Motivation, Success and Frustration Sharing!



  • bluepoppies777
    bluepoppies777 Posts: 438 Member
    Rachel! Yahoo for you! So happy you get to stay put and keep a job you love. That will be good for your relationship too!! Happy for you!

    Dana - OMG when I was teaching my older son to drive, I spontaneously grew 4000 gray hairs!! I remember once he was going through a roundabout way too fast and out of control, and his girlfriend was in the backseat (why she was along I have no idea!). I yelled at home "that's it! pull over right now, we are done!" Can't tell you how many times I thought we were going to crash! Haha!!!

    @uoflgirl89 If you like waking, keep doing it! I think you will have to up your speed, and maybe add it some hills to continue to see a benefit, but it's true, lots of ppl only walk for exercise and it works! For sure add in other things during the week, and you will be golden!

    On another note, sugary carbs are from the devil!! Yesterday, lost my will power at a work meeting with raisin scones... And then continued to eat all kinds of other sugary carbs, plus wine and ciders into the evening! It's like I think I can have just one, but it opens the dang floodgates and things start spontaneously jumping into my mouth, and I can't stop them!! Yikes!!! So today, zero flour for me so I don't lose my footing and fall down that slippery slope and keep eating the entire world!!! Gah!!!
  • bluepoppies777
    bluepoppies777 Posts: 438 Member
  • ChangeIsADecision
    ChangeIsADecision Posts: 709 Member
    CariTJR wrote: »
    Jen (Changels) – I meant to look into the Android ‘happy scale’ apps, but was so sick last week it went out of my mind. I’ll have another look soon, see what I can find.

    Rachel and Joy – very jealous of your Pound Classes, I looked it up as that’s something I think I’d enjoy loads, but the nearest one to me is in central London – boooooooo!

    @CariTJR - I actually found one that's kind of fun. It's called - oddly Enuff - "Weight Loss Tracker" :p Who knew... LOL!!! I like it so far.

    Rachel and Joy... SO JEALOUS of the Pound classes!! I bet it's a great full body workout.
    Rachel0778 wrote: »
    In less exciting news, I am suuuuper bloated so I'm avoiding the scale like the plague. I know it's sodium/hormones and not overeaing, but it's still frustrating to feel like a balloon

    that stinks @Rachel0778 - drink as much water as you can stand. That tends to make me feel better. I know it's hard b/c all you want is a chocolate cake topped with a gallon of ice cream but water makes me feel better too. :)

    OMG... So funny Blue!! :#
  • ChangeIsADecision
    ChangeIsADecision Posts: 709 Member
    #daillycheckin - NSV - I had a meeting with sales rep ystrdy and she brought me a BIG Tulip cookie from Panera.... I have only half of it. Once I checked the calories... :'( 440 calories PER cookie, I have held off on devouring the whole thing so far.

    Had a meeting with a local guy that does a neighboring town's Homebrew competition last night. I only had 2 Mic ULTRAS and I was only 8 calories over my limit!!! That's huge for me! (The Mic Ultra part... not the 2 beers part) So that was a #winning point for Jen. (craft beer - 0 / Jen - 1) :s Our meeting went well though... we've got some planning to do but I don't think it's going to be too overwhelming. Should be a good time on Sept 17th!! <3

    Walked twice today already! Feeling pretty good this week so far. I have a goal this week to get my exercise in and eat within my calories-ish (less than 100 over) - if I stick to that I'm going shopping with a friend of mine on Friday AND we're getting pedicures!!

    I'm loving my new ankle strap for our cable weight machine:

    Instagram post this morning's walk - 4:50AM came way too early this morning:

  • ShyCush6
    ShyCush6 Posts: 951 Member
    So glad I hit the 1 lb. down.... now I'm shooting for .5 more by Friday... We'll see but it's worth aiming for! =) Happy Scale is finally happy again... I was getting frustrated but great to see it going the right direction!
    I'm doing really good with my steps every week... making that goal... I have yet to make it out running... I'm hoping after this raining yucky day, it will warm up and I can start!
    The pound classes sound awesome! I would love to try them!
    Hope all is going good with everyone! Let's do this girls!
  • ShyCush6
    ShyCush6 Posts: 951 Member
    This is so true!!
  • danan01
    danan01 Posts: 136 Member
    Thanks Jen! I didn't know you could do that.
  • ChangeIsADecision
    ChangeIsADecision Posts: 709 Member
    Rachel0778 wrote: »
    @ChangeIsADecision Can I be an honorary Jen if I get a beer after working out too? ;) Pound class was awesome! I am an uncoordinated mess with no rhythm but I still had a lot of fun flailing with drumsticks lol

    Absolutely! Consider yourself served a pint! :) what's your favorite?
  • Fattleass
    Fattleass Posts: 223 Member
    Hello I need all the support I can get and I still have at least 60 pounds to go and it would be great to have some people to be held accountable to so I'd really like to join your group I'm on here everyday so feel free to add me
  • Rachel0778
    Rachel0778 Posts: 1,701 Member
    @ngolden3320 Great NSV!!! I hope you're able to make a healthier home version of Orange Chicken to cure the craving too. I recommend measuring 1 arm

    @danan01 Drivers Ed is a terrifying place! I wish you the best on trying not to slam on the imaginary breaks

    @bluepoppies777 I agree completely, I hate the slippery slope of eating the entire world! It feels so good in the moment, but after...ugh...bloat city

    @ChangeIsADecision Do I have to just pick 1 favorite? ;) Maybe a chocolate stout to go along with that chocolate cake I want to eat? Stella or Blue Moon are my usual go to's, but my significant other is always trying the fun new ones so I get to taste them all!

    @ShyCush6 I'm cursing the weather as well. Where did my beautiful Spring days go and what's up with this snow crap?

    @CCHaire Welcome!
  • Fattleass
    Fattleass Posts: 223 Member
    Hello I'm so glad to be a part of something it's going to help me in the long run
  • ngolden3320
    ngolden3320 Posts: 360 Member

    That is totally me. One sugary carb. And that is all she wrote. I moved up to the front office yesterday from my little dungeon. Don't they know they r screwing up my checking in with all of you guys. Some days you r what gets me past the vending machines. WTH. Like I'm there to work or something. On the plus side my steps have increased going from the front on the building to my dungeon and back a million times.
    Glad everyone is having a good hump day and I hope u r like me and tomorrow is your last day of the week. Then I am off for 6 days. Yeah
  • CariTJR
    CariTJR Posts: 343 Member
    Nichole - That whole post just had me in stitches, you're a funny lady. I'm in tomorrow and then off for 4 days, can't flippin wait! :smiley:

    Jen & Rachel - If you guys like your beers then Belgium is the place (although somewhat sensitive right now, bless them all), as they brew more different kinds of beer than any other country in the world. I hate beer, but I always indulge when visiting Belgium, my favourite is Cherry Beer, Yumo.

    Ok so I went for my run and managed 3.34 miles today. I'm getting more confident with the 5k distance now, although I really need to work on my pace which is only an average 13 min mile - super continental drift slow. But i'm just so proud I can actually run 5k. I don't think i'll ever get bored of saying "hey, I just knocked out another 5k" hahaha. Well until I can run 10k anyway...

    Oh, and this was my prize for running - Cadbury Easter Cake!
  • GillianSmith2
    GillianSmith2 Posts: 387 Member
    well i just typed out a full paragraph of well done's etc for it to disappear grrrr

    My week is going good again so my calorie change seems to be working out well.

    looking forward to the 4 day weekend :smiley:

    everyone seems to be doing great so keep up the good work

    welcome to the newbies :)
  • sweetzezo92
    sweetzezo92 Posts: 3 Member
    edited March 2016
    Hi everyone ! am zezo and am new here o:)
    I like this group , it's so nice to share what we are going through while struggling to lose weight
    I mean, never used to drink this much of water and counting calories all the day ! before I would drink water when I feel thirsty only and ,in fact, I used to make fun of people standing in the grocery shop reading the labels on the back .. I was thinking like (seriously ! are you reeeeally going to read every.single.item you buy? that's insane)
    Now am the one standing there :) LOL this is obsession :D
  • ShyCush6
    ShyCush6 Posts: 951 Member
    NSV. I was really wanting orange chicken for lunch. Put it in and saw that it was to many calories and sodium. So I am having tuna. At least it is chicken of the sea. Lol. Going to measure for first time this weekend. Question. I didn't add my thighs or arms initially. So I will start w a number this weekend. Should I measure both arms and legs or just one.

    Way to give up the orange chicken! I usually only measure my right side since I am right handed... I thought usually your dominant side was larger? I could be wrong. LOL!
  • ShyCush6
    ShyCush6 Posts: 951 Member
    #daillycheckin - NSV - I had a meeting with sales rep ystrdy and she brought me a BIG Tulip cookie from Panera.... I have only half of it. Once I checked the calories... :'( 440 calories PER cookie, I have held off on devouring the whole thing so far.
    Had a meeting with a local guy that does a neighboring town's Homebrew competition last night. I only had 2 Mic ULTRAS and I was only 8 calories over my limit!!! That's huge for me! (The Mic Ultra part... not the 2 beers part) So that was a #winning point for Jen. (craft beer - 0 / Jen - 1) :s Our meeting went well though... we've got some planning to do but I don't think it's going to be too overwhelming. Should be a good time on Sept 17th!! <3
    Walked twice today already! Feeling pretty good this week so far. I have a goal this week to get my exercise in and eat within my calories-ish (less than 100 over) - if I stick to that I'm going shopping with a friend of mine on Friday AND we're getting pedicures!!
    Way to go on the cookie and the beer... sounds like my kind of treats! LOL!
  • ShyCush6
    ShyCush6 Posts: 951 Member
    CariTJR wrote: »
    Nichole - That whole post just had me in stitches, you're a funny lady. I'm in tomorrow and then off for 4 days, can't flippin wait! :smiley:
    Jen & Rachel - If you guys like your beers then Belgium is the place (although somewhat sensitive right now, bless them all), as they brew more different kinds of beer than any other country in the world. I hate beer, but I always indulge when visiting Belgium, my favourite is Cherry Beer, Yumo.
    Ok so I went for my run and managed 3.34 miles today. I'm getting more confident with the 5k distance now, although I really need to work on my pace which is only an average 13 min mile - super continental drift slow. But i'm just so proud I can actually run 5k. I don't think i'll ever get bored of saying "hey, I just knocked out another 5k" hahaha. Well until I can run 10k anyway...
    Oh, and this was my prize for running - Cadbury Easter Cake!

    Way to go on the run!! No worries on slowness you are doing amazing!!
    Cadbury eggs will be the death of me! =)
  • ShyCush6
    ShyCush6 Posts: 951 Member
    On another note, sugary carbs are from the devil!! Yesterday, lost my will power at a work meeting with raisin scones... And then continued to eat all kinds of other sugary carbs, plus wine and ciders into the evening! It's like I think I can have just one, but it opens the dang floodgates and things start spontaneously jumping into my mouth, and I can't stop them!! Yikes!!! So today, zero flour for me so I don't lose my footing and fall down that slippery slope and keep eating the entire world!!! Gah!!!
    I find that if I start it.. I have a very hard time quitting!! Right there with you girl!! I still swear we are twins! I need to really focus for this weekend as it is Easter and lots of yummy treats!

  • nadimich93
    nadimich93 Posts: 1 Member
    How can i join this group