

  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,980 Member
    :)Pip, tell Kirby that I knew he wouldn't be depressed that he'd keep on keeping on....a slow run is the first step toward a faster run....he's a winner...what a great goal to set of running the marathon together next year. :)

    welcome.gif to every one who is new here, please keep coming back....this is the supportive community of friends that you'll find nowhere else....there is someone to listen and reply 24 hours a day because we come from all around the globe.....and when you need a kick in the pants to get back on track, there are several who will do that.

    <3 Barbie from NW Washington where once again, the moon is above and the weather is great for walking
  • Peach1948
    Peach1948 Posts: 2,473 Member
    Sylvia ~ Beautiful pics of the lake.

    Supposed to get up to 70 today but right now it is cloudy. Yesterday, it was so nice out and made me yearning for Spring.

  • csofled
    csofled Posts: 3,022 Member
    edited January 2016
    We're both looking at the same moon, in the same world.
    We're connected to reality by the same line.
    All I have to do is quietly draw it toward me.

    Thanks for being here in this "virtual" reality. I am blessed with your presence each and every day!

    Cheri in warmish NE oHIo
  • DamitJanit
    DamitJanit Posts: 1,329 Member
    Call me crazy but I love to see other people happy and succeeding .

    Good Morning Ladies,

    Betty, you are headed the right direction in trying to concentrate on the positive rather than the negative. I am a huge believer in the power of positive thinking and that we have a lot (not all) control over our moods and how our days go. Keep that head up and hang with us and the sun will shine one of these days.

    Pip, so glad Kirby was able to run. I know how frustrating this must all be to him and again I just thank the lord that he is in as good shape as he is. When it first happened it sounded really bleak! ((((Hugs)))) to you both….oh yes and the kids too.

    Cheri Gee, welcome! Of course you’re welcome. We love newbies since all of us were at one time or another. I do weigh every day at the same time and don’t let my 1 or 2 pound variation bother me. Many weigh only once a week so it’s whatever you are comfy with. Trust me, we know what you mean when holidays or special occasions, or well any ole day of the week forces us to eat things we know we shouldn’t. As long as we don’t make a habit of it, I don’t even worry about it. Come often and let us know what’s going on with you. Actually tomorrow will be a new thread for February. At the end of the day today. Barbie will post the link to the new thread, so just come back here and find that.

    Katla, I had to laugh about looking for your DH’s phone, thinking of the times we have done the same thing. My DH refuses to keep it with him so we never know where we will find it.

    Irish Terri
    , your photos always look like picture post cards. Just beautiful!!!

    , I wish you luck with your brother. When I was diagnosed with diabetes my doctor didn’t make that big of a deal about it. I have always been one to follow doctors’ orders but none of my doctors even really stressed the importance of losing weight. I’m not stupid but really didn’t get the severity of the disease. One reason is that I was able to control it with just my meds. I never checked my own blood and never changed my diet. I know doctors don’t want to hound us to death but I partially blame them for not stressing some of the issues more. I hope you get through to your DB! Now if I had been taking shots, I’ve have probably asked more questions.

    Allie, you are such an angel to help Faith that way. You are just a very good person…what more can I say? smiley-angelic002.gif

    Karen, glad your nephew knew you well enough to have your “wipe his butt” even if he didn’t know your name. funny.gif

    Eleanora, welcome. You are right that it is easier when you have a support system and this group of ladies is the best I could ever ask for. Where are you from? Come often and never give up.

    Sylvia, beautiful pictures. I’d go to the lake every chance I got. Thanks for sharing.

    m1277.gifto any Newbies that I missed. Come often and join in the chat. This thing works!! Please sign your post with what you want to be called. It makes it easier for us to respond to you. Also a location is great, be it specific or general. We are happy to have you join us.

    I live basically a stress free life. DH worries over our retirement money which is constantly shrinking due to the stock market but I try not to dwell on that. Our DD is having financial problems so we end up helping make ends meet. *sigh* Now she and ex-boyfriend have recently split up and he is causing her problems so that is my biggest stressor right now. She moved across the country to Oregon two years ago to be with him and …oh I won’t even get started. Anyway, I don’t have time to catch up right now as I have to leave soon for our fundraiser at the Moose Club. I hope you all have a fabulous day and “Make someone smile”.

    Words I live by:
    Savor. I have to slow down and savor every bite.
    Opportunity. Each day offers new opportunities for good health and happiness if we just look for them and choose them.
    I Love you, smiley-love013.gif
    Myrtle Beach, SC
  • tryingtolive1
    tryingtolive1 Posts: 245 Member
    Hello everyone. Been nicer here in Wisconsin so have been able to get out of the house for a little walking outside verses the treadmill inside. Much more enjoyable. Makes me more motivated to be outside.
  • csofled
    csofled Posts: 3,022 Member
    garciasw wrote: »
    Hi gals, I'm a newbie; just joined January 27. I'm over 50 (by 20 years), but I'm a very young minded senior. Am I welcome?
    Have been reading some of the posts, and this is a very verbal group. Believe me, I'd fit right in. Live in New Mexico for the last three years, actually quite close to the Arizona border, so we miss most of the snow and ice, which makes me very happy.
    As to weight loss goals, I'm in need of losing 50+ pounds and working on the grain free Wheat Belly WOE. As long as I stick with this, it works so well, and I feel so very healthy. But, the holidays grabbed me by the neck and forced all kinds of Christmas cookies and fudge down the gullet . . . well, may be I did that all on my own. But, here I am finding the tracking of meals is an excellent way to keep up with my WOE. When I was writing the foods in the journal, I underestimated a lot of categories. Now I know for sure where I stand each day.
    I started taking a probiotic, 30billion each day, about 2 weeks ago, and am pleasantly surprised with the effects. My energy level has ramped. I understand that I should only need to take this for 4 weeks. Would be interested to hear from any one else who has gone through this procedure.
    Do you weigh everyday? I am a member of TOPS (Take Off Pounds Sensibly) so I haven't been weighing except for the Wednesday meeting.
    Hope to hear from new friends at MFP.

    Cheri Gee

    I rarely find someone who spells their first name as I do! Welcome to the group!

    Cheri (Ann) in NE oHIo
  • Lagopus
    Lagopus Posts: 1,016 Member
    @jmkmomm Joyce, honey, it's been so long. We're getting worried about you!

    I hope you can feel our support from afar. Whatever it is that's keeping you quiet, please know that we all want only the best for you. :heart: :heart: :heart:
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,355 Member
    edited January 2016
    My DB can't come to the V Day meal because they are going to be in the Lake District. <3 One of the most beautiful places in the world. B) Glad for them. :love:

    I think my chilli is going to be one of my best. I added a smoked ancho chilli that DH gave me for our anniversary. In a huge packet of dried Mexican chillies. Last time I tasted the chilli, it was divine! :D:D

    Had a wrestle with my new phone, but have beaten it into submission. :laugh:

    Pip - So glad it seems to be getting better for Kirby. You are such a lovely couple.:love:

    Going to taste my chilli again and cook the rutabaga. :)

    Love Heather UK
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,712 Member
    morning peeps and new peeps-

    purdy poocher momkim!!

    nice lake pics !

    well today, he is going to try at 1-1/2mi. we will see how he does.
  • bwcetc
    bwcetc Posts: 2,777 Member
    Pip ... Fantastic! I respect the opinions of the medical community... But I don't believe they always have the last word.

    I have shared my crud with DH ... sigh ...

    Taking it easy today... Will do some meal planning though ... And I think I'll make some soup ... Helps with crud and is kind to the waistline.

    Beth near Buffalo
    GRITSandSLUTSandWINOS Posts: 2,573 Member
    edited January 2016
    WARNING: If you don't want to read a 'novel' skip to the next posting or skim over - I highlight names that I am responding to. LOL!!!!!

    Sylvia – Smart thinking on how to get a ‘newer/larger compressor’ for your shop. I think this is how my DH justifies getting some things that he wants, too! I cave – he gets. But, turnabout is fair game. I want, usually I buy – like the ‘new’ car back in early Fall. But, the last 2 have always been in my name only – ergo, I pay the payments. But the ’15 Honda Accord’ will probably be my ‘last’ one.

    Biting at the water? He can see his reflection in the water and thinks It is another dog; he bites, the other ‘dog’ goes away. I think about the only dogs that don’t have this ‘mind-set’ are Retrievers; but, they are hard-headed, too. Mind-set only to retrieve ducks in the water – eye on the duck, not on their reflection.

    I’ve just GOT to catch Cracker in one of her sleeping modes. DH and I laugh every time she does this; laying on her back in her bed. She is a ‘light’ sleeper so any time we make a move, her eyes pop open. I guess I will have to start keeping my cell on while I am in my chair to do this. This AM, she was sleeping and DH asked if what he was hearing was her snoring. Sure enough, she snores like her human-Mom used to do before she got her C-pap.

    Cracker also ‘thinks’ she is a ‘lap dog’. I’ll let her get up; but, not stay up. Twenty pounds of rambunctious is a little much to take. She’ll lay back in my arms like a baby;; but, she is also trying to ‘kiss’ me in the mouth. I don’t think she puts the 2 together. Kissing human-mon is akin to being put down on the floor. Apparently, not – she still tries to get up here.

    I’d probably look straight at the colorful waist pack and still not see it. Seems like whenever I am pushed for time, there is something I can’t find – car keys, library books, grocery list … GONE! Have to sit down, calm down; then my ‘vision’ and ‘memory’ come back to me.
    Beautiful pictures!

    Lynnphipps51 – Welcome to this site. I’m still watching my ‘caloric intake’ and mine is an ‘ordered’ CICO for me to lose weight. But, I am also in a weight loss program and my CI have been less than 1000-a-day to get the weight off. When I get to my goal weight I will be able to eat a more CI diet. Right now I can cook a meal that is less than 550 a meal. I carefully add my estimated ‘meal(s)’ into MFP and then readjust at the end of the day what I actually ate and how many calories I got. I do not eat back calories; so, usually I go over 1000 CI a day; but, as long as I am losing under the careful watch of my MD; I feel ‘ok’ with it. Took me about 2 weeks before I stopped feeling the pangs of ‘hunger’. HA! HA! I’ve made the mistake of asking ‘when someone is due’ – eaten my words and been embarrassed more than once or twice in my lifetime. Portion control by weighing food and measuring it and ‘tracking’ everything you eat or drink is key. Exercise even more important to lose weight; even if all you can do is 15 minutes a day. You also have to consider that you move throughout the day. A lot of people on this site have some sort of ‘fitness’ bracelet that they wear. I’m sure that others will tell you how or what they are doing to lose their weight. I think you have to take it all in; and, then decide what works for you the best. Some here are either to one extreme of the other; totally (or mostly) sedentary or fitness buffs. You’ll just have to find a ‘good fit’ for you and work on it. In the summer I walk laps in our pool; in the winter I do the treadmill (hate it!); but, I try doing it for 15 minutes daily. Just not disciplined enough to actually do it daily. I do consider what I do during the day … walking while shopping at a slow rate. Again, getting a pedometer or Fitbit would be good for keeping up with how many steps you take a day.

    I see where someone recommended seeing if your insurance will pay for a nutritionist; my weight loss program is not covered because it is considered to elective. They would pay to go to a MD-ordered nutritionist; but, not for any weight loss program like I’m on. The weight loss program I am on, was basically told that I needed to go on; because I was unable to do it on my own. Sometimes you can do it without a professional with a lot of encouragement and support. This site had provided both for me. I ‘thank’ each and every one of the ladies here.

    Maybe since you were injured and out of commission for a decade – they’d look at it from a different angle. But only you can decide which step(s) to take to get onto a program that helps you in your weight loss journey and it is a journey. You did put it on overnight and you can’t expect to lose it overnight and lose the few pounds they tell you to try to stay in a have it a lasting effect. It is a life-style change and that will be form here on out. Keep plugging …

    Beth near Buffalo – I try to keep my ‘toxic people’ with a long stiff leash away from me. If I realize that they are having a ‘toxic’ day (or portion of their day) I ‘invite myself away from the drama’. Then I take to ‘good’ part and try to focus on what they have done that is ‘positive’ for me; and, leave it at that. Might do more ‘b*******’ about the DDnL#1 (who lives next door) than I do about ‘new’ DDnL#1 (who lives out in Louisiana). But, is ‘isn’t’ that I love one more than the other. But, DDnL#2 now understands what I ‘meant’ by ‘you’ll have to meet DDnL#1 and decide for yourself what you think about her’. Liked her the first time they met; shortly before they got engaged and came home; but, then DDnL#1 made the mistake of ‘thinking’ that DDnL#2 should have responded to a text message quicker than she did. Need I say more? No ‘toxicity’ will be ‘tolerated’ by my DDnL#2; she put DDnL#1 ‘in her place’ (telling her that she had NOT been 'in the family' long enough to make enemies [yet]) and DYS backed her up 100%. In fact, each son sided with their wives; and, it hasn't caused any problems between them. She still tries to drive a ‘wedge’ between DOS and family, his friends that he’s had since HS, and others. That, unfortunately is just a part of her being. DH would not have put up with so much from me; and, I have put his through a good bit in 43 years of marriage. Including almost ‘dying’ a few times more than in ‘most’ marriages. DH and I are ‘soul mates’ and I knew it would be that way before we got engaged.

    TeriRichar… - I’m sure you had a wonderful time. Loved your ‘quotes’. Thirty pages of ‘trying’ to catch up; would be the last thing on my mind; but, it is like a good book; sometimes you have to lay it down and know that you can’t read it all. Taking up on a ‘new’ day is the only way to go. You’d still be behind if you tried catching up (for all the ‘new’ posts that get made in a day). I usually won’t read more than 2 pages back to present day.

    Penny and GodMomKim – I’ve been disabled/retired for more than 15 years now. It took me 3 years and a whole lot of work to get used to a SSD check that was about 75% of what I had been earning in my job. I missed my job and my boss and co-workers a lot. But, my disability prevented me from ever working for somebody/company again. I now can do as I please and we are financially stable again. I paint and sell my painting for extra income; but, it is ‘fluff money’ and not steady – so I don’t depend on it. I paint and draw ‘on commission’; so, I have control over what, where, how I do things and I like it much better. If I could; I would not want to go back to working full-time unless I was financially strapped.

    GodMomKim – beautiful dog!!!

    Mary – I agree with DamitJanit when she says that losing ‘inches’ is better than what the scales says. Inches lost means you’ve lost ‘fat’ and ‘gained’ muscle (basically trading one for the other). I also do not weigh myself daily, I depend on my weight numbers every other week at the same time each time. I lost 7lbs the first 2 weeks; and then I slowed down to about 1.5 – 2lbs every other week. I’ve lost about 40lbs since the middle of May (2015). Told that the ‘last’ place I’d lose the fat and inches would be in my waist.

    Allie – At least you only fell ‘off’ a ‘ladder’; not like me when I decided at a box and chair and desk would give me enough height. It did; but, I fell on my way down when I went to take my first step back and the chair rolled. If I had used a regular ladder maybe I would not have had to have my rotator cuff surgery re-done. Live and learn (the hard way). Unfortunately, sometimes we have to learn lessons the ‘hard’ way.

    Betty – I also don’t see how so many that are rich and gotten it by ‘ill gotten gains’ can live with themselves; but, they can – no conscious – but bear in mind that one day we are all accountable for our actions. I’d rather not have (if the only way was taking what is not mine) and live with a clear conscious; than to live in a ‘mansion’ on the hill and not have what I do need. “I have everything I need; and, nothing that I don’t” (like the country song says). It was the way I was brought up; and, an easy way to view the world. I think that we are supposed to help when we can and for those who are willing to ‘pull themselves up by the bootstrap’ while getting that help. There really is not ‘easy road’ (or track or high wire); sooner or later everybody falls down and needs help. Whether you ‘volunteer’ for some cause, or help family and/or friends – then you are ‘helping’. Some of the ‘rich cats’ haven’t learned that ‘they can’t take it with them’ and soon most will learn that lesson. If you ‘take’ all the time; then it is rare that someone will ‘give’ you the benefit of a doubt. IF that makes any sense.

    It would be the ‘cold’ that would get me before the ‘gray’. I can still feel good about knowing that I won’t hurt if I don’t have to be cold, the sun will come out. Gee, I’m babbling … not sure that even made sense to me (today). LOL! I woke up yesterday with what feels like the beginning of a UTI. I sometimes wish that I could have an Rx for ‘antibiotics’ in my hand to start using on the weekends. I seem to get one only over a weekend; and, try to ‘suffer through it’ until Monday. I don’t want to go to the ER and sit all day. My husband definitely doesn’t want that. At least, I do have a muscle relaxant that will stop the cramping. I’d rather sit in my MD’s office and know that I’ll be ‘worked in’ to see ‘somebody’ within an hour … than to sit in an ER waiting room for hours with screaming crying children and other family members and them ‘demanding’ to be seen. If I have to go to the ER; I think it’d be only by an ambulance (so that I’d been seen quicker). I know that an ER has certain protocols they have to follow.

    Barbiecat – in what state or country do you live? For some reason I thought that you lived near the equator (such as ‘in’ FL) or something like that? I think that it is hard for me to realize that on the other side of the Earth we live on … it is night-time there when it is day-time here; and that it is ‘winter’ hear when on the bottom half it is ‘summer’. I know it; just sometimes I don’t seem to have that ‘in my head’. LOL!!!!!

    GarciaswBarbiecat will post a ‘link’ to go to for the ‘thread’ to start the next month on the last day of the month. Go to that thread and then click on the star the upper right-hand corner that is an ‘outline’ of a star and click on it to bookmark the site; then every time after that you will click on the gray star between the bell and a gear. Then, you will come back to the right month. I don’t know about most; but, the first day of posting in a new month takes a little getting used to. When I click on the gray star; I get a list of the months preceding the newest one. Sometimes one will show there are a ‘few’ new posts that have been posted and I might go to it, just to read those few posts; and, then come back and click on the (gray) star again, to get to the current date. But, to keep it from asking you each and every time you come to the site, you need to click on Barbiecat’s “link” in her daily post to get there whenever you do come back. Just click on the ‘newest’ month and bookmark it by clicking on the outline in the upper right-hand corner and make it ‘yellow’. Might take you a month or two for it to ‘click’ on in your head.

    I only get weighed every other Tuesday. I don’t weigh myself on our scales at home. Too unpredictable and frustrates me. I get weighed at the same time each time I go. I’m taking off pounds sensibly by a MD’s ordered program (still not covered by insurance). In SW GA where we live we might get snow every 10 years or so. We got some about 5 years ago (3+ inches) and I know they did not get any when we moved a little further north; because we didn’t. The last time I remember getting snow here was about 38 years before. We might get sleet and freezing rain; but rarely the right amount of rain and cold to make ‘snow’. I do my ‘happy dance’ for myself when I am watching the news and others are getting slammed by a blizzard knowing I am not having to scoop snow for exercise. I know that a lot of people that live where it snows and they have 4 different seasons; I’d rather have a short period of ‘hot’ weather and another short period of ‘cold’ weather and wear shorts on Christmas Day. I know, I know; that was ‘mean-spirited’. Somebody has to live in the North. I’ve been to a lot of those northern and western states during their ‘pretty times’; and, then it is hard to imagine it with 2+ feet of snow. When my DH was offered a job out in Colorado – he spent a month out there and it snowed from the day he arrive until the day he left. He came home and told me that he was NOT taking the job. That was 30+ years ago; and, he started his own business and we have done just fine since.

    Katla4-something … maybe it was drkatiebug … I know it was someone that had a “K” in their name. It workd out; cooking them ’forever’ made them soft, might have some for supper tonight; so I am saving a lot of my calories (after I finish posting my daily caloric intake for the day). Soup turned out a lot better than I thought. I’ve just never used dry beans before. I was sort of the ‘lazy’ type of cook while I worked.

    Eleanora2016 – Welcome to the thread. Being here, with so much information and encouragement has helped with a ‘steady’ weight loss of 40 lbs since mid-May, 2015. I needed the encouragement to help me do it and I hope we are all successful in our weight loss journey. It is a journey and not a trip.

    Pip – Glad that Kirby is up and moving around; that will help keep him from getting too depressed; he will have ‘his’ days and you will have to be supportive of him through them. He’s a ‘fighter’ that is for sure. It’s hard to come back from ‘significant’ injuries; especially when you have months of PT. I know that from experience. Had tight; you have a lot of people praying for you and Kirby.

    Carol (Peach) – I don’t know how you know that Spring has sprung; but, here in SW GA – we don’t even ‘buy’ our new plants until AFTER the pecan trees start to ‘leaf out’ (even 'if' Easter occurs before then) … it is difficult for Mother Nature to fool them. We’ll have ‘weeks’ of beautiful weather; but, until they start coming out with new growth; we are still subject to having a ‘freeze or frost’ killing weather. It’s beautiful here today (sunshine-wise); I have not been outside. First warm spell after a cold snap will fool our Japanese Magnolia almost every time. Thankfully, some of the buds are not fooled. We usually will have 2 blooming periods on it if it does occur.

    I dont' know 'how long' it will take me to realize that if I don't manually disable my touchpad on my laptop; I will erase what I have tried to type 'succinctly' ... only makes it difficult to 'find' in Cyber-Hell and this might be a record insofar as length of a posting from me - I was behind 3 days/3 pages of postings. That's what happens if I try to go back and read each post I have missed. Should have known that (again).

    Lenora – in always changing weather in SW GA
  • margaretturk
    margaretturk Posts: 5,093 Member
    Sylvia gorgeous pictures!

    From our winter carnival. We do not have a huge ice castle every year. This is a model from a previous year.9j906g6zy6fa.jpg

    These are from the orchid show:gmvk6uigu878.jpg

  • csofled
    csofled Posts: 3,022 Member
  • GodMomKim
    GodMomKim Posts: 3,657 Member
    Hi gals,

    PIP – I was so happy for Kirby as I read the note from you there were tears welling up!!! So exciting!!

    Cheri Gee – welcome

    Heather – I love chili too, and am always trying new recipes to find the “perfect” one, there was a canned one (really – how weird is that) that I loved and of course it is no longer to be had, so for 10 years or so I have tried recipes and yet to find one that is flavorful enough, hot enough -but not too hot, right calorie count, and thick. So many are really bean and beef soup. But I had never thought of serving it with mashed rutabagas. I might try that – there is another new recipe waiting here to be tried.

    Got invited to see a play at a small local theater this afternoon. So need to get some sewing done before that – better put my nose to the grind stone!!!

    Kim from N. California
  • fanncy0626
    fanncy0626 Posts: 7,152 Member
    edited January 2016
    Good morning ladies! We are in the process of tiling our kitchen floor. So will be checking in but not able to respond much.

    Stronglifts Workout

    Squats- 1X5X 65/75/85/95/105/115, 5X5X 120
    Sumo squats-5X5X105
    BP- 1X5X 45/55/65, 5X5X 70
    BR-5X5X 75
    0HP-1X5X 45/50, 5X5X 55
    DL-1X5X 145

    I am trying to get over a plateau so I started a cut. I will hopefully lose the layer of fat covering my muscle. I have combined my StrongLifts workout A & B into a full body workout. And will continue to increase the weight on this as well as the kettle bell.

    Have a great day!


    Mary from Minnesota
  • trisH_7183
    trisH_7183 Posts: 1,486 Member
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,355 Member
    Kim - The chilli was fantastic. The dried, smoked ancho chilli was a bit of a bother to rehydrate, but it made it lovely and rich and smoky.

    One tip I have found useful. When I freeze my left over stews etc, like I have done tonight with half the chilli, I always write on the label what the calorie count is for the contents. So tonight's half chilli leftovers is 560 calories for two portions. Otherwise, by the time I get it out of the freezer a couple of weeks later I have completely forgotten the amounts.

    Tonight's dessert is poached pears with homemade yoghurt. DH is the "fruit monitor" in our house and buys and prepares all the fruit, fresh for breakfast and cooked for dessert. With the pears I really like the Walden Farm Caramel Sauce. It is calorie free and you can taste the artificial sweeter a bit, but with the pears I don't find it too noticeable. It gives me a "sweet hit", which I like occasionally. I don't generally have a sweet tooth, but I appreciate this once in a while. :D I get it from Amazon.

    Love to all. Heather UK
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,712 Member
    edited January 2016
    We did 1-1/2mi this time, a little under a 12min mi (11.59min mi) then walked a1/2 for his cool down . Everyone has been commenting on his shirt. We go to this fun run called the furry5k in Seattle area. I have one that says, get licked and another life's short, pet hard. We take all the kids to that one. I am so happy is able to run again. I tell him not to push it, just keep the pace
  • jmkmomm
    jmkmomm Posts: 3,247 Member
  • CSSJ09
    CSSJ09 Posts: 296 Member
    Penny the video was great. You really are at the North Pole! Wow!!!. Always wanted to go to Iceland, Norway and Antarctica. I was so interested in reading about the former coal industry and the current research stations. The coldest I have been was in northern Canada in February in an open pit mine. My consolation was that my boss was probably colder on the North Slope of Alaska. Actually Russia in winter was pretty darn cold also. The crazy town heating systems meant that we had to open windows when they were sending heat or stay under piles of blankets and fur if the heat was off. I never made it to Alaska but hope to someday-in summer.
    There is lots of snow on the ground here but we are all running around without jackets today. What a change from record snowstorms and blasting wind chills last week.
    I am having a big dinner for guests so I better tidy up. I did drop off lots to Goodwill today-clothes in sizes never to be seen again.

    Sending warm thoughts and hope for weather appropriate for your location. C.J.