Barbie Moms



  • HealthWoke0ish
    HealthWoke0ish Posts: 2,078 Member
    I enjoy being a MILF.
    I support your MILF-ness.
  • brower47
    brower47 Posts: 16,356 Member
    Wow... a lot of hate going on here.... and I'm not talking about OP. Way to run a fellow struggling overweight person off guys.

    She ran herself off.
  • _Waffle_
    _Waffle_ Posts: 13,049 Member
    You would think seeing all these fit and skinny women would make me motivated to become one, yet all there judgmental stares at me made me go home and eat.

    The OP must guzzle down chocolate while watching any movie with Angelina Jolie. Hot women make me want to eat too.
  • In all seriousness- spend like 5 mins looking at photos of really fat people. Or watch some clips from "hoarders." Or something.

    I find looking at people who are worse off physically (or in some other way) than I am makes me feel more gratitude for how far I've come and also motivates me to keep kicking *kitten*.
  • megsi474
    megsi474 Posts: 370 Member
    I'm a stay at home mom. Sometimes I run out and look less than stellar. Most of the time, I put some sort of effort into how I look- not because I care what anybody else thinks but because it makes ME feel better. I do not want to be defined by my house and home, my husband, my children or the role I play in their lives. I don't do it to be scrutinized or picked apart for it- I certainly don't do it to be envied (not that anybody feels that way, just an example). I do it for myself, to feel less humdrum and like the woman I was before I became so much to everybody else still exists because she does.
  • Mamahana82
    Mamahana82 Posts: 64
    It's amusing to me when people are so preoccupied with the facial expressions they get from other people and seem to be completely unaware of the facial expressions their own face is handing out. Unless you KNOW you have one helluva poker face, they might have sensed your disdain for their carefully constructed appearance. It irks me this myth exists that the better moms out there are so busy being awesome moms they couldn't possibly pull together a pretty outfit or do up their faces. :grumble:
  • rml_16
    rml_16 Posts: 16,414 Member
    Oh and OP deactivated
    Ding ding ding!! We have a winner!

    I used to see a woman like the OP dropping her kids off at my old daycare.

    I was judging her.

    I was judging her for wearing her nasty jeans which were visibly filthy at the bottoms and her flip flops into the INFANT area where shoes are NOT allowed

    as children crawl on those floors all day. The workers have slippers on. There is a big *kitten* sign stating as such.

    One day I walked right up to her and said "I'm sorry, didn't you see the sign?" and pointed to the "no shoes" sign. She literally bolted out.

    Fat, sloppy, and I'm sure my county tax dollars were paying for her kids to be there.

    The OP left because she wanted to hear bull****, not the truth.
  • SoViLicious
    SoViLicious Posts: 2,633 Member
    I am guilty of this. I pride myself in being a trophy wife. The only time I am ugly is at the gym!!

    Really? Damn girl. Even I put on the show at the gym! Full make up, heels and all! You'd better catch up baby :wink:

    How the heck do you work out in heels? ;)

    Oh she got skillz
  • Mainebikerchick
    Mainebikerchick Posts: 1,573 Member
    You can either stay insecure and keep eating and not working out or you can work hard and be a REAL milf. Like this real life barbie that I adore so much. Look at her and how pretty she is!


    DANG, is that NIP I see??? :bigsmile:
  • Barbellerella
    Barbellerella Posts: 1,838 Member
    I am guilty of this. I pride myself in being a trophy wife. The only time I am ugly is at the gym!!

    Really? Damn girl. Even I put on the show at the gym! Full make up, heels and all! You'd better catch up baby :wink:

    How the heck do you work out in heels? ;)

    Oh she got skillz
    You know it! This was me at my last show.
  • Mamahana82
    Mamahana82 Posts: 64
    I love heels but I can never get behind working out in them. I like my legs and really need them for the rest of my life.
  • kkclif
    kkclif Posts: 155 Member
    Oh and OP deactivated
    Ding ding ding!! We have a winner!

    I used to see a woman like the OP dropping her kids off at my old daycare.

    I was judging her.

    I was judging her for wearing her nasty jeans which were visibly filthy at the bottoms and her flip flops into the INFANT area where shoes are NOT allowed

    as children crawl on those floors all day. The workers have slippers on. There is a big *kitten* sign stating as such.

    One day I walked right up to her and said "I'm sorry, didn't you see the sign?" and pointed to the "no shoes" sign. She literally bolted out.

    Fat, sloppy, and I'm sure my county tax dollars were paying for her kids to be there.

    This is so beyond rude I don't even know where to begin. You have a problem paying tax dollars for her children to go to school because their mom is "fat and sloppy" for dropping her kid off in flip flops. Holy s***. I love how all the people saying "they werent judging you" to the OP had no comment on this....seriously?
  • Lift_This_
    Lift_This_ Posts: 2,756 Member
    Oh and OP deactivated

    We made her do it.

    rage quitting at its finest.
  • Boogage
    Boogage Posts: 739 Member
    All the mums at my sons first school used to be slim and dressed up (many had jobs to go to after) and many of them and the teachers seemed to think they were better than everyone else. You get used to it after a while and find one or two who are alright to chat to.

    Since we moved and my son started at a new school I've found the mums are completely different. It is a poorer area and most do not seem to have jobs and most do not seem to take any pride in their appearance but again I still only really get on with a couple of the mums.

    At the end of the day people are just people and when you're going to be stood in the playground for who knows how many years together you may as well try and be friendly. Honestly though, I think I'd rather be surrounded by the attractive and successful women as they are certainly more inspiring both personally and professionally.
  • saxmaniac
    saxmaniac Posts: 1,133 Member
    When I dropped my boys in day-care, the Mom Club in their sweat pants and sweat shirts used to give me the stink eye. I was overdressed in my super-fashionable polo shirt, slacks, and loafers. Or something like that. I'd smile and say hello, and they'd just ignore me.

    Whatever -- the cute teachers were happy to talk to me.

    I try to focus on people who like me, the rest can pound sand.
  • gigglybeth
    gigglybeth Posts: 365 Member
    Based off the content of your post, they were probably giving you not-so-pleasant looks because you were giving them not-so-pleasant looks.

    Yeah, I was kind of thinking the same thing. I have no poker face when it comes to what I am thinking. If I am thinking stinky thoughts, I will have a stinky expression no matter how much I think my face looks neutral.
  • tehboxingkitteh
    tehboxingkitteh Posts: 1,574 Member
    In, for judgments. And the OP rage quitting.
  • TribeHokie
    TribeHokie Posts: 711 Member
    Wow... a lot of hate going on here.... and I'm not talking about OP. Way to run a fellow struggling overweight person off guys.

    When I became SERIOUS about weight loss and fitness and MOTIVATED enough to take on some hard effort to make the necessary changes, there AIN'T no one who can run me off. Not the "Barbie Moms" and MFPer's who suggest that I quit blaming others for the food I put in my mouth.

    Amen to that and high five to you for being so strong willed, but not everyone is like that. It just sucks to see that a community that is so supportive when people post positive things is so willing to turn around and be vicious at the drop of a hat.
  • kkclif
    kkclif Posts: 155 Member
    Oh and OP deactivated
    Ding ding ding!! We have a winner!

    I used to see a woman like the OP dropping her kids off at my old daycare.

    I was judging her.

    I was judging her for wearing her nasty jeans which were visibly filthy at the bottoms and her flip flops into the INFANT area where shoes are NOT allowed

    as children crawl on those floors all day. The workers have slippers on. There is a big *kitten* sign stating as such.

    One day I walked right up to her and said "I'm sorry, didn't you see the sign?" and pointed to the "no shoes" sign. She literally bolted out.

    Fat, sloppy, and I'm sure my county tax dollars were paying for her kids to be there.

    The OP left because she wanted to hear bull****, not the truth.

    :laugh: omg my thoughts exactly! talk about a bully. Made a woman bolt out and probably cry of embarrassment. Real cool :glasses:
  • Duck_Puddle
    Duck_Puddle Posts: 3,237 Member
    I'm sorry. I'll wear my mumu next time.