Ladies loose 10lbs by feb.19



  • Calamitycazza
    Calamitycazza Posts: 87 Member
    I'm in! I may not be able to lose 10lbs by Feb 19th but I'll aim for 1lb a week and see how it goes :)

    Height: 5'6
    SW: 12st 6lbs
    GW: however much I can lose by Feb 19th :)
  • zainabmalik119
    zainabmalik119 Posts: 1 Member
    edited January 2016
    I'm in! I currently weigh 66 kgs, and 1 need to get to 55 kgs. I'm 5'5, by the way. Let's do this!
  • renehemenway
    renehemenway Posts: 9 Member
    Joining a bit late so don't know if I'll make the 10 but it is a good goal and I'm going for it! Current weight is 137lbs @5'8. Small frame and still have belly & love handles so 10lbs is there to lose.

    To the negative people who don't feel 10 lbs in 5 weeks (jan 15-feb 19 was the original dates) is doable, I completely disagree. Everyone's body is a bit different and when you find what works for you the weight can come off quite quickly. I went high fat / low carb & 4:3 fasting of 500 calories, am now at the point where I only eat when hungry and stop as soon as I feel remotely full. Lost 8lbs the first week (yes, some of that is water), 4 lbs the next week and 3 lbs this week. That is 15 lbs in 3 weeks - there is no way I had that much water weight. My energy levels are great and I'm not starving myself, stopped biting my nails 3 weeks ago and they are growing long and very strong so not malnourished.

    I think the key is we all need to find what works for us and support each other in the effort!
  • renehemenway
    renehemenway Posts: 9 Member
    Sorry - just double checked and down 14.3lbs so not quite 15, we just round to the nearest half pound in another forum I'm in so difference is probably from the rounding. Still enough of a loss to show out goals are definitely achievable!
  • RedBone481
    RedBone481 Posts: 49 Member
    izaybess wrote: »
    Hi I am planning to get from 209 to 160. I plan on loosing 10lbs by Feb.19 and would love for others to join for each other motivation. Post your breakfast, lunch, dinner, & snacks. Don't have to post everyday its just to give each other ideas. We will weigh in on Feb.19 Let's do this ladies!
    izaybess wrote: »
    Hi I am planning to get from 209 to 160. I plan on loosing 10lbs by Feb.19 and would love for others to join for each other motivation. Post your breakfast, lunch, dinner, & snacks. Don't have to post everyday its just to
    I wanna join too..!! I actually started to juice on jan 11 2016 and my starting weight was 209.6

    Welcome to the group and happy there is someone with the same weight!
  • RedBone481
    RedBone481 Posts: 49 Member
    Welcome to all of my new ladies please keep the motivation up because i see it is paying off and working!!
  • RedBone481
    RedBone481 Posts: 49 Member
    Joining a bit late so don't know if I'll make the 10 but it is a good goal and I'm going for it! Current weight is 137lbs @5'8. Small frame and still have belly & love handles so 10lbs is there to lose.

    To the negative people who don't feel 10 lbs in 5 weeks (jan 15-feb 19 was the original dates) is doable, I completely disagree. Everyone's body is a bit different and when you find what works for you the weight can come off quite quickly. I went high fat / low carb & 4:3 fasting of 500 calories, am now at the point where I only eat when hungry and stop as soon as I feel remotely full. Lost 8lbs the first week (yes, some of that is water), 4 lbs the next week and 3 lbs this week. That is 15 lbs in 3 weeks - there is no way I had that much water weight. My energy levels are great and I'm not starving myself, stopped biting my nails 3 weeks ago and they are growing long and very strong so not malnourished.

    I think the key is we all need to find what works for us and support each other in the effort!

    Thank you i really appreciate you stating the original dates and that it is possible. Your doing great with your weight loss just reading yours is more motivation for me.
  • RedBone481
    RedBone481 Posts: 49 Member
    I am proud of everyone and there progress I am friends with a lot of you and can see the hard work you guys are putting in.
  • daughtry1717
    daughtry1717 Posts: 1 Member
    I'm in! I weigh 208 and I wanna get down to 160
  • thatsmyromanname
    thatsmyromanname Posts: 13 Member
    A good day for me calorie wise; porridge with strawberries for breakfast, half an enormous (400g!) jacket potato for lunch and the other half for dinner. Both times with tuna mayo. My snacks were 3x whiskey and cokes this evening!
  • sdawkins04
    sdawkins04 Posts: 14 Member
    Just seeing this post, but I'm excited to join your challenge (even if it is a little late). Please add me!
  • 46carmen
    46carmen Posts: 110 Member
    A good day for me calorie wise; porridge with strawberries for breakfast, half an enormous (400g!) jacket potato for lunch and the other half for dinner. Both times with tuna mayo. My snacks were 3x whiskey and cokes this evening!

  • namarc0
    namarc0 Posts: 480 Member
    Hello everyone! How are you all doing? Seeing progress? How are you sticking to your diet and exercise goals? Got any advice or motivation for us? Hope all is well. Remember, it's not always easy, but it is ALWAYS worth it! ;)
  • poutchikins
    poutchikins Posts: 17 Member
    I joined up really late too but we still have a couple of weeks so I will see how I go....
    I am 4ft8 and weigh 155 lbs but would like to get to 110 lbs ... Maybe I am dreaming but I will give it all I have got as I constantly feel bloated! So here goes...
  • Jonnae519
    Jonnae519 Posts: 12 Member
    Hello everyone :) I love knowing that there are so many others feeling motivated too! really enjoy the positive energy! I have noticed as a i am getting better at logging and keeping myself accountable, it is becoming easier to stay on track with my calorie goals. Im trying to not eat back the exercise cals.. also trying to stay away from sugar and cheese. Love cheese btw. All cheese.. Cheese is good! : ) But it adds so many calories when I add it to food. I found adding avocado has helped the craving.. And its a better fat. Anyway.. Just wanted share a few things that have worked for me so far. Anyone else have any cool tips or things that work well for them??.
  • LBChrisco
    LBChrisco Posts: 2 Member
    I am in for the challenge! I have gained 20 lbs. over the past two months, and it's time to swing the scale back in the other direction. I am in a wedding on March 12th, so I would really like to lose some weight before that event! Here we go! We can do this! I currently weigh 203 pounds. My overall goal weight is 170. One pound at a time ...
  • henrydi1
    henrydi1 Posts: 2 Member
    I'm down for the challenge, I will be posting everyday.. Good luck everyone I no we can do it..
  • brandywatkins32
    brandywatkins32 Posts: 2 Member
    Hey im new to the group but I would still like to join the challenge. Good luck ladies!!!
  • LadybossKenz
    LadybossKenz Posts: 1 Member
    I'm joining late, as always, but I'm at 189 currently. I would love to break 180 by valentines. I need some accountability partners- BIG TIME!
  • jewls344
    jewls344 Posts: 6 Member
    Yay just started here and would be great to loose 10 pounds by the 19th... I'm probably a little late though... But this will keep me on my game anyways:)
    This is what i made for dinner tonight! Had it with a salad. It was really good!:))))