

  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,713 Member
    morning peeps-
    cute fishy exermom!
  • kimses2
    kimses2 Posts: 218 Member
    Quick question -- do any of you use a real heart rate monitor? (not the kind that are on treadmills that you hold on to). I have one with the chest strap that you have to wet down and a watch. I haven't used it in years and am thinking I might fire it up again.
    1 bad overeating day this week and the rest right on track. Weight didn't budge. I think the lesson in there is one bad day can undo a weeks worth of solid food planning and exercise.
  • kimses2
    kimses2 Posts: 218 Member
    Yesterday did 30 min Pilates and 30 min elliptical. Tracked food.
    Today I'll do about the same. My back is sore from sleeping in the guest room because my husband has a cold and is snoring loud! So I think I'll have to add in some stretching.

    We have a Community Supper tonight and I picked up a donation from Panera. I have about 100 bagels in my car right now, and a bunch of desserts and muffins. The sooner I get that out of there the better!

    Have a good day.

    Kimses in MA
  • margaretturk
    margaretturk Posts: 5,093 Member
    Michele love the welcome sign.

    This last week I have been getting my materials together to renew my teaching license for five years. I had to take an online course to complete one of the requirements. They added an EL (English Learner) requirement. I found a course for $30 online, so working on that and not having much time to respond here.

    ((((Hugs)))) to all who need them.

    :heart: Margaret
  • Peach1948
    Peach1948 Posts: 2,473 Member
    Michelle ~ Cute Fishy!

    LinC ~ Congrats on your loss.

    Margaret ~ My teaching certificate has long since lapsed. I was wondering the other day if it could possibly be renewed. When I subbed a bit for two years after I retired, I did not like it (babysitting). I liked a long term sub position where I was able to make the plans and do my own thing. Guess I'm way to old now.

  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,804 Member
    well here I am parked in bed with the doggies a cup of tea and had some dry cheerios.. maybe this is what I need, is a down day..will at least get dressed.
  • KJLaMore
    KJLaMore Posts: 2,836 Member
    Hey all! Happy Thursday! I had no snow to shovel this morning, so I was able to use that time to walk! Yea! I love winter and I don't mind shoveling; but I miss the daylight! My work day starts at 5:30 and goes until 6:30, so my walking time is in the dark. Blah!
    Lenore: I laughed when I read about the things you went through with your kids. My daughter pulled the "taking the gum from the checkout lane" and I did the same as you. And the clerk responded in the same way "Oh that's okay!" Really?! No, it's not! I also spanked my kids, when it was needed. Thankfully not often. But by the time they were school aged, they knew their boundaries. I am a childcare provider (22 years) and I have seen all kinds of parenting. It is really remarkable to see the kids transition from my care, which has rules that are enforced and generally more responsibility here than at their homes, to their parents care. Kids are smart! Even as young as two years old, they can figure out what works to get what they want from each person...smart, smart, smart. I read an article that stated that a two year old doesn't know how to manipulate someone. Manipulation is getting what you want/need. Of course they can manipulate! They may not know what it means, but they do it every day/all day!

    I found a really yummy snack/lunch that is high protein, crunchy, creamy...
    Buffalo chicken wraps:
    wrap a slice of buffalo chicken breast around a stick of celery
    make a blue cheese dip combining 8 oz crumbled blue cheese
    and 1 cup of greek yogurt (this is best if refrigerated for a day before eating)
    dip chicken/celery into blue cheese dip and maybe a little dip into Franks Red HOt sauce!

    If you don't like too much spice, you can just use a regular oven roast chicken slice!

    This is really yummy. I usually add half a green apple and make it a light dinner, when I don't have to cook for anyone!
  • lynnsyoung164
    lynnsyoung164 Posts: 20 Member
    edited January 2016
    kimses2 wrote: »
    Quick question -- do any of you use a real heart rate monitor? (not the kind that are on treadmills that you hold on to). I have one with the chest strap that you have to wet down and a watch. I haven't used it in years and am thinking I might fire it up again.
    1 bad overeating day this week and the rest right on track. Weight didn't budge. I think the lesson in there is one bad day can undo a weeks worth of solid food planning and exercise.

    A chest strap with a watch is all I use. Mine is Garmin brand and a little over a year old. I had to change the battery a few months ago and the strap has stretched some like bra straps do. I'm so used to it now I sometimes forget I have it on have napped in it! It doesn't work for swimming but I wore it during a mini tri swim and it didn't hurt it.

    Lynn in NC
  • lhannon062709
    lhannon062709 Posts: 1,140 Member
    Kimses - got a Fitbit Charge HR after I showered once too often with my Fitbit Flex and killed it. The HR is for heartrate, and it gets it from my wrist. It helps a lot when I'm exercising to keep me from constantly exceeding my max rate and to get my arms moving if my heart rate doesn't stay up where I want it.

    Stayed home last night, and am much happier sleeping here. It's not that the warehouse is a bad place, or that I'm scared to stay in town. Just like being with my husband. Did pick up some freelance work writing blog posts, and testing websites. Doesn't pay much per yet, but we'll see. It's fun learning new subjects, and you pick and choose what you write for the blogs.

    Off to the races, my chickens.

    Lisa from sunny, warm West Texas (73 degrees yesterday! 23C).
  • AngelaPea
    AngelaPea Posts: 8 Member
    Good Morning! Newbie here! I've been lurking a few days, reading through the board, getting to know folks.
    I lost a total of 75 pounds more than a decade ago, and kept it all gone for a really long time. I was diagnosed with leiomyosarcoma at the end of 2013, and treatment included several surgeries, seven months of chemo and a year of recovery. I'm still here and Dancing with NED (No Evidence of Disease = Remission), but I've gathered about 15 extra pounds during the journey.

    It's so hard to get the weight off this time around! Age, collateral damage from chemo, instantaneous menopause..the stars and planets aren't aligned correctly, whatever...it's only coming off in ounces, not pounds! I'm looking for some encouragement and a rallying of kindred spirits!
  • LinCharpentier
    LinCharpentier Posts: 1,122 Member
    I don't believe one bad day would ruin a week of hard work.

    That's great that your working towards something you want. Good luck

    If you miss teaching maybe you can help in a library or some place where they have reading programs.

    Well not much to report other than i'm having a good day. Went our to coffee Got my 200 steps in before sitting at puter I know not much but a start to my day. Did a little bit of wii. I did the steps on there. Anything is better than nothing.

    See you all lighter
    Linda in Northern Ontario.
  • lynnsyoung164
    lynnsyoung164 Posts: 20 Member
    Michele The welcome sign is beautiful! I used to do that but on a much smaller scale and not near as much detail. We definitely need to meet up since you are so close to me.

    Recently I started doing adult coloring books with color pencils and trying to learn new techniques from youtube instead of just using my elementary coloring style of outlining and then coloring a solid color. So far it is very relaxing.

    I skipped my swimming this morning to stay off the early morning icy roads driving into uptown. Instead I rode with my husband to the local Y for some treadmill running. Only 20 minutes verses an hour but I am glad I did not flake out all together. I hope everyone has a lovely day and stays warm.

    Lynn in NC <3<3
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,804 Member
    well I am dressed, Tom put laundry in wash before leaving ,and I have gotten it dried and put away, I am just staying in bed and resting..had a cup of tea and have a large glass of ice water.. checked my lab results from blood work other day and talked with my friend who is a dialysis nurse, she said my numbers are good!!!
    well off to watch a bit of t.v. and chill.
  • mollywhippet
    mollywhippet Posts: 1,890 Member
    Good morning everyone! It snowed a little here last night but the roads were still better than yesterday so I didn't have any trouble getting the kids to school. Once I dropped them off, I realized that I was having some strong pressure in my chest. I drove the three blocks to the Y and parked, then called hubby. He said "did you take your nitro?" Duh! I didn't even think of that. Seriously, where is my brain these days? So, I took the nitro and sat quietly in the van for a few minutes. Hubby arrived shortly after and fussed over me for a while. I told him it was better (even though it wasn't) and I went inside and tried to stroll around for a little while, then tried the bike for a couple of minutes. Still no better, so I came to the studio to sit and drink tea. I think that did the trick. It feels some better. My left arm was not involved this time, so I think that's probably good. Normally my angina comes with arm pain and weakness. This time it was just pressure in the chest, pain when I took a breath and some lightheadedness. So, all the way over here I was thinking about if I wanted to go to the hospital or not, and which hospital would I go to. The one here in town is bad, but the Joplin hospital is 30 miles away. Hmmm. Glad I don't have to decide today.

    I checked the kiln when I got here and it still has not finished the firing from yesterday afternoon. I was hoping to get that fish platter glazed and back in the kiln today, but it looks like that's not going to happen.

    Grits, what kind of kiln is your big one? There are oodles of videos on you-tube about firing kilns, so you might see if you can figure it out. Is it computer controlled or does it need cones? I can help you if you give me more information. The colors I used are slips (thinned clay mixed with colorants) so the color of it unfired is not what it will be fired. The reds always bleach out at the higher temperatures, leaving sort of a pink, if anything at all. All those slips are intermixable though. It's always a surprise to see what comes out of the kiln compared to what went in. Sometimes its a good surprise and sometimes a bad one.

    Michele, your fishy sign is just adorable! I love the big red lips! I can tell you are a finesse painter. Such precision! I'm a lot sloppier.

    Well, I think I'll try working for a little while and see how I feel. Have a great day everybody!

  • csofled
    csofled Posts: 3,022 Member
    Thrilling Thursday is here!

    Not sure what is thrilling in my life but perhaps others might be experiencing a thrill or 2 today!


    Cheri NE oHIo
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,713 Member
    kimses2 wrote: »
    Quick question -- do any of you use a real heart rate monitor? (not the kind that are on treadmills that you hold on to). I have one with the chest strap that you have to wet down and a watch. I haven't used it in years and am thinking I might fire it up again.
    1 bad overeating day this week and the rest right on track. Weight didn't budge. I think the lesson in there is one bad day can undo a weeks worth of solid food planning and exercise.

    I have always used a real hrm. Because I ride outside, I need to know how many calories that I am burning. The machines only give u a general idea, a range. If I were to use what the machines said, I would be burning a whole lot more calories. I have worn out too many polar watches so I am now using one that is connected to my iPhone, the app is called wahoo, u put on the chest strap and connects w/the Bluetooth. I use it everyday and so far so good. It is good cuz u can program it to show if u r in your fat burning mode, in your target zone or in cardio zone. U have to know what your resting heart rate is to program it.
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,980 Member
    :) I'm back from the blood test that the neurologist ordered....I drank lots of water during the night and first thing in the morning as instructed so I was up and down a lot. Fortunately the dots didn't want to walk too much this morning because of the rain and I didn't press them to walk farther because I wanted to get to the lab and get it over with. Drinking all that water helped the blood draw go better. I was correct that it was a big deal test. They took 10 vials of blood--6 large, 4 small. Now I am happily eating my breakfast and feeling more like my old self.

    :)Kimses, I used a HRM with a chest strap for a year and loved it. Now I use the calorie burn info I got from it for the walking and dancing I do.

    Michele, your fish welcome sign is awesome :)

    :)Lynn my husband just started with coloring books and loves it.....I'll tell him about the YouTube videos.

    <3 Barbie
  • kimses2
    kimses2 Posts: 218 Member
    Thanks for the info on the HR monitors. That sounds very interesting, Pip
    I have a Polar and used it this morning. I was surprised by the reading.
    30 min Accelerate (P90x3) which is like calisthenics. 300 cal.
    30 elliptical. 200 cal
    I would have thought it was the opposite.
    It's good to have the numbers. I think I need to put a little more energy into the elliptical!
    GRITSandSLUTSandWINOS Posts: 2,573 Member
    exermom – I’m still here; just not sure I have much to post about. DOS’s never taken anything he did not earn or pay for either. We’ve done our best to teach our children the same values we grew up with. DDnL#2 said that she was so very happy that we did such a good job raising Will. Says she wished she had met him years earlier. I told her that he is not ‘perfect’ and she would not have probably even liked him as a much younger man. She has told me that she met the ‘perfect man’ for her at the right time, minute, second, moment for her – she just loves him to death. I sometimes wish that I felt that the other DDnL (#1) felt the same way. Sometimes I don’t know what their relationship is all about. Probably never will.

    Barbiecat – What type of test are you having done by the Neurologist? I've never heard of a 'fasting' test. I have a 'seizure disorder' and take 3 seizure meds; and so far, have not had a significant seizure since August of 2014. Knock on wood. But, I have had the type of seizures where it seems like I am 'staring' at something for a time. I'm aware of those sometimes. I've had several driving restrictions (6 months of not driving (per GA law) without a seizure (grand mal). Have had several of those, too. I'm not aware of those until I start coming out of it; usually because of the fall I take. I've been in my computer chair twice and when I came to, was tangled up in it. Husband still will not allow me to drive on an Interstate so he ends up taking me to one of my MDs in Macon, GA and before my appointment I have lunch with several of my former HS classmates.

    Ellen – I found putting my measured food on a smaller plate than a dinner plate made me eat even less than the measured out food on the plate. Psychological, I guess.

    Jnkmomm – I have no doubt that DYS would have run ‘out in traffic’ if I had not kept him on a harness. Most haggard moments was when I forgot it. He did not like to be carried; so I had to do something. Would do it all over again, if I could go back. He hasn’t had any psychological issues because of it; I think I only used it for about a year-and-a-half.

    Grrandmallie – I usually only go to beuty shop when I need a permanent; feels so good, because I get a good hard scrubbing of my head. I’m not the least bit tender headed, so I enjoy it; and the mostly hot water, too. Only other person I’ve gone to that washes my hair like that is my DDnL#2. I stopped going to one because she washed my hair with her palms of her hands and I never felt like my hair was clean and that it was greasy feeling, And she used a lot of hairspray, too.

    KJLaMore - I spanked my children, when they really pushed my limits, until they were school-aged. Then I always explained to them what they had done and why they were getting the spanking. We had rules they had to follow; and if the did not do them, they got disciplined. I never thought or said that they were being 'punished'. Disciplined ... they learned how to follow those rules As they go older, they lost privileges, such as having their car taken away and having to 'walk' to work. That quickly got their attention. They had curfews and they had to call if they were not going to make it home in time and they had better have a very good excuse. I think 2-year-olds are probably the most manipulative and 3, 4, and 5-year-olds test the waters to see what they can get away with. Our discipline was swift, done as soon as possible after the infraction (even if that mean out in pubic, and I never told them 'wait until your Daddy gets home'. He was always told about what they had done, how I had disciplined them, and if he thought they needed to have it brought home again, he would also spank them. Rarely, did it get to that point. I've always been the disciplinarian in our home, just like my Mom was. DH's Daddy was the one in their family, except when he was away on a tour of duty.

    Sylvia - Kiln is a Paragon and it uses cones. It is at least 20 years old. I went online to get the instruction book so I would (or could) learn how to use it. It has a half-shelf in it as well that you can adjust in height. It is relatively large, sufficient enough to put several pieces in it at same time. I have boo-coos of unpainted things and I would like to paint them. Mother always told me that the 'red' would 'eat' off the yellow (or vice versa) can't remember which. Most things had to have several firing. Said that something it would mean repainting and re-firing. A lot of it was trial and error. She'd make piece of small slip to use to make wind chimes. She rarely wasted anything. I remember painting on them a lot; don't know what she did with them, maybe gave them away as gifts to her fellow china painters. I have about 8 cups, all from other china painters in her class. When the Mother of a couple of my friends died, they gave me a piece that she had actually painted and I have some plates that I hung on the wall in my dining room. More like trivets than plates.

  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,980 Member
    :)Lenora, a fasting blood test is one that is done when you have had nothing to eat for 12 hours...this test was ordered by the neurologist to see if he can find why I have pain in my legs along with tingling and a slight numbness....a lot of things have been ruled out already (diabetes, thyroid,) but I'm not sure what this test (or actually 10 of them) will be for....interestingly, the medicine that was prescribed by my doctor (and approved by the neurologist) is Gabapentin which was originally prescribed for seizures but turned out to be good for nerve pain.