Motivation, Success and Frustration Sharing!



  • ShyCush6
    ShyCush6 Posts: 951 Member
    I have officially lost 26 pounds (since Thanksgiving)! (Still have a long way to go.) I haven't been able to exercise at all for the last 3 weeks because of an awful arthritis flare up, but I've still managed stay under my calorie goal. Apparently, MFP isn't starting where I am, so it says I've lost 17. Whatever, MFP. I'll celebrate my victories. Can't wait to pull out my skinny clothes!

    Awesome job! You can change your starting weight to reflect what you want it too! Under where you enter your weight there is a starting weight... I updated mine when I started over! =) Way to go though! You are rocking it!
  • ShyCush6
    ShyCush6 Posts: 951 Member
    Jimminy Crickets this board was active this morning. Crazy day so far. My birthday is tomorrow and I know it is not going to be calorie friendly so I did 30 minutes in the tower after 45 with my trainer. Tonight is an hour of Yoga followed by pickle ball with the hubby. This is sandwiching an afternoon filled with errands. I am working on making sure my diet is excellent today and the rest of the week (after tomorrow) so the week still show a loss. Keep your fingers crossed

    Nice! Way to be prepared for the birthday!! =)
  • ShyCush6
    ShyCush6 Posts: 951 Member
    CariTJR wrote: »
    Wowzers! Busy day. Well done to everyone who's had a loss, got off their behinds and done exercise, and those who've managed to stay within their calories. There are all sorts of 'wins' going on.

    Well, I didn't make it to RC tonight, and not through choice, but because I am a prized numpty and managed to lock myself out! To cut a long story short, after my OH gets home and lets me in I find the keys amongst the shopping i'd bought, but by this time RC is starting! I race upstairs and get changed in super speedy time, and head out of the door in the hope that I can catch them up....but it was not to be. I ran to our usual route and started off in the hope that i'd find them along the way, but they were nowhere to be seen. So I decided to just run anyway rather than waste the evening altogether. As disappointed as I was to miss Club, I was very pleased that I did 2.2 miles and pretty much ran all of it. I'm getting there, I am seeing improvement each time I run. I'm definitely no Mo Farah, but considering last summer I could barely run for 30 seconds without feeling like I was going to die, I am way ahead of where I was. :)

    Nice! You did it yourself! That's a win! Way to be motivated not to skip it entirely!!
  • ShyCush6
    ShyCush6 Posts: 951 Member
    tazzy2911 wrote: »
    I joined the women's gym today!!! 3 months with gym access plus 3 classes per week! Have my first boxercise class tomorrow and fitness assessment on Thursday...that should be interesting!!! :D I'm also booked in for a circuit class and a bums tums and thighs class this week! I predict pain!!! But I'm off to a 5 star hotel with my mum, aunt & sisters on Saturday so the jacuzzi should help ease the muscles!!! Looking forward to and dreading the gym at the same time!!!

    Nice Sinead!! You are ready to rock that bridesmaid dress!! Keep it up lady!! Enjoy the get away!!
  • ShyCush6
    ShyCush6 Posts: 951 Member
    wow, I have just finished reading all the posts from today. it looks like everyone is doing great. Well done to everyone.
    Its been a fab weekend and I am pleased to say I have my motivation back and that I am once again totally focused on what I want and where I am going :smiley:

    Welcome to all the new people, you have definitely found the best place for motivation, encouragement and support.

    Way to get back on track Gill! You are so inspiring!! You are headed in great directions! Keep it up!
  • ShyCush6
    ShyCush6 Posts: 951 Member
    I feel like I need to get a bit more strict with my food... Since I've lost 30 lbs I kind of started slacking. Maybe I just needed a bit of a break for a bit, but I still have 30 to lose, so I need to get back at it! Glad I'm still motivated to work out though. But we all know, you can't out exercise a bad diet, so I don't want to spin my wheels for too long! So glad to have all you guys here cheering and motivating!

    It's a blessing to me knowing 30 lbs is doable! I am starting where you did... 60 to go! But loving Happy scale and the prediction that I will be where I want to be by my birthday!!! ;) You have already won seeing what you need to improve on and knowing you can do it!! The next 30 will be much easier! =)
  • GillianSmith2
    GillianSmith2 Posts: 387 Member
    Welcome to all the newbies :)

    @ tazzy2911 I do kickboxercise 3 times a week and absolutely love it :smiley:
    @ngolden3320 i just have a little of what i fancy when its TOM but try to keep within my calories.

    I have had a good day. I have had a small weight loss .5lb but its in the right direction :smile:

    I hope you are all having a fab Tuesday :)
  • ShyCush6
    ShyCush6 Posts: 951 Member
    I went to the gym last night. I learned a big lesson. Don't hike in the woods up and down the hills the day before and then go to gym the next night and work on legs and then ride the bike. OMG I'm pretty sure my legs will fall off at some point today. WooHoo I've lost weight in my fingers, my rings are no longer tight. Just where I was hoping to lose it. :# My dad called me to tell me my girl scout cookies are in. WTH. I wasn't trying to get healthy when I ordered the D#$m things. Thin mints my favorites. Maybe I could trade them in for one of the yucky kinds. Oh yeah there isn't really a yucky kind of cookie. ugh. Maybe the kids will eat them before I do. :s Happy Tuesday everyone.

    That is one place I wanted to lose too! My wedding ring was getting a little tight! NSV! Girl Scout cookies are evil! ;) Thin Mints are my fav too.. So hard to resist!! You can do it!
  • ShyCush6
    ShyCush6 Posts: 951 Member
    CariTJR wrote: »
    @ngolden - Chocolate covered pretzels! My fave. Yummy yummy. Or popcorn maybe? You can get different flavours, and i'm sure in the States you have a zillion different ones as you guys have all the good stuff. :smile:

    I love the dark chocolate thin pretzels! Those are the best!! Addicting though!!
  • ShyCush6
    ShyCush6 Posts: 951 Member
    Rachel0778 wrote: »
    Phew! Now that I'm all caught up...

    I hit day 100 today!!!! And I got to my goal of 10 pounds in 100 days! Since those 100 days included all the holidays and my birthday I'm feeling really good about what the next 100 days will bring.

    Last night I had a weird experience. I went to Walmart to buy bread and came home with $15 worth of junk food! Previous me would have proceeded to eat it all. New me put the items in the treat cupboard so that I can enjoy them over the next few weeks. We also got a surprise delivery of Girl Scout cookies last night to enjoy. I still can't believe I have this much junk food in the house and no desire to binge it....where did this new person come from?!

    Awesome NSV!!! You are resisting the urge! Kudos to you!!! And way to go on the 10 lbs in 100 days!!! That is inspiring to all of us!!
  • ShyCush6
    ShyCush6 Posts: 951 Member
    Great day today! I love it when I leave the gym and my tshirt is dripping. It is a great feeling to work that hard. While I have a long way to go still, I finally feel like I am actually getting somewhere and moving toward my fitness goal! I can see the progress! YEA!!

    Nice workout!!! Keep it up!!
  • ShyCush6
    ShyCush6 Posts: 951 Member

    LOVE IT!!! Plusit helps me look slimmer.... RIGHT?! Is that possible! LOL!
  • ShyCush6
    ShyCush6 Posts: 951 Member
    One of my friends on MFP just recommended a book yesterday called Beck Diet Solution, and she said it suggested listing the reasons you are on a diet, and the advantages of losing weight on a cue card in order of importance. Then re-reading it twice a day, and any time you need to for motivation or to stop yourself from eating too much.
    Hope everyone is having a great Tuesday!
    What a great idea!!! That'll stop you from reaching for that entire sleeve of thin mints!!
  • ShyCush6
    ShyCush6 Posts: 951 Member
    plunky58 wrote: »
    Hello everyone. My name is Kathy. I am a 55 year old woman looking to lose 55 lbs and find friends of encouragement along the way. The journey is difficult that's for sure and to have friends patting your back, shouting words of cheer and offering a hand of care and understanding when you fall are all keys to success. So please add me and perhaps we can get through this together

    Welcome Kathy! Hope we can help you on your journey!!
  • ShyCush6
    ShyCush6 Posts: 951 Member
    tazzy2911 wrote: »
    Oh my god it was tough!!! 45 minute class, but it flew by! My legs were like jelly after it! Lots of squats and lunges, jumping jacks, planking (I couldn't plank at all!! Absolutely no core!!!) we were paired up so took turns with gloves and pads. I think I'll be sore tomorrow!!
    That class sounds cool! Way to step out there and try something new!! Keep it up girl!
  • ShyCush6
    ShyCush6 Posts: 951 Member
    Welcome to all the newbies :)

    @ tazzy2911 I do kickboxercise 3 times a week and absolutely love it :smiley:
    @ngolden3320 i just have a little of what i fancy when its TOM but try to keep within my calories.

    I have had a good day. I have had a small weight loss .5lb but its in the right direction :smile:

    I hope you are all having a fab Tuesday :)

    Way to go!!! .5 lb is great!! You are doing amazing!!
  • ShyCush6
    ShyCush6 Posts: 951 Member
    So yesterday was a good day! Lots of steps... Working toward that goal again today! I was searching for a sweet treat... TOM... around 9:30 pm last night.. Ended up taking a bite of a brownie and that was that! So I can live with that! Done pretty good today with it too! We'll see how tonight goes. =)
    I had a little gain over the weekend but I am back to where I was Friday so now I need a little more of a loss to get me where I want to be! Loving Happy Scale App! Very fun to see!
    Saving up for the weekend as it is girls weekend and we are packing pjs and movies! Our friend had surgery recently so we are going down to her house and taking care of her! So lots of food and booze! I have to be good this week so I can live it up!! We are also having a craft night! I'll let you know how that one goes too! =)
    Hope you are all having a good day!!
  • tazzy2911
    tazzy2911 Posts: 323 Member
    @ShyCush6 well done on only having a bite of the brownie, great willpower! Don't worry about the gain, you'll knock it off in no time! It Sounds like you've a fun weekend planned!
  • ngolden3320
    ngolden3320 Posts: 360 Member
    Third day with the Happy Scale App. Not liking it very much. I was only weighing in once a week on Saturdays. This is the third day in a row I have weighed myself. Has gone up every day. I know it is because it is pre TOM bloat and water in my head but my eyeballs seeing it is kind of freaking me out. I am making progress though. I'm listening to the good voice in my head and not the bad one.
    Last night I was at the gym and I set a goal to go 35 min. on the bike (have been stuck on 31 min). My legs were already tired from hike in woods on Sunday and legs workout on Monday. Well anyways at the 18 minute mark my jello legs said a big screw u I'm done. The good voice in my head pushed me to go the 35 minutes didn't make 8 miles but did go 7.9 miles. So I am taking that as a win. So I am giving thanks to the good voice in my head and great 80's music that pushed me to get it done.
  • FitEqualsSmile
    FitEqualsSmile Posts: 160 Member
    I have such a love hate relationship with that app for sure. I am pounding the water today to help get rid of the gains from yesterday. I know I did not eat well on my birthday splurge but no way did I gain two and a half pounds, hehe. Back to the gyn this AM; 30 minutes with the trainer then 30 on the rower followed by grocery and getting the hair done. Hoping to get a nice long walk in with the dogs before dinner tonight. It is going to be almost 70 degrees here today again. Can not wait. Hope everyone has a great day.

    @ShyCush6 - great job on just the small brownie.

    Everyone is talking about Girl Scout Cookies, I know mine are coming. I donated most of our boxes to the troops to keep them out of the house but we have 6 coming. I am dreading it.