

  • nccarolb
    nccarolb Posts: 858 Member
    Good morning!

    Michele - Luckily the offering envelopes had already been emptied, counted, and deposited. However, we did have a break in once the evening after someone had dropped off around $40 of coins for a special collection. In that case, I had to call the person, ask how much change there was, give them credit for the gift, but not post it to our general ledger since it never made it into our account. It would be exceedingly rare to have the money actually in the envelopes and still in the church after the worship service on Sunday. It is deposited by night deposit right after worship. The bank will hold it if the envelopes are unopened or process it if the deposit is ready.

    Since we're certain that outside door keys are missing, we had a locksmith come in yesterday to change all of the locks to the outside doors. We have a "combination" lock on one door so we can give most members the code and not a key. We can change the code any time we want if we feel like too many people have access to the building.

    The pastor (Phil) and I were talking to someone this morning and he said the same thing that I've been feeling--this is more aggravating and annoying than anything else. He did manage to fix the file cabinets enough that we can properly close and lock them. That was a huge relief because replacement of those were going to be the biggest expense we had from the whole mess. Of course, I don't know yet how much it is going to cost for the locksmith who has been here for two days!

    So, to keep those of you with interest up-to-date on my online dating story...I am still in contact with the guy I've seen a few times, but he is not going to be someone that I have a serious relationship with. He is too unavailable and there is not the mental connection I need. I do really like him and I think he will be a nice friend to have fun with. Now there is a police officer from a neighboring town who is expressing a good bit of interest. I'm not too certain I want to be involved with a cop, but I can have fun getting to know him enough to find out! (A really cool advantage to him being a cop is that I can Google the heck out of him!) There's also another guy who lives in another neighboring town who is expressing interest. They are pretty much opposites and, although I'm impressed with that one's education, intelligence, etc., I have a feeling he is going to be to "soft" for me to be comfortable with--I need someone who is comfortable with being outside and knows how to use tools at least as well as I do. So far, I can sum up my experience with this: There are a lot of men out there with huge egos and there are a lot of men out there who are completely intimidated by an intelligent woman. However, I am having fun with it and that is really what I was mostly looking for anyway!

    Sylvia - I don't like that you are having chest issues and not going to the doctor. Not to throw a guilt trip on you, but you need to be as healthy as possible if you are going to end raising those three grandbabies.

    Pip - Sorry you're going to be in PT longer than you thought. From what my PT folks told me, shoulders are hard work to get back to where they're supposed to be.

    Well, I guess I should get back to work. Hope everyone has a warm and healthy day!

    Carol in NC

  • PackerFanInGB
    PackerFanInGB Posts: 3,357 Member
    Oh my goodness! Haven't been on since page 46 and I'm 580 posts behind again! My bad!

    Just wanted to pop on and say hello. My knee is getting a little better each day. I still can't wait until I'm allowed to talk a long walk or hop in the treadmill, but I am now allowed to ride bicycle so might go to gym and do that tonight.

    I had my yearly follow up with the Cardiologist this morning. I was diagnosed with heart failure 2 years ago, due to heart damage from the chemotherapy. I am really excited to say that today I was told that everything is back to normal and she is changing my diagnosis from Heart Failure to Prevention of Heart Failure and I just need to follow up once a year! I'm so excited! I'm no longer considered in heart failure and that is an awesome feeling.

    I have to teach a class now, so have to go but I've been thinking of you all and hope everyone is well!!!

    Tracie in Green Bay
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    Heather: I envy your visit with the DGC. Enjoy! :flowerforyou:

    Linda in N Ontario: Great loss. :smiley:

    Margaret: Good luck with your recertification class. I hope you find it worthwhile. I have not wanted to sub since retiring. My old school is more than an hour commute each way, and I really don't want to do that. :noway: As I recall, you have a good friend whose class you take and get a chance to know the kids well. That makes a huge difference. :flowerforyou:

    AngelPea: Welcome! You've found a good place for support. Best advice: Measure portions, log every bite and swallow, & move more. Be patient. The weight didn't appear instantly and won't go away instantly, either. :flowerforyou:

    Lynn in NC: Coloring can be very soothing. I haven't colored in years unless I was coloring with DGD. You put a smile on my face. :smiley:

    Cheri: "Thrilling" implies a high bar of emotion to me. It could be good or bad. I generally aim for pleasurable. Lots of things put a smile on my face. Looking for & noticing little pleasures has really made me a happier person. :heart:

    Barbie: I'm glad your blood draw is done & hope the results are excellent. Ten vials of blood seem like quite a lot. Did you feel light headed afterward? :huh:

    My neighbor didn't want to go to the gym this morning because she has a conflict. I'm hoping to talk DH into it after breakfast. I want to spend 45 minutes to an hour on the recumbent bike and burn some calories. It will get my metabolism up and moving for the day and set me up for a happy mood.

    Katla in Beautiful NW Oregon

    “Our greatest weakness lies in giving up. The most certain way to succeed is always to try just one more time.” Thomas A. Edison

    January Goals :
    1. Log every bite and swallow.
    2. Cardio exercise at least 3 days a week. Work on flexibility and back strength.
    3. Have fun every day.
    4. Drink at least three glasses of water daily, preferably more!
    5. Eliminate alcohol.
    6. Monitor sleep. Try to average 7 or more hours of sleep nightly.

  • celtikgirl
    celtikgirl Posts: 237 Member
    Weigh in tomorrow morning - hoping for success!

    Does anyone know how to calculate calories burned by shovelling snow? I'm pretty sure that is going to be my workout routine for the weekend.
  • DLS1029
    DLS1029 Posts: 70 Member
    edited January 2016
    Wow! I'm having a hard time keeping up with all the posts! This is a very active thread, which is a good thing!

    Michele - Love your fishy welcome sign! Do you have a beachy place for it? That would be awesome.

    Lenora - Yes, my little pup Lacey, is smaller than her big red Clifford! haha Lacey only weighs about 6 pounds now. She has almost doubled her weight since Christmas Day, when she got her forever home!

    Allison - Sorry you're under the weather! Hope you feel better soon!

    School for our county was cancelled today due to the bad road conditions. Snow days - ahhhhhh!!! When I worked in the school setting, I got the day off too. I still work for the county school system, but at a year-round job. So - when school is cancelled, work is not! At least not for me......

    The forecast is calling for us to get around 8" of snow. After Christmas is over, I'm done with snow for the season.

    Donna in WV
  • fanncy0626
    fanncy0626 Posts: 7,152 Member
    Good morning ladies! I was up early this morning and went swimming with my friend and DS I L. Did my exercises and I'm going to take the dog for a walk.

    Stronglifts Workout

    Squats-1X5X 65/75/85/95/105/115/120, 5X5X 122
    Sumo squats-5X5X107
    0HP-1X5X 45/50/55, 3X5X 60, 2X5X 55
    DL-1X5X 150

    Swimming freestyle-40 minutes

    I went swimming before my weightlifting and I really did not have any energy for lifting. I will not do that again! The OHP is still difficult to lift the 60 pounds without losing my form. I had to deload The last two sets to 55 pounds.

    Have a great day everyone!


    Mary from Minnesota
  • DamitJanit
    DamitJanit Posts: 1,329 Member
    Call me crazy but I love to see other people happy and succeeding .

    Good Afternoon Ladies,

    Pip, sorry you still have to work on your range of motion but hopefully this extra month will do the trick. It seems to me that you have done great!!!

    MicheleNC, are you sure that the “rolls of flab” on your tummy aren’t due to excess skin that is no longer loaded? I sure have a couple. They look terrible but I’ll take them over being full of fat. I love your welcome sign!!!

    Barbie, at the cost of that blood test they should find out everything in the world about you including your family tree back for a couple of hundred years. It is wonderful the things that modern medicine can do but the cost is sometimes staggering. I sure hope it helps.

    Joyce, I just hate that you feel so bad. Sending healing thoughts and prayers your way. ((((Hugs))))

    Heather, have a wonderful day with those precious Grands.

    Allie, sending healing thoughts and prayers your way, too. Hope you feel better soon. (later) Why would you get up and get dressed? I vote to just take a sick day! If you want to shower and put on clean bed clothes, go for it, but give yourself a day off. (((Hugs)))

    Linda, great loss for January. Keep up the great work.

    Margaret, good for you. I can’t say I’d want to take any courses at this point so very proud of you.

    Angela, welcome. You did a great job losing and keeping the weight off and a better job of becoming a Survivor. Good for you!! Glad to have you join us.

    Sylvia, I hope you are feeling better. Angina pains must be scary. I think I’d always be worried that it was a heart attack. Please take care. (((Hugs)))

    Cheri, I am thrilled every day that I wake up and can get out of bed.

    CarolNC, thanks for the dating update. I was just thinking about that a couple of days ago. I think you have a good attitude in having fun while you check em out.

    m1277.gifto any Newbies that I missed. Come often and join in the chat. This thing works!! Please sign your post with what you want to be called. It makes it easier for us to respond to you. Also a location is great, be it specific or general. We are happy to have you join us.

    I am off to get my nails done and then am going to the Moose lodge to sell raffle tickets for a charity. Tomorrow I’m going to see Menopause the Musical. I’ve heard it is really good. I sure hope so because the tickets are $41 which is a bit more than I was expecting.

    I hope all of you have a healthy and happy day. rose.gif

    Words I live by:
    Savor. I have to slow down and savor every bite.
    Opportunity. Each day offers new opportunities for good health and happiness if we just look for them and choose them.
    I Love you, smiley-love013.gif
    Myrtle Beach, SC
    GRITSandSLUTSandWINOS Posts: 2,573 Member
    edited January 2016
    :)Lenora, a fasting blood test is one that is done when you have had nothing to eat for 12 hours...this test was ordered by the neurologist to see if he can find why I have pain in my legs along with tingling and a slight numbness....a lot of things have been ruled out already (diabetes, thyroid,) but I'm not sure what this test (or actually 10 of them) will be for....interestingly, the medicine that was prescribed by my doctor (and approved by the neurologist) is Gabapentin which was originally prescribed for seizures but turned out to be good for nerve pain.

    I take Dilantin, and 2 strengths of Lamictal; and one that is a seizure med; Geodon - that along with my Seroquel for 'bipolar disorder' acts like an anti/anxiety-depression pill. I'm allergic to a lot of medications or the interact with them, so I can't really take too much OTC meds.

    I've only had one or two EEG's; and, I might ask my MD when I go back in March, since I have not had one in a year if he thinks it'd be a good idea to have another one. I sleep with a C-pap and unfortunately, sometimes I pull the mask off. The last time they sent me a new chin guard, I found it doesn't really fit; but, I need to try putting it on under the C-pap strap; I also haft to have another night guard made for my TMJ and that also helps keep my mask on; because it keeps my mouth shut. LOL! Maybe [no pun intended].

    Carol in NC - My DYS went on an online dating service and found 2 or 3 women that he had interest in. One, he wasn't sexually attracted and then one night about 1:30am she came to his house. She had to have walked 2.5 miles to his house in the pitch dark because the gate to the place was locked. They talked for a while; and he slept on the sofa and the next day she asked him 'if he was gay'. LOL! They did not see one another although DYS said they could have been 'friends'. One other one he did not take any interest in, she was a party girl and at the age of 36 (at the time) he no longer cared about 'hanging out in a bar'. Then he met one that he dated for 8 months and we thought was pretty serious; but, she had a 6-year-old boy that slept in the bed with her and was a sissy - did not want to do anything like going to a water park. DYS offered him $25 if he'd go down the slide with him hanging on. No go! Then she made an ultimatum because she wanted him to build a house in town (before there was any real talk about marriage. She drew a line in the sand; and, he drew his; and neither of them crossed over. He said later that every time they went out of town, she was sick the entire time. Then he met DDnL#2 and it 'hit him like a ton of bricks' which I had told him it would do, when the 'right one' came along. They dated a year before he asked her to marry him. She has a 10-year-old daughter who likes to do things with him. Both of them 'love' hunting and fishing. Someone had tried to get the hooked up together before he actually met her and she had not wanted to be 'set up' with another 'blind date'. Both of them are now 38. I don't know if they will have any children of their own; but, they are trying. I don't know if they are even 'able'. She's be going to a specialist and apparently nothing is keeping her from getting PG; she will just have to have a stitch or two place on her cervix. DYS said that he was probably going to go have to have testing done of him, if she doesn't get pregnant soon. She started taking a fertility pill; but, when he hair started coming out, she said she just had to go off it. She couldn't have her hair falling out since she is a cosmetologist. I don't know if there are any other medications she can take at this point. I hesitate to ask either one of them about it. She's also said that they would wait until she was 4 months along before they told anybody.

    Pip - I had rotator cuff on my right shoulder twice. Both times it was because of a bad fall. When it rains it hurts and is a little stiff; but, I haven't called yet about getting a shot in it. Not the most pleasant thing to have, so I take Tylenol and a medication that relaxes my muscles and as long as they works I will hold off the shot. The 2nd time I had it, I had a nurse come to my house to do it, because I was a driving restriction from having a seizure. I 'hated' this woman because she'd call and tell me she was on the way; but, never told me how long that would be. When she showed up at 5:15pm I told her that my husband was home and she insisted anyway. I finally called the place and told them I did not want her to come anymore and wanted to have a change in PTs because the MD had not released me. I actually got a very good one who came from Lee Co., she even gave me things such as a pulley to help with the overhead workout and some 'silly putty-like' stuff to get my grip back. She was surprised that it had not already been given to me. I really liked her; but, after 4 weeks she was going on vacation and then I got a man. I liked him, too; and, I told him what had happened with the first lady. He said they had had a lot of complaints about her. Unfortunately, she did the assessments. She even discharged before the MD had said I no longer needed PT; but, by that time I was off the driving restriction and he said if I still needed it I could come there to his office. Your injury seems to be a lot worse than either of my rotator cuff injuries, even the first one where he had to suck out a piece of bone which was why I was having a frozen shoulder.

    Tracy - that is wonderful news!

    celtikgirl - I'd check MFP for 'cardio' and go with that for exercise. I know I looked around a lot for doing a 'hula hoop' and I found it finally under something that I really was surprised it was under. But, I knew it had to have something because it is not the easiest thing to do.

    - Cracker thinks she is a "lap dog' but she is about 20 lbs. and is a little too big for that; but, she will still climb up into my lap and the other night she 'jumped' into DH's - it surprised so much although he had seen her climb up into mine. I will hold her for a few minutes; and tell her she is too big to crawl up in my lap, too big to be a 'lap dog'. She'll be laying on her back and cuts her eyes up at me with this 'poor little puppy dog eyes'. When DH fusses at her for something, she runs to her bed by my chair and hides her nose in the corner of it. Sometimes when she is asleep she is on her back, and she likes to lay down on her back to throw up her toys in the air and catch them. DH thinks she would enjoy a Frisbee. When she is told to get into her bed; she will sometimes stretch out with only her feet in the bed, like she is 'in the bed' if some part of her is touching it. All we have to do is say. EEEttthh EEEttthh and she will get back into it and then 'talk to me' as if I am going to give in and let her out. She rarely barks at me, she just talks with a lot of intonations and facial expressions. She is hysterical watching her.
  • miakoda40
    miakoda40 Posts: 467 Member
    Michele in NC - Love the fish welcome sign!

    I was the kid on a harness. I just liked to run off and talk to everyone I could see. This has made me more sympathetic to moms who need the harness. I feel sorry for the moms who need one today but cannot find/use one because of the backlash.

    Mia in MI
  • GloworminWA
    GloworminWA Posts: 704 Member
    Lenora I had a good laugh picturing Cracker with 'her feet in the bed'. Eventually I will get another dog. BUT the deposit to have one is $450 + $10 a month rent. All of the rentals say they are "Pet Friendly" but then make it almost impossible for normal person to take their pets. BTW same thing for a cat.
  • terri_mom
    terri_mom Posts: 748 Member
    edited January 2016
    Happy Thursday ! ! !

    Lenora, Lynn, etc. – I understand the leash on kids, too. I used a Velcro leash on my son’s overalls at a Brewer’s game. A large man walked between us, looked down at the leash, and said “how terrible to treat your child like a dog”. I responded, "without this leash, you would have separated him from me just now, so technically this is because of inconsiderate people like you.” He walked away without another word. I also used to safetypin a note in a Ziploc baggie to the back of his clothes. Inside it said “My name is Payne. My Mom, Terri, has red hair. Her cell # is: ___-___-____ . I like to play anything with balls.” I figured since he wasn’t afraid of anything or anyone, it was my best chance for getting him back when he would run. The most recent leashes/harnesses I have seen on kids are like a reverse backpack, but made from a stuffed animal. And I was the kind of kid that created a need for harnesses.

    Becca – I haven’t been to a Renaissance Faire in ages. My DD loves to go, but the one in Minnesota was a drive of a few hours, and the one here is closer, but DD is the opposite direction. Maybe I’ll just go one day when it is warmer out. Or maybe my Dad can handle the walk after he heals from his upcoming surgery. We’ll have to see. // Hugs for your son out at Sea.

    The one (and hopefully only) time either of my kids stole something small, I took them back into the store, made them return it, then did a few minutes (depending on age) of time-out, and they cried the whole time. Don’t think anything more is or was warranted.

    Ellen – Remember that this is a journey, not a sprint. Keep taking baby steps with the changes that you make, so it doesn’t feel too overwhelming. I hope you find the combination and support you need. (and stay safe during the storm). Hugs ! ! !

    Michele – that is amazing ! ! ! So bright and cheerful.

    Heather – that sounds like a lovely day. I hope I have grandkids someday. DD will need to adopt or foster, but that wouldn’t make a bit of difference to me. Hugs ! ! !

    Linda – congrats on your loss ! ! ! Keep it moving.

    Kimses – I understand your bagel predicament. My Dad gave me ½ loaves of asiago bread and cinnamon raisin bread, and they were yelling at me from the kitchen all night long. Be Strong ! ! !

    Tracie – Hooray for your “Heart Upgrade” ! ! !

    Sylvia – You make me worried. Female heart situations are frequently atypical compared to the symptoms we expect with men. Please take care ! ! !

    DJ – I saw "Menopause The Musical" a few years ago. I don’t think I have ever laughed so much, so long, or so hard (I'm thankful I wore a poise just in case). There are MANY different situations and songs. Be prepared to get onstage at the end, for hugs and a group picture ! ! ! I look forward to hearing your experience.

    Tonight is one H.S. Bowling match. Since DS is currently in 17th place I hope he can hold it, so he will also be invited to the Singles tournament in March. The only problem with that is figuring out how to get him there since I will be in Reno. My Dad said no, because he is afraid to drive the 3 hours alone, but he will go along to keep tabs on Payne, if I can find them a ride. We'll have to see. Things can change with only one missed spare (open frame), so, fingers crossed.

    That's about all the excitement here today, which I consider a good thing.

    Hugs for Everyone ! ! !

    Terri in Milwaukee
  • KJLaMore
    KJLaMore Posts: 2,836 Member
    celtikgirl- I log my shoveling work outs on mfp. It is listed under "shoveling, snow". It seems to figure the calorie burn on the high side, but I figure it will even out between light snows and heavier snows! :)
  • mollywhippet
    mollywhippet Posts: 1,890 Member
    "Sylvia - Kiln is a Paragon and it uses cones. It is at least 20 years old. I went online to get the instruction book so I would (or could) learn how to use it. It has a half-shelf in it as well that you can adjust in height. It is relatively large, sufficient enough to put several pieces in it at same time. I have boo-coos of unpainted things and I would like to paint them. Mother always told me that the 'red' would 'eat' off the yellow (or vice versa) can't remember which. Most things had to have several firing. Said that something it would mean repainting and re-firing. A lot of it was trial and error. She'd make piece of small slip to use to make wind chimes. She rarely wasted anything. I remember painting on them a lot; don't know what she did with them, maybe gave them away as gifts to her fellow china painters. I have about 8 cups, all from other china painters in her class. When the Mother of a couple of my friends died, they gave me a piece that she had actually painted and I have some plates that I hung on the wall in my dining room. More like trivets than plates."

    Lenora, I don't know the first thing about china painting, except to know that it's very different than what I do. Do china painters make their own pieces or buy greenware? Yes, I had heard that it takes multiple firings and the paints are very persnickity. An old Paragon is still a very good kiln. They are very simple machines. From what you say, it sounds like your bigger kiln is still on the small side. Does it use it 220 or 110? I started out with a kiln that was 22" high and 18" across. That one took cones in a kiln sitter. I had several of those kilns, then got a really big kiln with a digital controller. It is 28" across and 36" deep. I have to stand on my tippy toes to load the bottom shelf. And even my "big" kiln is smaller than some. This kiln is digital, which I LOVE. The kiln elements need to be replaced every once in a while, and mine are about due. Hubby does that for me.

    I'm feeling a lot better this afternoon. I get angina every once in a while and my cardiologist said I didn't need to go running to the ER every time. So, I just take my nitro and see if it helps. If not, I will go to the hospital. I have "stable" angina, which I'm told rarely results in an actual heart attack, but sometimes it's scary. I haven't had any in a couple of months, so I forgot what to do.

    Hubby came by for lunch, which I think had more to do with checking on me than any burning desire for a hot dog, which is what I keep in my refrigerator for his lunch. I showed him that I've been working on some clay stuff, so he would know I really was feeling better.

    Well, I have to go run some errands before I pick up the kiddies. Later, ladies!

  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,984 Member
    :)Katla, I didn't feel light headed after the blood draw probably because I was so hungry. I came home (less than 15 minutes in the car) and had my regular breakfast and felt much better. Jake wondered if I'd be OK at my dance class and I sang a couple of choruses of "I am Woman Hear me Roar", but part way into class felt a little wimpy and ended up sitting down during the instruction and only getting up for the actual dancing. When I got home Jake told me to eat peaches because they were good for blood....I didn't know if he was right, but I followed his directions.

    :)DJ, I agree that these tests should tell me an awful lot including ancestry but they probably won't

    :)Sylvia, Jake gets angina and takes nitro and the doctor doesn't expect him to call anyone unless he takes it five times for the same pain.

    :'( Soon I have to head off for a dentist appointment
  • Peach1948
    Peach1948 Posts: 2,473 Member
    My son had a leash! If we went into a department store, he would hide in the center racks of clothing and it was almost impossible to find him. I was terrified that he would get lost or taken. He also got spanked as needed. Once when we were int he grocery store when he was a toddler I was swatting his bottom and he just laughed. Cloth diapers gave way too much padding.
  • celtikgirl
    celtikgirl Posts: 237 Member
    Thanks for the shovelling calorie info. I should have known it would be in the system - everything is in there! DH put the plow on the tractor, but I'm pretty sure I'll have to shovel anyway. The tractor is only really good for about 6" or so.
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,723 Member
    celtikgirl wrote: »
    Weigh in tomorrow morning - hoping for success!

    Does anyone know how to calculate calories burned by shovelling snow? I'm pretty sure that is going to be my workout routine for the weekend.

    Perfect example y I wear a hrm
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
  • klanders30
    klanders30 Posts: 2,569 Member
    I myself was a wanderer as a child. Out of the 8 children my mother raised, i was the one who inevitably got lost on any outing, including shopping trips. It was common for my mother to tell me, if you get lost meet me at the "eagle" (a big statue in Wannamakers in Phila), or go to a policeman and ask for help. I was also assigned an older sib to watch me, boy did they hate that! I didn't mind I definitely marched to my own drummer. Of course, these were different times and I must have had a very patient guardian angel. As for a leash on a child, whatever works, who am I to judge anyone else's strategies?

    I am skipping cardio today, (insert guilty emoji here) but just felt like coming home and making a nice dinner for the family instead of some rushed affair. I have enjoyed it and will get back on the treadmill tomorrow!

    Soon I will be shoveling snow and burning even more calories! Stay safe everybody.

    Karen from NY
  • miriamwithcats
    miriamwithcats Posts: 1,120 Member
    I always am amused at people who are constantly checking their pulse/ HRM since I have supraventricular tachycardia. It is an inherited condition where my heart rate suddenly and for no reason, gets too fast. So I can be asleep and have a heart rate over 200! But, it doesn't burn any more calories! There are things I can do to slow it down, like massaging a certain nerve in my neck or applying ice to my face. It doesn't bother me, just makes me tired sometimes since when it gets too fast it doesn't pump oxygen properly. And my heart rate instantly goes high with any activity so it doesn't mean I am burning more calories at a certain point. An HRM for me would be rather pointless.