The Starch Solution



  • jgnatca
    jgnatca Posts: 14,464 Member
    Holy thread resurrection, batman.

    And where has critical thinking gone? It's not in BC obviously.
  • Ecrackin
    Ecrackin Posts: 8 Member
    Ecrackin wrote: »
    You can eat until satiation. It works, and has reversed my type 2 diabetes in 3 months. Lost 20 in 1.5 months so far. No meat, dairy, animal products or oil. It is a low fat, plant based diet based around plant starches with the inclusion of veggies and fruits. Calorie density is of big importance. 200 calories of oil does not fill your stomach and is way easy to eat. 200 calories of veggies stuffs you up. Eliminating oils and dairy and meat allows your body to heal it's arterial damage and let's your body use up the fat it has stored up. Insulin resistance is reversed because glucose isn't blocked by cellular fat.

    It works, go for it!

    Aw man, I read that first sentence as "you can eat until saturation" and was hoping for something awesome like sitting in a kiddie pool full of apple sauce all day absorbing nutrients through your skin.

  • CharlieBeansmomTracey
    CharlieBeansmomTracey Posts: 7,682 Member
    wow and here I got fat eating more fruits and veggies which means I ate more calories than my body needed. I can eat 3lbs of cherries in one sitting,no joke and still not be full. I can eat a lb of asparagus or even broccoli and yet still hungry. no jokes I have done this before. I dont eat a lot of bread,pasta,rice,etc thats a once in awhile thing for me because Im just not big on those foods,thats the only reason I eat less of them.I lost weight and a lot of fat being in a DEFICIT. I eat a good amount of carbs too.funny how none of it got stored as fat and my health improved too. guess I am a special snowflake then huh? hahahaha
  • KrazyKrissyy
    KrazyKrissyy Posts: 322 Member
    fb47 wrote: »
    Last time I ate starch, my blood sugar crashed. And my digestive issues got worse.

    Last time I ate starch I was fine... what's your point?

    My point is it's not for everyone. OP is encouraging others to try it and making statements as to why we should. My response is basically why I cannot.
  • goldthistime
    goldthistime Posts: 3,214 Member
    Ecrackin wrote: »
    You can eat until satiation. It works, and has reversed my type 2 diabetes in 3 months. Lost 20 in 1.5 months so far. No meat, dairy, animal products or oil. It is a low fat, plant based diet based around plant starches with the inclusion of veggies and fruits. Calorie density is of big importance. 200 calories of oil does not fill your stomach and is way easy to eat. 200 calories of veggies stuffs you up. Eliminating oils and dairy and meat allows your body to heal it's arterial damage and let's your body use up the fat it has stored up. Insulin resistance is reversed because glucose isn't blocked by cellular fat.

    It works, go for it!

    My husband and I followed Esselstyn's Prevent and Reverse Heart Disease guidelines about six or seven years ago. We both ate as much as we wanted and lost weight. I had trouble with the lack of protein and fat and didn't stay on it for long. My husband stuck with it much longer and got the big drop in his cholesterol levels he had hoped for (his doctor had been talking about putting him on cholesterol lowering medication previously).

    The diet worked, without a doubt, but how much benefit could be attributed to the weight loss and how much to the composition of the diet? I don't know how to know.

    After a while my husband started visibly losing muscle and with my urging started to add more protein back into his diet, as well as fat from nuts, olive oil and avocado. To me adherence and sustainability are the biggest drawbacks to this kind of diet.

    I would never choose this route for weight loss only, but I don't really consider it quackery either.
  • CharlieBeansmomTracey
    CharlieBeansmomTracey Posts: 7,682 Member
    spdaphne wrote: »
    AnvilHead wrote: »
    spdaphne wrote: »
    I'm losing weight without counting calories because I can't for the life of me log every little thing that goes into my mouth. And it's not sustainable for me.

    You can lose weight counting calories, but I rather focus on eating well that's sustainable for me long term and I feel healthy. Honestly, at the end of the day, it's the quality of food you eat, not so much the quantity. But everyone is different.

    I have a friend who did the Startch Solution. It worked for her and she did it long term. I don't know to this day if she's still doing it, but it helped her.

    Nope. Speaking in terms of weight loss, it's the number of calories you consume vs. the number of calories you expend. Period. And everyone is not different in that regard. If you eat more calories than you expend, you gain weight; if you eat less calories than you expend, you lose weight. Whether you're on the Starch Solution or the Paleo diet or the Keto diet or Grapefruit Diet or the One Meal a Day diet or the Fifteen Meals a Day diet or whatever. Calories in, calories out.

    There is no magical diet which defies the laws of energy balance, and human unicorns don't exist.

    I'm happy to disagree with you that it's not just calories in/calories out. I know it must be hard to believe, but it's true. I must be a human unicorn ...yay!

    it is about CICO. sure in 2003 I broke my leg and wasnt as active, I could not get around as easy as before. so I made less trips to the kitchen,I lost weight without even trying to.I wasnt weighing,I wasnt counting calories,I wasnt even on a diet. I still lost weight because I was eating less than my body needed. it was still CICO whether at the time I knew that or not.
  • rhiawiz57
    rhiawiz57 Posts: 906 Member
    yeah...just because you do not actually count your calories doesn't mean you are not in a calorie deficit! HA!