Maybe Sugar IS the Devil - US Goverment Diet Recommendations



  • juggernaut1974
    juggernaut1974 Posts: 6,212 Member
    BeastForm wrote: »
    BeastForm wrote: »
    BeastForm wrote: »
    BeastForm wrote: »
    BeastForm wrote: »
    BeastForm wrote: »
    BeastForm wrote: »
    Hornsby wrote: »
    BeastForm wrote: »
    Couldn't be bothered to read everything so don't know if this has been mentioned. A big part of how unhealthy sugar can be is how your body deals with it. I am diabetic and regulary monitor my blood sugar levels so I have a good idea what is going on. When I was at my worst a bowl of oatmeal with milk would send my bloodsugar into the unhealthy range. Now I have improved my health by losing weight, cardio and weight training. I also only eat sugar from natural sources like fruit and milk. By doing all of this I can enjoy eating double the recommended sugar intake and still stay healthy. I did it for three months and had a blood test. My bloodsugar levels were still in the healthy range although slightly increaded. They rose from 30 to 35. The healthy range is 20 to 42 I think. I'm not saying try and eat loads of sugary things and stay healthy anyway as it is not wise to stress your body with excess sugar intake. It's just interesting to have this information. You can get far ahead of any health risks with the correct lifestyle and occasionaly enjoy treats and stay perfectly healthy. One day I at two whole pizzas to myself so I still indulge. Being fitter and stronger helps you out in everyday life too.

    No one disputes that sugar needs to be watched by diabetics. That doesn't not apply to all.

    Yeah but it's just you can be even further away from any health risks by at least not eating added sugar. It's not black and white, these things sneak up on people. Once something happens that you can't change you wish so bad that you lived differently.Added sugar has no benefits at all. It's a pure addiction.

    Absolutely false.

    Ok what are the benefits of adding sugar to food?

    Energy. Calories (not EVERYONE is trying to lose weight). Taste. Carbs. Fuel for workouts.

    All this is available without added sugar. You are conditioned to be this way. I don't need a sugar high to hit a deadlift PR.

    So, your contention is that the availablility of alternatives means that each individual alternative has zero benefits?

    Adding sugar to food is not an alternative. It's a food industry strategy and it works big time. The cost? Well I'm sure they don' t lose any sleep after they get tired counting their millions of dollars. Who cares if people get sick and die? What's a limb or two here and there? Where do you draw the line?

    Yes, I'm sure the food industry's strategy is to kill or injure as many of their consumers as possible.


    But your post didn't answer the question I asked.

    You simply do not need to add extra sugar to food. There is enough in it already. The food industry encourages over consumption of their products to maximize profits.

    Not NEEDING to do something, doesn't mean there's no benefit.

    I don't NEED to go work out this afternoon. But I'm going to anyway, and I'll benefit from it.

    I don't disagree that many food items are created and marketed encouraging over-consumption. You'll get no argument from me there. The key, then would seem to me to be to learn how to eliminate the OVER part...not the CONSUMPTION part. And in an attempt to actually - you know - discuss the actual topic of the thread, it would seem the dietary guidelines agree. (I'll even call out my own appeal to authority fallacy)

    If the human race had never figured out how to extract sugar from one food and pile it onto another then we would be a lot better off. You can call it natural selection if you want. There are too many people on the earth I suppose. But people get so addicted to junk food they just end up with a slow tormented death. If sugar dissapeared overnight this would go a long way to stopping this kind of situatiuon.

    This is perhaps the silliest post Ive ever seen.

    Stick around a while! The fun is just beginning

    Well stupid me I guess for picking a fight with the champion of the internet

    Well...technically my title is "Grand Poobah"...but champion will do :)

    Seriously - I'm not fighting - just having a discussion.
  • AnvilHead
    AnvilHead Posts: 18,344 Member
    ndj1979 wrote: »
    BeastForm wrote: »
    dubird wrote: »
    BeastForm wrote: »
    BeastForm wrote: »
    BeastForm wrote: »
    BeastForm wrote: »
    BeastForm wrote: »
    Hornsby wrote: »
    BeastForm wrote: »
    Couldn't be bothered to read everything so don't know if this has been mentioned. A big part of how unhealthy sugar can be is how your body deals with it. I am diabetic and regulary monitor my blood sugar levels so I have a good idea what is going on. When I was at my worst a bowl of oatmeal with milk would send my bloodsugar into the unhealthy range. Now I have improved my health by losing weight, cardio and weight training. I also only eat sugar from natural sources like fruit and milk. By doing all of this I can enjoy eating double the recommended sugar intake and still stay healthy. I did it for three months and had a blood test. My bloodsugar levels were still in the healthy range although slightly increaded. They rose from 30 to 35. The healthy range is 20 to 42 I think. I'm not saying try and eat loads of sugary things and stay healthy anyway as it is not wise to stress your body with excess sugar intake. It's just interesting to have this information. You can get far ahead of any health risks with the correct lifestyle and occasionaly enjoy treats and stay perfectly healthy. One day I at two whole pizzas to myself so I still indulge. Being fitter and stronger helps you out in everyday life too.

    No one disputes that sugar needs to be watched by diabetics. That doesn't not apply to all.

    Yeah but it's just you can be even further away from any health risks by at least not eating added sugar. It's not black and white, these things sneak up on people. Once something happens that you can't change you wish so bad that you lived differently.Added sugar has no benefits at all. It's a pure addiction.

    Absolutely false.

    Ok what are the benefits of adding sugar to food?

    Energy. Calories (not EVERYONE is trying to lose weight). Taste. Carbs. Fuel for workouts.

    All this is available without added sugar. You are conditioned to be this way. I don't need a sugar high to hit a deadlift PR.

    So, your contention is that the availablility of alternatives means that each individual alternative has zero benefits?

    Adding sugar to food is not an alternative. It's a food industry strategy and it works big time. The cost? Well I'm sure they don' t lose any sleep after they get tired counting their millions of dollars. Who cares if people get sick and die? What's a limb or two here and there? Where do you draw the line?

    Yes, I'm sure the food industry's strategy is to kill or injure as many of their consumers as possible.


    But your post didn't answer the question I asked.

    You simply do not need to add extra sugar to food. There is enough in it already. The food industry encourages over consumption of their products to maximize profits.

    How are you defining extra sugar? Are you talking about adding sugar to something that's already sweet? I agree that would be overkill. Are you talking about the dreaded HFCS? Because when your body breaks it down, it treats it the same as any other sugar.

    Now, I do think that processed foods have more sugar then they need in them, but it's for the same reason they use MSG: cheap way to add flavor. Which, incidentally, means I can't eat a lot of processed foods anymore since they're putting MSG back into them and my digestive system breaks out the pitchforks and torches when I get a little in my system. ><

    But sugar itself? Sugar is not evil. It does not come from the Dark Side, it does not target your body and decay it from the inside, nor does it travel directly to your fat cells and build expansions. Sugar itself is a necessary nutrient you need. Just make sure you're getting a reasonable amount, and if you eat a lot of processed meals, make sure you keep track of it so you don't get too much.

    Ok the point I'm making is that extracting sugar from food to use on other food is the problem. Stopping doing that is like a "dumb solution" if you like as people seem to be unable to control their eating. Everyone here is probably used to tracking what they eat so it's easy for us. Some people just cannot control themselves and just end up dying from it. All the information is out there on how to be healthy so why are there so many obese people? They just can't do it. Stopping adding sugar to foods would prevent a lot of this from happening. I know it's just a dream really because of all the money involved and corporate power blah blah

    what does it matter? Sugar = sugar. So if you get your sugar from fruit or from adding it, it does not matter.

    Please provide a study that identifies sugar solely as a killer. And don't post something about obese people, and heart disease because that can be linked to over consumption of x, y, z foods.

    I want to know a study where sugar was identified as the sole killer....

    People are are obese because they over consume CALORIES. Trying to blame one macro nutrient for the obesity epidemic is ridiculous.

    when I was overweight I was more likely to binge on fatty or salty foods like pizza, mozzarella sticks, fried chicken etc,

    Wait for will be a blog entry (not study) by either Lustig, Taubes or MercoLOLa.
  • dubird
    dubird Posts: 1,849 Member
    dubird wrote: »
    BeastForm wrote: »
    BeastForm wrote: »
    BeastForm wrote: »
    BeastForm wrote: »
    BeastForm wrote: »
    Hornsby wrote: »
    BeastForm wrote: »
    Couldn't be bothered to read everything so don't know if this has been mentioned. A big part of how unhealthy sugar can be is how your body deals with it. I am diabetic and regulary monitor my blood sugar levels so I have a good idea what is going on. When I was at my worst a bowl of oatmeal with milk would send my bloodsugar into the unhealthy range. Now I have improved my health by losing weight, cardio and weight training. I also only eat sugar from natural sources like fruit and milk. By doing all of this I can enjoy eating double the recommended sugar intake and still stay healthy. I did it for three months and had a blood test. My bloodsugar levels were still in the healthy range although slightly increaded. They rose from 30 to 35. The healthy range is 20 to 42 I think. I'm not saying try and eat loads of sugary things and stay healthy anyway as it is not wise to stress your body with excess sugar intake. It's just interesting to have this information. You can get far ahead of any health risks with the correct lifestyle and occasionaly enjoy treats and stay perfectly healthy. One day I at two whole pizzas to myself so I still indulge. Being fitter and stronger helps you out in everyday life too.

    No one disputes that sugar needs to be watched by diabetics. That doesn't not apply to all.

    Yeah but it's just you can be even further away from any health risks by at least not eating added sugar. It's not black and white, these things sneak up on people. Once something happens that you can't change you wish so bad that you lived differently.Added sugar has no benefits at all. It's a pure addiction.

    Absolutely false.

    Ok what are the benefits of adding sugar to food?

    Energy. Calories (not EVERYONE is trying to lose weight). Taste. Carbs. Fuel for workouts.

    All this is available without added sugar. You are conditioned to be this way. I don't need a sugar high to hit a deadlift PR.

    So, your contention is that the availablility of alternatives means that each individual alternative has zero benefits?

    Adding sugar to food is not an alternative. It's a food industry strategy and it works big time. The cost? Well I'm sure they don' t lose any sleep after they get tired counting their millions of dollars. Who cares if people get sick and die? What's a limb or two here and there? Where do you draw the line?

    Yes, I'm sure the food industry's strategy is to kill or injure as many of their consumers as possible.


    But your post didn't answer the question I asked.

    You simply do not need to add extra sugar to food. There is enough in it already. The food industry encourages over consumption of their products to maximize profits.

    How are you defining extra sugar? Are you talking about adding sugar to something that's already sweet? I agree that would be overkill. Are you talking about the dreaded HFCS? Because when your body breaks it down, it treats it the same as any other sugar.

    Now, I do think that processed foods have more sugar then they need in them, but it's for the same reason they use MSG: cheap way to add flavor. Which, incidentally, means I can't eat a lot of processed foods anymore since they're putting MSG back into them and my digestive system breaks out the pitchforks and torches when I get a little in my system. ><

    But sugar itself? Sugar is not evil. It does not come from the Dark Side, it does not target your body and decay it from the inside, nor does it travel directly to your fat cells and build expansions. Sugar itself is a necessary nutrient you need. Just make sure you're getting a reasonable amount, and if you eat a lot of processed meals, make sure you keep track of it so you don't get too much.

    Sugar killed my pa and stole my dog! Sugar caused our crops to fail and forced my sister into a disreputable profession...dentistry.

    No no, it's just misguided! It didn't mean to kill your pa! Though, it probably did mean to steal your dog. Dogs are great.
  • ndj1979
    ndj1979 Posts: 29,136 Member
    AnvilHead wrote: »
    ndj1979 wrote: »
    BeastForm wrote: »
    dubird wrote: »
    BeastForm wrote: »
    BeastForm wrote: »
    BeastForm wrote: »
    BeastForm wrote: »
    BeastForm wrote: »
    Hornsby wrote: »
    BeastForm wrote: »
    Couldn't be bothered to read everything so don't know if this has been mentioned. A big part of how unhealthy sugar can be is how your body deals with it. I am diabetic and regulary monitor my blood sugar levels so I have a good idea what is going on. When I was at my worst a bowl of oatmeal with milk would send my bloodsugar into the unhealthy range. Now I have improved my health by losing weight, cardio and weight training. I also only eat sugar from natural sources like fruit and milk. By doing all of this I can enjoy eating double the recommended sugar intake and still stay healthy. I did it for three months and had a blood test. My bloodsugar levels were still in the healthy range although slightly increaded. They rose from 30 to 35. The healthy range is 20 to 42 I think. I'm not saying try and eat loads of sugary things and stay healthy anyway as it is not wise to stress your body with excess sugar intake. It's just interesting to have this information. You can get far ahead of any health risks with the correct lifestyle and occasionaly enjoy treats and stay perfectly healthy. One day I at two whole pizzas to myself so I still indulge. Being fitter and stronger helps you out in everyday life too.

    No one disputes that sugar needs to be watched by diabetics. That doesn't not apply to all.

    Yeah but it's just you can be even further away from any health risks by at least not eating added sugar. It's not black and white, these things sneak up on people. Once something happens that you can't change you wish so bad that you lived differently.Added sugar has no benefits at all. It's a pure addiction.

    Absolutely false.

    Ok what are the benefits of adding sugar to food?

    Energy. Calories (not EVERYONE is trying to lose weight). Taste. Carbs. Fuel for workouts.

    All this is available without added sugar. You are conditioned to be this way. I don't need a sugar high to hit a deadlift PR.

    So, your contention is that the availablility of alternatives means that each individual alternative has zero benefits?

    Adding sugar to food is not an alternative. It's a food industry strategy and it works big time. The cost? Well I'm sure they don' t lose any sleep after they get tired counting their millions of dollars. Who cares if people get sick and die? What's a limb or two here and there? Where do you draw the line?

    Yes, I'm sure the food industry's strategy is to kill or injure as many of their consumers as possible.


    But your post didn't answer the question I asked.

    You simply do not need to add extra sugar to food. There is enough in it already. The food industry encourages over consumption of their products to maximize profits.

    How are you defining extra sugar? Are you talking about adding sugar to something that's already sweet? I agree that would be overkill. Are you talking about the dreaded HFCS? Because when your body breaks it down, it treats it the same as any other sugar.

    Now, I do think that processed foods have more sugar then they need in them, but it's for the same reason they use MSG: cheap way to add flavor. Which, incidentally, means I can't eat a lot of processed foods anymore since they're putting MSG back into them and my digestive system breaks out the pitchforks and torches when I get a little in my system. ><

    But sugar itself? Sugar is not evil. It does not come from the Dark Side, it does not target your body and decay it from the inside, nor does it travel directly to your fat cells and build expansions. Sugar itself is a necessary nutrient you need. Just make sure you're getting a reasonable amount, and if you eat a lot of processed meals, make sure you keep track of it so you don't get too much.

    Ok the point I'm making is that extracting sugar from food to use on other food is the problem. Stopping doing that is like a "dumb solution" if you like as people seem to be unable to control their eating. Everyone here is probably used to tracking what they eat so it's easy for us. Some people just cannot control themselves and just end up dying from it. All the information is out there on how to be healthy so why are there so many obese people? They just can't do it. Stopping adding sugar to foods would prevent a lot of this from happening. I know it's just a dream really because of all the money involved and corporate power blah blah

    what does it matter? Sugar = sugar. So if you get your sugar from fruit or from adding it, it does not matter.

    Please provide a study that identifies sugar solely as a killer. And don't post something about obese people, and heart disease because that can be linked to over consumption of x, y, z foods.

    I want to know a study where sugar was identified as the sole killer....

    People are are obese because they over consume CALORIES. Trying to blame one macro nutrient for the obesity epidemic is ridiculous.

    when I was overweight I was more likely to binge on fatty or salty foods like pizza, mozzarella sticks, fried chicken etc,

    Wait for will be a blog entry (not study) by either Lustig, Taubes or MercoLOLa.

    the lustig train is never late....
  • Carlos_421
    Carlos_421 Posts: 5,132 Member
    edited January 2016
    Eh...I'm just gonna go for it.

  • dubird
    dubird Posts: 1,849 Member
    BeastForm wrote: »
    dubird wrote: »
    BeastForm wrote: »
    BeastForm wrote: »
    BeastForm wrote: »
    BeastForm wrote: »
    BeastForm wrote: »
    Hornsby wrote: »
    BeastForm wrote: »
    Couldn't be bothered to read everything so don't know if this has been mentioned. A big part of how unhealthy sugar can be is how your body deals with it. I am diabetic and regulary monitor my blood sugar levels so I have a good idea what is going on. When I was at my worst a bowl of oatmeal with milk would send my bloodsugar into the unhealthy range. Now I have improved my health by losing weight, cardio and weight training. I also only eat sugar from natural sources like fruit and milk. By doing all of this I can enjoy eating double the recommended sugar intake and still stay healthy. I did it for three months and had a blood test. My bloodsugar levels were still in the healthy range although slightly increaded. They rose from 30 to 35. The healthy range is 20 to 42 I think. I'm not saying try and eat loads of sugary things and stay healthy anyway as it is not wise to stress your body with excess sugar intake. It's just interesting to have this information. You can get far ahead of any health risks with the correct lifestyle and occasionaly enjoy treats and stay perfectly healthy. One day I at two whole pizzas to myself so I still indulge. Being fitter and stronger helps you out in everyday life too.

    No one disputes that sugar needs to be watched by diabetics. That doesn't not apply to all.

    Yeah but it's just you can be even further away from any health risks by at least not eating added sugar. It's not black and white, these things sneak up on people. Once something happens that you can't change you wish so bad that you lived differently.Added sugar has no benefits at all. It's a pure addiction.

    Absolutely false.

    Ok what are the benefits of adding sugar to food?

    Energy. Calories (not EVERYONE is trying to lose weight). Taste. Carbs. Fuel for workouts.

    All this is available without added sugar. You are conditioned to be this way. I don't need a sugar high to hit a deadlift PR.

    So, your contention is that the availablility of alternatives means that each individual alternative has zero benefits?

    Adding sugar to food is not an alternative. It's a food industry strategy and it works big time. The cost? Well I'm sure they don' t lose any sleep after they get tired counting their millions of dollars. Who cares if people get sick and die? What's a limb or two here and there? Where do you draw the line?

    Yes, I'm sure the food industry's strategy is to kill or injure as many of their consumers as possible.


    But your post didn't answer the question I asked.

    You simply do not need to add extra sugar to food. There is enough in it already. The food industry encourages over consumption of their products to maximize profits.

    How are you defining extra sugar? Are you talking about adding sugar to something that's already sweet? I agree that would be overkill. Are you talking about the dreaded HFCS? Because when your body breaks it down, it treats it the same as any other sugar.

    Now, I do think that processed foods have more sugar then they need in them, but it's for the same reason they use MSG: cheap way to add flavor. Which, incidentally, means I can't eat a lot of processed foods anymore since they're putting MSG back into them and my digestive system breaks out the pitchforks and torches when I get a little in my system. ><

    But sugar itself? Sugar is not evil. It does not come from the Dark Side, it does not target your body and decay it from the inside, nor does it travel directly to your fat cells and build expansions. Sugar itself is a necessary nutrient you need. Just make sure you're getting a reasonable amount, and if you eat a lot of processed meals, make sure you keep track of it so you don't get too much.

    Ok the point I'm making is that extracting sugar from food to use on other food is the problem. Stopping doing that is like a "dumb solution" if you like as people seem to be unable to control their eating. Everyone here is probably used to tracking what they eat so it's easy for us. Some people just cannot control themselves and just end up dying from it. All the information is out there on how to be healthy so why are there so many obese people? They just can't do it. Stopping adding sugar to foods would prevent a lot of this from happening. I know it's just a dream really because of all the money involved and corporate power blah blah

  • Sued0nim
    Sued0nim Posts: 17,456 Member
    Carlos_421 wrote: »
    Eh...I'm just gonna go for it.

    You posted my favourite gif evah!

    You Sir, win @Carlos_421
  • WinoGelato
    WinoGelato Posts: 13,454 Member
    lemurcat12 wrote: »
    joinn68 wrote: »
    lemurcat12 wrote: »
    It is unreal how much sugar we use today.

    We? I think it's pretty clear that you can't generalize.

    I didn't eat large amounts of sugar when getting fat. It wasn't something I grew up with or adopted. I did eat some added sugar, because sugar (combined with fat and other things) is often part of a tasty pie or cookie or ice cream or even rhubarb sauce and not evil. Never been insulin resistant, never had other diet-related health issues, lost the weight eating as many carbs as I wanted and never once drinking lots of oil or butter in some coffee (plus, coffee tastes best black).

    Take the "we" as in "we as a society". Just because YOU personally don't doesn't make it less unreal

    If you buy packaged goods look at the sugar added to random foods : ketchup is an obvious example, dressings, some savory snacks, coleslaw mentioned by @GaleHawkins

    I don't eat a lot of sugar. I strongly don't have anything against sugar either. I don't even track it on MFP tbh.

    You know, most of the sugar in ketchup comes from the tomatoes.

    Tomatoes are nature's Twinkie.

    Are you a shill for Big Tomato? Is this your corporate logo?

  • Carlos_421
    Carlos_421 Posts: 5,132 Member
    rabbitjb wrote: »
    Carlos_421 wrote: »
    Eh...I'm just gonna go for it.

    You posted my favourite gif evah!

    You Sir, win @Carlos_421

  • WinoGelato
    WinoGelato Posts: 13,454 Member
    BeastForm wrote: »
    dubird wrote: »
    BeastForm wrote: »
    BeastForm wrote: »
    BeastForm wrote: »
    BeastForm wrote: »
    BeastForm wrote: »
    Hornsby wrote: »
    BeastForm wrote: »
    Couldn't be bothered to read everything so don't know if this has been mentioned. A big part of how unhealthy sugar can be is how your body deals with it. I am diabetic and regulary monitor my blood sugar levels so I have a good idea what is going on. When I was at my worst a bowl of oatmeal with milk would send my bloodsugar into the unhealthy range. Now I have improved my health by losing weight, cardio and weight training. I also only eat sugar from natural sources like fruit and milk. By doing all of this I can enjoy eating double the recommended sugar intake and still stay healthy. I did it for three months and had a blood test. My bloodsugar levels were still in the healthy range although slightly increaded. They rose from 30 to 35. The healthy range is 20 to 42 I think. I'm not saying try and eat loads of sugary things and stay healthy anyway as it is not wise to stress your body with excess sugar intake. It's just interesting to have this information. You can get far ahead of any health risks with the correct lifestyle and occasionaly enjoy treats and stay perfectly healthy. One day I at two whole pizzas to myself so I still indulge. Being fitter and stronger helps you out in everyday life too.

    No one disputes that sugar needs to be watched by diabetics. That doesn't not apply to all.

    Yeah but it's just you can be even further away from any health risks by at least not eating added sugar. It's not black and white, these things sneak up on people. Once something happens that you can't change you wish so bad that you lived differently.Added sugar has no benefits at all. It's a pure addiction.

    Absolutely false.

    Ok what are the benefits of adding sugar to food?

    Energy. Calories (not EVERYONE is trying to lose weight). Taste. Carbs. Fuel for workouts.

    All this is available without added sugar. You are conditioned to be this way. I don't need a sugar high to hit a deadlift PR.

    So, your contention is that the availablility of alternatives means that each individual alternative has zero benefits?

    Adding sugar to food is not an alternative. It's a food industry strategy and it works big time. The cost? Well I'm sure they don' t lose any sleep after they get tired counting their millions of dollars. Who cares if people get sick and die? What's a limb or two here and there? Where do you draw the line?

    Yes, I'm sure the food industry's strategy is to kill or injure as many of their consumers as possible.


    But your post didn't answer the question I asked.

    You simply do not need to add extra sugar to food. There is enough in it already. The food industry encourages over consumption of their products to maximize profits.

    How are you defining extra sugar? Are you talking about adding sugar to something that's already sweet? I agree that would be overkill. Are you talking about the dreaded HFCS? Because when your body breaks it down, it treats it the same as any other sugar.

    Now, I do think that processed foods have more sugar then they need in them, but it's for the same reason they use MSG: cheap way to add flavor. Which, incidentally, means I can't eat a lot of processed foods anymore since they're putting MSG back into them and my digestive system breaks out the pitchforks and torches when I get a little in my system. ><

    But sugar itself? Sugar is not evil. It does not come from the Dark Side, it does not target your body and decay it from the inside, nor does it travel directly to your fat cells and build expansions. Sugar itself is a necessary nutrient you need. Just make sure you're getting a reasonable amount, and if you eat a lot of processed meals, make sure you keep track of it so you don't get too much.

    Ok the point I'm making is that extracting sugar from food to use on other food is the problem. Stopping doing that is like a "dumb solution" if you like as people seem to be unable to control their eating. Everyone here is probably used to tracking what they eat so it's easy for us. Some people just cannot control themselves and just end up dying from it. All the information is out there on how to be healthy so why are there so many obese people? They just can't do it. Stopping adding sugar to foods would prevent a lot of this from happening. I know it's just a dream really because of all the money involved and corporate power blah blah

    So I really am trying to understand your point here. Are you saying that no one should consume sugar in any form, regardless of whether or not they have a medical reason to restrict it, because someday we MIGHT have medical issues - IR, etc?

    And this comment about extracting sugar from food to use on other food - can you give me an example of what you mean there? Is someone grinding up twinkies into a powder, chemically extracting the sugar from them, and then sprinkling that on their Lucky Charms? Or are you talking about the Food Industry sweetening foods, thereby "hooking" their unwitting customers into continuing to buy more and more of these products? What about other craveable foods - chips, etc. What's the reason people can't stop eating those?

    Again - you seem to be of the mindset that the consumer is being influenced by these big bad corporations that want to make a tasty product that people enjoy so that they will buy more of it. Because solid business logic says that you should try to make a terrible product that people don't like so that they don't buy it....
  • AnvilHead
    AnvilHead Posts: 18,344 Member
    edited January 2016
    WinoGelato wrote: »
    BeastForm wrote: »
    dubird wrote: »
    BeastForm wrote: »
    BeastForm wrote: »
    BeastForm wrote: »
    BeastForm wrote: »
    BeastForm wrote: »
    Hornsby wrote: »
    BeastForm wrote: »
    Couldn't be bothered to read everything so don't know if this has been mentioned. A big part of how unhealthy sugar can be is how your body deals with it. I am diabetic and regulary monitor my blood sugar levels so I have a good idea what is going on. When I was at my worst a bowl of oatmeal with milk would send my bloodsugar into the unhealthy range. Now I have improved my health by losing weight, cardio and weight training. I also only eat sugar from natural sources like fruit and milk. By doing all of this I can enjoy eating double the recommended sugar intake and still stay healthy. I did it for three months and had a blood test. My bloodsugar levels were still in the healthy range although slightly increaded. They rose from 30 to 35. The healthy range is 20 to 42 I think. I'm not saying try and eat loads of sugary things and stay healthy anyway as it is not wise to stress your body with excess sugar intake. It's just interesting to have this information. You can get far ahead of any health risks with the correct lifestyle and occasionaly enjoy treats and stay perfectly healthy. One day I at two whole pizzas to myself so I still indulge. Being fitter and stronger helps you out in everyday life too.

    No one disputes that sugar needs to be watched by diabetics. That doesn't not apply to all.

    Yeah but it's just you can be even further away from any health risks by at least not eating added sugar. It's not black and white, these things sneak up on people. Once something happens that you can't change you wish so bad that you lived differently.Added sugar has no benefits at all. It's a pure addiction.

    Absolutely false.

    Ok what are the benefits of adding sugar to food?

    Energy. Calories (not EVERYONE is trying to lose weight). Taste. Carbs. Fuel for workouts.

    All this is available without added sugar. You are conditioned to be this way. I don't need a sugar high to hit a deadlift PR.

    So, your contention is that the availablility of alternatives means that each individual alternative has zero benefits?

    Adding sugar to food is not an alternative. It's a food industry strategy and it works big time. The cost? Well I'm sure they don' t lose any sleep after they get tired counting their millions of dollars. Who cares if people get sick and die? What's a limb or two here and there? Where do you draw the line?

    Yes, I'm sure the food industry's strategy is to kill or injure as many of their consumers as possible.


    But your post didn't answer the question I asked.

    You simply do not need to add extra sugar to food. There is enough in it already. The food industry encourages over consumption of their products to maximize profits.

    How are you defining extra sugar? Are you talking about adding sugar to something that's already sweet? I agree that would be overkill. Are you talking about the dreaded HFCS? Because when your body breaks it down, it treats it the same as any other sugar.

    Now, I do think that processed foods have more sugar then they need in them, but it's for the same reason they use MSG: cheap way to add flavor. Which, incidentally, means I can't eat a lot of processed foods anymore since they're putting MSG back into them and my digestive system breaks out the pitchforks and torches when I get a little in my system. ><

    But sugar itself? Sugar is not evil. It does not come from the Dark Side, it does not target your body and decay it from the inside, nor does it travel directly to your fat cells and build expansions. Sugar itself is a necessary nutrient you need. Just make sure you're getting a reasonable amount, and if you eat a lot of processed meals, make sure you keep track of it so you don't get too much.

    Ok the point I'm making is that extracting sugar from food to use on other food is the problem. Stopping doing that is like a "dumb solution" if you like as people seem to be unable to control their eating. Everyone here is probably used to tracking what they eat so it's easy for us. Some people just cannot control themselves and just end up dying from it. All the information is out there on how to be healthy so why are there so many obese people? They just can't do it. Stopping adding sugar to foods would prevent a lot of this from happening. I know it's just a dream really because of all the money involved and corporate power blah blah

    So I really am trying to understand your point here. Are you saying that no one should consume sugar in any form, regardless of whether or not they have a medical reason to restrict it, because someday we MIGHT have medical issues - IR, etc?...

    I think his point is more leaning towards "if you consume any sugar in any form, even one grain of it, you'll get da diabeetus and die. 100% of the people, 100% of the time."

    The points being conveniently omitted/ignored are:

    1) All carbohydrates are metabolized into sugars. No matter how "clean" or "healthy" or "organic" or "complex" they are.

    2) Protein causes a BG spike nearly identical to carbs. So if sugarz iz da debil, proteinz must be da debilz too.
  • Carlos_421
    Carlos_421 Posts: 5,132 Member
    AnvilHead wrote: »
    WinoGelato wrote: »
    BeastForm wrote: »
    dubird wrote: »
    BeastForm wrote: »
    BeastForm wrote: »
    BeastForm wrote: »
    BeastForm wrote: »
    BeastForm wrote: »
    Hornsby wrote: »
    BeastForm wrote: »
    Couldn't be bothered to read everything so don't know if this has been mentioned. A big part of how unhealthy sugar can be is how your body deals with it. I am diabetic and regulary monitor my blood sugar levels so I have a good idea what is going on. When I was at my worst a bowl of oatmeal with milk would send my bloodsugar into the unhealthy range. Now I have improved my health by losing weight, cardio and weight training. I also only eat sugar from natural sources like fruit and milk. By doing all of this I can enjoy eating double the recommended sugar intake and still stay healthy. I did it for three months and had a blood test. My bloodsugar levels were still in the healthy range although slightly increaded. They rose from 30 to 35. The healthy range is 20 to 42 I think. I'm not saying try and eat loads of sugary things and stay healthy anyway as it is not wise to stress your body with excess sugar intake. It's just interesting to have this information. You can get far ahead of any health risks with the correct lifestyle and occasionaly enjoy treats and stay perfectly healthy. One day I at two whole pizzas to myself so I still indulge. Being fitter and stronger helps you out in everyday life too.

    No one disputes that sugar needs to be watched by diabetics. That doesn't not apply to all.

    Yeah but it's just you can be even further away from any health risks by at least not eating added sugar. It's not black and white, these things sneak up on people. Once something happens that you can't change you wish so bad that you lived differently.Added sugar has no benefits at all. It's a pure addiction.

    Absolutely false.

    Ok what are the benefits of adding sugar to food?

    Energy. Calories (not EVERYONE is trying to lose weight). Taste. Carbs. Fuel for workouts.

    All this is available without added sugar. You are conditioned to be this way. I don't need a sugar high to hit a deadlift PR.

    So, your contention is that the availablility of alternatives means that each individual alternative has zero benefits?

    Adding sugar to food is not an alternative. It's a food industry strategy and it works big time. The cost? Well I'm sure they don' t lose any sleep after they get tired counting their millions of dollars. Who cares if people get sick and die? What's a limb or two here and there? Where do you draw the line?

    Yes, I'm sure the food industry's strategy is to kill or injure as many of their consumers as possible.


    But your post didn't answer the question I asked.

    You simply do not need to add extra sugar to food. There is enough in it already. The food industry encourages over consumption of their products to maximize profits.

    How are you defining extra sugar? Are you talking about adding sugar to something that's already sweet? I agree that would be overkill. Are you talking about the dreaded HFCS? Because when your body breaks it down, it treats it the same as any other sugar.

    Now, I do think that processed foods have more sugar then they need in them, but it's for the same reason they use MSG: cheap way to add flavor. Which, incidentally, means I can't eat a lot of processed foods anymore since they're putting MSG back into them and my digestive system breaks out the pitchforks and torches when I get a little in my system. ><

    But sugar itself? Sugar is not evil. It does not come from the Dark Side, it does not target your body and decay it from the inside, nor does it travel directly to your fat cells and build expansions. Sugar itself is a necessary nutrient you need. Just make sure you're getting a reasonable amount, and if you eat a lot of processed meals, make sure you keep track of it so you don't get too much.

    Ok the point I'm making is that extracting sugar from food to use on other food is the problem. Stopping doing that is like a "dumb solution" if you like as people seem to be unable to control their eating. Everyone here is probably used to tracking what they eat so it's easy for us. Some people just cannot control themselves and just end up dying from it. All the information is out there on how to be healthy so why are there so many obese people? They just can't do it. Stopping adding sugar to foods would prevent a lot of this from happening. I know it's just a dream really because of all the money involved and corporate power blah blah

    So I really am trying to understand your point here. Are you saying that no one should consume sugar in any form, regardless of whether or not they have a medical reason to restrict it, because someday we MIGHT have medical issues - IR, etc?...

    I think his point is more leaning towards "if you consume any sugar in any form, even one grain of it, you'll get da diabeetus and die. 100% of the people, 100% of the time."

    Pretty well sums it up.

    Or if not diabeetus, sugar will break into your house at night, stab a syringe into your left bicep and inject you with malaria, steal your money and send half to Big Food and half to the gubment.
    I heard about it on Coast to Coast.

    (*I didn't really hear this on C2C...but I have heard weirder things...)
  • AnvilHead
    AnvilHead Posts: 18,344 Member
    edited January 2016
    Carlos_421 wrote: »
    AnvilHead wrote: »
    WinoGelato wrote: »
    BeastForm wrote: »
    dubird wrote: »
    BeastForm wrote: »
    BeastForm wrote: »
    BeastForm wrote: »
    BeastForm wrote: »
    BeastForm wrote: »
    Hornsby wrote: »
    BeastForm wrote: »
    Couldn't be bothered to read everything so don't know if this has been mentioned. A big part of how unhealthy sugar can be is how your body deals with it. I am diabetic and regulary monitor my blood sugar levels so I have a good idea what is going on. When I was at my worst a bowl of oatmeal with milk would send my bloodsugar into the unhealthy range. Now I have improved my health by losing weight, cardio and weight training. I also only eat sugar from natural sources like fruit and milk. By doing all of this I can enjoy eating double the recommended sugar intake and still stay healthy. I did it for three months and had a blood test. My bloodsugar levels were still in the healthy range although slightly increaded. They rose from 30 to 35. The healthy range is 20 to 42 I think. I'm not saying try and eat loads of sugary things and stay healthy anyway as it is not wise to stress your body with excess sugar intake. It's just interesting to have this information. You can get far ahead of any health risks with the correct lifestyle and occasionaly enjoy treats and stay perfectly healthy. One day I at two whole pizzas to myself so I still indulge. Being fitter and stronger helps you out in everyday life too.

    No one disputes that sugar needs to be watched by diabetics. That doesn't not apply to all.

    Yeah but it's just you can be even further away from any health risks by at least not eating added sugar. It's not black and white, these things sneak up on people. Once something happens that you can't change you wish so bad that you lived differently.Added sugar has no benefits at all. It's a pure addiction.

    Absolutely false.

    Ok what are the benefits of adding sugar to food?

    Energy. Calories (not EVERYONE is trying to lose weight). Taste. Carbs. Fuel for workouts.

    All this is available without added sugar. You are conditioned to be this way. I don't need a sugar high to hit a deadlift PR.

    So, your contention is that the availablility of alternatives means that each individual alternative has zero benefits?

    Adding sugar to food is not an alternative. It's a food industry strategy and it works big time. The cost? Well I'm sure they don' t lose any sleep after they get tired counting their millions of dollars. Who cares if people get sick and die? What's a limb or two here and there? Where do you draw the line?

    Yes, I'm sure the food industry's strategy is to kill or injure as many of their consumers as possible.


    But your post didn't answer the question I asked.

    You simply do not need to add extra sugar to food. There is enough in it already. The food industry encourages over consumption of their products to maximize profits.

    How are you defining extra sugar? Are you talking about adding sugar to something that's already sweet? I agree that would be overkill. Are you talking about the dreaded HFCS? Because when your body breaks it down, it treats it the same as any other sugar.

    Now, I do think that processed foods have more sugar then they need in them, but it's for the same reason they use MSG: cheap way to add flavor. Which, incidentally, means I can't eat a lot of processed foods anymore since they're putting MSG back into them and my digestive system breaks out the pitchforks and torches when I get a little in my system. ><

    But sugar itself? Sugar is not evil. It does not come from the Dark Side, it does not target your body and decay it from the inside, nor does it travel directly to your fat cells and build expansions. Sugar itself is a necessary nutrient you need. Just make sure you're getting a reasonable amount, and if you eat a lot of processed meals, make sure you keep track of it so you don't get too much.

    Ok the point I'm making is that extracting sugar from food to use on other food is the problem. Stopping doing that is like a "dumb solution" if you like as people seem to be unable to control their eating. Everyone here is probably used to tracking what they eat so it's easy for us. Some people just cannot control themselves and just end up dying from it. All the information is out there on how to be healthy so why are there so many obese people? They just can't do it. Stopping adding sugar to foods would prevent a lot of this from happening. I know it's just a dream really because of all the money involved and corporate power blah blah

    So I really am trying to understand your point here. Are you saying that no one should consume sugar in any form, regardless of whether or not they have a medical reason to restrict it, because someday we MIGHT have medical issues - IR, etc?...

    I think his point is more leaning towards "if you consume any sugar in any form, even one grain of it, you'll get da diabeetus and die. 100% of the people, 100% of the time."

    Pretty well sums it up.

    Or if not diabeetus, sugar will break into your house at night, stab a syringe into your left bicep and inject you with malaria, steal your money and send half to Big Food and half to the gubment.
    I heard about it on Coast to Coast.

    (*I didn't really hear this on C2C...but I have heard weirder things...)

    It's also pretty much been decreed that one hit of sugar will have you hopelessly addicted for life. You won't be able to help yourself from attending rave parties where you snort fat lines of sugar from a table while multicolored lasers and strobes illuminate the room and techno music pulses through huge speakers as you satisfy your irrepressible demonic cravings. And that's if you're lucky - if you're not, you'll end up homeless and unwashed, curled up in the corner of a dark industrial building in the seediest part of town, tying a dirty old sock around your bicep as you cook your sugar up in a rusty, bent spoon with an old half-empty Bic lighter and mainline it.

    That sugar is dangerous bidness, yo.
  • _Terrapin_
    _Terrapin_ Posts: 4,301 Member
    queenliz99 wrote: »
    They shoot these out of the sky in Arkansas.
  • _Terrapin_
    _Terrapin_ Posts: 4,301 Member
    WinoGelato wrote: »
    lemurcat12 wrote: »
    joinn68 wrote: »
    lemurcat12 wrote: »
    It is unreal how much sugar we use today.

    We? I think it's pretty clear that you can't generalize.

    I didn't eat large amounts of sugar when getting fat. It wasn't something I grew up with or adopted. I did eat some added sugar, because sugar (combined with fat and other things) is often part of a tasty pie or cookie or ice cream or even rhubarb sauce and not evil. Never been insulin resistant, never had other diet-related health issues, lost the weight eating as many carbs as I wanted and never once drinking lots of oil or butter in some coffee (plus, coffee tastes best black).

    Take the "we" as in "we as a society". Just because YOU personally don't doesn't make it less unreal

    If you buy packaged goods look at the sugar added to random foods : ketchup is an obvious example, dressings, some savory snacks, coleslaw mentioned by @GaleHawkins

    I don't eat a lot of sugar. I strongly don't have anything against sugar either. I don't even track it on MFP tbh.

    You know, most of the sugar in ketchup comes from the tomatoes.

    Tomatoes are nature's Twinkie.

    Are you a shill for Big Tomato? Is this your corporate logo?

    I would pay money for a good Brandywine tomato today.
  • lemurcat12
    lemurcat12 Posts: 30,886 Member
    edited January 2016
    BeastForm wrote: »
    BeastForm wrote: »
    BeastForm wrote: »
    BeastForm wrote: »
    BeastForm wrote: »
    Hornsby wrote: »
    BeastForm wrote: »
    Couldn't be bothered to read everything so don't know if this has been mentioned. A big part of how unhealthy sugar can be is how your body deals with it. I am diabetic and regulary monitor my blood sugar levels so I have a good idea what is going on. When I was at my worst a bowl of oatmeal with milk would send my bloodsugar into the unhealthy range. Now I have improved my health by losing weight, cardio and weight training. I also only eat sugar from natural sources like fruit and milk. By doing all of this I can enjoy eating double the recommended sugar intake and still stay healthy. I did it for three months and had a blood test. My bloodsugar levels were still in the healthy range although slightly increaded. They rose from 30 to 35. The healthy range is 20 to 42 I think. I'm not saying try and eat loads of sugary things and stay healthy anyway as it is not wise to stress your body with excess sugar intake. It's just interesting to have this information. You can get far ahead of any health risks with the correct lifestyle and occasionaly enjoy treats and stay perfectly healthy. One day I at two whole pizzas to myself so I still indulge. Being fitter and stronger helps you out in everyday life too.

    No one disputes that sugar needs to be watched by diabetics. That doesn't not apply to all.

    Yeah but it's just you can be even further away from any health risks by at least not eating added sugar. It's not black and white, these things sneak up on people. Once something happens that you can't change you wish so bad that you lived differently.Added sugar has no benefits at all. It's a pure addiction.

    Absolutely false.

    Ok what are the benefits of adding sugar to food?

    Energy. Calories (not EVERYONE is trying to lose weight). Taste. Carbs. Fuel for workouts.

    All this is available without added sugar. You are conditioned to be this way. I don't need a sugar high to hit a deadlift PR.

    So, your contention is that the availablility of alternatives means that each individual alternative has zero benefits?

    Adding sugar to food is not an alternative. It's a food industry strategy and it works big time. The cost? Well I'm sure they don' t lose any sleep after they get tired counting their millions of dollars. Who cares if people get sick and die? What's a limb or two here and there? Where do you draw the line?

    Yes, I'm sure the food industry's strategy is to kill or injure as many of their consumers as possible.


    But your post didn't answer the question I asked.

    You simply do not need to add extra sugar to food. There is enough in it already. The food industry encourages over consumption of their products to maximize profits.

    There is no sugar in my snickerdoodles until I add it. So it is not true that there was enough in them already before I added the sugar. (The total amount of sugar is still less than an average apple, though.) And similar to what tincan said, not sure what the food industry has to do with anything.

    And sure, I could just not eat cookies ever, but what would be the point? I can eat a healthful, calorie-appropriate diet with lots of vegetables and adequate protein, etc., with or without the cookies, and there's no merit badge for never eating cookies. Plus, they are sometimes fun to make.

    Also, I don't need any butter (or added sugar), sure. Does that mean that my pie crust doesn't benefit from butter? No, it does not. And I like to make pie if only because it's a skill that I worked hard at developing. I don't really overeat pie or have it all that often, so I see no reason to indulge in ridiculous black and white thinking, like "pie must never, ever cross my lips." Besides, I've read a study recently that suggested that people who engage in black and white thinking tend to be more likely to regain weight.
  • Carlos_421
    Carlos_421 Posts: 5,132 Member
    AnvilHead wrote: »
    Carlos_421 wrote: »
    AnvilHead wrote: »
    WinoGelato wrote: »
    BeastForm wrote: »
    dubird wrote: »
    BeastForm wrote: »
    BeastForm wrote: »
    BeastForm wrote: »
    BeastForm wrote: »
    BeastForm wrote: »
    Hornsby wrote: »
    BeastForm wrote: »
    Couldn't be bothered to read everything so don't know if this has been mentioned. A big part of how unhealthy sugar can be is how your body deals with it. I am diabetic and regulary monitor my blood sugar levels so I have a good idea what is going on. When I was at my worst a bowl of oatmeal with milk would send my bloodsugar into the unhealthy range. Now I have improved my health by losing weight, cardio and weight training. I also only eat sugar from natural sources like fruit and milk. By doing all of this I can enjoy eating double the recommended sugar intake and still stay healthy. I did it for three months and had a blood test. My bloodsugar levels were still in the healthy range although slightly increaded. They rose from 30 to 35. The healthy range is 20 to 42 I think. I'm not saying try and eat loads of sugary things and stay healthy anyway as it is not wise to stress your body with excess sugar intake. It's just interesting to have this information. You can get far ahead of any health risks with the correct lifestyle and occasionaly enjoy treats and stay perfectly healthy. One day I at two whole pizzas to myself so I still indulge. Being fitter and stronger helps you out in everyday life too.

    No one disputes that sugar needs to be watched by diabetics. That doesn't not apply to all.

    Yeah but it's just you can be even further away from any health risks by at least not eating added sugar. It's not black and white, these things sneak up on people. Once something happens that you can't change you wish so bad that you lived differently.Added sugar has no benefits at all. It's a pure addiction.

    Absolutely false.

    Ok what are the benefits of adding sugar to food?

    Energy. Calories (not EVERYONE is trying to lose weight). Taste. Carbs. Fuel for workouts.

    All this is available without added sugar. You are conditioned to be this way. I don't need a sugar high to hit a deadlift PR.

    So, your contention is that the availablility of alternatives means that each individual alternative has zero benefits?

    Adding sugar to food is not an alternative. It's a food industry strategy and it works big time. The cost? Well I'm sure they don' t lose any sleep after they get tired counting their millions of dollars. Who cares if people get sick and die? What's a limb or two here and there? Where do you draw the line?

    Yes, I'm sure the food industry's strategy is to kill or injure as many of their consumers as possible.


    But your post didn't answer the question I asked.

    You simply do not need to add extra sugar to food. There is enough in it already. The food industry encourages over consumption of their products to maximize profits.

    How are you defining extra sugar? Are you talking about adding sugar to something that's already sweet? I agree that would be overkill. Are you talking about the dreaded HFCS? Because when your body breaks it down, it treats it the same as any other sugar.

    Now, I do think that processed foods have more sugar then they need in them, but it's for the same reason they use MSG: cheap way to add flavor. Which, incidentally, means I can't eat a lot of processed foods anymore since they're putting MSG back into them and my digestive system breaks out the pitchforks and torches when I get a little in my system. ><

    But sugar itself? Sugar is not evil. It does not come from the Dark Side, it does not target your body and decay it from the inside, nor does it travel directly to your fat cells and build expansions. Sugar itself is a necessary nutrient you need. Just make sure you're getting a reasonable amount, and if you eat a lot of processed meals, make sure you keep track of it so you don't get too much.

    Ok the point I'm making is that extracting sugar from food to use on other food is the problem. Stopping doing that is like a "dumb solution" if you like as people seem to be unable to control their eating. Everyone here is probably used to tracking what they eat so it's easy for us. Some people just cannot control themselves and just end up dying from it. All the information is out there on how to be healthy so why are there so many obese people? They just can't do it. Stopping adding sugar to foods would prevent a lot of this from happening. I know it's just a dream really because of all the money involved and corporate power blah blah

    So I really am trying to understand your point here. Are you saying that no one should consume sugar in any form, regardless of whether or not they have a medical reason to restrict it, because someday we MIGHT have medical issues - IR, etc?...

    I think his point is more leaning towards "if you consume any sugar in any form, even one grain of it, you'll get da diabeetus and die. 100% of the people, 100% of the time."

    Pretty well sums it up.

    Or if not diabeetus, sugar will break into your house at night, stab a syringe into your left bicep and inject you with malaria, steal your money and send half to Big Food and half to the gubment.
    I heard about it on Coast to Coast.

    (*I didn't really hear this on C2C...but I have heard weirder things...)

    It's also pretty much been decreed that one hit of sugar will have you hopelessly addicted for life. You won't be able to help yourself from attending rave parties where you snort fat lines of sugar from a table while multicolored lasers and strobes illuminate the room and techno music pulses through huge speakers as you satisfy your irrepressible demonic cravings. And that's if you're lucky - if you're not, you'll end up homeless and unwashed, curled up in the corner of a dark industrial building in the seediest part of town, tying a dirty old sock around your bicep as you cook your sugar up in a rusty, bent spoon with an old half-empty Bic lighter and mainline it.

    That sugar is dangerous bidness, yo.

    And don't even get started on POWDERED sugar!!!
  • lemurcat12
    lemurcat12 Posts: 30,886 Member
    BeastForm wrote: »
    BeastForm wrote: »
    BeastForm wrote: »
    BeastForm wrote: »
    BeastForm wrote: »
    BeastForm wrote: »
    Hornsby wrote: »
    BeastForm wrote: »
    Couldn't be bothered to read everything so don't know if this has been mentioned. A big part of how unhealthy sugar can be is how your body deals with it. I am diabetic and regulary monitor my blood sugar levels so I have a good idea what is going on. When I was at my worst a bowl of oatmeal with milk would send my bloodsugar into the unhealthy range. Now I have improved my health by losing weight, cardio and weight training. I also only eat sugar from natural sources like fruit and milk. By doing all of this I can enjoy eating double the recommended sugar intake and still stay healthy. I did it for three months and had a blood test. My bloodsugar levels were still in the healthy range although slightly increaded. They rose from 30 to 35. The healthy range is 20 to 42 I think. I'm not saying try and eat loads of sugary things and stay healthy anyway as it is not wise to stress your body with excess sugar intake. It's just interesting to have this information. You can get far ahead of any health risks with the correct lifestyle and occasionaly enjoy treats and stay perfectly healthy. One day I at two whole pizzas to myself so I still indulge. Being fitter and stronger helps you out in everyday life too.

    No one disputes that sugar needs to be watched by diabetics. That doesn't not apply to all.

    Yeah but it's just you can be even further away from any health risks by at least not eating added sugar. It's not black and white, these things sneak up on people. Once something happens that you can't change you wish so bad that you lived differently.Added sugar has no benefits at all. It's a pure addiction.

    Absolutely false.

    Ok what are the benefits of adding sugar to food?

    Energy. Calories (not EVERYONE is trying to lose weight). Taste. Carbs. Fuel for workouts.

    All this is available without added sugar. You are conditioned to be this way. I don't need a sugar high to hit a deadlift PR.

    So, your contention is that the availablility of alternatives means that each individual alternative has zero benefits?

    Adding sugar to food is not an alternative. It's a food industry strategy and it works big time. The cost? Well I'm sure they don' t lose any sleep after they get tired counting their millions of dollars. Who cares if people get sick and die? What's a limb or two here and there? Where do you draw the line?

    Yes, I'm sure the food industry's strategy is to kill or injure as many of their consumers as possible.


    But your post didn't answer the question I asked.

    You simply do not need to add extra sugar to food. There is enough in it already. The food industry encourages over consumption of their products to maximize profits.

    Not NEEDING to do something, doesn't mean there's no benefit.

    I don't NEED to go work out this afternoon. But I'm going to anyway, and I'll benefit from it.

    I don't disagree that many food items are created and marketed encouraging over-consumption. You'll get no argument from me there. The key, then would seem to me to be to learn how to eliminate the OVER part...not the CONSUMPTION part. And in an attempt to actually - you know - discuss the actual topic of the thread, it would seem the dietary guidelines agree. (I'll even call out my own appeal to authority fallacy)

    If the human race had never figured out how to extract sugar from one food and pile it onto another then we would be a lot better off. You can call it natural selection if you want. There are too many people on the earth I suppose. But people get so addicted to junk food they just end up with a slow tormented death. If sugar dissapeared overnight this would go a long way to stopping this kind of situatiuon.

    Would be interesting to look at how much the world's population has increased since we learned to use the sugar from sugarcane and sugarbeets, not to mention to sweeten things with honey (basically sugar) and syrup. Are you under the misimpression that this was recent (or the the population is currently declining)?

    It's probably what did in the Romans, though. Pretty sure Gibbon discusses it at great length.
  • lemurcat12
    lemurcat12 Posts: 30,886 Member
    _Terrapin_ wrote: »
    queenliz99 wrote: »
    They shoot these out of the sky in Arkansas.

    Wooo, pig! Sooo-eee.
  • Sabine_Stroehm
    Sabine_Stroehm Posts: 19,263 Member
    NO, just NO.
    You need sugar.
    Moderation in all things.
    Overindulging in any food can be bad for you.

    In all fairness, cutting out, or at the very least cutting back, on sugary drinks, and that includes juice, is probably not a bad idea, but trying to cut out all sugar, is a bad idea, and not possible or even healthy.

    Did you read the US guidelines? They have not said "cut out all sugar".