The January 2016 Running Challenge



  • Stoshew71
    Stoshew71 Posts: 6,553 Member
    edited January 2016
    Elise4270 wrote: »
    Congrats on the new distance! I cranked out many miles last year at similar paces. Keep at it and you will be running distances you never thought you would even attempt. Better yet, you will feel like you could probably just keep on going forever after a good while of training like that. Not that I tried going on forever, mind you. :lol:

    ..., but it felt good. My nose just tends to want to get a little sniffly in the cool air. I must remember kleenex in the future.

    Snot rocket.. I resisted for years to do it. But last few days running sick, its become a must. No shame.

    ha ha you need to practice those snot rockets, Skip and I do, she is now an expert on not getting any on her hands or face, the trick is to turn your head to the side. Left nostril turn to the left, right nostril turn head to the right, this way you are not running into your snot.

    @ohhim definitely a sign from Mickey/Minnie

    @shanaber hope the back feels better soon

    Just make sure you know who is behind you when you shoot one of those. :-)
  • Stoshew71
    Stoshew71 Posts: 6,553 Member
    Virkati wrote: »
    Instead of being able to get out and do my first REAL day of HM training, I'll be sitting in the doc's office begging for drugs. I believe I have strep and some bronchitis to go with it. Yay. I took four days off to give my hip muscle a chance to settle down, which it has for the most part, so now I get to wait another day or two until just being upright isn't enough to almost kill me. On the bright side, I'm super excited to get started on the training. Which just proves that my daughter is correct...she's accusing me of being addicted to endorphins. Like that's a bad thing!

    Upcoming Races for 2016
    02/20 Snowman Stampede 10 mile race - tentative
    03/12 - Lucky Laces 10k - tentative
    04/24 Graffiti Run with grandkids - Registered - "Memaw's Mini Posse" is our team name
    04/30 Greenland Trail Race...8 mile - Registered
    05/15 Colfax Marathon (Half) - Registered
    09/05 Labor Day Mini Marathon (Half) - Registered
    10/16 Rock-n-Roll Denver Half - Registered


    I hope it's not too bad and you are back up and running again soon.
  • Stoshew71
    Stoshew71 Posts: 6,553 Member
    Date Miles today. Miles for January

    1/1 4 miles - 4
    1/2 13.5 miles - 17.5
    1/3 REST DAY
    1/4 10 miles - 27.5

  • vinniesooner
    vinniesooner Posts: 119 Member
    Goal is 60 miles: January 1, 9. January 2, 3. January 3, 5 on the trail.
  • bitsinator
    bitsinator Posts: 30 Member
    I'm in for 68 miles this month, just started training for a HM in April. I failed to complete the training for this race last year -- it's a hilly *kitten* that I ran once before, and between the cold-weather training and bad memories of the course, I talked myself out of it after getting through about 2/3 of the training. I even paid for it, but I didn't run it, so I hope to be able to stick with it this time and put it all behind me (literally)!

  • MrsKGrady
    MrsKGrady Posts: 276 Member
    Oops! Posted in the wrong year. I can definitely tell this is a

    Well, now that I'm finally in the right year, I'm in for 75. :)
  • jillmcafee
    jillmcafee Posts: 34 Member
    I'm trying for 40 for January. I am returning from an injury and pneumonia, so I will be taking it slooooow.
  • runner_girl83
    runner_girl83 Posts: 553 Member
    Virkati wrote: »
    Instead of being able to get out and do my first REAL day of HM training, I'll be sitting in the doc's office begging for drugs. I believe I have strep and some bronchitis to go with it. Yay. I took four days off to give my hip muscle a chance to settle down, which it has for the most part, so now I get to wait another day or two until just being upright isn't enough to almost kill me. On the bright side, I'm super excited to get started on the training. Which just proves that my daughter is correct...she's accusing me of being addicted to endorphins. Like that's a bad thing!

    That's one thing I've noticed.. Since running I haven't been sick (knock on wood) my whole family have had colds, gastro bugs etc and I never got a sniffle.. Even my sinusitis didn't flare up at the end of the year like it always does! ;) hope you feel better soon!!
  • runner_girl83
    runner_girl83 Posts: 553 Member
    moremonica wrote: »
    I know this seems silly, but my goal is 10 miles for January.


    Fantastic goal and welcome!! Update your miles after each run... We'll be cheering you on! :smiley:
  • runner_girl83
    runner_girl83 Posts: 553 Member
    MrsKGrady wrote: »
    Oops! Posted in the wrong year. I can definitely tell this is a

    Well, now that I'm finally in the right year, I'm in for 75. :)

    Lol that's something I'd do! :smile:
  • Elise4270
    Elise4270 Posts: 8,375 Member
    edited January 2016
    MobyCarp wrote: »
    Elise4270 wrote: »
    I have a group question:

    Looking at my Garmin data I'm running 5-10 minutes and walking 2-3 my entire run. Once in a while, I have runs that are better or worse. I can run a race non-stop, 10k done, besides the chafing I had on the HM, I feel like I could have done it (minus the water stations). I nailed the first 10 miles.

    My husband thinks its mental. I'll be able to rule out cardiac issues in a few weeks (which really I doubt I have, but who knows).

    Lets assume it's mental. What the heck do I do? Could it really be mental?

    While there could be a physiological component, an awful lot of distance running is mental. Assuming the walk/run thing is primarily mental, here's an exercise to train yourself to keep running: Instead of doing run/walk intervals, do run/run slower intervals. This will help you get mentally used to doing a couple of things: Running slower to rest instead of walking, and going back to running faster after you've had some recovery while running slower.

    If you get scientific about this, Jack Daniels has several paces of different speeds that are used for different training purposes; and the distance or time of the interval varies by what length race you train for and where you are in the training cycle. But the mental aspect is pretty much the same; you get used to the idea that it's okay to run slower, but it's not okay to stop running.

    That's a very simplified explanation of speed work. Its primary purpose is to train you to run faster in the race, but it can also help you with the mental effort to keep running and the mental effort to turn it up a notch when you get near the finish line.

    Of course, all this needs to be tossed out the window if it turns out there is a real physiological reason you need to back off to walking for your intervals.

    If it's simply that you can't keep running longer than 10 minutes, but you can run again after you've walked 3 minutes, chances are there's a simpler cure: Just run slower, to the point where you *can* keep running for however long your planned run is.

    Thanks. I'm going to try to go slower. See if it really is mental.

    I figure if I'm running a bit at a 8-9 min mile, I just may be overdoing it. I'll ease off the pace and focus on distance and stop trying to out run my husband. I was reading about using HR as a guide. I usually run till its 190-200+ then walk to 150-170 and run/walks again. I may shoot for slower pace that puts me about 160-170-which is a comfortable pace. Kind of a "duh" moment huh? LOL!

    Did a stress test today. Unremarkable. I'm ruling out cardiovascular issues.
  • runner_girl83
    runner_girl83 Posts: 553 Member
    edited January 2016
    So I got my long run in today! 10 miles with a brief walk to cool down afterwards at an 11'45'' pace. I definitely pushed myself a little too hard and ended up with some not so fun runners stomach, but after relaxing a little I'm doing better now. My legs were fine too, despite being a little sore going up and down stairs. Then my dogs escaped our back yard and when my neighbors came over and told us I went running out the house after them and I think I hurt my right shin in the process. Hopefully it'll be fine tomorrow, it would seriously suck if it's anything worse than a little sore.


    Nice run!!!! Just rub a little ice up and down your shin and give your calf muscle a good massage with your hand - squeeze the calf all over and hold for around 30 seconds at a time and then do the same to your achilles muscle (just above your heel at the back of the leg)... with the palm of your hand on your calf muscle, move your thumb and other fingers to massage the muscle.. Don't be afraid to be rough - the harder the massage the better it will be! This helps relieve shin pain :wink:
  • Calli1616
    Calli1616 Posts: 1,905 Member
    Off to a late start, but that means less room for procrastination! First run of the year done!

  • runner_girl83
    runner_girl83 Posts: 553 Member
    edited January 2016
    shanaber wrote: »
    I can't find who originally posted on the hydration/fueling question earlier but I did want to share my experiences as I have struggled with this and with the horrid GI distress. I have always taken something with me on longer runs greater than an hour (water and or Bloks or gummy bears and something for the pup). I followed the same practice for all my HMs and typically would fuel at the halfway point but I have been having some real stomach/intestinal issues that I could not figure out. My daughter is convinced it is all hydration related so before my HM last weekend I made sure I was very well hydrated. During the race I sipped water (only) at each hydration point and at mile 4 I had some gummy bears - only I didn't eat them, I let them dissolve slowly in my mouth. Same with the Blok at mile 6. I had NO stomach issues at all, not even a grumble. I also did not run out of steam, finished strong with a PR, placing higher than I thought I could in my AG. Having it work once doesn't mean it is the solution I know, but I was thrilled not to have any issue. I also don't really know if it was the hydration or not getting the gummies/bloks into my stomach to digest. The point is though that you have to keep trying things until you figure out what works for you.

    It was me! :smile:

    Someone mentioned eating jelly beans the other day too.. I actually really want to try the gummy bears though! The thought of having one of those gels (they look so gooey and I've heard they can be messy?) isn't real appealing lol

    I will try the gummy bears on my next long run and see how I go!

    I also ordered a Spibelt (should arrive later in the week) to carry my phone as I had to keep swapping hands on my 13K. I usually just play my music out loud when I'm running (ear phones bug me) but I know I need to start wearing head phones and get used to them so I'm hoping having the phone in the spibelt will be easier to manage the swaying headphone cords (I hate how they bounce around when I run - even if I lead the cords up my shirt) Will have to work on a more comfortable approach! And I also like the thought of ordering a water bottle for the spibelt in the future if holding a water bottle doesn't feel right :smile:

    Also.. My New Year (virtual) 10k run is this Saturday! Just looked up the transit timetable and looks like my medal is only days away from arriving!! Yay!!

    This running shizz is getting serious now! :lol:
  • michable
    michable Posts: 312 Member
    January challenge total: 150km
    4 Jan: 5.3km, slow/easy (7:38 min/km); Av HR 126; Max HR 136.

  • patrikc333
    patrikc333 Posts: 436 Member

    Every time I have tried running everyday I develop @patrikc333 Syndrome....

    what is it @MorningGhost14 ?
  • patrikc333
    patrikc333 Posts: 436 Member
    01/01 - 10 miles
    02/01 - 10.4 km
    03/01 - 10.4 km
    04/01 - 10.3 km

    tot 46/500 km

    standard crappy run, small improvements but not enough

    wise to do a 10k tomorrow instead of usual HM (I won't be able to do it prob anyway)
  • MorningGhost14
    MorningGhost14 Posts: 441 Member
    patrikc333 wrote: »

    Every time I have tried running everyday I develop @patrikc333 Syndrome....

    what is it @MorningGhost14 ?

    Seems like over-use injuries/inflammations to me. You run major miles without breaks. The elites might do 300-400 miles per month but not for extended periods of time. I'm no expert, it seems to me that would would probably do better with some lower mileage months interspersed with your 300+ months.

    You may want to check out a book... Eric Orton's "The Cool Impossible"... he has some excellent training routines using a slant board and a stability disc designed to built total leg and core strength from the feet up. Once I started following his routines, I have been running virtually injury free. In fact, now that I am starting to get into heart of my 50k training, I am doing his routines at least twice a week. The slant board exercises in particular brought me virtually immediate relief to tired, worn inflamed feet and hips...

    If you can't find the book or don't want to buy it, I have the key chapters scanned into my computer and can email them to you if you want to pm your email addy. (That invite is for anyone else who is interested as well.)
  • 7lenny7
    7lenny7 Posts: 3,493 Member
    MobyCarp wrote: »
    While there could be a physiological component, an awful lot of distance running is mental. Assuming the walk/run thing is primarily mental, here's an exercise to train yourself to keep running: Instead of doing run/walk intervals, do run/run slower intervals. This will help you get mentally used to doing a couple of things: Running slower to rest instead of walking, and going back to running faster after you've had some recovery while running slower.

    @MobyCarp, I used a run/run slower routine in my HM last October. Though I had never done it before (or even heard of it), I was concerned that I was going too fast and wouldn't be able to maintain my pace so around the 6 mile mark I dropped my pace from 8:45 to 9:45 to 10:00 for about a quarter mile (I think...going from memory) as a running rest and I think that worked very well. I was able to attack that last half of the half with renewed vigor and I did great. I'm definitely a proponent of trying a running rest.

  • healthierhappierpaige95
