

  • klanders30
    klanders30 Posts: 2,569 Member
    :# Happy snowday from the mid-atlantic, it is really treacherous here so we are not going to step a foot outdoors, with the exception of shoveling (yeah calorie burn) but this is one of those tricky situations where I need to watch dh without looking like I am hovering, his heart can't take the exertion, but he doesn't know when to stop....we have a snowblower and i may just insist on paying for help as well, this of course bugs his ego and his wallet!

    Karen from NY
  • LinCharpentier
    LinCharpentier Posts: 1,122 Member
    This is one tough battle we are fighting i'm sure i'm not alone in this. I had lost two days in a row. All I did wrong was have oatmeal for breakfast guess I had to much. Because b/s went up So i watched all day bringing it down to 5.4 by supper time. But wii gave me a gain this morning. Ouch didn't need that. So not to give up.

    See you all lighter
    Linda in Northern Ontario
  • kimses2
    kimses2 Posts: 218 Member
    Becca Funny how cookies do that, isn't it? Nasty little things.

    Karen We're missing the snow this time, but I know people in the DC area are getting slammed. Hopefully the storm will dump and run. I thought it was mostly south...where are you?

    My weight is pretty much the same as last week.

    Yesterday I swam 50 laps which felt pretty darn good. I'd like to swim more but it dries out my skin so much I have to limit it.

    Today I think I'll take down the Christmas tree (finally!). Part of the decluttering mode this group is in.

    Kimses in MA
  • Elaine352962
    Elaine352962 Posts: 288 Member
    Lost 1lb this week. I am determined to stick to weighing and logging my food and water intake this week. I am really going to work extremely hard to
    Keep losing weight each week. I /We all deserve to be happy with our weight, health and lifestyle, so let us all make wiser choices and become more active this week. This year will be a great year for everyone.

    Elaine, England.
  • miriamwithcats
    miriamwithcats Posts: 1,120 Member
    Pip, so sorry to hear about Kirby's limitations. That is tough for someone who prides himself on being fit and active. I can entirely relate since I am so disabled with my arthritis. Some days I just cry because I cannot do what I want to do. And some days I cry because I did too much and it hurts so much. I think the advice to seek some counseling to help with acceptance is a good idea. Maybe someone with rehabilitation counseling training, like mine, who has experience in helping people cope with loss of physical functioning. Most folks with rehab counseling backgrounds work for Voc Rehab or insurance companies determining disability status, but some go on to get a general counseling license. They are hard to find, but the nearest University that offers a Rehab counseling program may know of some in private practice. gratitude for what ability one has left helps, as does finding new areas of interest. But it really is a grieving process to accept limitations, and there will be ups and downs. Also, he will, and you also, go through the stages of grief. Denial, anger, bargaining, depression, and acceptance. And you don't go through them just once, but over and over even after acceptance. Anger will crop up, or depression. My love to both of you and know that we are all thinking about both of you.
  • miriamwithcats
    miriamwithcats Posts: 1,120 Member
    Ah, Becca, you made me cry. Thank you.
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,729 Member
    morning peeps-

    kirby told me that he was riding home on the new route that i told him about and it has permanent yellow blinking lights with CROSSWALK. he was stopped at the road waiting for somebody to stop for him to cross. about 30 cars went zooming by ( with all his lights flashing on his bike ) and one lowrider with his music blaring was the only one who stopped.
    GRITSandSLUTSandWINOS Posts: 2,573 Member
    ccarolb – I made a very good bean soup. Spicy; but, this was ‘sort of’ made up. Years ago, I saw a woman at the supermarket and she had a list of 15 different types of beans to make up a bean soup. She was looking for a brand name (Ranch Style) beans and I helped her find it. I asked her what she was making and she told me 15-bean soup and let me copy the recipe; I've misplaced the recipe - hopefully I'll find it when I go through my cookbooks during my tidying up. I made up my last batch of bean soup; but, it did not have 15 beans; but, it did have 15 ingredients. I make mine with taco mix and Ranch Party Dip mix (I usually just get Ranch salad mix because the dip mix is hard to find). It’s spicy; but, we love it. Made a cabbage soup this weekend that has cabbage, collard greens w/juice, sliced mushrooms, carrots chunks, beef stock, Rotel tomatoes, and tomato paste in it. Very good! I might have some for lunch today – since it is ‘cold’ here. I’m sure y’all have much worse weather. It is supposed to be very windy here, too.

    Annr – We could be ‘in bed’ … whatever; and have the door locked and our DYS would take a nail and stick it in the hole in the door handle to unlock it for the sole purpose of coming in our room to use the bathroom (when there was the hall bathroom he could use). We’d just lie there covered up in whatever position we might have been in. Hold our breath and tell him to lock the door on his way out. About the ONLY time he would not come into the bedroom was ‘if’ I was sleeping off a ‘migraine’. I got to the point that I put a sign on the door which read: Mom has a Migraine – “DO NOT DISTURB unless the house is ‘on fire’ or someone is ‘bleeding’!!!! Mean IT!” The time or two that they did I jumped all over them physically and told them that I’d kill them if they ever did it again. Of course, I was joking; but, the room was dark, cold, and I was very still and all they had to do was wait the 2 - 4 hours for it to pass and then I'd be OK, even if I was totally drained.

    Pip34 – It is more difficult for any of us to get ‘back to normal’ when we reach our age(s). We just don’t heal as quickly. As unfortunate as that might be; we have to sometimes curtail some of the things we have loved doing.

    Jmkmomm – You might have been right with the name of the play. The Vagina Monologues. Thought it was pretty ‘risqué’ when it first came out. Now, it probably doesn’t hold a candle to other things.

    To those caught in the winter storm – I don’t envy any of you. Stay warm and safe!

    Eccentric and Elaine – my MD/nurse told me that usually the stomach is the last spot on my body to get back to a more normal stage. There is a huge 'fat' storage behind the skin there - has a lot to do with our body not allowing us to totally starve it. Even in people who are anorexic or bulimic - something still have a litle pooch there. Exercise by pulling in your belly button like you are trying to flatten it against your spine help strengthen it somewhat and modified crunches. You just have to remember to breath. I'm finally beginning to notice that my stomach is not sticking out as far as my boobs do. That's saying something; I'm also finding that my bras are getting larger. I won't buy any new ones until I lose down to my goal. Doesn't really matter during the winter when I can go 'braless' under my sweatshirts.

    Cold and windy in SWGA; but, no ice or snow - thankfully!
  • miriamwithcats
    miriamwithcats Posts: 1,120 Member
    Part of my difficulty with purging/ decluttering is that inevitably, something I get rid of I need. Yesterday my oldest daughter was asking about a book she had seen on my shelf about the Salem witch trials, since a very bright classmate is doing that for a project. We looked all over, and it must have been one I purged thinking I would not read it again. Never fails! So then I find it even harder to purge. We did find another one about one of the judges of the witch trials who went on to regret his role. So maybe that will help. Both my daughter and her friend are reading adult level even though they are in 5th grade.

    I had decluttered, getting rid of ALL of the kid books and toys and many of my pscyh books on kids disorders, right before the girls came in to my life. That was probably the most frustrating needing-disposed-of-stuff ever.

    Late last night, after having closed my food log, I could not sleep due to pain in my hand, wrist and shoulder from overdoing yesterday (putting up 3 curtain rods) I got mugged by a large chocolate bar. Then some pickle flavored potato chips jumped in to the foray. I finally was able to get to sleep hours later. Darn darn darn. <<Picking myself up and brushing off the crumbs>>
  • kimses2
    kimses2 Posts: 218 Member
    Miriam Chocolate bars are mugging people now? What is world coming to?

    A number of years ago, my sister and I had one day to clean out my parents house, so we whipped through it just chucking stuff into large garbage bags and then into the garage. 50 garbage bags later, my brother shows up and says "did you see that card Rob made for Grandma?". Told him to go through the bags. 15 years later and he still brings it up.
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    edited January 2016

    Pip, DH & I ride these and they are very fun. They come in racier versions. Kirby may elect to shift from speed to distance, and these could spark some ideas. :heart: They definitely need colorful flags to draw attention in traffic because they're so low to the ground. PS: If you two ever want test rides, you're welcome to try ours.
  • GodMomKim
    GodMomKim Posts: 3,659 Member
    GRITSandSLUTSandWINOS Posts: 2,573 Member
  • mollywhippet
    mollywhippet Posts: 1,890 Member
    Good morning everyone. I'm at the studio drinking tea while the heaters do their thing to warm the place up. It's COLD in here! We went to the Y this morning and I was one of only two people in the big gym. It was surprising that it wasn't crowded, but it was nice. I used the NuStep machine, then the back and ab machines while hubby was swimming his laps. I haven't felt like swimming lately. Maybe it's the cold weather.

    I'm trying to drink tea with sweet and low instead of sugar. Not liking it very much, but maybe it's something I have to get used to. I tried Stevia, and it was awful. At least this stuff isn't quite that bad. Still, it leaves a strange taste in my mouth.

    We are going to go to the lake this afternoon. I'm not looking forward to that, since it's going to be cold out there. But hubby likes it, so we will go.

    Gotta get busy. Have a great day!

  • klanders30
    klanders30 Posts: 2,569 Member
    Kimses this winter storm is pretty big, yes DC and Baltimore are the center but even in Westchester County right above NYC is predicted to get 14"-24" inches! My DD is bummed because we had planned to go into the city to see "La Boheme", even the buses in NYC are suspended. Subway is still running so the Met won't cancel the performance. I am on "HOLD" indefinetly right now to see if we can get an exchange for a different date :| Meanwhile I am running laundry and making comfort food for later in the day. Both DH and DD are taking winter naps so I have the house kindof all to myself, which I enjoy!
    Karen from NY
  • kimses2
    kimses2 Posts: 218 Member
    Karen We had tickets to see a show at Foxwoods tonight and it was rescheduled until May. I'm glad that we got the message last night because I was really on the fence about it. go or stay? go or stay? That's a lot of snow for NY.
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,369 Member
    edited January 2016
    Running out of calories for the day because I couldn't resist the biscuit dough. :s I was making lemon shortbread to go with the sorbet. :ohwell: So no mushy peas for me with dinner. The blood orange sorbet with Aperol is heavenly and I managed to get the churn to work. (Found the instructions in the 2nd place I looked ) :laugh: DH is very taken with it. <3

    Our friends rang today to firm up the times for Monday. They are coming at 7pm. They are staying in a hotel and getting a taxi so they can have a wee dram of whisky with the haggis. :bigsmile: Of course, they could stay with us, but they prefer a hotel and treat it as a mini break.

    Love to all. Stay safe folks. Heather UK
  • Peach1948
    Peach1948 Posts: 2,473 Member
    Chiming in to say I just watched the BEST movie: Far From the Maddening Crowd on HBO

    I think it is free to watch today. Talk about a chick flick.... :)
  • GodMomKim
    GodMomKim Posts: 3,659 Member
  • nccarolb
    nccarolb Posts: 858 Member
    Sylvia - I used to make my tea with part Splenda and part sugar then decreased the sugar over time. Luckily, I like the taste of Stevia and use it exclusively now. Did you know that some folks have gene (or something) that determines whether Stevia tastes bitter or sweet and whether cilantro tastes good or tastes like soap?

    Spot wanted out.


    That lasted for about 90 seconds!!

    My vegetable soup from yesterday is delicious!! I had a big bowl full for lunch along with a grilled cheese sandwich.

    Carol in NC