

  • fanncy0626
    fanncy0626 Posts: 7,152 Member
    I just wanted to share a little humor with everyone. We are in the process of laying a wood floor and I have a 10 week old puppy that is more like the Tazmanian Devil, all Teeth. So I rigged up my Kettlebell on his rug to keep him from chewing everything in sight but still free enough to watch us. The little monster was able to pull it around. So, I added a 25 pound plate beneath it.
    This was working for a while until he must have eaten a can of spinach and became as strong as the Hulk. Needing to keep him in one place I went and got my 35lb plate and was in the process of switching them out I don't even know what happened I was handing the 25lb plate off to my husband and balancing the 35 on end. Next thing I know BAM searing hot worse then labor pains explode in my big toe! You guessed it the 35lb plate fell right onto my toe!


    Mary from Minnesota
  • janetr7476
    janetr7476 Posts: 4,001 Member
    Mary, oh no so sorry. I know that hurt like the dickens. Take care of you. That little guy is strong.

    Janetr okc
  • CSSJ09
    CSSJ09 Posts: 296 Member
    GodMomKim wrote: »
    Hi gals,

    So I did not take notes, but all the folks in the snow zone, stay in – keep warm – and use the snow as exercise, but don’t over due!!!

    Had a good day here my garden club does a spring plant sale and one of the members has access to grape vines, they get trimmed this time of year so we made grape vine wreathes to sell – some plain and some decorated. About 20 members attended and with the exception of the car pool time it was fun. I ended up sitting in the car pool (1 hour each way) next to the queen of toxic, I disagreed with her about organic/non-gmo so her answer was to call me a Nazi – some of my mothers family was lost in the concentration camps – and I minced no words first defining Nazi and then telling her how inappropriate her comments were, she tried to interrupt me to tell me she was joking… I was not interruptible. What a doofus. She tried the rest of the day to be nice and I told her to just stay away. You never know what folks history is and in a group it seems to me it is fine to disagree, but not fine to be mean and hurtful.

    I did come home and treat myself to a hot chocolate with bailys! Its in my calorie count so its ok.

    Kim from N. California

    Thank you for correcting that person. It's no joke.
  • lhannon062709
    lhannon062709 Posts: 1,140 Member
  • KJLaMore
    KJLaMore Posts: 2,837 Member
    DJ- Menopause the Musical! I loved that show! I saw it about five or six years ago with my four SILs and our MIL. Laughed so hard!
    Betty- Beautiful winter pic of an historical home! I love those old houses. And Yes! You do burn more calories exercising in the cold. Not a whole lot more, but along with burning the "exercise" calories, your body is burning calories to keep you warm.
    Blizzard bound friends- thinking of all of you as I see the snow piling up in your areas. Stay warm and stay safe! We get lots of that type of weather in West Michigan, but at least we have the infrastructure to deal with it. In an effort to keep it light; I saw a post on facebook this morning. It was one of those "Be like Bill" posts. The woman who posted it is from Long Island and her name is Lori:
    This is Lori.
    Lori lives on Long Island and is currently resting after shoveling out of 2 feet of snow for the past 6 hours because her husband broke the snow blower and forgot to buy another one.
    Lori married an idiot
    Don't be like Lori

    I have been cooking meals this weekend for my in-laws, both in their 80's and recovering from their respective hospital stays. I have also been making food and shopping for my sister Denise. Some one on this page, very kindly, named a couple of cookbooks for cancer patients, but I can't remember who...

    Anyway, I sent my hubby to the store for some ingredients that I needed. He comes back an hour later, minus what I needed but with two hams! "They were only $15 each!" He wants me to make one so we can have soup. I love him; but I want to kill him sometimes. :s
  • KJLaMore
    KJLaMore Posts: 2,837 Member
    Mary- Cute pup and adorable story about him. What is his name? Hercules? But, OUCH! So sorry about your toe! I hope healing goes quickly and without much pain or inconvenience. You don't realize how much your toes do, until you injure one!
  • Lilymay2
    Lilymay2 Posts: 2,524 Member
    I would have thought walking a colicky grandbaby would have got me a few more steps but I guess doing the baby sway doesn't count steps... Oh well.... I did get to outside - bundled them up and went out with the toboggan and feed the birds and went for a short walk. could only get as far as the snow plow had gone so wasn't very far... the 2 1/2 year old wanted to walk a little bit which was good because he slept for an hour in the tractor plowing snow with grandpa, Lots of fun outside tried to teach him how to make snow angels!!!

    I sympathize with all in the path of the storm in the Eastern US. It is fun to get snow but not the huge amount all at once stormy stuff.

    Sad to hear about the School shooting in La Loche, Saskatchewan (4 hours north of me). I have been there several times for work. A lot of nice people there, but a lot of issues in the Northern communities.

    Quite time in the house so far this morning, grandkids are still sleeping. Good thing... one more grandchild showing up around 10 so grandma needs her quite time ...ha ha.

    Take care everyone and stay safe

    Lillian in West Central Saskatchewan
  • fanncy0626
    fanncy0626 Posts: 7,152 Member
    KJLaMore wrote: »
    Mary- Cute pup and adorable story about him. What is his name? Hercules? But, OUCH! So sorry about your toe! I hope healing goes quickly and without much pain or inconvenience. You don't realize how much your toes do, until you injure one!

    Thanks! I'll feel it for sure when I exercise but plan on prepping with Tylenol! Evidently your DH thinks you're a great cook!


    Mary from Minnesota
  • drkatiebug
    drkatiebug Posts: 1,947 Member
    edited January 2016
    Ouch, Mary! That had to hurt. But changing the subject.....are those your new floors? They are gorgeous!

    Kim, good for you in setting the woman straight. It does sound like you made an impression and perhaps she learned her lesson. You are so correct that we never know other people's histories and how seemingly innocent words can cut to the quick. My personal hot topic words are "retarded" and "short bus." We once had a retired preacher who liked to joke that he was our "retarded, no retired" preacher. I finally got up the nerve to mention it, but I don't think he got it. Maybe I should have been more forceful. When you have a grandchild who rides the short bus, you don't appreciate jokes about it.
  • margaretturk
    margaretturk Posts: 5,098 Member
  • Peach1948
    Peach1948 Posts: 2,473 Member
    Mary ~ Hurting for you! That must have been an awful pain. Your floors look beautiful.

  • bwcetc
    bwcetc Posts: 2,781 Member
    Mary ... Sorry about your toe. Your Tasmanian devil has the cutest ears!

    Pip ... Your black lab is beautiful.

    Chris ... I thought the bike/railroad tracks photo was odd as I assume most riders don't park their bikes there!

    Kim ... The ignorance of the human race knows no bounds ...

    Beth still sick near Buffalo
  • miriamwithcats
    miriamwithcats Posts: 1,120 Member
    Mary, your pup is adorable and I love the story- until you hurt your toe! I dropped a sheet of dry wall on my big toe and could not wear shoes for over a year! I know your pain! Mine still aches with changes in the weather, and the MRI when I got the cat bite showed extensive arthritis. Hope yours heals better!

    Kim, good for you! People need to know that these words, Nazi, retarded, short bus, etc. are damaging and NOT funny! Schizophrenia is another one- it is rarely used to describe something properly anyway. Schizophrenia is a brain disorder in thinking but people use it to mean two sided. And it is harmful to people with that disorder. That old adage that "sticks and stones can break my bones but words can never hurt me" is totally wrong.

    Pip, every time I see a black lab or goldie I think of you now.

    Yesterday I took my girls, adult son, and grandson to the shelter to socialize the animals. There were some gorgeous dogs there, all eager to be loved. One was a golden lab (not purebred but looks it) that was so tempting to bring home! Not to mention all the lovely kitties! I made arrangements to have the newest "stray" neutered on Monday with their program. The only problem is that I have to have the cat there by 6:30 Monday morning and it is half an hour away. It wouldn't be hard for me, but the girls won't like getting up that early! The shelter manager told me that instead of having me pay for it, she will charge my city since they have allotted money to neuter/ spay strays and that is what this one is! She said it saves them time having to trap it! My son brought my attention to a long hair black kitten that had "lumps" all over it- he was concerned it had cancer or something. I checked it and the lumps were just mats. So I spent my time there dematting the darling kitty. So hard not to just bring it home. It was a sweetheart and that is not fun!

    Off to sing at church!
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,370 Member
    Afternoon folks! <3

    I am now officially a natural blonde. :bigsmile: Finally got round to dying my roots this afternoon. :D I love it when it's done, but always put it off. I also made game stew while I was waiting for it to take. Yummo! Having it with cabbage. I will put in a jacket potato for DH as he needs the calories.
    I see your snow has stopped at last. Hope everyone is OK. I heard several people died shovelling snow.

    Nasty names - when my children were teenagers a favourite word was spaz. I put them right about that one. I once used the word wog in the presence of a black person, without having the faintest idea what it meant. I was about 11. My parents were horrified and told me off in no uncertain terms. Adults should know better.

    Quiet day in store. Finishing the newspaper and catching up with TV. I have thrown some papers out from the office, so that feels good. Done two lots of laundry. Washed the cushion covers off the sofa. They look much better. :noway:

    Mary - Ouch for that toe! You are so marvellous with all the renovating you do.

    Katla - enjoy your company. <3 Are you cooking? I know entertaining makes you nervous. :flowerforyou:

    Getting a delivery today of DH's Valentines Day presents - a big whisky fruit cake in a nice tin and some posh chocolate covered ginger biscuits. :bigsmile: Will have to find a hiding place for them.

    Love Heather in the damp UK

  • csofled
    csofled Posts: 3,022 Member
  • kimses2
    kimses2 Posts: 218 Member
    DJ I hear you about the cookie muggings (and chocolate bars). We had 3 birthdays and one church supper with lots of leftovers, so I think we are cleared out now.

    Mary is your toe broken? And to think Shep is still a puppy and that strong! He looks so innocent.

    I was pretty sick yesterday and couldn't eat anything after breakfast. Not the diet plan I would normally choose. Slept 12 hours and stomach and intestines feel better, but my whole body is sore. The good news? I don't have to shovel or bring in firewood! I'm calling in sick and letting my husband do that! I would like to be waited on today.

    Not much snow here....about 6 inches. Very pretty outside.

    Kimses in MA

  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,820 Member
    morning all~
    well over 18 inches of snow :open_mouth: , was out shoveling,Tom snow blowing, and went to feed DFIL ,he ate, and I have shopping I have to do for 2 of the resident's down at the nursing home.. think I am finally over the hump with this cold, and think Tom is starting to get it..
    of course will all the shoveling do you think my fit bit battery was charged? NOOOO of course not grrrr
    still feeling a little tired so will lay low and cook a few things and back at the old grind tomorrow
    Mary~ Puppy adorable... yikes on dropping that on your toe....
  • DamitJanit
    DamitJanit Posts: 1,329 Member
    Call me crazy but I love to see other people happy and succeeding .

    Good Morning Ladies,

    Becky, welcome to a great group of ladies. I’m sorry for your loss and glad that you don’t want to repeat your friends result. It is definitely not always easy but the results of permanent weight loss are wonderful. I knew I’d be healthier but had no idea of how much. Take it one day at a time and just never give up. When we fall, we just have to get up and go again. Come often and we will happily support you in being successful.

    , now if you can’t remember how to ride your bike, just……Oh, wait!!! That is one of those things we are supposed to always remember! jumpy.gif Anyway, you know you are the resident exercise expert of this group so I know you know how. Keep up the good work and have fun. Maybe you need to put plastic bags on your feet before you wear those holey boots again.

    Katla, glad you got to go to your riding lesson. I always hate the idea of you having to miss something you enjoy so much.

    Mary, Shep is sooo cute and those ears! I’m so sorry about your toe!! Did you break it? Can you even walk today??? Poor baby, maybe Shep will kiss it and make it better. They can be so much trouble but they also bring us such joy.

    KJL, ya gotta love our Hubbys who get a little confused sometimes when it comes to shopping. Hope you had lots of things you can do with ham. Lol

    , I agree that people need to be careful about the terms and phrase they use, but you gave an example of “short bus” and I don’t even know what that is? I wonder if it is used in some parts of the country and not others?

    , sorry you are under the weather, but do enjoy your sick day and being waited on!

    Allie, glad you are feeling better. If Tom gets it, is he as big a baby as many men? Talk about wanting to be waited on! Women just pretty much want to be left alone when we don’t feel well but men want someone to stand there and watch them suffer.

    m1277.gifto any Newbies that I missed. Come often and join in the chat. This thing works!! Please sign your post with what you want to be called. It makes it easier for us to respond to you. Also a location is great, be it specific or general. We are happy to have you join us.

    I’m happy to have a low key day. We will watch the two play-off games this afternoon and night. Before that, I’ll probably do a little more drawer organizing. I certainly don’t envy any of you that have to spend hours digging out. Don’t overdo and stay safe, my friends.
    I hope all of you have a healthy and happy day. rose.gif

    Words I live by:
    Savor. I have to slow down and savor every bite.
    Opportunity. Each day offers new opportunities for good health and happiness if we just look for them and choose them.
    I Love you, smiley-love013.gif
    Myrtle Beach, SC
  • NO_Excuses_515
    NO_Excuses_515 Posts: 220 Member
    Hubby was turning the knobs too, because apparently he didn't think I knew how to turn them properly, but he had no luck either.

    LOL - Oh, I'm sure many of us can relate to that. :)

  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,730 Member
    morning peeps -

    fanncy - ouch!!! what i used to do when i was training our pups was i had them on a leasch and that leash was on my wrist. where i went (while at home) he went. i could watch and correct him all the time. i had a crate that was big enough that he would grow up into (so far have used that crate on all 4 dogs) and put it in the living room where all the traffic was so he could see us all the time with toys n stuff in there.

    miriamwithcats - :0)