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  • Annr
    Annr Posts: 2,765 Member
    Went to the pool today, but rec'd some stares regarding my eye. I did meet a new friend in the hot tub, Barbara. We must have chatted for 20 minutes on life, being positive, and eating healthy. And I told her how I fell UP the stairs...

    Thanks for the positive comments. I think its important to know your journey. My views on weight loss journeys are to acknowledge ALL the phases. That includes the beginning obese phase. So many ladies I have chatted to about this have thrown away, (or burned ceremoniously) all their "FAT" pics. You have to know where you have BEEN to appreciate where you are NOW.

    There was a time when I embraced the world obese. Amazingly enough, I was 265, really tan, and we were visiting the clothing optional resort most weekends. When I look back at that time, my personality was a bit "in your face" take me or leave me. I joked about everything, because I knew people would not take me as an obese person seriously. I think I have matured somewhat and along with that maturity and having to care for my husband, I have learned to look at life with careful eyes. I think I pay attention, and engage more. I was a Facebook addict. Getting my comfort from others and my validation of feelings from others. It's nice to wake up and smell the coffee.

  • Lilymay2
    Lilymay2 Posts: 2,525 Member
    Checking in.... working up until Christmas Eve.... tired so heading off to bed


    Lillian in West central Saskatchewan
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 17,038 Member
  • miriamwithcats
    miriamwithcats Posts: 1,120 Member

    Pip, I thought of you when I saw this picture!
  • mollywhippet
    mollywhippet Posts: 1,890 Member
    Spent all day shopping with the DGDs. Boy, am I tired, but they are really happy. We found that Penneys has a new section called Girls Plus, and the styles were so cute! She got some cute Jean like pants with butterflies all over them and some long sleeved tshirts with cute little flouncy things in the back along the hem. She looked so happy in them. Even the length was good.

    So I'm off to bed. My son wants me to come help clean up his apartment tomorrow. It's going to be a long day.

    Goodnight everyone!

  • margaretturk
    margaretturk Posts: 5,199 Member
  • GodMomKim
    GodMomKim Posts: 3,691 Member
    Hi gals,

    Heather that explains the cookie point of view, as I am just the opposite, I LOVE giving gifts and if I had all of your addresses would be tempted (and might do it) send each of you a gift. Most often my gifts are homemade. And while I do not expect gifts – or give with the expectation or hope of getting, I love gifts! Little surprise gifts are best, and I can pretty much promise to get teary eyed when I get a thoughtful gift.

    Becca – WOW! You look thinner, younger, happier, more rested…..just more better!!!!

    I have the holiday blues and cry at a drop of a hat, and when I read Janetr post, I realized that that was exactly why… no one to share it with this year.
    Here is Janetr post:

    guess feel differently than a lot of our ladies. I have enjoyed every minute of my preparation in anticipation of my family being here. The cooking and baking done with thots of one loves this, the others will enjoy that, etc. I want to make it as special and warm as possible so they have these fond memories of Christmas at Grammy's for the rest of their lives. My only regret is that I decided to not put up all my trees in every room, special quilts on every bed, poinsiettia shower curtain and all. Decided not to as it would have all been up until February when we return from Arizona, but it has made me a little sad. I have missed it all. I'm trying not to get down about it all going by too quickly and every one going back home.

    Off to get a mani/pedi this morning. They will all arrive tomorrow. Hooray!


    OH my penny – so sad - so awesome your town pulled together, sending you and your town good thoughts and virtual hugs

    So I am fighting some depression again.. I know I am a drag on my minimal support system but I can’t seem to figure out how to quickly build a larger support system. I had been “working” on broadening a friendship with a client, and she told me yesterday that they are moving in Feb. to Colorado – they’ll be close to grandkids and it makes sense. I am a regular with my hiking group, but not much social with that group yet, and the yoga class folks are in clicks or don’t speak to anyone – weird – I know new friends take time, but I am not being patient.

    So thought I’d occasionally share one of the cost saving things I have found. Power strips! So we all know to turn off lights, tv etc. when we are not using it; but a lot of our gadgets have instant on or lights that run all the time. So at my house there is just one TV and DVD player, and I had read that the instant on takes a lot of power, so I got a power strip and set it up so I can reach it easily but not have it look like a mess of wires and when I was not watching TV I would turn it off then turn the power strip off. $4 savings the first month alone. Now the printer and computer are on power strips as well. My logic is 4x12 = $48 and that is a bunch of groceries, 3 or 4 outfits at the second hand store… a starbucks each month….

    Kim from N. California
  • DamitJanit
    DamitJanit Posts: 1,329 Member
    Call me crazy but I love to see other people happy and succeeding .

    Good Evening Ladies,

    Chris, so good to hear from you and ((Hugs)) right back at ya. Congrats on the loss and the dating. Keep up the great work.

    CarolGA, don't make me come over there or put on my boots! Lady, you just told us what you have been doing wrong and what you need to do, so get with it. You know we want that for you so just do it. (((Hugs)))

    Heather, we don't have a natter here. ??? We do chat and have chatter. Wonder if it's the same? So glad you are feeling better. I agree about the multiple TVs. lol

    Mia, cool deal on the Tshirts.

    Pip, glad you finally get to start PT.

    Mary, love the picture. Looks like great fun.

    Vicki, sending prayers for your DH. Try not to worry through the holiday until the doc has some results. (((Hugs)))

    Mindy, wish I had the words to help take away the blues. Just know we care and are thinking about you.

    erinden, welcome. This is a very supportive and informative group of ladies. Please tell us a bit more about yourself to help us get to know you. We also ask that you sign each post with the name you want to be called and a location, general or specific.

    Pip, cool app for the pictures.

    Barbie, I agree about how different we all are but so important to each other.

    MicheleNC, it's okay to be holding your plank for 2 min 46 sec for a while since you were at 2 min 45 sec for so long. My DH will also eat any sweets that come to the house and never seems to make him gain.

    Becca, lovely picture. Could be a Glamour Shot, you look so "Hot". I feel you are all family, too.

    Penny, that is so sad about the losses in your town. My heart goes out to everyone there. I guess the beautiful and exciting weather can turn deadly anywhere. Stay safe. (((Hugs)))

    Terri, reading about your co-worker reminded me of something my DH says often: “Some people you just can’t help!” Good for you on doing a good job!!!

    Vicki, I hope DH is okay. Sending healing thoughts.

    Kay, all your organizing has me giving it some thought. Lol I don’t want to get carried away and actually do anything yet. I did clean out my closet this year and got rid of all the clothes since they were all too big. Now I need to get rid of the newest ones that I have undergrown. Just know that you are an inspiration. Thanks.

    Michele, I just don’t imagine you as a stressor. Take a deep breath and just know that things will turn out fine. We are all right here if you need us.

    I went to the Moose meeting last night and then spent the night with my friend. It’s hard to keep up with you at her house because she talks nonstop while I’m trying to read and take notes. I have read all but one page and just have to go to bed, so I’ll try to catch up tomorrow.

    Wishing you all a great night and a wonderful Christmas, if I don’t see you again before then. ((((Hugs)))) to all of you and to all a good night.

    Words I live by:
    Savor. I have to slow down and savor every bite.
    Opportunity. Each day offers new opportunities for good health and happiness if we just look for them and choose them.
    I Love you, smiley-love013.gif
    Myrtle Beach, SC
  • janetr7476
    janetr7476 Posts: 4,001 Member
    edited December 2015
    Kim - Too bad you aren't closer. You'd be so welcome here, the more the merrier. You could even visit the llamas and goats lol

    Oh no, now the weather men are predicting a horrible blizzard across TX and OK on Saturday and Sunday after Christmas, exactly when my daughter and her family would be driving home from here. Not sure what is going to happen at this point, will have to see what the weather does as the time gets closer. They are driving up tomorrow, we may have to have Christmas Thursday and them drive back home Friday. I was wishing for a "little" snow. Be careful what you wish for :)

    Janetr OKC
  • fanncy0626
    fanncy0626 Posts: 7,152 Member
    Kim - great way to save! I am always turning off electricity but my DH isn't as diligent as I am. I would do what you do but he would complain.


    Mary from Minnesota
  • jmkmomm
    jmkmomm Posts: 3,247 Member
    edited December 2015
    Kim, my sister's husband is the same way. It doesn't matter matter if it is the microwave, computer, TV or what. Everything is on a power strip. So you turn the power stripon, use the microwave and then turn the microwave off. He is a type A very dominant personality. I have come to love him. He was just so supportive to my sis when she had her breast cancer, MRSA, drainage of infected implant pockets, implant placements, numerous orthopedic surgeries. I saw a different man than all the res of the family has seen because they only see him on holidays. He is a kind man. As an odd note, he started dating her back when we were in high school because he wanted to date me but I was young enough he would have to get permission from parents. So he dated her for awhile then finally got enough courage to ask her and my parents if he could stop dating my sister and date me. My sister drank a whole lot of mylanta during that phase. I am glad my sis is with him because because I could not become the wife that he insists that my sis be. It's not bad but he is head of the house.

    Penny I am so glad you posted yesterday. I had seen an article either on the computer or on TV and I was just shocked. I yelled out to my husband that that is where Penny lives! He just kind of looked at me and I said it's 'Penny at the pole". He then knew who I was talking about. I was so worried when I didn't see you posting the next day. I am so sorry but I know remote towns and especially towns that exist in climates like yours are a true community and take care of each other. But it still leaves a hole. I hope they can rebuild that area soon and get the residents back in place.

    Lenora, we had our house built back in the 70's, master closet is a little deeper than all the others but basically all of them are basic two door closets. When those organizers started coming out and you could buy them anywhere, I bought 3 of them and put all 3 of them up by myself. No, they aren't like the store The closet store or whatever it's called but they do have different height shelves, and then the shelves in the middle for folded clothes, purses, etc. I always kept my own tool box and made sure both my girls took a basic tool box to college. It was funny, when my Mom moved from her home into the independent/assisted living apartment building, there were 3 tool boxes. Mom's, mine and my sister in laws. Those were the tools we used to put up all pictures, build bathroom storage, etc. My Mother empowered all of us. Now of my own girls, Michelle, can take apart the car engine and put it back together, do anything in the house, Christina, well she is the manager of her husband!

    I am in a cunundrum of deciding what to get myself for christmas from my husband. On one hand I am so grateful that I still have him and he still has all his faculties. That should be enough. But on the other hand, he never buys me anything for any occasion including birthday and wedding anniversary. He said it is not his job to buy me anything for Mother's day because I am not his Mother. So to that I ask him then what did he buy for his Mom. He said he doesn't like to buy some one something because then they will feel obligated to buy him something back and it goes on and on. When I asked him a couple of nights ago what I should buy 'for him to give me' he said a little trinket. He knows what a definition of trinket is because we got into an arguement about what a trinket is. So I asked him to clarify which definition of trinket he meant and he said a little piece of costume jewelry. I am not going to do that and it almost makes me want to buy a piece of fine jewelry. I also could buy that standing mirror jewelry armoire of which costs about $300.

    I hope all of you girls travel, meal, family times work out well. No family arguements, no major snowstorms, floods, anything like that happen and you have the peaceful Christmas that you are wanting. Except for Janetr, I hope there is laughter in her home that can be heard from 3 houses down and they have to call the cops on her! If they do have to do that, I hope they are good looking cops and they join in the laughter!

    Has anyone heard from Carol in NC?

    Again big hugs to Penny. Joyce, Indiana
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    Pip: Your "measly" exercise is more than I have done in two weeks. :embarassed: Darned flu. :grumble:

    Sylvia & Kim: Hugs. :heart:

    I'm knitting a dishrag to use as a protector in DH's new "Christmas" cookware. I had to start over several times due to dumb mistakes. Luckily, it doesn't have to be in use today. Once it is done, it will have a "picture" that is supposed to resemble a duck.

    Katla in Beautiful NW Oregon

    “Our greatest weakness lies in giving up. The most certain way to succeed is always to try just one more time.” Thomas A. Edison

    December Goals :
    1. Log every bite and swallow.
    2. Cardio exercise at least 3 days a week. Work on flexibility and back strength.
    3. Have fun every day.
    4. Drink at least three glasses of water daily, preferably more!
    5. Eliminate alcohol.
    6. Monitor sleep. Try to average 7 or more hours of sleep nightly.

  • Lagopus
    Lagopus Posts: 1,016 Member
    edited December 2015
    Vicki - Have you received word from your doctor about what that "something viral" might be? I hope your husband's health is turning the right direction and that you don't catch it, whatever it is. ((Hugs))
    Michele - As you say, a couple days of stress eating won't ruin everything. So don't stress about the stress eating. Just smiley-signs100.gif You're always such a whirlwind of activity... I hope you can rest up a bit in the holidays, whatever "resting" means in your case.

    Lisa - Your words hit it bang on. I've often found solace in how free of malice Nature is. Vast and benignly indifferent. It makes me feel so small and insignificant. Yet, paradoxically, it also makes me one of Irish Terri's vital cogs in the universe: every tiny detail shimmers with significance and it becomes a duty, an honor and a privilege to see it all.

    Heather - Glad to hear your husband read my post. Maybe with time he'll come around and not feel jealous for having to share you with us. :heart: I keep my own involvement in this discussion under my hat, not because my husband would mind, but because whenever I mention anything that has to do with losing weight he's liable to say something counterproductive. ("Don't get obsessive" he'll say, or "Live it up a little!") Luckily he accepts my jogging and weight lifting - even admires them a bit.
    Katla wrote: I'm knitting a dishrag to use as a protector in DH's new "Christmas" cookware. I had to start over several times due to dumb mistakes. Luckily, it doesn't have to be in use today. Once it is done, it will have a "picture" that is supposed to resemble a duck.
    Hey, girl, don't go overboard on the hard sell! The convoluted, apologetic excuse-ification in your last sentence has me in stitches! smiley-laughing021.gif

    Joyce - I don't know what's going to happen but I suspect the damaged houses will NOT be rebuilt, and the undamaged houses in the same area will be vacated and torn down. The storm we had last week was a once-in-a-century storm, but with the increase in extreme weather events, the area is far too avalanche-prone to allow people to live there. Those houses may be an iconic symbol of our town, but they're not worth risking loss of life.

    At the memorial service yesterday, I saw that those three pre-teen childen who lost their father are going to have a tough time at Christmas for years to come. They were seated right beside the church's Christmas tree and when they paid their respects what they laid on the coffin was not just the traditional rose, but also wrapped presents and homemade Christmas decorations. My thoughts went to all of you who have mentioned painful memories linked to holidays. :heartbreak:

    We had a town meeting last night and walking there I saw that the church's outdoor Christmas tree was up again. This isn't a real tree, but a steel pole with criss-cross arms wrapped in a network of white lights. (In the constant polar dark you can't see the stark steel skeleton and it makes a marvellous tree.) It was blown down during the storm on Friday. The avalanche hit on Saturday and since then the minister has had other priorities - no time to deal with a mere Christmas tree. But someone called and offered to weld it back in place and he figured it couldn't hurt. Once it was there, he realized it was exactly what everyone needed. When I saw it from across the valley my heart lifted. Truly a beacon of hope.

    On my way home from the same meeting I was accosted by a couple of warmly dressed Japanese women who pointed at the sky and asked me if that was the Northern Lights. I looked and wasn't sure (they come and go) but then I was sure. "Yes, yes definitely," I told them, and they ran off with their camera and tripod to take pictures. I walked home slowly, because it was a spectacular show: ribbons and fluttering drapes. It wasn't just the usual pale green either; there was also a hint of red, which is so rare I've never seen it before. Life goes on.
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,977 Member
    Good Morning Ladies~
    I am having a lovely time down here,but and this is a big but.. I tried talking to Tom last night about us, he stopped me and said we are on vacation wait until we get home..
    I have gone through 6 months of no hugs, no snuggles, no kisses except from the dogs, and what do I get to look forward to when I get home? Christmas here will be like any other day, I got Tom a card and the park pass.. but for my birthday he got me the ipad mini and said that was for birthday and christmas... I know I wont get even get a card...
    we have a week to go here and I just dont know how to deal with it... maybe let him go to the pool at different time than me, Mary one of the pool ladies, says that Tom is different when I am not here, he is laughing and talkative and when I am there at the pool he just sort of floats off to a corner by himself..
    My daughter called me yesterday and said Kyle(her boyfriend) doesnt want to move to my dads house and wants to live with his mom.who is a nutcase.. so I dont know what will happen there..
    I hope you all have wonderful holidays,,, I just want to know if I will be here next year if not there is alot I want to take home with me...
  • Elaine352962
    Elaine352962 Posts: 288 Member
    Hi Everyone

    A glorious day here. Sunshine but cold. Food shopping today, have to get the Turkey, pork , cooked meats, christmas cake, mince pies and all the other treats that make the christmas holidays special.

    I will be going to mums christmas morning around 11.00 am and my sister will be taking mum to her home around 2.30pm for her dinner. Not sure whether mum is at my brothers boxing day yet. I have mum all day on 27 December. Still there 2.30 - 5.30 each day and Pat is there 6.00 - 9.00, the new private carers are with mum 10.00 am and 1.30 pm to give her medication and a meal. Eventually my sister and I will do evenings between us to give each other a break. We have been told that mum is entitled to another meal visit around 5.00 pm. We have been told the carers are allowed 30mins visits only. This is not long but we know that she will receive her medication and something to eat. Pat and I will still make sure that we do a meal for her if she wants something to eat. We will be there to sit and talk to her, find out if she is worried about anything and to get her out of the house if she is well enough.

    Wishing everyone a fantastic christmas, all best wishes to you and your families.
  • lhannon062709
    lhannon062709 Posts: 1,140 Member
    Morning, all.

    Allie - take whatever you want home, or box it up and ship it. You can always bring it back if you and Tom are still together, but if you're not, you'll regret not having done it. Do it. I know advice is always worth what you pay for it--but I would start treating your relationship as if it were already over, and get on with your life. Not from fear or depression or revenge--just treat yourself as if you were worth caring about, whether or not Tom does. Protect yourself, do those things you would do if your future were certain, rather than uncertain, and let him do what he chooses. You need to care about you. We do!

    Penny at the Pole - Yes, yes, yes. Some day, the Earth may well give a twitch or two of her massive skirts and shake us all off into the abyss. It's one of the reasons Elon Musk's SpaceX gives me hope for the future of humanity... we strive mightily to survive, and believe we've conquered the planet until nature informs us we are completely wrong in that belief, like the avalanche. Musk's determination to send colonists to and terraform Mars would get some of our eggs out of this fragile basket and give our eventual descendants a chance to survive. I so hope we at least send the first humans there before I shuffle off this mortal coil.

    I am off to the gym this morning (Wellness Center, actually) to finally work out. I have sat on my ever-widening butt for a week and a half now, and that is plenty. My symptoms are completely gone... my energy levels have come back up. Unfortunately, I've had to take myself off the naproxen, as I found myself believing it was part of the issue. NSAIDS in general (Celebrex, Aleve, Advil, aspirin, you name it) have always been problematic for me--including mouth ulcers, etc., and I think part of the issue with the fissure's longevity was going back on them too soon.

    So, I've been off my prescription dose of naproxen for two weeks, and while I'm stiff, movement-wise, I think I can deal with my knee and joint pain with Tylenol. It's a scary proposition of its own, with acetaminophen overdose as the leading cause of acute (rapid onset) liver failure in the U.S. and the United Kingdom. I seldom drink alcohol, which is a complicating factor for it, so don't worry about it too much. Also try to take half or two-thirds of the maximum suggested dosage, rather than even getting to the edge.

    Woke up with an epiphany about 3 a.m. and actually held it to the getting-up waking at 4 a.m. When I stopped logging my food, every piece of my disciplinary habituation went right in the round file. My writing went out the window, my work at the warehouse, my health issues got worse, and everything became too much trouble at once... and it began with balking at logging my food. So, today, I start logging again. Just for today. I'll worry about tomorrow tomorrow. Time to start saving my own life again. Off to the food-logging side.

    Much love,
    Lisa in West Texas--the winter storm mix should miss us this weekend if the weather-critters are right. Still looking forward to a Monday departure for Missouri and points south and east.

    And on the theme of hope:

  • terri_mom
    terri_mom Posts: 748 Member
    Happy Wednesday ! ! !

    Becca – My dad can empathize with you. A few months ago he fell up the stairs at a movie theater. It broke his glasses and ended up with a few stitches and both eyes black and blue. Hold your head high and know that accidents happen. I’m certain your personality will shine through.

    – I’m a giver, too. I love putting together little bags for people, usually with a handmade crochet item and a little lip balm or something. It makes me feel good to see people happy, and that in turn is their gift back to me. If they don’t like it, or want to trade with others, I am totally ok with that, too. // What a brilliant idea with the power strips. $4 per month doesn’t seem like much until you put it down as $48 per year. Good thinking ! ! !

    Joyce – thanks for making me laugh at your wish for Janetr. You are so funny. I now wish her the same. // I say buy yourself whatever it is that you really want the most. I do the same thing, because even if I gave my DH a picture of what I want, there would be a huge chance that he still wouldn’t get it right, and this way I am happy.

    Pip – I am proud of your baby-steps. Keep it going ! ! !

    Katla – a duck? That’s cool. I wish I had the patience to follow a pattern. Yay for you ! ! !

    Allison – Hugs and Prayers ! ! ! (btw – I agree with Lisa. Treat yourself the way you deserve, because you ARE worth it)

    Elaine – Hugs and Prayers for you, your mum, and everyone that cares for her ! ! !

    Sunday while heading home after grocery shopping, I saw a man with a sign that said “struggling family, will work for food”. So I opened my trunk and dug through all my bags. I gave him 4-5 Lipton rice & sauce, an entire box of SunnyDelight pouches, and all 3 roma tomatoes. I also offered him my gloves since he wasn’t wearing anything. He simply said “Bless you” and hid the bag in the bushes. It wasn’t much for me, but hopefully it will help him. If they ask for money, I usually won’t do that, but I try to keep some shelf-stable food in the car.

    Today is the final day until I return to work next Monday to put stickers on the calendar, so I will take and post a picture soon (I am only able to do it on my phone while at work). My stickers are the bottom right corner of the days. This system is quite motivating for me. o:)

    Merry Christmas (or whatever reason you will be celebrating or relaxing). May you find the love, peace, and comfort you deserve ! ! !

    Hugs for Everyone ! ! !

    Terri in Milwaukee
  • kimses2
    kimses2 Posts: 218 Member
    Good morning -
    Penny Your photos are awe-inspiring and the stories heart breaking. I felt transported to the North Pole reading you posts. I'm so sorry for the tragedy your town has had.

    Did 30 min P90X3 so I'm on track with that. Not doing great with the food. Hopefully the exercise will zero out the food and I'll maintain.

    Not much new here. Will check back later.

    Kimses in MA
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 17,124 Member
    edited December 2015
    Katla49 wrote: »

    I'm knitting a dishrag to use as a protector in DH's new "Christmas" cookware. I had to start over several times due to dumb mistakes. Luckily, it doesn't have to be in use today. Once it is done, it will have a "picture" that is supposed to resemble a duck.

    Katla in Beautiful NW Oregon

    Can you share the pattern with me? My husband would love a dishrag that has a picture that is supposed to resemble a duck.3012469qvpvlyc6u0.gif
  • Peach1948
    Peach1948 Posts: 2,473 Member