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  • terri_mom
    terri_mom Posts: 748 Member
  • miakoda40
    miakoda40 Posts: 467 Member
    Terri - I love, love, love seeing all those stickers on your calendar! What a pretty reminder of how well you are doing.

    Mia in MI
  • fanncy0626
    fanncy0626 Posts: 7,152 Member

    Mary from Minnesota
  • csofled
    csofled Posts: 3,022 Member
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    Penny: I'm not criticizing my knitting other than for making a bunch of lame mistakes because I haven't knit anything in a couple of years. The pattern is supposed to look like a duck. Some of the patterns in this book are more representative than others. The sailboat and rocking horse are the two best so far. :wink:
    It sounds as though your community is moving forward after the tragedy. It is really the only option. Healing thoughts to those who grieve. :broken_heart::heart:

    Becca: I haven't thrown away any pics of my fat self. I agree with your comment, "So many ladies I have chatted to about this have thrown away, (or burned ceremoniously) all their "FAT" pics. You have to know where you have BEEN to appreciate where you are NOW." :flowerforyou:

    Kim: DH and I are on our own for the first time. I know something of how you feel, although we are blessed to have one another. There are cousins and friends we could see, but we have the flu & don't want to expose anyone we know and love. Hugs! I fight depression every winter and I'm winning thanks to daily doses of vitamin D3. :bigsmile:

    Alison: (((Hugs.))) I agree with Lisa's comment, "just treat yourself as if you were worth caring about, whether or not Tom does. Protect yourself, do those things you would do if your future were certain, rather than uncertain, and let him do what he chooses. You need to care about you. We do!" Ask yourself what YOU want, and take care of yourself. It appears that Tom doesn't have a clue what he wants. :flowerforyou:

    Barbie: I'd be happy to share the duck dishrag pattern with you. If you can send me a message with your mailing address I'll photocopy the pattern and mail it. I tried taking its picture with poor to mediocre results. I have pretty good technical skills to a point, and then I'm out of my depth. :embarassed:

    Terri: I love your calendar! :bigsmile:

    It isn't raining right this minute and I saw a neighbor checking on his boat. It is an open fishing boat that would likely be in danger of sinking except that he keeps it on a float and leaves the drain hole open to let water run out. It looks like he's putting the cover back on, too. This December will likely set a new record for the most rainfall in one month.

    Katla in Beautiful and extremely soggy NW Oregon

    “Our greatest weakness lies in giving up. The most certain way to succeed is always to try just one more time.” Thomas A. Edison

    December Goals :
    1. Log every bite and swallow.
    2. Cardio exercise at least 3 days a week. Work on flexibility and back strength.
    3. Have fun every day.
    4. Drink at least three glasses of water daily, preferably more!
    5. Eliminate alcohol.
    6. Monitor sleep. Try to average 7 or more hours of sleep nightly.

  • Peach1948
    Peach1948 Posts: 2,473 Member
    I sometimes like to look at the photos you share on your profile page. It seems that that is no longer possible. When I click on a person's name, it ask me if I want to send a message and won't let me go to their page. Has anyone else noticed this?
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,586 Member
    edited December 2015
    Hi all!

    Kim - I like to give fun, unexpected presents and often do, just not ones I feel obligated about. :ohwell: I am someone who hates waste and excess and I am an extreme "underbuyer" in Gretchen Rubin's terms. However I'm someone who likes to splurge on "experiences" and often horrify people at how much I'll spend on doing something I've always wanted to do. :D At my funeral I want played "Enjoy Yourself, It's Later Than You Think!"

    Alison - good advice from Lisa and everyone. <3

    Penny - I know that you all will be thinking of the lost citizens this Christmas. <3

    Katla - Hugs for Christmas, but don't give me your germs! I can't see my yoga friend because she has a bad cold. :ohwell:

    Miriam - I know how you feel. I'm just coming out of mine. I often have a post holiday reaction. I'm sure your spirits will revive. It could just be a perfectly understandable reaction to all the stress and fuss of the adoption. Good things can stress us out just the same. More sometimes.

    DH has spent AGES making the Moussaka! But once it's done then Monday will be easy. I've made the feta pie which we will have tonight with a tomato, cucumber and avocado salad. How healthy does that sound! I will be brimming with vitamins!

    Still got a little bit of wrapping to do, but I will take myself off to the bedroom television tonight and do it then. :) Haven't made the brandy butter yet, but I've got tomorrow.

    My #2 son actually rang me today. He wanted to know if DH was doing a Christmas Quiz, as he does every year. I said yes, he's just finishing it off. We discussed Christmas Day arrangements. We will leave home around 9 am and should be with them around 11 am. Lunch is at 12.45 so that DGD can share some of it with us before her nap. We are having roast beef. All sounds great! My son is the cook in the household. :D
    He is on two weeks paid leave as he has just finished his job at the brewery. (He handed in his notice a couple of months ago as the hours were too long and the pressure ridiculous ) I hesitatingly asked if he had a new job and he said he did! :drinker: What a relief! Starts January 4th. Don't know what it is, but no doubt I will hear over Christmas. :D
    I also heard that my ex is not good. He has some kind of kidney cancer that is slow growing. They are going to operate to freeze it. ???????? He has to have blood boosting injections. Previous to that his liver nearly packed up. He is not overweight, is not a big drinker, never smoked. Life isn't fair, is it!

    Love to all. Heather UK
  • Poerava14
    Poerava14 Posts: 1,081 Member
    Michele: Thanks for sharing the sausage ball recipe and including instructions for high altitude. I'm at 5600 feet. Now, just breathe and enjoy having the family around enjoying all the great food you've prepared.

    Penny: I feel heaviness in my heart for the many families that lost their homes and loves ones. I hope your community can marshal the resources to get everyone placed in warm and safe locations. Prayers and hugs as you face the tough days and months ahead.

    Becca: You're looking good. In Hawaii, we adopt people close to us and call them 'calabash' cousins, because it means this person is close enough to drink from the same gourd as the rest of the family. So, I'm adding you to my list of cousins.

    Dr. KatieBug: "one in-one out" = Great rule and if I start to get tempted by the after Christmas sales, I'll be applying that principle.

    Vicki: Hope DH has his appetite back and you have medical results.

    Grandmallie: Squeeze every last second of fun and sun and rest and friendship out of this trip. I agree with Lisa... take care of YOU.

    Kim: I'm a spontaneous gift giver. I used to make all my holiday gifts (I work for an organization that glorifies crafting), but these days I just don't want that stress. I 'collect' little goodies from my travels and surprise people close to me when I see them. I've got something for you...please send me your address.

    Terri: Stick to your stickers! What a great visual motivator.

    Heather: What is the gist of the Christmas quiz? Sounds like fun. Can we all participate?

    Yesterday I felt like I had a sinus infection. Rare for me to catch anything. Wrapped up my work for the week and went to bed early after downing two rum and ginger hot toddies. Today, I feel great. No trace of the headache or sinus pain. I've got to run and shower. DH and I have tickets to go see Star Wars. We almost never go to movies in a theatre, so this is a big treat. By the time we come out, it will be bitterly cold, well below freezing. There's a good probability of a white Christmas here.

    Stay well. We can do this.

    Colorado Foothills
  • oceanmelody
    oceanmelody Posts: 444 Member
    Well, I have been reading, but yesterday was too chaotic to post and today is not much better. Taking some work time to get in touch, but after that it is back to the whirlwind.
    Penny, thank you for sharing the story of your little town, which faced such devastation! I feel sad for the children.
    Allison, your situation sounds so iffy with Tom. Remember that old Ann Landers line about being better off with or without? Many women have had to ask themselves this question. Hugs to you!
    And Michele, I hope you can make it through the stress all right. I am a bit stressed even though I am happy DD1 will be home tonight! And as far as the "lost children" I firmly believe that while there is life there is hope. I know that is hard for us both to remember especially at Christmas, but it really is true.
    Time to get back to work, love to all!
  • drkatiebug
    drkatiebug Posts: 1,968 Member
    Braved the scale this morning. I've actually lost a couple of pounds since Thanksgiving. This gave me motivation to practice moderation tomorrow and Christmas Day, which will be the only two days that should tempt me.
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 17,038 Member

    Pip, I thought of you when I saw this picture!

  • Annr
    Annr Posts: 2,765 Member
    Peach1948 wrote: »
    I sometimes like to look at the photos you share on your profile page. It seems that that is no longer possible. When I click on a person's name, it ask me if I want to send a message and won't let me go to their page. Has anyone else noticed this?

    I just did that to yours, and yep it shows a little square, but then I clicked on the name part and it took me to your profile.
  • Peach1948
    Peach1948 Posts: 2,473 Member
    Becca ~ Thanks for telling me that!
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,586 Member
    Love you all sooooooo much! <3<3<3<3<3

    No wonder DH is jealous!

    The Moussaka is in the freezer! Had to shift a lot of our home grown fruit to get it in. :laugh: I was a bit worried at it is in my favourite, huge, red enamel dish. Very festive looking. :D

    Rori - the quiz is top secret! DH is so great at the quizzes. He used to make them a bit difficult for some members of the family, but has tried to make them easier recently. :D His poor sister really used to struggle. My son rang because my daughter in law's parents will be at his for Christmas and they love a quiz. They once asked us to join them for a competitive quiz and I won the tie breaker! ! ! o:)

    Love Heather UK
  • Annr
    Annr Posts: 2,765 Member
    edited December 2015
    Terri in Milwaukee~ i REMEMBER when your father had his fall! It's amazing how tender facial parts are, because I didn't land too hard, but cheeks and under the eyes bruise really easy. Today my husband did a funny thing. We always go to the laundromat on Wednesdays, because the dryers are free that day. Also we always go at 8 AM because that is when a nice guy that my husband pals with is there. He was in the Marines, (husband calls him Gunny) and the guy calls my husband Chief. Anyway, they are chatting and I am loading the washers. Gunny asks what happened to my cheek, and my husband says in a low tone, "Well, I asked for oral s@x and she missed!" Well both him, my raunchy sailor of a husband, AND the guy that owns the place that was cleaning the washers, laughed over THAT one! Me, I just turned a shade of red! It was all in fun, and I didn't take it personally or anything. Afterwards my husband smiled and said, "well that situation just made my day!" (hope I didn't offend anyone with that wee little story, not my intent).

    Rori~ Just call us "the Gourd Girls"! Love the story, and yep calabash cousins works for me too! ((hugs))

    At the laundromat there was a gal we always see every Wednesday. Except today she had her mother, and her kids. I could not believe all the clothes she was washing! I don't even OWN that many clothes! Her kids do not listen one iota to her, when she is trying to discipline them. It's sad that parents can't realize the damage they are doing by not "following thru" with being stern when they are presented with situations that dictate them to do so. I was "BLESSED" with a voice like my Mom had. I can talk low, slow and a wee bit demonic. It works and scares the bejeebers out of children!
    I have a vivid memory of being at a clothing store with my mother. I was young because I could move the clothes and hide in the inner circle part of the clothing circular racks. When she couldn't find me, (I could so be stealth-like), I jumped out at her saying "boo" which amazingly enough didn't scare her but made her mad. It was then she said a phrase that is burned in my memory. "If you don't behave, I am going to rip your arm and beat you with the bloody end of it"....all said very low, slow, and demonic. I think I just pee'd the floor, but I never did it again. Also she never beat me, just talked demonic. No worries.

    Lunch is calling me.
  • Annr
    Annr Posts: 2,765 Member
    Peach1948 wrote: »
    Becca ~ Thanks for telling me that!

  • Annr
    Annr Posts: 2,765 Member
    oh fyi Rori my sister lives in Colorado, in the city of Fort Morgan.
  • fanncy0626
    fanncy0626 Posts: 7,152 Member

    Our new family member!


    Mary from Minnesota
  • Vickil57
    Vickil57 Posts: 1,862 Member
    Another day and I am working 7-3 today then off next two days. Hoping to hear something from the doctor today. DH is just feeling worn-out. Still not eating much and last evening he tells me the main reason he is not eating is because his stomach feels full. Not sure I like the sound of that.

    Kay--You are welcome to come to my house anytime and put things in order.

    I share stories and pictures from here with DH and he has no problem with the time I spend with my dear friends. He tells me it helps my moods and I agree. I love this group and consider you all family. I could not keep doing this without your support. I would of givin up by now and gained back most if not all the weight.

    Yesterday DH backed our computer up and out of windows 10. He seems to think it is working better and faster. So time will tell I guess. I am just glad to have the program to do my pictures.

    Sylvia--Sounds like your shopping trip went well and all are happy. I am glad they are making cute things for young girls, I remember growing up in order to get things that fit I felt like I was wearing my grandma's clothes.

    Kim--I so wished we lived closer as I would have you to our house for Christmas and anytime you wanted. Sending HUGS!

    Great news!! DH just called and the doctor called and told him there is no tumor. He has a viral infection that has things swelled up. He has to start drinking ensure for the weight loss and said it will take time and rest. Thank you Jesus as I was scared. Thanks for being here and all your support.

    Joyce--I think you should buy the standing mirror jewelry armoire. It is something you want and deserve.

    Allison--Sorry you are having this stress. I wish I was there and could give him a big kick in the pants. How mean to put your though this and ruin Christmas. Sorry to say he reminds me alot of my ex that liked to play head games, so I never was sure what was going on. You deserve so much better. Are you saying that if you split you would not be able to go back and get your stuff? Is the place not in both your names?

    Teri--Great stickers and a way to show how well you are doing. Thanks for sharing.

    Heather--Sorry to hear about your ex. Life doesn't feel fair at times and all we can do is to keep going.

    I am caught up and time to get some work done before I am off. Wishing everyone a very Merry Christmas or whatever you celebrate. Lets all dream about all the good things coming in 2016.
    Blessings, Vicki GRAND ISLAND, NE

    December Goals
    1. weigh less end of the month then at the first.
    2. log my food, every bite
    3. Take each day as it comes
  • Peach1948
    Peach1948 Posts: 2,473 Member
    Mary ~ Your new family member is adorable!