

  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,356 Member
    edited January 2016
    I'm fond of a carrot or two as well! Especially when I get the munchies watching TV. :D

    This evening I had some spare calories. I'm not really a sweet craver, but sometimes it's nice, so I had some homemade unsweetened yogurt with three teaspoons of DH's low calorie hot chocolate drink. Stir it all together. 100 calories for a very satisfying sweet treat. :D (people who consume dairy are more likely to maintain a healthy weight)

    Just been watching TRUST ME I'M A DOCTOR. Taking 20 ml olive oil a day (unheated) significantly lowers the bad proteins that are a marker for heart disease. No other oil does this. That would be around 125 cals.
    Great news!

    Love Heather UK who is certainly registering all the Brussels Sprouts I ate earlier. :blushing:
  • fanncy0626
    fanncy0626 Posts: 7,152 Member
    Hello everybody! Had a rough night sleeping last night so actually just got through with exercise and breakfast! I'm kind of angry at my DH. He is the one that bought me the puppy for Christmas. With the understanding that I would take care of it and take it outside… Last night we were watching TV and I was training Shep to stay on his rug and chew on his bully stick. He was doing an awesome job. The next show was coming on and I said to my DH can you put it on pause I have to take The puppy out potty he started to get angry and was going to leave and go to his office in a huff and said all you ever do is train that puppy. I in turn got mad for him getting mad. I threw the leash at him and told him to take back his Christmas present I no longer wanted it if he was going to act like that. And left the room. He ended up taking him out potty. OK vent over! However I have not talked to my husband since. This is like the 10th time that he has brought up the fact that i'm the one who wanted the dog. I have always fed him, bathed him, took him for walks, cleaned up after him, so my DH has nothing to complain about because I have never asked him to do anything for the dog. I do not want to go through the next 15 years of him throwing that up in my face. OK I guess the vent was not over! I'm so glad I can relieve my stress doing exercise!

    Stronglifts Rest Day

    Goblet squats-3X7X 25
    Kettle bell swing-22X9X 25

    I really love the transformation that doing these are making to my stomach glutes and thighs.

    Have a great day everyone!


    Mary from Minnesota
  • kimses2
    kimses2 Posts: 218 Member
    Mary sounds like he's jealous to me!
  • bwcetc
    bwcetc Posts: 2,777 Member
    Mary ... Remind hubby that Shep is a puppy ... It will get less time consuming as he ages!

    Gloria ... How sad about rehoming Lucy ... I can only imagine how your grandson feels ... :disappointed:
  • lynnsyoung164
    lynnsyoung164 Posts: 20 Member
    edited January 2016
    When my DYS was little we had to put him in a ‘harness’ because as soon as his feet hit the ground, he was gone. A woman stopped me going into the store and said, ‘how can you put him on a leash and treat him like a dog’. This pissed me off; and, I told her ‘that I’d rather have him on a ‘harness’ than to have a ‘dead child’ in the parking lot … and she needed to mind her own damn business’.

    Lenora I got this feedback too but each time I was happy to point out to them that the harness part was on me (my arm) and my son held the "leash" end. That shut them up. We made it a game as I told him to not let me get lost. I'm amazed it worked all thise times because he was lightning fast at disappearing! If I had it to do over I would be more brave and do what was safest for him.
  • Annr
    Annr Posts: 2,765 Member
    Peach1948 wrote: »
    Becca ~ I thought of you as I prepared my lunch today. Stir fried broccoli slaw with mushrooms and onions then doused with a bit of teriyaki sauce. It was very filling and delish. Wish I had a bit of rice though.

    To all of you who have lost friends and have family members who are so ill, my prayers go out to you.


    AWESOME sauce on the lunch choice!! What I might start doing is precooking some "royal select rice" (it comes in a container and has three different rices), but I think I will cook in some chicken stock water and spices. I do my normal spices of cayenne pepper, tumeric, and all spice. Thinking it will be easier on my veggies to saute them to almost done, add some water and the precooked rice. We are all turning into "Alla Caprese" Italian chefs!
    wishing I was in Italy
    but reside in
  • Annr
    Annr Posts: 2,765 Member
    So a my favorite meal currently is
    Saute shitaki mushrooms, zucchini in a drizzle of olive oil, then adding some diced tomatoes and place a tilapia fillet on top and steam by putting a lid on the pan, until the tilapia is white and flaky. Transfer to a plate with some Italian campanelle pasta (I only cook 1/4 cup of it) and then top everything with 1 tsp parmesan cheese. YUMMY!!

    mentally in Italy but
    looking at an Oregonian atmosphere...
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
  • Annr
    Annr Posts: 2,765 Member
    @terri_mom You know me, give me the winter blues and I shall make you laugh and dance.... Its my coping mechanism!!! We could boohoo together, but then our noses would get red and our eyes will look like druggies.... My mother tells a story of when I had my eyes operated on (I had lazy eyes), when I was 3 yrs old. So picture this, my Mom looking down at me while I was being hauled away, and I pick the song, "Jesus Loves Me". Now see there is a boohoo moment! Of course my maternal grandmother would put me on the counter at the stores and I would sing, "Tiny Bubbles" iiiiin the wiiiine... What a picture THAT must've been eh?

    At the Renn Faires in Southern California, I juggled. Well I would go to the Juggling School and ask the most innocent looking lad and ask politely, "Can I play with yer balls sir"? I know I know.....its all about TIMING!! I would end my little wee bit of practicing by letting one of the balls land in me cleavage.... Maybe I was born in the wrong century? Of course my husband wasn't any better putting my cute sons on display while the wenches LEANED over to look at the cute little things. I would yell, " Aye, me husband *swat* you all using our lads as BAIT again *swatting him again*". (I miss attending Renaissance Faires can you tell?)

    just Oregon
    the place of RAIN
  • klanders30
    klanders30 Posts: 2,569 Member
    I too love brussel sprouts, simpy roasted in the oven on heat yummy! Also yried 10-minute cooked farro with portabello mushrooms and garlic, quite good!

    The panic of impending snow north of nyc is more than exciting! Nite all.
    Karen from ny
  • Annr
    Annr Posts: 2,765 Member
    Changed my profile pic in honor of my middle son that went out to sea today.... :-( We were able to skype with him on Saturday night, and he called us yesterday saying that today was the day they pulled out. I have a pang in my heart today for him! A familiar feeling but of course different than when my husband would go out to sea.

    Being a Navy Mom in
  • margaretturk
    margaretturk Posts: 5,093 Member
    :heart: Margaret
  • miriamwithcats
    miriamwithcats Posts: 1,120 Member
    I am in heaven. I discovered that Progresso makes a gluten free clam chowder and cream of mushroom soup! I have not had either in years and years.
  • TerriRichardson112
    TerriRichardson112 Posts: 18,372 Member
    edited January 2016
  • fanncy0626
    fanncy0626 Posts: 7,152 Member
    Becca- (((Hugs))) we are very thankful for your son and families service. We will say a special prayer for him.


    Mary from Minnesota
    GRITSandSLUTSandWINOS Posts: 2,573 Member
    edited January 2016
    Becca - Goodness for all the ways we can communicate with one another. While I am sure you worry about your sailor; at least, you can keep in touch and Skype so you can see him. It's always different when it is your child. I'm sure it was hard enough having to watch your DH get aboard ship and leave. I think I am still having a 'tinge' of mixed sad/happy feelings with DYS getting married. She is exactly what I would have chosen as a DDnL; just sad that we are so far apart in distance.

    I think that 'harnesses' for toddlers must have been taken off the market ... probably not 'politically correct' or something stupid. I'd do it again in a heart beat. We'd leave the harness part on him and he really was not aware of the leash to it, except he could not pull away from me. With another child only 27 months older (who I could trust to hang on to my skirt or pocket in my pants), DYS was a polar opposite in nature; still is. They got good and bad traits from both my DH and me - almost equally. Strong bonds between all of us. Would not have it any other way. Independent; yet caring. I worry more about the one next door; DH worries more about the one out in Louisiana. Just the opposite for me. Of course, when DDnL#2 (financee at the time) sent us a picture where he had busted open his scalp when he was setting up a hog trap. "T-shaped" cut down to the skull. We're all surprised that he did not bust open his skull. He even called her, on his way driving into town, to meet him at the convenient care. She was upset with him about trying to drive 25 miles while hurt. Tough old bird; when he was in 2nd grade he cut himself on a can top that was stuck in the ground at a 90 degree angle. He sat up and watched them put in about 15 stitches - talking the entire time. Has a huge scar on his shin for that one. He let his hair grow out for the wedding (over the shaved area). Normally, DDnL#2 will 'buzz' his hair, especially when it gets hot. He's going bald very quickly and would rather wear it like Jason Statham with his 'bad boy look'. When it is buzzed they look a lot alike. Sexy! I guess 'sexy' is not what a mother is supposed to say about her sons; but, mine are 'sexy'. Turn heads wherever they go. Both boys really dress up and look fine.

    DOGD's Dad (DOS) would come to pick her up at school to go to the Orthodontist and the girls would crane their necks; and, when our DOGD was on Homecoming Court her other cheerleader friends thought he was "HOT". She said, 'that's my DAD ...". They still told her he was "HOT." Of course, he is a lot younger that the other Dads; he was only 19 when she was born. She does not want to get married and have children right now; and definitely doesn't want to get pregnant and married either. To tell you the truth I think she'd rather have a houseful of dogs instead. Being the product of a 'broken home' she realizes that it isn't worth it.

  • csofled
    csofled Posts: 3,022 Member
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,713 Member
    stats for the day:
    Spin- 45min, 84ar, 129aw, 12-17g, 150mhr, 18.7mi = 389
    physical therapy - 45min = 26c
    415cal total
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,713 Member
    i thought my range of motion was great. just came back from another physical therapy session.... apparently not.. :0/
    it's not where it should be.. she gave me some different exercises to do on my own and the end of january WAS supposed to b my last time. she said i am authorized for another month of sessions. i asked if every other week was ok, she said, ideally she would like me to come 2 x a wk like i am now but AT LEAST once a week. so i scheduled myself for fridays for the month of feb. now i gotta tell my boss.
    i really liked the lady that was working on me today, first time i had her. i scheduled myself w/her on my fridays. oh well, i am still chuggin along. nite peeps. at least i will have another day of riding instead of driving.
  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,391 Member
    Did an hour of water aerobics today. The plan for tomorrow is to do Tammy Lee Webb's DVD "I Want That Body" DVD. Then I volunteer at the Green Room but have to go back for the IDR (Invitational Dress Rehearsal) for "Tuesdays with Morrie"

    drkatiebug - I got the DayRunner Weekly At A Glance planner. I've had them for years (they fit into the cover that I have). Every year it would go at least until the first week of the New Year. Usually, there'd be a reminder in September to order a new one. I don't order it, I buy it at Office Maxx or Office Depot. Only this year I think there must have been some sort of production problem because the last few weeks were missing and the reorder for was in August. Well...they sent me a replacemtent. Really, they didn't have to FedEx it, but I got it. What's amazing is how much we already have scheduled for the year!

    Ellen - welcome! Aren't most Planet Fitness places open 24 hours? Good for you cutting out the soda and having little sweets. I honestly think you need at least a LITTLE.

    Eccentric - in many ways, our bodies seem to have a mind of their own. A while ago I looked in the mirror and said "what is THIS". I'd never had rolls of flab on my tummy. Either I don't have the saddle bags I used to have or they aren't as prominent. In either way, I'd love to get rid of this "pooch". For the most part I feel I eat decently, absolutely drink lots of water (usually around 100oz/day), try to get enough sleep (don't always do this). I've been this way for years, but a few months ago this "pooch" showed up.

    Welcome everyone new!

    Bonnie - stay safe. My daughter lives in Reston, VA and I understand she's under a blizzard watch. I think Rodney Yee is one of the best yoga instructors on a DVD. And if you get one where he doesn't have his shirt on, that guy has a good bod! Happy Birthday!

    Denise - chime in when you feel comfortable. We'll be waiting for ya!

    Lenora - you'd be sorely misssed if you didn't come in here at least every few days

    Rosie - sorry to hear of all that you've been going thru. Happy Birthday!

    Allison - sorry to hear about your friend

    Sylvia - when my kids were in school, I would get a phone call saying that school was cancelled, I would then have to call about 4 other people.

    Linda - great to have you back!

    katla - great idea to learn how to fall safely

    Carol in NC - isn't confession so good for the soul? You know, I never thought of it before, but what happens when someone makes a donation in an offeratory envelope, but that donation is then stolen. How do you report how much they've donated? I know that many times I don't write on the envelope how much I'm donating.

    terri - yea for you making that cinnamon coffee

    Lenora - I did the same thing with Denise when she was little. She took a pack of gum, I made her give the rest of the pack back to the people in the store, I made her tell them what she'd done and then took all of her allowance and gave it to the Salvation Army. She (to my knowledge) never stole again. The clerk told Denise "oh, you can keep it" but I wouldn't let her.

    Gloria - I can imagine how hard it is. when we had to give up the service dog (that I'd fallen in love with) I just kept telling myself "the only reason he can help a disabled person is because of the love I gave him". That's why Lucy will be able to help that boy. But it's so hard for a child to understand.

    Last night there was this speaker at the local library about nutrition. Unfortunately, most everything she mentioned I already knew. One thing she did say, and I don't really understand this, is that you shouldn't have canola oil. Something about how it isn't pure oil. But if I'm not mistaken, canola oil has a higher smoke point than olive oil so it's better to cook with.

    Just got back from ceramics. Vince now has no problem with me going to the one Lowe's Food store because they have a beer bar, so I can shop and he can drink. Only they close at 8

    Becca - (((strong hug)))

    pip - don't be afraid to slow down a bit and let your body heal. In the end, it'll be worth it.

    Michele in NC