Barbie Moms



  • K_Serz
    K_Serz Posts: 1,299 Member
  • ItsCasey
    ItsCasey Posts: 4,021 Member
    (Just a rant).....
    So, today I took my 3 year old to her first day at a local summer school preschool. This is the first time taking my child to school and I was more excited than her. So I walked in and I have never felt so out of place in my life! All the mothers were wearing dresses, high heels, tons of make-up, big hair, Tanned and pin thin like they were competing for Miss USA!!!! All they were doing was dropping there children off and dressed up like barbies. I am overweight, wearing jeans a t-shirt and flip flops! I was doing good on my staying under my calorie goals until today. You would think seeing all these fit and skinny women would make me motivated to become one, yet all there judgmental stares at me made me go home and eat.

    Oh, the irony ...

    I look nice every time I leave home. Every time. Doesn't matter where I'm going or what I'm doing. I don't wear a ton of makeup or spend hours primping (because I don't need to, but that's another topic). But I always look good. I don't do it to draw attention to myself. I don't do it to make you or anyone else feel like ****. I do it because it makes me feel good about myself.

    No one made you go home and eat. You chose to. Stop blaming other people for your poor decision-making skills.
  • BinaryPulsar
    BinaryPulsar Posts: 8,927 Member
    Oh and OP deactivated

    Wow, in less than 15 minutes.
  • rml_16
    rml_16 Posts: 16,414 Member
    Wow... a lot of hate going on here.... and I'm not talking about OP. Way to run a fellow struggling overweight person off guys.

    When I became SERIOUS about weight loss and fitness and MOTIVATED enough to take on some hard effort to make the necessary changes, there AIN'T no one who can run me off. Not the "Barbie Moms" and MFPer's who suggest that I quit blaming others for the food I put in my mouth.

    Amen to that and high five to you for being so strong willed, but not everyone is like that. It just sucks to see that a community that is so supportive when people post positive things is so willing to turn around and be vicious at the drop of a hat.
    There were exactly two "vicious" posts in this thread. One was the OP and the other was the insane person ranting about flip-flops, who posted afer the OP was already gone.
  • rml_16
    rml_16 Posts: 16,414 Member
    (Just a rant).....
    So, today I took my 3 year old to her first day at a local summer school preschool. This is the first time taking my child to school and I was more excited than her. So I walked in and I have never felt so out of place in my life! All the mothers were wearing dresses, high heels, tons of make-up, big hair, Tanned and pin thin like they were competing for Miss USA!!!! All they were doing was dropping there children off and dressed up like barbies. I am overweight, wearing jeans a t-shirt and flip flops! I was doing good on my staying under my calorie goals until today. You would think seeing all these fit and skinny women would make me motivated to become one, yet all there judgmental stares at me made me go home and eat.

    Oh, the irony ...

    I look nice every time I leave home. Every time. Doesn't matter where I'm going or what I'm doing. I don't wear a ton of makeup or spend hours primping (because I don't need to, but that's another topic). But I always look good. I don't do it to draw attention to myself. I don't do it to make you or anyone else feel like ****. I do it because it makes me feel good about myself.

    No one made you go home and eat. You chose to. Stop blaming other people for your poor decision-making skills.

    I live in sundresses in the summer. I'm in FL and it's too hot for anything else. I don't wear makeup hardly ever, but I have a ton of cute dresses. I have a friend who every time she sees me in a dress assumes I'm going somewhere special simply because it's a dress. lol

  • This is so beyond rude I don't even know where to begin. You have a problem paying tax dollars for her children to go to school because their mom is "fat and sloppy" for dropping her kid off in flip flops. Holy s***. I love how all the people saying "they werent judging you" to the OP had no comment on this....seriously?
    What's abhorrently rude is dragging in germs, snow, salt, mud into the infant area, or didn't you read that part? Nearly every single day I watched her do this, and finally I very politely asked "I'm sorry, didn't you see the sign?"

    Every single time I saw her she walked right by pile of parents' shoes in her bare feet and flip flops and walked right into the gated area, dragging her filth in. And often bringing in her several other older children into the 0-6 month old baby section which is expressly forbidden as I witnessed her rug rat step on a baby before.

    The employees didn't have the backbone to correct this vile woman, and I did so politely and with grace.

    Go ahead, tell me what's so wrong about me expecting fellow daycare users to follow the rules and have the tiniest amount of ****ing consideration for the health of babies? Or do you not care about babies getting sick and hygiene in general?

    What would you do if someone did this at your daycare?
  • madworld1
    madworld1 Posts: 524
    I understand your frustration. But, some might have been headed to work.

    Also, consider this... Some of them might have been in your position at one time. Maybe your perception is off? Did you try to talk to any of them?

    I'm not slamming you at all because I have felt that way before too. Don't let it get you down. You can't beat yourself up & go home to overeat because of this experience. There's always going to be someone prettier and skinnier somewhere. You have to be proud of who you are and stop comparing yourself to others. :)
  • rml_16
    rml_16 Posts: 16,414 Member

    This is so beyond rude I don't even know where to begin. You have a problem paying tax dollars for her children to go to school because their mom is "fat and sloppy" for dropping her kid off in flip flops. Holy s***. I love how all the people saying "they werent judging you" to the OP had no comment on this....seriously?
    What's abhorrently rude is dragging in germs, snow, salt, mud into the infant area, or didn't you read that part? Nearly every single day I watched her do this, and finally I very politely asked "I'm sorry, didn't you see the sign?"

    Go ahead, tell me what's so wrong about me expecting fellow daycare users to follow the rules and have the tiniest amount of ****ing consideration for the health of babies? Or do you not care about babies getting sick and hygiene in general?
    One thing has absolutely nothing to do with the other or with the OP of this thread.
  • chunkydunk714
    chunkydunk714 Posts: 784 Member
    Wow... a lot of hate going on here.... and I'm not talking about OP. Way to run a fellow struggling overweight person off guys.

    When I became SERIOUS about weight loss and fitness and MOTIVATED enough to take on some hard effort to make the necessary changes, there AIN'T no one who can run me off. Not the "Barbie Moms" and MFPer's who suggest that I quit blaming others for the food I put in my mouth.

    Amen to that and high five to you for being so strong willed, but not everyone is like that. It just sucks to see that a community that is so supportive when people post positive things is so willing to turn around and be vicious at the drop of a hat.
    There were exactly two "vicious" posts in this thread. One was the OP and the other was the insane person ranting about flip-flops, who posted afer the OP was already gone.


    Although I do agree with the ex-OP about feeling uncomfortable, I dont agree with her blaming the situation on those moms and going home to eat. She has emotional issues that needs addressed and definitely should have used negative energy out on the track, gym, whatever activity she could find.
  • TribeHokie
    TribeHokie Posts: 711 Member
    Wow... a lot of hate going on here.... and I'm not talking about OP. Way to run a fellow struggling overweight person off guys.

    When I became SERIOUS about weight loss and fitness and MOTIVATED enough to take on some hard effort to make the necessary changes, there AIN'T no one who can run me off. Not the "Barbie Moms" and MFPer's who suggest that I quit blaming others for the food I put in my mouth.

    Amen to that and high five to you for being so strong willed, but not everyone is like that. It just sucks to see that a community that is so supportive when people post positive things is so willing to turn around and be vicious at the drop of a hat.
    There were exactly two "vicious" posts in this thread. One was the OP and the other was the insane person ranting about flip-flops, who posted afer the OP was already gone.

    ha ok
  • She deactivated her account. I think that some of your remarks were uncalled for. She had an opinion. It was something that was bothering her. We all can say at one time (if you cannot you are very lucky) that things like this happen and you feel so mad at yourself for letting yourself go, what do you do? Turn to what brought you to the over weight place to begin has their own person reason for being heavy. And yes, some it is the love of food, but most it comes from emotions. She was upset she turned to her comfort,.....that being said shame on you all for being so rude. There are many triggers for all types of emotions, and unfortunately not everyone can handle them "perfectly".

    I personally look forward to that day when I can be that person that other people think I look great. But, I also love myself enough to know that I look the best I can now. I have just started wearing make up, even at home. Never did that before. Why? Because I am feeling better about myself foe sure.
  • Mamahana82
    Mamahana82 Posts: 64
    Wow... a lot of hate going on here.... and I'm not talking about OP. Way to run a fellow struggling overweight person off guys.

    When I became SERIOUS about weight loss and fitness and MOTIVATED enough to take on some hard effort to make the necessary changes, there AIN'T no one who can run me off. Not the "Barbie Moms" and MFPer's who suggest that I quit blaming others for the food I put in my mouth.

    Amen to that and high five to you for being so strong willed, but not everyone is like that. It just sucks to see that a community that is so supportive when people post positive things is so willing to turn around and be vicious at the drop of a hat.

    What was the proper response then?
  • ItsCasey
    ItsCasey Posts: 4,021 Member
    (Just a rant).....
    So, today I took my 3 year old to her first day at a local summer school preschool. This is the first time taking my child to school and I was more excited than her. So I walked in and I have never felt so out of place in my life! All the mothers were wearing dresses, high heels, tons of make-up, big hair, Tanned and pin thin like they were competing for Miss USA!!!! All they were doing was dropping there children off and dressed up like barbies. I am overweight, wearing jeans a t-shirt and flip flops! I was doing good on my staying under my calorie goals until today. You would think seeing all these fit and skinny women would make me motivated to become one, yet all there judgmental stares at me made me go home and eat.

    Oh, the irony ...

    I look nice every time I leave home. Every time. Doesn't matter where I'm going or what I'm doing. I don't wear a ton of makeup or spend hours primping (because I don't need to, but that's another topic). But I always look good. I don't do it to draw attention to myself. I don't do it to make you or anyone else feel like ****. I do it because it makes me feel good about myself.

    No one made you go home and eat. You chose to. Stop blaming other people for your poor decision-making skills.

    I live in sundresses in the summer. I'm in FL and it's too hot for anything else. I don't wear makeup hardly ever, but I have a ton of cute dresses. I have a friend who every time she sees me in a dress assumes I'm going somewhere special simply because it's a dress. lol

    My family does that to me. I wear dresses and skirts pretty much all the time, and still, they will ask me what I'm so dressed up for if we go to dinner and they're all wearing jeans or something. I'm like "It's just a dress. It's not a formal ball gown."
  • BAMFMeredith
    BAMFMeredith Posts: 2,810 Member
    "Haters gonna hate." - Proverbs 9:8
  • BurningAway
    BurningAway Posts: 279
    Wow... a lot of hate going on here.... and I'm not talking about OP. Way to run a fellow struggling overweight person off guys.

    For real wheres the love?
  • rml_16
    rml_16 Posts: 16,414 Member
    She deactivated her account. I think that some of your remarks were uncalled for. She had an opinion. It was something that was bothering her. We all can say at one time (if you cannot you are very lucky) that things like this happen and you feel so mad at yourself for letting yourself go, what do you do? Turn to what brought you to the over weight place to begin has their own person reason for being heavy. And yes, some it is the love of food, but most it comes from emotions. She was upset she turned to her comfort,.....that being said shame on you all for being so rude. There are many triggers for all types of emotions, and unfortunately not everyone can handle them "perfectly".
    Regardless, the OP blamed complete strangers for her binge. It was her choice. They didn't do anything beyond dress up before leaving the house.

    Are we all supposed to run around looking like People of Walmart so as not to hurt feelings?
  • heytherelameman
    heytherelameman Posts: 76 Member
    Wow... a lot of hate going on here.... and I'm not talking about OP. Way to run a fellow struggling overweight person off guys.

    When I became SERIOUS about weight loss and fitness and MOTIVATED enough to take on some hard effort to make the necessary changes, there AIN'T no one who can run me off. Not the "Barbie Moms" and MFPer's who suggest that I quit blaming others for the food I put in my mouth.

    I'm with you, I am motivated and there is nothing that's going to stop me from my goal.

    BUT...THIS IS A PLACE FOR PEOPLE TO GET SUPPORT [re- the second 1/2 of the name of this sub forum] not people to tell them what they're doing wrong with a blunt group mentality. Especially people who were once in their shoes. Everyone hits low points where their body image messes with their sense of judgement. Come on.
  • rml_16
    rml_16 Posts: 16,414 Member
    (Just a rant).....
    So, today I took my 3 year old to her first day at a local summer school preschool. This is the first time taking my child to school and I was more excited than her. So I walked in and I have never felt so out of place in my life! All the mothers were wearing dresses, high heels, tons of make-up, big hair, Tanned and pin thin like they were competing for Miss USA!!!! All they were doing was dropping there children off and dressed up like barbies. I am overweight, wearing jeans a t-shirt and flip flops! I was doing good on my staying under my calorie goals until today. You would think seeing all these fit and skinny women would make me motivated to become one, yet all there judgmental stares at me made me go home and eat.

    Oh, the irony ...

    I look nice every time I leave home. Every time. Doesn't matter where I'm going or what I'm doing. I don't wear a ton of makeup or spend hours primping (because I don't need to, but that's another topic). But I always look good. I don't do it to draw attention to myself. I don't do it to make you or anyone else feel like ****. I do it because it makes me feel good about myself.

    No one made you go home and eat. You chose to. Stop blaming other people for your poor decision-making skills.

    I live in sundresses in the summer. I'm in FL and it's too hot for anything else. I don't wear makeup hardly ever, but I have a ton of cute dresses. I have a friend who every time she sees me in a dress assumes I'm going somewhere special simply because it's a dress. lol

    My family does that to me. I wear dresses and skirts pretty much all the time, and still, they will ask me what I'm so dressed up for if we go to dinner and they're all wearing jeans or something. I'm like "It's just a dress. It's not a formal ball gown."
    Exactly! lol
  • She deactivated her account. I think that some of your remarks were uncalled for. She had an opinion. It was something that was bothering her. We all can say at one time (if you cannot you are very lucky) that things like this happen and you feel so mad at yourself for letting yourself go, what do you do? Turn to what brought you to the over weight place to begin has their own person reason for being heavy. And yes, some it is the love of food, but most it comes from emotions. She was upset she turned to her comfort,.....that being said shame on you all for being so rude. There are many triggers for all types of emotions, and unfortunately not everyone can handle them "perfectly".
    Regardless, the OP blamed complete strangers for her binge. It was her choice. They didn't do anything beyond dress up before leaving the house.

    Are we all supposed to run around looking like People of Walmart so as not to hurt feelings?

    100% agree
  • tehboxingkitteh
    tehboxingkitteh Posts: 1,574 Member
    "Haters gonna hate." - Proverbs 9:8