

  • Artemis2121
    Artemis2121 Posts: 42 Member
    Michele NC we have a used HD TV hooked up to the playstation 3. and our internet is through our cable. So we just openYou Tube through the PlayStation and pick whichever video fits. I especially like Varzash with Tanory for cardio. During dumbbell workouts, one daughter picks Country Music videos which run on continuously.
    N Linda

  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,793 Member
    morning my friends~
    I woke up and was awake for a couple of hours and then fell back asleep and just woke up now ... will go over and feed DFIL and then come back and do the rest of the laundry
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,341 Member
    DH has the dentist today. I will catch up on my Korean film while he's out as I've got to get it back in the post.
    His brother from Australia rang this morning, so they had a nice chat. That's very rare. <3:D

    My difficult friend is pushing for a meet up in March. Fortunately I have a good excuse with the new baby due then. We will be needed. :noway: My son is currently working in Brighton on the south coast (long commute by train) and they have two children. It's complicated by the fact that it's an elective Caesarian. To be honest, I'm quite worried, not the least because DDIL is the biggest earner of the two of them. They have been saving, but . . . . Anyway, we are booked to stay up there in North London for quite a bit of the time. :love:
    My difficult friend also wants me to come to see her at her house in France. Not going to do that. :grumble:

    My good friend from the same group of four wants to meet up soon. Good idea. Looking forward to it. <3

    DH 's aunt is in a difficult situation with a broken ankle and a husband with Alzheimers. She is 87. He and his sister want to visit her next week. It's a very long drive. 4-5 hours each way. He may stay at his sister's which is half way. I will be without the car for a couple of days, but that's OK. There are taxis if I need them.

    Done some writing today. o:) Will do the wardrobe later this afternoon. I'm making a veal stew for dinner to have with brussels sprouts. Might put a jacket potato in for DH.
    Having a gorgeous mixed grain salad for the second day for lunch, with 1oz of feta. Deeeelish! DH makes his own sandwich when I have my weird things. :laugh:

    Love Heather UK
  • miriamwithcats
    miriamwithcats Posts: 1,120 Member
    Robin, I agree with Barbie. Meditation does not have to be complicated. Sit comfortably in a quiet place, close your eyes, and focus on your breathing. It sometimes helps to say to yourself, "in" with the intake and "out" with the breath out, or "deep" with the intake and "slow" with the breath out. For me, I also have to put on my CPAP machine, since when I relax, my throat closes up. When my hips are really sore I recline in bed to meditate. If you have a thought, let it go. Don't worry about trying to empty your mind. Just focus on your breathing.
  • kimses2
    kimses2 Posts: 218 Member
    Robin Headspace is a good little phone app for meditation. It there is a pc app also https://www.headspace.com/ and there is a free trial available. (I liked it but didn't have the patience to stick with it..which makes me think that if I'm that impatient maybe I should stick with it to learn to be patient :smile:

    Sylvia the cat and skeleton photo cracked me up. We have that rule in our house too. You can't move if one of the cats is on your lap.

    I intentionally did no exercise yesterday and iced my knee. It's much better today so I will have to be mindful of impact in workout routines. What this tells me is that I need to alternate routines so that my knee gets a rest.

    Feeling mopey this morning. I feel like I need some sunlight today. In the winter, I forget to make sure I get out and get that Vit D.

    Have a great day everyone.

    Kimses in MA

  • margaretturk
    margaretturk Posts: 5,086 Member
    edited January 2016
    Joyce great pictures!

    Sylvia LOL

    Working again today. I have a good class to work with for a week. Reminds me why I went into teaching.

    :heart: Margaret
  • bwcetc
    bwcetc Posts: 2,777 Member
    Katla... I like my gym and I've participated in several classes ... It's my body that revolts! :smiley:

    And my body is telling me exactly how unhappy it is with yesterday's activity...

    Drkatiebugs ... I didn't do traditional squats yesterday ... I have to work into that!

    Joyce ... The pics turned out great . Nice to put a face to the names you've mentioned.

    I'm working through declutter365 ... She starts in the kitchen too. I did this program last year. Interestingly, the missions aren't taking me nearly as long as before! Yay! I've maintained some good habits!

    Busy day so I'm off.
    Have a good one ladies!

    Beth near Buffalo
  • lhannon062709
    lhannon062709 Posts: 1,140 Member
    For the newbies... if you're working on a computer, and you want to respond to more than just the last few posts, you can do what a number of us do and keep a Word document or Notepad open on the computer and type responses in there as you're reading. If you flip back and forth between pages on the thread, you'll lose everything you've written--but if you're working in another program, you won't lose your notes. Then just copy and paste into the reply box. If you're reading on your phone or tablet, they're all so different that it's almost impossible to tell you how to do it exactly. But also please note that no one expects you to respond to every single post you read... most of us don't. The ladies who do respond to so many have my heartfelt admiration, but so do the ones who don't. Being here is enough.

    Heather - well done for writing, I'm still poking at that bear. I did read Chapter 3 of the sequel at writer's group, so will need to get going soon--I've only written through Chapter 5, so I don't have much buffer. :)

    - loved the pics!

    Sylvia - I like the "Here's to all the girlfriends who are going to help me cause trouble in the nursing home." Got a couple of those for sure...

    The interview went really well. You can always tell, when they start saying things like, "And when you start, you'll be closing the store two nights a week," and, "You'll be in training in El Paso for two weeks, that won't be a problem, right?" Stuff like that. The pay is good for the area, especially if they land somewhere mid-range. The store has massive issues, but that's kind of where I specialize anyway--I'm a troubleshooter from way back.

    Anyway, not going to sit around and wait for them to call this morning, got to phone the DH at home, then off to the gym to work out and shower. Interview this afternoon with the paper for the RV storage lot, a business profile for next week's paper. Will be in this week's paper with the writer's workshop members - he was utterly shocked by the fact that three different members of the workshop were actually published writers. People are funny.

    Off to the races, ladies... hope everyone has a good day!

    Love y'all...
    Lisa in chilly, rainy West Texas
  • janetr7476
    janetr7476 Posts: 4,001 Member
    edited January 2016
    Lisa great job on the interview, By the way, I put my pom poms out in the sun to dry. Oh, that's right, it's been raining for the last two days and will continue thru Friday. They should be nice and clean by the time thd sun appears to dry them out.

    Janetr in wet AZ but a heck of a lot warmer than Oklahoma City
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,793 Member
    morning again ladies,
    i have a question i have had a fit bit flex since they came out and i am ready to move on, I want a steady sturdy activity tracker ,the fit bit is just a pain to keep charging,every couple of days the battery drains and I have a heck of a time getting it to charge...
    anyone have any suggestions.. one that you dont have to go crazy charging,one that stands up to alot.. I take it off when I go into the shower or any water at all..
    went down and fed DFIL he is so funny, today he was out of it sleeping, woke him up he wouldnt open his eyes till I started shoveling wheaties in, I asked him if he wanted to feed himself, he said no I could do it, saves time and improves service... oh what a hoot he is...
    then went to see DB he will be going to a rehab in Florida for a month, so I will be helping Jean out with her mom in the morning, so that will keep me busy.. dont know when he is going though..
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    Sylvia: I hope you & I can liven up the nursing home together. What if all of us were there. That would be one fun place! :bigsmile:

    Dr Katie: My water bottle is stainless because I don't trust the chemistry in the plastic ones. I washed it well before using it & have never had an off or chemical taste. :noway:

    Wizzywig: Congrats on decluttering! :smiley:

    Heather: Sorry to hear about your DH's Aunt. Tough times. :cry: Your son & DDIL are lucky they have your help for the upcoming birth. :heart:

    JanetR: Rain is not my first thought when I think of AZ, but I'll bet it doesn't last for weeks on end. Does your RV Resort have a workout facility? :huh:

    Cast this afternoon! Yay! (I hope.) The temporary cast is getting more & more uncomfortable. It has my fingers covered up & squished together. Doing everything left handed was fun for a while, but now it is tiresome. :grumble: DH & I are planning to go out for lunch on our way there. :smiley:

    Katla in Beautiful NW Oregon

    “Our greatest weakness lies in giving up. The most certain way to succeed is always to try just one more time.” Thomas A. Edison

    January Goals :
    1. Log every bite and swallow.
    2. Cardio exercise at least 3 days a week. Work on flexibility and back strength.
    3. Have fun every day.
    4. Drink at least three glasses of water daily, preferably more!
    5. Eliminate alcohol.
    6. Monitor sleep. Try to average 7 or more hours of sleep nightly.

  • mollywhippet
    mollywhippet Posts: 1,890 Member
    Good morning ladies! I had my xray this morning right after I dropped the kids off at schoool. Then came to the studio. I'm waiting for one of my clay suppliers to open so I can call and chew them out for giving me the wrong color stain. This stuff is $30 per pound, so I sure don't want to eat the cost and just re-order from another supplier.

    My studio buddy, Kurt, called and said he is coming in today to get set up and start working. Yippee! I was beginning to think he would never come. The holidays probably slowed things down. I know they did for me.

    When I dropped the two youngest at school DGD#2 asked me if I was going to pick them up today. I said yes, and she said (very softly) "you promise?" I was surprised. I missed two days and I guess she missed me. But they were pleased that grandpa picked them up yesterday. I'm back on track now though, for the foreseeable future anyway.

    I got an e-mail from Houzz.com about decluttering. May be some good advice in there, but I have not yet had time to read it in detail. http://www.houzz.com/ideabooks/58173213?utm_source=Houzz&utm_campaign=u2319&utm_medium=email&utm_content=gallery0

    Time to get busy! Later, Ladies!

  • lpdjones
    lpdjones Posts: 8 Member
    Lisa in West TX, thank you for the welcome and the tips. I'm usually reading on iPad, I may need to rethink that.

    Grandmallie, I started with the Fitbit flex, and upgraded to the charge hr last year. I agree with you about battery. Sometimes I'll put it on to charge when I'm just sitting and reading. However, I'd be hard pressed to change until I found one with the same or better integration with MFP. I love all the metrics. They call it gameifying your health, and I'm such a geek. My advice is to make sure you get one that meets all your criteria.

    To everyone who wished me happy birthday, Thank You! I spent the day at the salon, and even though it is the middle of winter,I got a pedicure. The temps were in the teens for much of the day, so a nice long soak felt wonderful on my tired feet.

    Keep posting, L.
  • MaryGrace1965
    MaryGrace1965 Posts: 92 Member
    edited January 2016
    Good morning ladies. I <3<3<3 reading the post. There is a lot of good advice and information on here.

    I managed to get in 16,900 steps yesterday. Yay me. I feel so much better getting back into the exercising. I did a face paced 15 minute walk this morning and carried two 3 lb weights for most of that walk. Then had enough time to come to work early and do Leslie Sansone's Walk Off Fat Fast 20 minute easy burn walk. I plan on doing the 30 minute Big Burn on my lunch hour.

    My goals for Janueary:

    1. Cut back on my calories a bit and see how I do with that.
    2. Walk every day at least 10,000 steps.
    3. Log everything I eat.
    4. Drink at least 96 oz of water a day. (I usually do this but I need to be consistent with it)

    I came to the conclusion last month that sometimes you have to fight YOU for YOU. Some days are easier than others but with inspiration from all my MFP friends, hard work, determination and God's help 2016 is going to be MY YEAR!!! I have a long way to go to meet my big goal and this is to loose 100 pounds. I CAN AND WILL DO IT. :):smile: Everyone have a great day.

    MaryGrace from Illinois
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,793 Member
    lpdjones~ thank you for the information, that is what I am looking at next, is the Fit bit charge.. trying to get a half way decent price though is another thing...
    MaryGrace~ you go girl.. I have just been backsliding to beat the band I need a partner in crime, I know I have all of you...
    Off to work for 1 pm ,, luckly I wont be up front with the troll...
    GRITSandSLUTSandWINOS Posts: 2,573 Member
    I'll be one of those that will be helping at the Assisted Living Facility. too; always up for a 'fun' time.

    Today I tackle my bottom cabinets where I keep some of my pots and pans, and a couple of slow cookers. Going to put those items I don't use as much in once cabinet; and those I do use under the other one; big job! Pots and pans I use daily are hung on a rack (made of a 1X2 that is screwed into the bulkhead that goes around my kitchen sink. Easy to see, easy to get to. Holds a lot of pots and pans. I'll try to make a picture of it and post it here (if I can figure out how to do that). DH came up with the idea. Hooks hold 2 or 3 of them; and pots/pans that are a set; usually fit one in the other to save space (like measuring cups and spoons. Got to make bed first. I'm NOT going to ask DOGD to help in the house, unless she comes down here. Saving the bathroom for her to declutter.

    Cracker's been outside and has not scratched at the door; so the 'other' dawgs must be outside. She gets so excited to be able to go out and run.

    Thankfully DH has an appointment today with Urologist after a trip to the ER this past weekend; mainly because the same symptoms have started up again. While he had a colonoscopy in February - hoping he will be ordered to have another one. Constipation is causing him to not be able to pee (and vice versa). Once he is able to do one; he can do the other. ER MD told him to NOT wait until it brings him to hospital, but, to come back instead and they'd give him an enema and/or put in a catheter (last thing; but, needs to NOT allow it to go on and on). Up until last night had not had any trouble - then the 'moaning' and 'groaning' had started again. Talked to him a little while ago and he says he doesn't know if he can hold one or the other until he gets there for his appointment. He's got to have extra clothing ... I've been telling him that for weeks. When he has held either, when he finally lets go - he usually does a lot. ER MD told him that if he bladder or colon were to 'burst' he'd either have to be admitted for emergency surgery (if he made it to the hospital and not die almost immediately. If he has the same symptoms and has to be taken to the hospital, I'm going to call an ambulance to take him and I will follow it - he' get helped a lot quicker than if he is a 'walk-in'. Americus is closer than Albany Hospital (and not nearly as crowded, even on a weekend). Got in and out and back home in 4 hours; if we had gone to Albany - probably would have sat waiting to be seen for 4 hours, not including being seen. Apparently they have a 'clinic' in Americus for non-emergencies. At Albany Convenient Care - they take those who have insurance before those that don't; and, then if they think he needs to be admitted, he'd have to go through the ER anyway. At Albany, long wait with lots of 'family members and small children screaming and running around'. If we ever need to go back to ER; it will be Americus. I know WTMI.
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,341 Member
    Lisa - I wouldn't get too excited about my writing as I rarely manage more than a couple of paragraphs of typing up. I'm finding it much harder than the original scribbling. ;) But just turning on the laptop and showing up at the page is a major achievement. o:)o:)o:)

    My nice friend and I have arranged to meet at Portsmouth on Friday. So a day off writing! Will have lunch at a fish restaurant, so nice and slimming. I usually have oysters followed by starter mussels and don't drink the broth or eat the bread. :laugh: Haven't had a good intimate natter in a while. :D<3 I go by train, so can have a small glass of wine. :D

    Must go and tackle the floor of my wardrobe. :'(

    Joyce - lovely to see that happy, fresh face. :flowerforyou:

    Heather UK
  • DLS1029
    DLS1029 Posts: 70 Member
    Hello everybody!

    It's sunny but cold here in wild, wonderful WV. Planning on taking a 1 mile walk on lunch break today. Did it yesterday too, but indoors. Too cold outside for me! I felt so much better knowing that I was making an effort to walk.

    It looks like so many are back on track! That's awesome! Wish I had more time to chat, but I owe, I owe, so back to work I go!

    Have a great day!

    Donna in WV
  • mikesmom1983
    mikesmom1983 Posts: 582 Member
    Today's walk in downtown Gloucester, MA. Jake in front of the lobster trap Christmas tree.

    Chris in MA
  • janetr7476
    janetr7476 Posts: 4,001 Member
    Katla, no the rain is unusual for here. Yes, they do have a workout center, open 24/7. If I can kick this head cold, I'll be taking full advantage of it and the pool. :) Definitely feeling better today.
