5ft 2 ladies ....it's not fair being Petit!



  • IJessy617
    IJessy617 Posts: 3 Member
    5"2' here I'm finding these posts very helpful I'm definitely joining the support groups mentioned as well. Food is my weakness but myfitnesspal really helps with a visual of what Im eating and when im close to overdoing it. Its not easy so I hope new friends with the same goal can help. Best of luck to all of us cutie patooties*
  • IJessy617
    IJessy617 Posts: 3 Member
    Hey :) 5'2 here currently at 184, started at 189.5 my goal weight is between 125-135.

    Have awful sweet cravings as well especially during my monthly gift.

    Lol "my monthly gift" love it :D I can totally relate I deal with the same issue. Best of luck you can do it!
  • WinoGelato
    WinoGelato Posts: 13,454 Member
    Hi....looking for support from ladies similar height to me. I weighed in at 147lbs (10sr 7) ideally want to loose 20lb to take me to 9st. I have lost the weight before but over a 2 yr period it has crept back on.
    Never been on the forums before but would like support from others in a similar situation.
    I find evening cravings the worst. And want wine and chocolate haha

    OP I'm 5'2, I started out here about 3 years ago at my highest all time non pregnancy weight of 153 lbs, lost 30 or so pounds and have been maintaining for quite some time. I drink wine and eat chocolate every day and did so while I was losing too.

    Being petite does not doom you to a low calorie level. I get about 15K steps a day and do some light circuit training but otherwise have a desk job. My FitBit estimates my daily calories burned (TDEE) to be about 2200, and according to my weight loss and maintenance that is accurate. I never ate less than 1500 calories while I was losing and I mostly ate around 1700-1900.
  • soniaf
    soniaf Posts: 106 Member
    soniaf wrote: »
    I am 5'2" and 86 kg or 189 pounds. I was 90kg or 198 lb a month ago.
    I have been very good all week and just drank lots of wine and now want to eat my head off!!
    I would like to be 70 kg or 154 lb. I am aiming for 1000 cal/day at the moment. I am a single parent, work full time, 3 kids, and at uni, yada yada. My youngest is now 7 and I am starting to leave her with my 15 year old which helps, so I can go to the gym to do Pump. I ride my bike to work too.

    Wow 10lbs in a month. Well done.
    It's been hard for me for the 1st 2 weeks. I was really grumpy and craving everything plus realising how much I was eating before starting mfp. But at week 4 its sinking in. I've started exercising again and have lost 7lbs so really pleased

    I've added you as a friend

    that's great! 7 pounds is excellent. Keep it up!
  • frugalmummy
    frugalmummy Posts: 9 Member
    Hi ShellyBelly - I'm 5ft 0 :/ I've already lost quite a lot of weight but really struggling with the last 14lbs. Being so small the number of calories you can consume is so few it's depressing - I'm exercising (running and gym) virtually everyday just to try and make a difference. Good luck and feel free to add me as a friend :)
  • shellybelly395
    shellybelly395 Posts: 51 Member
    Hi, I'm 5'2" also. I've always said, "If I were just a few inches taller, I'd have a smokin' hot bod!"

    Same here.... Just about 4" and I'd be great...preferably on my legs as they are too short haha
    I'll add you... Hopefully you can keep me motivated haha
  • shellybelly395
    shellybelly395 Posts: 51 Member
    Hey :) 5'2 here currently at 184, started at 189.5 my goal weight is between 125-135.

    Have awful sweet cravings as well especially during my monthly gift.

    Hiya ...my goal is similar to yours. I've lost 10lbs so far taking me to 137lbs. Mfp says I'm half way there lol. My worst time is evening...I'm so moody as I want sweet food haha
    Added you as a friend
  • shellybelly395
    shellybelly395 Posts: 51 Member
    Hello All, I am 5'3". I like to call myself fun size...or when people talk about my height I just tell them that I reached perfection sooner than they did! I struggle with my midsection. I exercise and am very fit, just have to watch my food intake.

    I too suffer from a belly. Even at my slimmest and doing ab exercise daily... It was still there lol
    Trying wogging (walking and jogging) to try and shift some fat.
    I'll add you as a friend
  • shellybelly395
    shellybelly395 Posts: 51 Member
    Hi....looking for support from ladies similar height to me. I weighed in at 147lbs (10sr 7) ideally want to loose 20lb to take me to 9st. I have lost the weight before but over a 2 yr period it has crept back on.
    Never been on the forums before but would like support from others in a similar situation.
    I find evening cravings the worst. And want wine and chocolate haha

    Hi im 5"2 and weighed nearly 10 stone at beginning of Jan, gave up alcohol and with daily 20min excerise I am now 9st 7Ibs.

    I have really cut back and keep within my 1290 Cal's per day and its working. I've started power walking and jogging (wogging) 3 to 4 times a week.

    Great will power for not drinking xx

    I'll add you as a friend hopefully you can help me keep off the wine hehe
  • shellybelly395
    shellybelly395 Posts: 51 Member
    I am super tall - 5' 2 1/2" - yes - that 1/2 is important!! I would love friends to help motivate me!! My biggest issue is wine also!!

    Awww your taller than me haha
    The wine is my worst calorie consumer lol
    I'll add you as a friend
  • shellybelly395
    shellybelly395 Posts: 51 Member
    Being smaller means less calories and I find a few pounds make a big difference on the waistline being smaller. I've could be stretched out a few inches my weight would be in proportion

    This is so true! I'm 5'1". I lost 3lbs this year, but I can see a difference. I started at 143.5 a 2-3 weeks ago. Its going fast so far, but it might just be like this in the beginning. Us shorties have to work harder for every pound, but each one lost will show.

    Feel free to add me. Any other shorties on here are free to add me too. lol

    Congratulations on your weight loss. Your right about being smaller and every pound counts . it makes a huge difference when your peitit
    I'll add you as a friend
  • gigi2892014
    gigi2892014 Posts: 29 Member
    I'm looking for some new friends, I am also 5.2 and want to lose 20 lbs.
  • shellybelly395
    shellybelly395 Posts: 51 Member
    SMean1 wrote: »
    I have and think about a quote I had seen long ago on a Garfield the cat comic strip where it said he believed the word "Diet" was DIE with a T. So I do not diet. I do not deny myself what I want. I used to be 5'3 but at 47 years of age and my daughter measuring me last year I have shrunk and am now 5'2 and a quarter. I think denying yourself a pleasure will ultimately lead anyone back to old mindless snacking habits. THE very best thing you can do for your body is to know your caloric limit. So, if one chooses to have wine and chocolate, and pasta even, be sure your limits are WITHIN your daily caloric intake. For example, if in order to lose weight you need to drop from 2000 calories/day to 1800 calories/day, know that any alcohol or chocolate will be dipping into that amount. If you can manage snacking, meals and these cravings all while keeping within your caloric goals there is no reason you cannot drop the pounds. If not, it is your discipline and NOT the calories that are the problem. The best way to ensure you stay within your guidelines you've set is to track EVERYTHING you've eaten or drank each and every day. I try to go for a heavier breakfast, lighter lunch, and lighter dinner to equate about 1400 calories which leave me 400 calories to use any way I choose. Be it wine, choc. or whatever. Please note, any physical activity that burns calories will allow you to go over a set caloric goal. Best to you.

    The answer to your question... It's my discipline. Now I've been logging everything I eat and drink ...it has become clear. Think I must of been well over 2500 Cal's. Mfp has put me on 1290 Cal's and I've lost 10lbs so far...soo really really pleased
    I'll add you as a friend... You can keep me on the correct path lol
  • shellybelly395
    shellybelly395 Posts: 51 Member
    I am just under 5'2" and currently 145 lbs. I'd like to get down to 128 again, but I will settle for 135. My husband is 6'2" and has a very active job, so I struggle coming to grips with the fact that I can't eat as much as him! Ahh! :s

    Same here... It's so unfair. I'm sure my stomach is the same size as my hubby haha
    Me too...I would love to reach 126lbs or 123 but I'll have to see how it goes. I'm currently at 137 from 147lbs from January... So it's coming off.
    I'll add you as a friend
  • shellybelly395
    shellybelly395 Posts: 51 Member
    IJessy617 wrote: »
    5"2' here I'm finding these posts very helpful I'm definitely joining the support groups mentioned as well. Food is my weakness but myfitnesspal really helps with a visual of what Im eating and when im close to overdoing it. Its not easy so I hope new friends with the same goal can help. Best of luck to all of us cutie patooties*

    Same here.... Didn't realise how many calories I was munching my way through till I started logging. It's helped me make choices through the day to maybe have a treat in the evening when I'm really feeling the snack attacks!!
    I'll add you as a friend hopefully we can keep each other motivated x
  • shellybelly395
    shellybelly395 Posts: 51 Member
    WinoGelato wrote: »
    Hi....looking for support from ladies similar height to me. I weighed in at 147lbs (10sr 7) ideally want to loose 20lb to take me to 9st. I have lost the weight before but over a 2 yr period it has crept back on.
    Never been on the forums before but would like support from others in a similar situation.
    I find evening cravings the worst. And want wine and chocolate haha

    OP I'm 5'2, I started out here about 3 years ago at my highest all time non pregnancy weight of 153 lbs, lost 30 or so pounds and have been maintaining for quite some time. I drink wine and eat chocolate every day and did so while I was losing too.

    Being petite does not doom you to a low calorie level. I get about 15K steps a day and do some light circuit training but otherwise have a desk job. My FitBit estimates my daily calories burned (TDEE) to be about 2200, and according to my weight loss and maintenance that is accurate. I never ate less than 1500 calories while I was losing and I mostly ate around 1700-1900.

    I love your weight loss story. It's nice to know it's possible and maintained. Mantaince is the hardest part for me I begin slipping back into old habits. I'm now back on my weight loss journey.
    Hopefully you can motivate me lol
    I'll add you as a friend
  • shellybelly395
    shellybelly395 Posts: 51 Member
    Hi ShellyBelly - I'm 5ft 0 :/ I've already lost quite a lot of weight but really struggling with the last 14lbs. Being so small the number of calories you can consume is so few it's depressing - I'm exercising (running and gym) virtually everyday just to try and make a difference. Good luck and feel free to add me as a friend :)

    I'll add you
    Hopefully those pounds are coming off week by week. Good luck x
  • shellybelly395
    shellybelly395 Posts: 51 Member
    I'm looking for some new friends, I am also 5.2 and want to lose 20 lbs.

    I'll add you.
    Sometimes just reading someone else's food diary inspires you on
    . I'm on week 5 now. Week 4 was the easiest... Thought I'd cracked the food intake...but this week been really hard...I'm grumpy and just want snacks crisps biscuits etc I do allow one treat a day but sometimes it doesn't seem enough gggrrr
  • gramarye
    gramarye Posts: 586 Member
    Also 5'2", still working on getting down to a comfortable weight for me. I honestly never find the calorie allotment too bad when I'm making a point of being active -- it's my sedentary days where I'm like, "Man. I barely use any calories when I'm watching TV."

    I'm always surprised by how many more calories tall people can burn by existing! My roommate is 6' and we discovered one day that to burn the same amount of calories in the day (according to our relative Fitbits) I have to be about 30% more active than her. There was definitely a moment of jealousy, lol.
  • bwaits07
    bwaits07 Posts: 150 Member
    I'm petite too. I'm 4 ft 9. I actually love being petite. Add me if you'd like.