

  • mtowne002
    mtowne002 Posts: 152 Member
    Hi Ladies
    On the countdown to Florida. Launching Thursday. Been packing and had a really cool NSV! Realized most of my clothes were too big, had even got some friendly joshing at work that my pants were falling down and they were! So off to Walmart I went tonight to find some capris that fit. No capris but figured while the store was so quiet I would sample a few brands at a couple sizes each. I started in August with a very tight 24. Tonight every brand fit at size 20! And not even tight! The dressing room lady actually suggested trying on 18's but I was more than happy with the 20's.
    Today I made my first ever chilli. I started w a basic recipe online. 3lbs ground beef some olive oil, fire roasted crushed tomatoes, kidney beans I rehydrated overnight and three spices 1Tb each of chilli powder and chipotle and 1/2 Tb cayenne. Cooked it in crockpot for three hours. Tasted it...spicy enough for a mild burm but not flavorful. So my daughter looked up some recipes and we augmented the basic recipe w 3 Tb brown sugar 3 Tb red wine vinegar 3 Tb beef bullion 1 Tb smoked paprika and two large onions diced. Cooked two more hours. NOW it was awesome!

    Kim I got a very nice cauliflower and asparagus and some fresh from the dairy whole milk and am interested in your cauliflower chowder recipe. Could you post it.

    Sylvia. I'm sorry you are discouraged. I agree with the others advice about a nutritionist visit. And I echo Barbie who reminded you to take care of yourself as if your life depended on it BECAUSE IT DOES. ...AND...we LOVE you!

    Kayla. I look forward to your riding lesson description every week. I am definitely living vicariously through you!

    Janet. I'm so sorry about your nephews!

    Becca...way to go! That's what I've been doing setting goals of breaking the 250s 240s 230s 220s and currently trying to break the two tens! It's SO exciting that your so Close! And btw your recipes always pique my interest!

    Chris...hang in there! Somehow a window will open!

    Joyce and Lenora I'm worried about the both of you!

    Allie...WOW! 100000 steps right off the bat! I haven't even got there yet!

    To all of the newcomers..WELCOME! Stick around...I attribute a large part of my success the last 6 months to joining this amazing forum!

    Mindy in the Boston Blizzard

    Ps. Pip. I totally love the fence. I want one JUST like it. I wouldn't even change the color just weatherize it!
  • mtowne002
    mtowne002 Posts: 152 Member
    Graffiti eggplant from Whole Foods. Need advice about how to cook. I've been told they have a milder flavor and thinner skin than regular Italian eggplant.uf5ugdsu275n.jpeg
  • fanncy0626
    fanncy0626 Posts: 7,152 Member
    Mindy- fantastic NSV! I wish I was going somewhere warm. Have a great time in Florida! Your chili sounds delicious.


    Mary from Minnesota
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,355 Member
    Mindy - a chilli normally has cumin in it, along with oregano, as well as the hot chilli powder. It's the cumin powder that gives it that rich taste. I also found a smoked adobe chilli (rehydrated) made a huge difference last time.

    Love Heather UK
  • mtowne002
    mtowne002 Posts: 152 Member
    Hi Heather
    Hmmm I put the whole batch in the fridge in the crockpot ceramic...would it be advisable to add cumin tomorrow when I reheat it or is it to late? Any ideas for the fancy eggplant?
    Thanks for the tip!
  • Lagopus
    Lagopus Posts: 1,016 Member
    edited February 2016
    I second the motion of putting cumin into your chili, Mindy. It makes all the difference! Put it in as early as you can in the reheating so the flavors have time to "talk to each other".

    My favorite eggplant recipe is an eggplant parmigiana. I bake peeled sliced eggplant until it's soft, then layer it with an onion-garlic-tomato sauce and slices of mozzarella. Dot the top layer of tomato sauce with spoonfuls of basil pesto and sprinkle over some grated parmesan. Bake in a moderate oven (275-300°F) until it's all bubbly and smells so good you can't resist any longer. I usually serve with fresh crusty sourdough bread to sop up all the juices. (So I can't eat it as often as I would like. I save it for special occasions.)

    The Polar Jazz Festival is over now and I'll be back on the straight and narrow. We had two great concerts yesterday. The first was in the church and featured Longyearbyen Big Band: about 20 strong and incredibly talented for such a small place. Our Chilean guests were impressed when we pointed them out (on trumpet a teacher and a student at the local school, on piano the school principal, on trombone one of the doctors, on saxophone an airport security guard and a town administrator and so on and so forth). It makes for a really friendly atmosphere when everyone in the audience knows at least a few of the people on stage. Especially when nobody has to pretend the band is playing stupendously!

    Another local, a soprano, joined them for a couple solos. One of her songs was "My funny valentine". When she got to the words "But don't change a hair for me / Not if you care for me / Stay little valentine, stay / Each day is Valentine's day" my husband slid his hand under mine and held on for the rest of the song. :love:

    The other concert was with a group that's very well known in Norway. They had a fantastic stage presence - warm and friendly. They were from northern Norway and could relate to our situation up here, with weeks of polar night. The last song they played for their curtain call was about the "dark season" and included the words "in that dark season light, where all the world is blue".

    People often ask us how we can stand the winter darkness. But what we see in the dark season is the light. I really feel privileged to live in a place that allows me to appreciate and find great joy in something as simple as a little bit of light in the sky.
    /Penny, once again feeling philosophical at the emoticon-object-026.gif
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,355 Member
    edited February 2016
    Mindy - if you are enjoying it as it is I wouldn't bother this time, just put it in next time you make it. :D It would probably be a bit "powdery".
    For the eggplant I would look at skinnytaste.com . You can put in a search for eggplant recipes. I do baked eggplant sticks, which I adore, though it's messy, (I use panko) and I have done the eggplant rollatini for a veggie friend. I froze it successfully, so, although it is a lot of work, you can have several meals from it. I like that. :D
    With such a busy life I am impressed that you are doing so much cooking from scratch. :flowerforyou: I'm convinced that is one of the secrets to successful long term weight loss, as is really enjoying your food. The freezer is your friend. :bigsmile:
    By the way, I often have my chilli with roasted cauliflower or butternut squash. Or cauliflower rice. Make sure when you put your chilli in the freezer that you label it with the calorie count. I try always to eat a less than 400 cal dinner. That is my max.

    By the way, many congrats on the smaller sizes. Great! :drinker:

    Dragged my way through my exercises today, but didn't do the arm weights. Did more weighted leg raises and a bit more balancing. Still got my 600 licked, but I was slooooooow. :'( In the night /early morning I was all set for giving myself a rest day, but felt a bit better after breakfast. Time for another painkiller.

    Salmon, leek and pea Thai curry tonight :laugh: We'll see how that goes, I'm making it up. :*

    Love Heather in the stormy, windy UK
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,803 Member
    morning ladies~
    well we get more snow today yipeee(NOT) have to work at 10:30 and driving Toms car again..it has been chilly for Florida but would much rather be there..
    Oh well have to accept things I cant change... gonna go make a calzone for Tom for dinner and get my lunch together.. give my DB a call and take a shower..
  • KJLaMore
    KJLaMore Posts: 2,836 Member
    Pip- love the pic of Kirby on the treadmill! I always have to hold on when I begin running on a treadmill. I usually run and walk outside and the treadmill gives me a little bit of vertigo until I get used to it. Weird. But, Go Kirby! Tell him, thanks for the inspirational pic!

    Sylvia-Have your meltdown! Give yourself time to rage and then recover! Some times you just need to get it all out so you can pull yourself back up. Good for you for letting your son know your availability!

    Lenora- Funny that your hubby picked up Pride and Prejudice to watch. I was just talking to my niece about this movie. I love the BBC version with Colin Firth because it follows the books better and explains the little details that a two hour movie leaves out (like Darcy's hands). The BBC version was written like a miniseries so it is 6-8 hours long. BUT...I also love the Keira Knightly version for the beautiful scenery, the music and some of the scenes are wonderful.

    Anne- Your day sounds WONDERFUL!! Sometimes it feels so good to just relax with friends!

    Some one mentioned the Superbowl and their son rolling his eyes when she stated that she was rooting for the Panthers based on the color of the uniform. This made me laugh, because I basically do the same. We don't really watch pro football in our house; we do like college games. We are a Notre Dame family and root for them when they play; otherwise, I root for the team in the power color. I will almost always root for a team wearing red (unless it is USC. Can't stand that program!) Anyway, we did watch the Superbowl last night. I rooted for the Broncos because I figured Manning is the "old man" and I gotta root for getting it done at his age! Go Peyton! Mostly though, I was waiting for the half time show. I love the band Coldplay. The song Viva la Vida is one of my very favorite songs. It is a big spirit lifter for me. Hubby and son were watching the game in the basement and I was watching in the kitchen and prepping for the next days activities, when the half time show started. I could hear the guys laughing as I whooped and sang and danced in the kitchen, alone; yet totally thrilled. If only they had let Chris Martin and Coldplay have the whole half time show. Still waiting for Miss Thang Beyonce to put some pants on and waiting for Bruno Mars to wear something from this century that doesn't look like a garbage bag, though.

    Good day yesterday, all in all. Got my leaky faucet taken care of (cue the Rocky theme song and bring me my cape)! Whoot! Got out for a walk in the 40 degree sunny winter day! The lake was beautiful, but I forgot my camera. Didn't make it shoe shopping though! Maybe tonight.

    Happy Monday, all! Feeling the Monday blues? Put on your favorite song and dance in your kitchen! Maybe sing into a wooden spoon, too! Rock on!
  • Peach1948
    Peach1948 Posts: 2,473 Member
  • lhannon062709
    lhannon062709 Posts: 1,140 Member
    edited February 2016
    The scale's moving the right direction again, which makes me happy.

    The freelance work is keeping me busy, which also makes me happy.

    Ran two miles yesterday, which makes Daisy the dog happy--she probably ran five, because when there are no guests on the ranch, I can leave her off leash, so she has a ball.

    And, I slept more than 7 hours last night, probably because of the running. My normal has been 4 or 5 for weeks now, so I was starting to get really tired. Feel rested and happy about that, too... :)

    Happy Monday!
    Lisa in West Texas
  • bwcetc
    bwcetc Posts: 2,777 Member
    Good morning!

    Penny ...as a lay speaker for my church, I see an interesting analogy in your philosophical post.

    Made it through the weekend without a gain ... And that is a gift because I didn't behave. However, I don't take gifts lightly, so back at it.

    My son, the guitarist who wants to go to school in Nashville, sang (as he played the guitar) for the first time in church yesterday ... A simple, straightforward rendition of "In the Garden." He did a beautiful job and received confirmation that he is headed in the right direction. From a church that considers itself contemporary... There were few dry eyes. I'm going to miss this boy when he leaves.

    Have a great day!

  • KJLaMore
    KJLaMore Posts: 2,836 Member
    Anybody know which ship DJ is on? Just saw on the news that RC Anthem of the Seas had a rough time cruising through a storm. Departed out of a North Carolina port on Saturday headed for the Bahama area, which I think is where she was leaving from and headed. Any one have any info?
  • margaretturk
    margaretturk Posts: 5,092 Member
    edited February 2016
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,803 Member
    KJL~ the ship you saw was out of New Jersey .. and the one I think she was going on was out of Charleston,S.C. if I am not mistaken..
    but that is why I would never ever take a cruise out of anywhere but Florida or San Juan
    will be leaving in about an hour to go to work..
    I am looking to go on a little trip for 5 days 4 nights at the end of june until 4th of july, but to go anywhere good cost quite a bit.. will see what I can find..
  • janetr7476
    janetr7476 Posts: 4,001 Member
    Has anyone heard from Michelle, in North Carolina. Last I knew she was supposed to skype with her son and his therapist. Hope all went well.

    Janetr okc
  • csofled
    csofled Posts: 3,022 Member
  • fanncy0626
    fanncy0626 Posts: 7,152 Member
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,710 Member
    morning peepers -

    mtowne, congrats on your loss and successes, feels good to get into smaller clothes huh!

    when I ran with Kirby, I put on his ankles weights (1lb on each ankle) didn't feel much difference. I think I might buy me a pair of the next weight up, 2-1/12 I guess or 2 each ankle.

    supposed to be in the 60's here in the Pac NW,. I dunno, I think I might even ride home. we'll see
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,355 Member
    edited February 2016
    Janetr - I've been thinking the same thing. Michele- Hope you're OK. <3

    Hoping all's well with DJ. ;) We have non stop wind here, branches on the lawn, - people have power out all over. Not us so far. Coastal flooding.
    We were going to go shopping to get gas cylinders for our Soda Stream, but not worth leaving the house. :s

    I've had another nap, I was feeling so nauseous. :sad: and weary. DON'T any of you have this horrible pneumonia jab! DH, when he had it was even worse than me! Luckily it's only the once in my life.

    Didn't write today. :'( Tomorrow is dentist after yoga, so won't have much time to catch up. I was so good last week. o:)

    Now lying on the sofa. Going to watch a programme about holiday homes in Barbados. :DB)
    Had a nice email back from my ex to say he's fine with next year if he's still renting the place.

    DH got a weird letter from the bank to say they had information that he was living abroad. Turns out they had some weird phone number.!!! :noway: After much toeing and froeing they gave him £25 for the agro and said they would investigate how it got there. Drives you NUTS! ! ! :sad: It's a tax issue.

    Love Heather UK