

  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,355 Member
    Going to have roasted root veggies tonight with a sprinkling of feta. Guess what I'll have with it? Yes, chilli sauce! :laugh: We used to have roast veg a lot, then sort of forgot about it. I adore it. <3
    I need to lose my pesky pound again. :sad: It was the two days of haggis that did it. I'm back in the groove now, so it shouldn't be long.

    DH off watching football. He'll be back any minute. Got some good TV tonight plus stuff I've recorded. :D

    I think it's wine night. Had no alcohol yesterday. o:)

    Love Heather UK
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,804 Member
    Sitting in a recliner ,ate junk :# fell off a step ladder hurt my leg,I will live..might take a nap...then go pick up the boys to keep over night.
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    Pip: Floyd is a good cuddler. :smiley:

    Penny: You may need extra blankets while hubby is gone. Stay warm. :wink: I love your insight about us all seeing the same moon, no matter where we live. :heart:

    Rosie: Good luck on the trip. As to weight management, plan to dig in for the long haul. Without the discipline of logging food I wouldn't be able to keep the weight off, and this group is awesome at motivation. Remember that old habits yield old results. :flowerforyou:

    Heather: Managing diabetes is much like our challenge with managing our weight. We have to balance calories with exercise. Your brother has the added challenge of injecting the right amount of insulin that allows the body's cells to metabolize glucose. DH has been taking insulin for 50 years now. When he was first diagnosed the doctors thought he'd be able to live another two years. His mother thought the insulin dependence was a drug addiction and she was ashamed of him. Those were the bad old days. :ohwell: There is a big learning curve that all new diabetics face. DH recommends classes. Good luck to your brother. :flowerforyou:

    Barbie: I'm not walking here in the PNW when there is snow or ice on the ground without some better precautions. Broken wrists are no fun. That said, I have a set of chains for my boots that might have helped to prevent that fall. I didn't think of using them. Stupid, stupid, stupid. Amazing how hindsight gives us better vision. :embarassed:

    DJ: Love you back. You are so kind to everyone. :heart:

    No riding lesson today because it has been shifted to tomorrow. I'm fine with that. My energy has been low for a couple of days and I hope to have a full charge by tomorrow morning.

    Katla in Beautiful NW Oregon

    “Our greatest weakness lies in giving up. The most certain way to succeed is always to try just one more time.” Thomas A. Edison

    January Goals :
    1. Log every bite and swallow.
    2. Cardio exercise at least 3 days a week. Work on flexibility and back strength.
    3. Have fun every day.
    4. Drink at least three glasses of water daily, preferably more!
    5. Eliminate alcohol.
    6. Monitor sleep. Try to average 7 or more hours of sleep nightly.

  • nccarolb
    nccarolb Posts: 858 Member
    Miriam - I am convinced that my ex has a narcissistic personality issue. It is taking a lot of hard work to try to overcome the damage he did to me. When our children are of no 'use' to him, he has no contact with them. Consequently, they pretty much have no time for him. It makes me sad. And, I blame myself.
  • jmkmomm
    jmkmomm Posts: 3,247 Member
  • fanncy0626
    fanncy0626 Posts: 7,152 Member
    jmkmomm wrote: »

    Glad to hear from you!


    Mary from Minnesota
  • fanncy0626
    fanncy0626 Posts: 7,152 Member
    kimses2 wrote: »
    60 minutes of exercise done (30 min upper body and 30 min elliptical).
    I like the new easy approach. It's sustainable. I've found that with the P90x3 program also. I can do 30 minutes a day. I used to strive for an hour a day and often couldn't fit it in and opted to do nothing if I couldn't get the 60 minutes in. If I was really tired, I'd just bail out completely. If I can do extra, that's great, but if not, that's okay too.
    The concepts of exercise have changed a lot over the years. I think he should wear sneakers though!
    Kimses in MA

    Great job! I love the 30 minute workout as well! It feels like you still have accomplished something and can be fit in rather nicely!


    Mary from Minnesota
  • Vickil57
    Vickil57 Posts: 1,816 Member
    Happy Saturday, sounds like this will be the last day of nice weather for a while. They are talking about a big storm coming in starting tomorrow. Hoping they are wrong, but can't complain as we have been very lucky so far this year.

    Yesterday was a nice day and I enjoyed the time with family. The funeral was nice and you could tell she had lived around there her whole life. Had a nice visit with my mom, sister and brother.

    Allison--Great news about your brother. Interesting about Tom and the bleeding. Does sound like something that should be checked out. Fell off the ladder, please take care of yourself.

    Heather--Happy to read you got a new phone and the problems with your account worked out. Sorry to read about DB and DSIL.

    Chris MA--Sending prayers and hugs!

    Carol--Not sure what to say about the cat. At least it wasn't a bomb.

    Sylvia--I do not think your are a self*****ch. I think even with his illness he could do better. Please take care of yourself. Also I do not think it would be wrong to express to him that you changed plans for two days for him.

    I have a little vent. Insurance is making us get our meds for 3 months at a time mail order. Well yesterday in the mail we get the box from the pharmacy and they sent me a pill I have not taken in years and didn't send DH his pill. Now this is the same pill they sent me only half the dose. So I call them this morning and they are like OH well we will send his out. I say no he will take these and I will let you know when we need more. I hate not being able to just go local and pick them up as needed. Thanks for listening.

    Mia--Sending hugs that you feel better soon.

    Donna--Sending hugs and remember One day at a time.

    Rosie--The trip with your sister sounds fantastic. Sure hope it works out that you can go.

    Well ladies time to sign off for today, I am off work the next two days and have an eye appointment Monday after walking the mall with my friend. Going to try a new eye doctor and hope that goes well. Also I have joined an on line book study with a minster from our motorcycle group. Got the book a couple days ago and need to get the first two chapters read so can know what they are talking about and be a part of it.
    Blessings, Vicki GRAND ISLAND, NE
    GRITSandSLUTSandWINOS Posts: 2,573 Member
    edited January 2016
    Donna – I know what you mean by wanting/needing (whatever) about ‘empty nesters’ not being able to do so. We have DOS & his family who live next door. DOS works for DH – so he will work until they find him the bushes when his arm moving up and down with a paintbrush in his hand. Because he works for his Dad the $$$$ which we could ‘save’ goes to his income. We’ve encouraged him to find another job but, so far, that isn’t going anywhere. DYS, who makes a lot more than we do; lives in Louisiana with his wife and daughter and won’t ever move back to this ‘neck’ of the woods. Sometimes I want to say something to my DDnL#1; but, that would only mean ‘trouble’ for my DOS so I don’t. While she has a ‘good heart’ she is a ‘divisive trouble-maker’ to this house. I don’t like the ‘drama’ so I keep to myself. It’s better that way. I want to keep seeing my granddaughters and my DOS takes her side in just about everything. GGGGrrrrrrr

    Miriam – Good for you to go on a ‘dating site’ and meeting someone that you had so much you could talk about and making a ‘friend’ who I hope stays that way for a while. Getting to know him with one date isn’t going to be enough yet to know how things might work out for the two of you. But, enjoy it! Meeting new people is always ‘interesting’.

    Becca – When I was a lifeguard as soon as we could ‘hear’ thunder the whistle was blown to empty the pool. I hope you know that ‘lightening’ can strike 10 miles away from the clouds. You were smart to get out.

    Denise – Because DH eats a big meal during the middle of the day; quite often he isn’t hungry when he comes home. We share a meal and keep the left-overs to eat the next night or the night after that or I freeze the rest in a portion that’s enough for the 2 of us. Since I am on a fairly restrictive diet ‘calorie-wise’ that suits me. Keeps my ‘cooking’ skills so that I don’t’ get overwhelmed when the kids come home and I have a bigger crowd at Thanksgiving or when I have all of them over. Thankfully, we don’t have to buy water to drink all the time. I do, however, have to buy ‘distilled water’ to go into my C-pap machine each night. We also have ‘lime’ in the water since we are over limestone over the aquafers where our water source is. But I grew up in a small town where we had ‘soap suds’ in the water from having it go through a processing plant.

    Linda/IA – Don’t you know it – cancelling a credit card, especially when you KNOW it is somewhere in your house and you know that someone did not steal it or the losing it did not have to be done for the same reason in a P.I.T.A.

    Sylvia – My mother knitted; but, I don’t remember her using a knitting ball; but, I do remember her taking a skein of yarn and making me hold it while she rolled it into a ball because otherwise the yarn would get all tangled up. How I hated doing that as a child. She ‘tried’ to make me learn how to knit; but, it stressed me out so much that I would drop a stitch and could not ever do it correctly. There are a lot of things that we were ‘taught’ as children; but, did not take into our adult life. Playing the piano, knitting, and all those types of ‘girly’ things. I do thank God that she did teach me grammar and good etiquette.

    pipd34 – Guilt as ‘charged’ . . . but, I try not to mentioned things ‘political’ or ‘religious’; but, I do slip up sometimes. But … it was said IMHO. Keeping communications about Kirby is ‘good’; maybe he won’t get ‘depressed’ if he ‘thinks’ or 'knows' you understand and that you don’t want him to close up. I have a good relationship with my DH and it helps for him to understand and talk to me, he knows when he needs to take me to get help that neither of us can 'turn around'; if my medications get 'whacked out' then I need to actually go to someone that can treat me. He’s my rock, especially when it comes to my medications getting whacked out and knows when it is time to call the MD. MD just lowered one of my medications, so that is something he will have to watch out for, to make sure it doesn’t affect me in any way. Most men don't want to admit their 'feelings'; something to do with their 'pride'; also most men don't want to have to go to a MD or especially not to the ER.

    Mindy - my BF who used to work for the IRS, does our taxes. So far, for 2014 – the tax return still has not been filed. She has gone back to work for a CPA firm; but, she’s also said she’d pay any interest and penalties we have tacked on because of not filing it ‘on time’ even after we got an extension to file it. I know that we are always going to be ‘last on her list’; but, during filing season she is as busy as a ‘man taking a knife to an alligator hunt; needed to take a gun’. We got audited a few years back about supposedly ‘not’ reporting some of our income; because the customer my husband painted for her house was reported in the wrong line of the 1099; so she wrote a letter for us to sign and send in. The IRS agreed with us and we did not have to pay additional taxes. DH thinks he did this ‘on purpose’ since he and his wife are now (and were then) ‘ex’s’; and she asked DH to do painting on the former family home and she was the one who paid us. He hasn’t asked DH to paint for him since. That’s ok, he was a D888-8888 any way. He’s had some real ‘doozies’ in the 30 years since he started this full time. Now, he only has 3 people, including himself that works for him. A whole LOT less headache from having to ‘match’ taxes taken out. He pays them on a 1099 basis.

    cityjaneLondon - What is 'haggis'?Exermom – We have a choice, well not really – they come in at different time, between “Halos” and “Cuties”. One is easy to peel and the other one is like peeling an orange; keeps half the rind with it.

    My BF cleaned out her closet and gave me a lot of things that I could wear (surprisingly). Two of the things had their tags on them. She did not like them because they had shoulders that hung off her’s.

    I would not say or even claim that my Mother had a ‘Narcissistic Personality Disorder’; but, I’m not a MD or a PhD who would know these things. She just seemed cold and sometimes unyielding at times. She made remarks at times that made me ‘feel unwanted’; but, I knew I was actually ‘unplanned’. I also knew that I was 'loved'; never doubted that; mainly because it taught me to be independent and not a needy person. Parents had been told after my older sister was born, not to have any more children; because her BP went so high during her pregnancy with her. I’m just not so sure she realized what she was saying when she made that comment. She would also make the remark that she had wanted 6 sons; but, stopped with 3 girls; because ‘they were twice as nice’. I was a “Daddy’s Baby” because I almost died twice before I was a year-and-a-half years old. I had a seizure disorder, which I grew out of; until, I was an adult and I have one now which requires medication to control. Daddy would spend a lot of time with me – trying to make up for the lack of affection I got from her. All through my HS years (8th – 12th grades) she was involved in Woman’s Club on a State Level from Parliamentarian, to Treasurer, Secretary, VP, and then President. She left me to take care of my Daddy; and, he drank pretty heavily during that time. I always worried about him when he did not come home until 10:00 – 11:00PM. Back then, a drunk driver got a slap on the hand, so to speak, if they were not in a wreck or something. My Daddy (being a highly respected attorney) was occasionally brought home by the Sheriff who was a very close friend of theirs. I got left home a lot to fiend for myself. Therefore, when I went off to ‘art’ school – I did not come home that often. I can remember once going to the Headquarters where my Mother was (for the day); and, got ‘run off’ by the President at that time; and, she called me a ‘dirty hippie’. I had my clothes on that I had worn all day. Did not get a chance to tell my Mother that I was coming home. When I got home, she (Mother) called me in to introduce me to her ‘friends’ … and when she got around to introducing me to her; I told Mother we had already met and I turned on my heels and walked out. After they left, my Mother asked me about my remark and I told her what had occurred earlier in the day. It made her ‘laugh’ because she really did not like her either. Of course, watching “The Help” after reading the book, I realized that I knew a lot of families, with maids, who would probably be the same types of families. One thing I can remember about my Mother is that ‘she never backed down’. But, she also knew that ‘one could kill with kindness’. She used this remark instead of 'honey attracted bees'. Sometimes I ‘think’ I have part of that in me; but, I really am more like … "I don’t get mad; I get even." I’ve learned doing things her way is better. If I did not take her attitude on … I’d just be ‘eaten from the inside out’ and I don’t want for another to have the upper hand either. I once had a ‘friend’ who apparently our friendship died because I would NOT take her advice that she thought I needed to quit my job for a man I had worked for, for nearly 20 years. Our friendship fizzled for that very reason; but, I am happy that I thought she had ‘lost her mind’ and did not quit. because, a year later my boss was appointed as a Federal Judge. I became disabled and had to give up my job; but, at least I did it on my terms and not on hers. I know I can be quite selfish myself; but, that is a part of my disorder and I know it. I certainly don’t think I have a Narcissistic Personality Disorder. I think I would know that by now. I have a really good MD now and I know that some of the things I went through to get here, I could not have done without my DH and MD. But, I also don’t try to self-medicate myself, nor do I try to self-diagnose something without my MD’s knowledge, that’s what he went to school to do.

    I apologize for making some of the remarks I have made here (and been called out for); it isn’t my intention of inflicting upon anyone else my ‘opinions’; and I am aware that this is a thread to encourage, not to make comments that might not be agreed with by others. I’ll try to keep them to myself or with others that don’t mind talking about them (not on this site) or in a private message. I can do this with one sister; but, not the other. The other sister can tolerate my being diagnosed with something that tends to 'run in families'; but, not the other. Both of them take anti-depressants; but the one I can talk to about certain things and not the other; is one on an anti-depressant. Actually, both of them take medication to help prevent depression. Sometimes it is just better to PM someone about certain things.

    GRITSandSLUTSandWINOS Posts: 2,573 Member
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
  • oceanmelody
    oceanmelody Posts: 399 Member
    Hi Ladies! I have been looking over the posts and I would like to know if any of the SAD people have ever moved to an area with more sunshine and found it got better while they were there. I have been taking the D3 this winter and I feel better but also it has been an El Niño winter and I have a better therapist now too, so it is not a well controlled experiment.
    Of course last night I wound up with a crying bout anyway. But they are fewer and farther between.
    Sounds like some of us are planning great vacations to many parts of the world!
    I might have to do that too!
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,355 Member
    edited January 2016
    Grits - Thank you for reminding me about the yarn and holding it for my mother and grandmother to roll into a ball. I loved doing it, but I had completely forgotten about it. I am writing a memoir of my early years, so that is a precious memory. :flowerforyou:

    Heather UK

    JOYCE - Talk to us! :love:
  • miriamwithcats
    miriamwithcats Posts: 1,120 Member
    Betty, the rest of my family have all moved to places where there is more sunshine- Texas, South Carolina, and Boulder Colorado (360 days of sunshine a year). Unfortunately, those places tend to also be more expensive than small town Iowa. I have often thought about moving to a better climate, but I think the stress from money issues, safety issues, noise and commotion would outweigh the benefits for me since I am disabled and also a severe introvert. They all do much better and have little or no depression in those environments. My brother and one sister both are very active athletically which also helps (hundreds of miles of bike riding and soccer for my brother, triathelete training for my sister although lately she is doing mostly running).

    Carol, don't blame yourself for you former husband's Narcissistic Personality Disorder- it starts in childhood. Although it seems like not all addicts have it in childhood but it develops latter in some. And do not blame yourself for marrying him either- they are very charming to get what they want. And yours and my former husbands obviously wanted us or they would not have been so charming. We just have to pick up the pieces of their destruction as best we can for our children.
  • janemartin02
    janemartin02 Posts: 2,653 Member
    Have a good weekend.
    hugs jane
  • bwcetc
    bwcetc Posts: 2,777 Member
    Penny ... I've thought the same thing when looking into the heavens ...

    Lenora ... I don't think you can have "a good heart" and be "a divisive trouble maker." These two things are incompatible.

    Joyce ... I need more than a "." .... What's going on?

    Welcome to the new ladies!

    Beth near Buffalo
  • Lagopus
    Lagopus Posts: 1,016 Member
    DJ - It really doesn't get all that cold! The coldest I've ever ever seen here is about -15°F. During a cold spell it can sometimes get down to about 0°F, but it's usually more like 5° to 25°F in the winter. All the open ocean around us keeps us "warm". Now the poor folks over in the middle of North America, they've got a continental climate, where it gets really cold (and really hot in the summer).

    The coldest outdoor temperature I've ever experienced was as a girl in Minnesota. It was a glorious sunny day so I thought I'd take my ice skates and go down to the park, 1½ blocks away. I didn't get there. It was so incredibly cold I turned around after a couple hundred yards and went home. The thermometer showed -40°F. That's what I call cold!

    Now I've got that job application submitted and have crossed one more item off my to-do list. That means I'm down to 10 and two half items. :ohwell:

    I must say I'm ambivalent about the job. I've suffered loads of stress recently, which is part and parcel of being a freelancer :noway: but the other side of the coin is I can do as I please. Like I can go spend the whole summer in New Hampshire taking care of my parents without so much as a "by your leave". smiley-happy020.gif Do I really want to go back to the salt mine of regular hours and booking my vacation months in advance?

    Ah, well. It won't help to worry. IF they decide they want ME, I will have to decide if I want THEM.

    Until then I'll just repeat some of the mantras I've learned from you wonderful ladies. Stay in the moment. One step at a time.
    /Penny at the emoticon-object-026.gif doing a little happy dance about the crossed-off item.
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,712 Member
    Lagopus wrote: »
    barbiecat wrote: »
    I saw the moon when I walked the dogs before breakfast
    I sometimes get all teary-eyed when I think that all of us, each and every one of us - regardless of where we live - we all see the same moon. :flowerforyou:

    awwwwww, that's an awesome thought!
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    edited January 2016
    Betty: I've had SAD since childhood and am told it is common among people with summer birthdays who live at or above the 45th parallel. My birthday is in July and so are both of my children's birthdays. Last year the drought served up a sunshine banquet all winter and I had no issues at all. That amount of sunny days is very unusual. I have a cousin who has become an Arizona Snowbird and evidently likes it very much. My retirement situation has pretty much insured that I won't move to a southern climate, as I need to be a resident here to collect my full pension. I can be gone up to 6 months a year with no penalty. That said, I haven't been gone anywhere near that amount of time. I take supplements of vitamin D3 that have pretty much eliminated the blues in combination with daylight temperature lights all over my home. I don't consider myself SAD anymore because the D3 works for me. Exercise is a bonus that makes things even better. Unless there is a medical reason to avoid D3, I recommend it highly. I have read that it also helps protect against osteoporosis and Alzheimers. (I got the Alzheimers information from the OHSU Alzheimers research site.) I recommend doing some online research of your own. :heart:

    Katla who isn't SAD in winter any more
  • jmkmomm
    jmkmomm Posts: 3,247 Member