T-Rex Burger/IIFYM Success Story



  • CoderGal
    CoderGal Posts: 6,800 Member
    Ugh, that burger is just so so wrong...My mouth is pretty big, but that's not fitting in there. At least make a giant bun and giant paddy so I can fit it in my mouth!
  • jofjltncb6
    jofjltncb6 Posts: 34,415 Member
    "Medical science also says you are far more likely to die young of coronary artery disease or heart attack" Source?

    Really? You aren't joking?

    Not only every physician I've ever spoken with, but also:


    And before someone picks at the word "young," lets just say "young" is a relative term. "Younger" would have been a better word choice.


    ...for more regurgitation of the lipid hypothesis...

    ...despite overwhelming evidence of its failing.
  • Perplexities
    Perplexities Posts: 612 Member
    "Medical science also says you are far more likely to die young of coronary artery disease or heart attack" Source?

    Really? You aren't joking?

    Not only every physician I've ever spoken with, but also:


    And before someone picks at the word "young," lets just say "young" is a relative term. "Younger" would have been a better word choice.

    Being inactive.
    Family history. If family members have or had high cholesterol, you may also have it.
    Overall health. Diseases such as hypothyroidism can raise cholesterol.
    Also effect cholesterol.

    20% of your cholesterol comes from your diet. I eat like the OP and my numbers always come back perfect. I wouldn't say I'm anymore likely to die of coronary artery disease or heart attack due to my diet. I don't believe you can say with any certainly the OP is risking a premature death by eating cheese burgers without slipping him a rohypnol and taking a blood sample for analyzing.
  • CoderGal
    CoderGal Posts: 6,800 Member
    "Medical science also says you are far more likely to die young of coronary artery disease or heart attack" Source?

    Really? You aren't joking?

    Not only every physician I've ever spoken with, but also:


    And before someone picks at the word "young," lets just say "young" is a relative term. "Younger" would have been a better word choice.

    Being inactive.
    Family history. If family members have or had high cholesterol, you may also have it.
    Overall health. Diseases such as hypothyroidism can raise cholesterol.
    Also effect cholesterol.

    20% of your cholesterol comes from your diet. I eat like the OP and my numbers always come back perfect. I wouldn't say I'm anymore likely to die of coronary artery disease or heart attack due to my diet. I don't believe you can say with any certainly the OP is risking a premature death by eating cheese burgers without slipping him a rohypnol and taking a blood sample for analyzing.
  • Perplexities
    Perplexities Posts: 612 Member
    Yes you can be a lean mean fighting machine eating like this.

    Medical science also says you are far more likely to die young of coronary artery disease or heart attack. I'll pass.

    if you eat it every day, maybe.

    where did the OP say he cheeseburgerosauruses every day?

    or even every other day?

    or even once a week?

    strawman arguments are for people without facts to support their opinions.

    Generally people do IIFYM so they can continue eating foods many would deem "unhealthy" Sugars, saturated fats, etc.

    It isn't a huge leap to assume that OP and most IIFYM advocates eat that way fairly often. Though I wont comment on whether I even agree with this this statement

    "Medical science also says you are far more likely to die young of coronary artery disease or heart attack" Source?

    if you think IIFYM is all about justifying eating binges, then you are completely mistaken.

    IIFYM is the set of all healthy eating strategies that exist. there are subsets that some adhere to (such as clean eating), but those are just subsets. by definition, subsets of a set share the properties of the set. hence clean eating is an IIFYM strategy too.

    the difference is that clean eater fills their "extra" calories with "clean" foods after meeting their macros. IIFYM'ers fill their "extra" calories with whatever they want after meeting their macros. the "clean" eaters get to feel smug about being 100% clean. the IIFYM'ers get to enjoy ice cream and pizza and cheeseburgers from time to time with their extra calories. i'd rather have occasional pizza than perpetual smugness.

    not saying YOU are smug, just that a lot of clean/paleo/primal people are well-acquainted with how to act smug about their diets.

    The way you choose to define IIFYM for YOURSELF is your choice. I simply said generally speaking IIFYM is all about eating whatever you want, which for the majority of people is what most would deem "Unhealthy" foods.
  • Perplexities
    Perplexities Posts: 612 Member
    "Medical science also says you are far more likely to die young of coronary artery disease or heart attack" Source?

    Really? You aren't joking?

    Not only every physician I've ever spoken with, but also:


    And before someone picks at the word "young," lets just say "young" is a relative term. "Younger" would have been a better word choice.

    Being inactive.
    Family history. If family members have or had high cholesterol, you may also have it.
    Overall health. Diseases such as hypothyroidism can raise cholesterol.
    Also effect cholesterol.

    20% of your cholesterol comes from your diet. I eat like the OP and my numbers always come back perfect. I wouldn't say I'm anymore likely to die of coronary artery disease or heart attack due to my diet. I don't believe you can say with any certainly the OP is risking a premature death by eating cheese burgers without slipping him a rohypnol and taking a blood sample for analyzing.

    That doesn't change anything. You obviously didn't understand my post.
  • CoderGal
    CoderGal Posts: 6,800 Member
    "Medical science also says you are far more likely to die young of coronary artery disease or heart attack" Source?

    Really? You aren't joking?

    Not only every physician I've ever spoken with, but also:


    And before someone picks at the word "young," lets just say "young" is a relative term. "Younger" would have been a better word choice.

    Being inactive.
    Family history. If family members have or had high cholesterol, you may also have it.
    Overall health. Diseases such as hypothyroidism can raise cholesterol.
    Also effect cholesterol.

    20% of your cholesterol comes from your diet. I eat like the OP and my numbers always come back perfect. I wouldn't say I'm anymore likely to die of coronary artery disease or heart attack due to my diet. I don't believe you can say with any certainly the OP is risking a premature death by eating cheese burgers without slipping him a rohypnol and taking a blood sample for analyzing.

    That doesn't change anything. You obviously didn't understand my post.
    You're right. That doesn't change anything. You obviously didn't understand my post lol.
  • BrainyBurro
    BrainyBurro Posts: 6,129 Member
    Yes you can be a lean mean fighting machine eating like this.

    Medical science also says you are far more likely to die young of coronary artery disease or heart attack. I'll pass.

    if you eat it every day, maybe.

    where did the OP say he cheeseburgerosauruses every day?

    or even every other day?

    or even once a week?

    strawman arguments are for people without facts to support their opinions.

    Generally people do IIFYM so they can continue eating foods many would deem "unhealthy" Sugars, saturated fats, etc.

    It isn't a huge leap to assume that OP and most IIFYM advocates eat that way fairly often. Though I wont comment on whether I even agree with this this statement

    "Medical science also says you are far more likely to die young of coronary artery disease or heart attack" Source?

    if you think IIFYM is all about justifying eating binges, then you are completely mistaken.

    IIFYM is the set of all healthy eating strategies that exist. there are subsets that some adhere to (such as clean eating), but those are just subsets. by definition, subsets of a set share the properties of the set. hence clean eating is an IIFYM strategy too.

    the difference is that clean eater fills their "extra" calories with "clean" foods after meeting their macros. IIFYM'ers fill their "extra" calories with whatever they want after meeting their macros. the "clean" eaters get to feel smug about being 100% clean. the IIFYM'ers get to enjoy ice cream and pizza and cheeseburgers from time to time with their extra calories. i'd rather have occasional pizza than perpetual smugness.

    not saying YOU are smug, just that a lot of clean/paleo/primal people are well-acquainted with how to act smug about their diets.

    The way you choose to define IIFYM for YOURSELF is your choice. I simply said generally speaking IIFYM is all about eating whatever you want, which for the majority of people is what most would deem "Unhealthy" foods.

    by definition, this is untrue. people with no clue about IIFYM may resemble your characterization, but the assumption is that anyone who knows enough to say they are IIFYM, knows enough not to be doing what you asserted.
  • The_Enginerd
    The_Enginerd Posts: 3,982 Member
    i hope i live to see time travel or resurrected dinosaurs just so i can have a real t rex burger.

    It probably won't taste very nice, because it's an apex predator and meat tends to taste less good the higher up the food chain you go. Plus it's a reptile, although I think people eat crocodile and rattlesnake so if you like those then you might like a t-rex.
  • VeeBethTris
    VeeBethTris Posts: 301 Member
    Needs bacon.

    I agree! Next time I will have to add bacon as well

    Everything is better with bacon!

    Well mostly everything :)

    Love the thread. Thanks for sharing. XO
  • AJ_G
    AJ_G Posts: 4,158 Member
    if you think IIFYM is all about justifying eating binges, then you are completely mistaken.

    IIFYM is the set of all healthy eating strategies that exist. there are subsets that some adhere to (such as clean eating), but those are just subsets. by definition, subsets of a set share the properties of the set. hence clean eating is an IIFYM strategy too.

    the difference is that clean eater fills their "extra" calories with "clean" foods after meeting their macros. IIFYM'ers fill their "extra" calories with whatever they want after meeting their macros. the "clean" eaters get to feel smug about being 100% clean. the IIFYM'ers get to enjoy ice cream and pizza and cheeseburgers from time to time with their extra calories. i'd rather have occasional pizza than perpetual smugness.

    not saying YOU are smug, just that a lot of clean/paleo/primal people are well-acquainted with how to act smug about their diets.

    Well said. Here is an interesting video on "Clean Eating" vs IIFYM (If it fits your macros) by Dr. Layne Norton:



    Soooooo glad someone finally posted this video, I was gonna do it if you didn't. Dr. Layne Norton knows his stuff!
  • AJ_G
    AJ_G Posts: 4,158 Member
    "Medical science also says you are far more likely to die young of coronary artery disease or heart attack" Source?

    Really? You aren't joking?

    Not only every physician I've ever spoken with, but also:


    And before someone picks at the word "young," lets just say "young" is a relative term. "Younger" would have been a better word choice.

    You may win the award for most ignorant person on this forum post..."if I cite webMD than everybody will listen to me". Most everybody I know that follows IIFYM has IDEAL cholesterol levels. This is because the reason people have high LDL levels and low HDL levels is because they eat in excess and they are obese, not because of what they are eating. Dietary cholesterol has little effect on blood cholesterol levels. For the most part, your body does not care what type of food you eat, but instead the amount of macronutrients you consume and the total calories you consume. I'll leave you with this:

    "recently in the U.S, a professor of human nutrition decided to lose weight purely through calorie counting disregarding the rest of the nutritional values of the foods he consumed.

    He spent 10 weeks in a caloric deficit and consumed “a steady stream of…Hostess and Little Debbie snacks…Doritos chips, sugary cereals and Oreos.” Here’s the most interesting bit of all, “You might expect other indicators of health would have suffered. Not so. Haub’s “bad” cholesterol, or LDL, dropped 20% and his “good” cholesterol, or HDL, increased by 20%. He reduced the level of triglycerides, which are a form of fat, by 39%.”²

    His results clearly showed that being overweight is what causes the majority of these effects, rather than the nutritional value of the foods consumed."

    You can't deny real world results and tests. I know people who eat absolute crap, but they fit it into their macros and calories, and their cholesterol is at ideal levels. How do you explain that?
  • PikaKnight
    PikaKnight Posts: 34,971 Member
    Can we stop hijacking the thread and throwing not so subtle insults around and get back to the burger?
  • Timshel_
    Timshel_ Posts: 22,834 Member
    If that works for you, that's cool. I get more of the feeling that you are trying to make a statement to people who eat leaner or different styles though, which is all about individual choice.
  • Perplexities
    Perplexities Posts: 612 Member
    Yes you can be a lean mean fighting machine eating like this.

    Medical science also says you are far more likely to die young of coronary artery disease or heart attack. I'll pass.

    if you eat it every day, maybe.

    where did the OP say he cheeseburgerosauruses every day?

    or even every other day?

    or even once a week?

    strawman arguments are for people without facts to support their opinions.

    Generally people do IIFYM so they can continue eating foods many would deem "unhealthy" Sugars, saturated fats, etc.

    It isn't a huge leap to assume that OP and most IIFYM advocates eat that way fairly often. Though I wont comment on whether I even agree with this this statement

    "Medical science also says you are far more likely to die young of coronary artery disease or heart attack" Source?

    if you think IIFYM is all about justifying eating binges, then you are completely mistaken.

    IIFYM is the set of all healthy eating strategies that exist. there are subsets that some adhere to (such as clean eating), but those are just subsets. by definition, subsets of a set share the properties of the set. hence clean eating is an IIFYM strategy too.

    the difference is that clean eater fills their "extra" calories with "clean" foods after meeting their macros. IIFYM'ers fill their "extra" calories with whatever they want after meeting their macros. the "clean" eaters get to feel smug about being 100% clean. the IIFYM'ers get to enjoy ice cream and pizza and cheeseburgers from time to time with their extra calories. i'd rather have occasional pizza than perpetual smugness.

    not saying YOU are smug, just that a lot of clean/paleo/primal people are well-acquainted with how to act smug about their diets.

    The way you choose to define IIFYM for YOURSELF is your choice. I simply said generally speaking IIFYM is all about eating whatever you want, which for the majority of people is what most would deem "Unhealthy" foods.

    by definition, this is untrue. people with no clue about IIFYM may resemble your characterization, but the assumption is that anyone who knows enough to say they are IIFYM, knows enough not to be doing what you asserted.

    I'm not saying by definition that isn't true. I'm simply saying go on any bodybuilding forums in the "IIFYM" subforum and you'll have all the evidence you need that "Generally speaking" people on IIFYM are doing it to allow themselves to eat what most would deem "unhealthy" IIFYM is as simple or as complicated as one makes it.
  • Perplexities
    Perplexities Posts: 612 Member
    "Medical science also says you are far more likely to die young of coronary artery disease or heart attack" Source?

    Really? You aren't joking?

    Not only every physician I've ever spoken with, but also:


    And before someone picks at the word "young," lets just say "young" is a relative term. "Younger" would have been a better word choice.

    Being inactive.
    Family history. If family members have or had high cholesterol, you may also have it.
    Overall health. Diseases such as hypothyroidism can raise cholesterol.
    Also effect cholesterol.

    20% of your cholesterol comes from your diet. I eat like the OP and my numbers always come back perfect. I wouldn't say I'm anymore likely to die of coronary artery disease or heart attack due to my diet. I don't believe you can say with any certainly the OP is risking a premature death by eating cheese burgers without slipping him a rohypnol and taking a blood sample for analyzing.

    That doesn't change anything. You obviously didn't understand my post.
    You're right. That doesn't change anything. You obviously didn't understand my post lol.

    exactly what I expected.
  • BrainyBurro
    BrainyBurro Posts: 6,129 Member
    Yes you can be a lean mean fighting machine eating like this.

    Medical science also says you are far more likely to die young of coronary artery disease or heart attack. I'll pass.

    if you eat it every day, maybe.

    where did the OP say he cheeseburgerosauruses every day?

    or even every other day?

    or even once a week?

    strawman arguments are for people without facts to support their opinions.

    Generally people do IIFYM so they can continue eating foods many would deem "unhealthy" Sugars, saturated fats, etc.

    It isn't a huge leap to assume that OP and most IIFYM advocates eat that way fairly often. Though I wont comment on whether I even agree with this this statement

    "Medical science also says you are far more likely to die young of coronary artery disease or heart attack" Source?

    if you think IIFYM is all about justifying eating binges, then you are completely mistaken.

    IIFYM is the set of all healthy eating strategies that exist. there are subsets that some adhere to (such as clean eating), but those are just subsets. by definition, subsets of a set share the properties of the set. hence clean eating is an IIFYM strategy too.

    the difference is that clean eater fills their "extra" calories with "clean" foods after meeting their macros. IIFYM'ers fill their "extra" calories with whatever they want after meeting their macros. the "clean" eaters get to feel smug about being 100% clean. the IIFYM'ers get to enjoy ice cream and pizza and cheeseburgers from time to time with their extra calories. i'd rather have occasional pizza than perpetual smugness.

    not saying YOU are smug, just that a lot of clean/paleo/primal people are well-acquainted with how to act smug about their diets.

    The way you choose to define IIFYM for YOURSELF is your choice. I simply said generally speaking IIFYM is all about eating whatever you want, which for the majority of people is what most would deem "Unhealthy" foods.

    by definition, this is untrue. people with no clue about IIFYM may resemble your characterization, but the assumption is that anyone who knows enough to say they are IIFYM, knows enough not to be doing what you asserted.

    I'm not saying by definition that isn't true. I'm simply saying go on any bodybuilding forums in the "IIFYM" subforum and you'll have all the evidence you need that "Generally speaking" people on IIFYM are doing it to allow themselves to eat what most would deem "unhealthy"

    i think you're missing my point. the guys you are pointing to as evidence are usually all following an 80/20 or 90/10 dietary scheme where they only allow 10%-20% of their daily calories to come from whatever they want to eat. some days that may be a donut, other days that may be an extra portion of beans. it's not an excuse for them to eat a diet consisting mostly of of what you call "unhealthy" foods. it's wiggle room to allow them to enjoy the foods they like (whatever they may be) after they've met their macros.
  • HappyElizabeth
    HappyElizabeth Posts: 231 Member
    I'm kind of fascinated by the technique used to actually eat that! Seriously, do you use a fork? Start biting from the top? It should come with instructions.
  • CoderGal
    CoderGal Posts: 6,800 Member
    Can we stop hijacking the thread and throwing not so subtle insults around and get back to the burger?
    What are you talking about? All I see is this:
  • PikaKnight
    PikaKnight Posts: 34,971 Member
    Can we stop hijacking the thread and throwing not so subtle insults around and get back to the burger?
    What are you talking about? All I see is this:

    Is it wrong that I'm totally giving two thumbs up to the chick eating the remains? If so, I don't want to be right :P
  • SteveJWatson
    SteveJWatson Posts: 1,225 Member
    I'm curious as to why the OP ordered all that but chose *diet* soda.

    Whether it fits your macros/calories or not, gluttony of that magnitude is pretty disgusting, When some have nothing, an ostentatious display of excess food is...... its like that "Man Vs Food" - I can't watch that show.
  • 3dogsrunning
    3dogsrunning Posts: 27,167 Member
    I'm curious as to why the OP ordered all that but chose *diet* soda.

    Whether it fits your macros/calories or not, gluttony of that magnitude is pretty disgusting, When some have nothing, an ostentatious display of excess food is...... its like that "Man Vs Food" - I can't watch that show.

    I actually do this. I just prefer the taste. Nothing to do with calories.
  • jonnythan
    jonnythan Posts: 10,161 Member
    This is amazing.
  • PikaKnight
    PikaKnight Posts: 34,971 Member
    I'm curious as to why the OP ordered all that but chose *diet* soda.

    Whether it fits your macros/calories or not, gluttony of that magnitude is pretty disgusting, When some have nothing, an ostentatious display of excess food is...... its like that "Man Vs Food" - I can't watch that show.

    I actually do this. I just prefer the taste. Nothing to do with calories.

    Me as well. I don't like regular cola and it also makes my teeth feel funny, but I'm okay with diet coke and like the taste better.
  • jofjltncb6
    jofjltncb6 Posts: 34,415 Member
    This is amazing.

    The burger?

    Or the ensuing "discussion"?

    Either way, yes...

    ...yes it is.
  • brower47
    brower47 Posts: 16,356 Member
    I'm curious as to why the OP ordered all that but chose *diet* soda.

    Whether it fits your macros/calories or not, gluttony of that magnitude is pretty disgusting, When some have nothing, an ostentatious display of excess food is...... its like that "Man Vs Food" - I can't watch that show.

    My husband only drinks diet soda because he prefers the taste.
  • chrisdavey
    chrisdavey Posts: 9,834 Member
    If that works for you, that's cool. I get more of the feeling that you are trying to make a statement to people who eat leaner or different styles though, which is all about individual choice.

    eat leaner? I literally have no idea what you are talking about.

    Re diet coke: large diet coke is what 250cals? Still would be another 250cals that he has to make up on his low days for his weekly average. All adds up. I basically never waste calories on any liquid yet eat very large meals like the OP. Same amount of satiety diet or non diet and I don't really have a sweet tooth anyway.
  • Katrioustu
    Katrioustu Posts: 2,461 Member
    That thing makes my tummy hurt Dx
  • thekyleo
    thekyleo Posts: 632 Member
    i dont think that IIFYM can work for everyone
  • jonnythan
    jonnythan Posts: 10,161 Member
    i dont think that IIFYM can work for everyone

    It works fine if they do it. The only issue would be compliance.