Motivation, Success and Frustration Sharing!



  • ngolden3320
    ngolden3320 Posts: 360 Member
    Laura, Sorry to hear about your friend, so tragic.

    Joy, Welcome back, we've missed you.

    Gillian & Rachel, You are killing it literally with the martial arts. I watch MMA with my hubby and they are impressive.

    Judy, Kristen & Karina, Welcome! Add me as a friend if you like.

    Dana, You lucky duck getting to spend time on the beach. I love the beach.

    Yesterday was a little tough. Went to my moms and got all of her meds organized for the week. She was out of diabetes and heart meds, and i'm not sure for how long. Praying to God that by getting her back on track with all of her meds she will start to become herself again. My sister is going with her to the doctor tomorrow so hopefully she will get the samples of the memory meds., because her memory is really sucking. Made it to the gym after that for 30 minutes on the arc trainer. Then it was off to softball. Today is busy also. moms after work, then gym, grocery store, dinner and softball. It is storming right now but I think it is going to clear up.

    Happy Tuesday Everyone. Keep up the goo work. We are rocking it. :):p;)
  • 47Jacqueline
    47Jacqueline Posts: 6,993 Member
    Success! This weekend I started working with my first pt client who was looking for someone to train her in the water.
  • Rachel0778
    Rachel0778 Posts: 1,701 Member
    @GillianSmith2 Keep us posted on how your running progress is going! It sounds like you've got a good plan in place to ease into it

    @danan01 I'm jealous of your weekend on the beach. It stormed Sunday and was pretty gloomy (although it ended up being perfect weather to stay in and watch GoT)

    @Lauramo06 I am so sorry for your loss, that is absolutely devastating.

    @karina0679 Feel free to check out my food diary. I eat "junk" food every day because if I don't I will binge it. It's all about creating a plan that is sustainable

    @bluepoppies777 Love your new profile pic! I agree with your suggestions 100%. We'll see how I do ;)

    @ngolden3320 Hopefully the updated medications will really help your Mom. You are a rockstar for hitting up the gym amidst all the chaos

    @47Jacqueline Congrats on the new client!

    @jkhoffe If I give you workout motivation can you spare me healthy eating motivation?
  • Rachel0778
    Rachel0778 Posts: 1,701 Member
    The scale was stagnant for the second week in a row and I was actually doing good this week so...ugh! I was feeling kinda puffy this morning so I'm going to weigh in tomorrow AM to see if it was maybe temporary water weight bloat. Here's to hoping I have a small loss tomorrow to offset the inevitable small gain over the weekend with the inlaws.
  • GillianSmith2
    GillianSmith2 Posts: 387 Member
    @jkhoffe for you and anyone else that needs it :)


    @47Jacqueline well done on the new client.

    @ngolden3320 you are rocking it.

    welcome to the newbies feel free to add me if you like.

    The scales are going back in the right direction after this weekends extravagance so that's good. Thank you for the suggestions for the running apps. I have looked at the c25k and think i will be starting that on Monday, my husband is joining me although is is a good runner so we are going to a local football pitch where he can go at a pace that suits him and i can start at my own pace, i just need to get some good running music on my phone :smiley:
    Have a good day everyone :smile:
  • ngolden3320
    ngolden3320 Posts: 360 Member
    @Rachel0778 thanks. The gym is my place to go and not think. I never had that before I started this journey.
  • kgslim17
    kgslim17 Posts: 8 Member
    Good morning Everyone and Welcome Newbies,
    My weekend food wise was a complete disaster. Unplanned party here, Unplanned party there. I was able to get a little Spring cleaning done. The scale did not budge for me on Saturday so I am being more diligent. My problem is coming home after work, I have to figure out a way to relax my mind before I get home so I don't just eat.
    @Lauramo06 --So sorry to hear about your friend.
    @GillianSmith2 --thank you so much for that reminder. I may have to post that on my desk and fridge.
    ngolden3320-Hope the medications are good for your mom.
    Have a good day everyone!
  • karina0679
    karina0679 Posts: 51 Member
    So I started Jenny Craig but I am not sure if it's going to be the right plan for me. I feel that in the long run it will hurt me because I will get used to eating these meals that are frozen when I should be preparing my own food and learning to eat healthy. I won't be able to eat Jenny Craig food forever? Any thoughts on this.
    MFPJVAL Posts: 11 Member
    Hi, thanks for the welcome. I'm looking forward to reading about your journey and challenges. Hopefully we can help each other through the struggles and cheer each other on through the victories :smile:

    @kgslim17 @Rachel0778 I find that when I don't see a scale victory it helps to look for non scale wins, like trying on something you haven't worn in a while so you can see the difference or even measuring waist, thigh or arms.
  • GillianSmith2
    GillianSmith2 Posts: 387 Member
    @karina0679 in my opinion if it is something that you already know you can not stick to on a long term plan then why bother. This should be the start of a new way of life, not a diet, or a fad. I take each day as it comes, fit it in with my calories and eat what i like to eat. If i cant have something i want it all the more. On the other hand if you find it hard to prepare meals then perhaps this is your new life style. It all comes down to what suits your life style and what you like to eat. What ever you choose we will be here to support you and your journey :wink:
    MFPJVAL Posts: 11 Member
    @karina0679 finding something that you feel you can maintain is very important. I have been trying to learn a different way to cook/eat. Eating/cooking clean has taught me a healthy way to cook some of my favorite foods and not feel guilty. It has also opened my eyes and taste buds to so many yummy veggies.
  • bluepoppies777
    bluepoppies777 Posts: 438 Member
    Karina - good for you for starting Jenny... my friend did it for months and it was a good way to learn proper portion sizes. The only thing she said was that when she went off of it, she really had to be careful with portions and salt etc. So just do for as long as you find comfortable, and don't feel guilty if you stop ordering the food. I have a family to cook for, so it would never work for me. But I also like to cook and bake!

    My problems are usually sugar and WINE... YUMMM!!! haha! Like I do so well all day at work, because I just bring my lunch and when it's done, there's nothing else to eat. But then I get home and if I snack on something sweet, it's like it's game over! Then my taste buds go into overdrive for everything and the wine comes out and jumps right into my glass. GAH!! I'm definitely still working on self control, and some days are better than others!

    I'm actually up four pounds from last week's stress and being away. Didn't want to weigh myself this morning to see, but I did it anyway - just get it overwith and get back on this horse!! I'm feeling disappointed, but it's behind me now and I am going to lose that weight as fast as I can. I did a 'bike to the barre' class yesterday after work. New class I've never tried. It was 30 mins of spin and then barre for 20 mins - yowzers! I'm no ballerina, that's for sure! And was probably the oldest one in the class, there were all the youngsters with long dancer legs. But I did it! and I have to say I actually kicked all of their butts in the spin part! :) Today after work I am going to my regular spin class, my favorite one of the week - the hardest instruction. (We call her the torture queen, but not to her face!)

    Have a great day, everyone! Get out there and sweat today, no matter what! No excuses!
  • karina0679
    karina0679 Posts: 51 Member
    I think that I will finish this week because I bought a week worth of food. However, I think that the only way to do this is to cook healthy and exercise. I need to find a realistic way to lose weight that I will be able to incorporate into my daily life. I do enjoy cooking, however I also work full time so finding the time to cook is always a challenge for me. Thank you everyone for the advice :wink:
  • ShyCush6
    ShyCush6 Posts: 951 Member
    Hey Ladies! I'm not going to try to respond to everyone, but looks as though everyone is doing amazing.. My Friday was pretty rough on me, but I did ok, Thursday, Saturday & Sunday... Soccer filled weekend so that wasn't too hard. This week has been ok... Really busy with appts and work and soccer but got a nice long walk in last night at least! Work is swamped as we lost two people in our dept, so we are very busy... less check-ins with me it looks like unless I do on my phone at night. So no worries.. I am still keeping track of you all! I will try catching up here soon!! Keep up the great progress!!
  • FitEqualsSmile
    FitEqualsSmile Posts: 160 Member
    @jkhoffe - Great job
  • janetay01
    janetay01 Posts: 1,298 Member
    @jkhoffe - good job, no better way to clear the stresses of the day!

    Right - time to sort myself out and get healthy. I've been out to the shop today before work and picked up loads of fresh fruit for snacking - yesterday was a real eye opener about how chocolates and cookies can make me feel. I've tidied my home office and dusted (a mini spring clean!) and the window is open for fresh air - I may freeze!! So to put a jumper on and get to work - have a good day all!
  • ngolden3320
    ngolden3320 Posts: 360 Member
    Good morning all. Happy