hours, have no kids and still feel like I'm drowning in a massive to do list half the time!

    Welcome Newcomers, keep posting!

  • ngolden3320
    ngolden3320 Posts: 360 Member
    Welcome newbies. So I started a couple of 30 day challenges squats, planks, push ups, and abs. Along with my cardio abs arms. I am up to 5 push ups I could do 5 good push ups when I was younger abs did now absent 47 I'm up to 5. You guys absndndtre just killing it. Keep up the great work
  • erod95695
    erod95695 Posts: 15 Member
    Thanks My name is Erin I only been apart of this for a week . I am happy that im finally gitting active. Wed. I will be 4 mo. pregnant. My goal is to eat healthy, have fit legs, arms, and back. So far so good, this weekend crushed progress but not to bad. So today I wrapped my thighs lower belly/back, butt with surrand wrap then walked 8 laps at park, goal to sweat cellulite out, have smoother results when in my shorts. Ive added a 3 pnd weight to walk with for my arms last week. Ive yet to start squats , planks and lunges. One thing at a time, building momentum.
  • ChangeIsADecision
    ChangeIsADecision Posts: 709 Member
    tazzy2911 wrote: »
    I did a booty boot camp class today....who knew I could do so many squats...squats, squat jumps, squats with barbell, squats with kettle bell, squat jumps onto get the picture!!! Throw in a few lunges, planks and burpees....oh I'm going to be sore tomorrow!!!

    Booty Boot camp sounds like some I need to start doing... Lift that Booty!! Good Job...
  • trebolita
    trebolita Posts: 5 Member
    Hola! Looking for motivational amigos!
  • ChangeIsADecision
    ChangeIsADecision Posts: 709 Member
    Not much of a daily check in .... stupid TOM has got my body in crazy mode. So weird..... Congrats to all who havw lost. Welcome newbies - this is a great group!