

  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,993 Member
    :) I've just started reading a book about tai chi......do any of you have any experience with tai chi that you would share?
  • NO_Excuses_515
    NO_Excuses_515 Posts: 220 Member
    Good evening ladies :)

    Well, my dad's surgery yesterday went well. It turned out they were able to do a much less invasive procedure than they originally thought would be necessary. He did not even have to spend the night. Surgery was at 7:30AM and they sent him home shortly after noon. He was in good spirits. Was hungry and wanted to go out to eat before driving the 1/2 hour home, so we took him to Village Inn for pancakes and eggs.

    Went to my first nutrition class for my uFit program this week. The dietician is a proponent of the plate method. Rather than focus on counting calories, she wants us to fill half our plate with vegetables, a quarter with lean protein and a quarter with a starch. I'm so used to counting calories that this is a pretty big adjustment for me. Of course MFP is still counting my calories for me so I know I've been over my normal calories the past few days. :( She also wants us to slow down when we eat and to focus on eating because we are hungry and not because it's time to eat. I think it will be a good program.

    Sylvia - (((hugs))) I do hope that CPS is able to step in and help get those kids into a better environment. And, I really believe the best thing for them is to come live with you. I will pray that it all works out for the best.

    Linda in IA
    GRITSandSLUTSandWINOS Posts: 2,573 Member
  • jmkmomm
    jmkmomm Posts: 3,247 Member
    Did some 'housekeeping' done today. Charlie has had his OK on his carpal tunnel surgery fro 2 weeks now and just keeps putting off calling the hand surgeon to get it scheduled. Also we have been talking about withdrawing some of our retirement money and doing some of the things needed here at home that REALLY need doing. We just haven't decided which account of his to use. Mine is large and grows well every quarter so we want to leave it alone. He has an account with the same company that is a guaranteed 4.5% increase every year. His other account is not a 401k, I'm just not sure what it is. It has a guaranteed death benefit but if we withdraw it, it is at it's current value which is dropping. He puts that off also. So I asked him if I took care of getting his surgery scheduled if he would do the other one. So we did that today. He was only able to leave a message with our agent but he is always good at returning calls. So his duty isn't 'done' yet. But I feel good that we got some of that done. We had to put off our landscaping last summer due to his meningitis so it is getting eroded out there. In fact the sidewalk leading to our front door has quite a dip in the last part of the sidewalk. So now we will have to add that cost. Oh, we also have a few Prudential shares that we get a tiny dividend from every 3 months. Enough for the 2 og us to go to McDonalds, not that we would. But our cash out check would be nice to have. So we have several options. Now
    to just get everything done. Sometimes I hate this part of life. I want to be young again, like in my 40's.

    Joyce, Indiana
  • GodMomKim
    GodMomKim Posts: 3,659 Member
    Hi gals,

    Gloria – what great info for Sylvia – and thank you for stepping up for the grand sons…

    Penny – sad that the homes are gone, everything I read about your town makes me want to visit…. But only through pictures as I’ll never be able to afford it.

    Sylvia – that is a shame!!! Kansas needs to get on the ball, while in CA the grands don’t have many rights when I looked into it about 10 years ago, if kids got pulled from the bio parents, then grands, aunts, uncles were the first choice for foster, and you had 6 months to a year to get all the foster care requirements done - I started on the things in hopes to get my nephew but that did not happen – his crappy folks never got reported. One of the things you had to do was CPR and first aid, things I felt like were just good to have.

    Joyce – back to being 40’s – now that’s a horror story! I would not want that at all - maybe my 20’s but not 40s… and while being in my 50s has its challenges and I am sure the older I get the more challenges there will be, I am more ok with me than I think I have ever been, and while I have some serious ups and downs, I know why, I am gaining tools to deal with them and think that the future holds hope.

    I loved the comment about the shares that pay you enough to go to McDonalds – I got a report from a pension fund and at retirement it is expected to pay me 12 cents a month – I worked for this company for under a week, my company was sold to them then resold again, so in one month I had the same boss, same job, same office and worked for 3 different companies… it was a weird time. My finance guy said when I am ready I should approach them for a one time pay out…

    I am going to spend part of tomorrow helping at a garage sale, I have a close friend with a severely disabled partner – he was a big rig mechanic and a big rig fell on him – they are having a yard/garage sale so I said I’d help. It will be a lot of work, and I have been saving calories and on my way there I am going to try the new butterscotch coffee from starbucks… I love that kinda stuff and now budget for it once every couple of months.

    Off to catch some shut eye!

    Kim from N. California
  • Annr
    Annr Posts: 2,765 Member
    edited February 2016
    pipcd34 wrote: »
    Annr wrote: »
    Morning Ladies~
    well having a cup of tea and then will hop in the shower and get ready for work.. have laundry in the dryer and meatloaf in the oven..
    Sylvia~ so glad that your neighbor and principal will start the ball rolling.. I know even though your going to bed you will not get a great nights sleep..
    Tom was kind of grouchy last night, I swept and washed the floors ,when he came home the sun was shining on the floor and said there is still dirt there, and then I heated him up pizza and cooked it for the time it was supposed be cooked, he took a bite and plopped it back on the the plate... not hot enough, so back to the oven it went, and he was just down right grumpy, when we went to bed and were about to go to sleep he started up again, told him why dont you think about the good things instead of crabbing about the bad, and then I went to sleep.
    Ok Grandmallie, I have to be blunt here. Reading that, I had visions in my head of what I would do. It involved slamming pizza pieces on a clean floor, I'm afraid. You worked so hard on the kitchen floor, and like you said the sun was shining on it, so why he says what he says is so crazy. See right there I would have crashed something on the floor and said calmly,"OK now THERE is some dirt still on it". The trouble with Tom is that he never appreciates you!! (((((hugs))) we dearly do!! And regarding the uncooked pizza, as long as the cheese is melted I wouldn't make a big deal about it. It's like he is LOOKING to make you annoyed or something. I think he likes to wallow in the misery of life, like that is his safe haven. And YES please show him this message.

    grandmallie - i don't think you would want to know what i would have done or said, it would not be appropriate to post on this forum, too many bad words would be involved and i do mean bad. have him call me so i can tell him personally
    Your #1 fan in Oregon

    Just FYI the words:
    "grandmallie - i don't think you would want to know what i would have done or said, it would not be appropriate to post on this forum, too many bad words would be involved and i do mean bad. have him call me so i can tell him personally."
    Was written by Pip adding her thoughts to what I had said

    We both just care aboutcha :-)
  • Annr
    Annr Posts: 2,765 Member
    barbiecat wrote: »
    :) I've just started reading a book about tai chi......do any of you have any experience with tai chi that you would share?

    There is a class in the pool "aqua Tai Chi that I have been meaning to try. I shall let you know how it is in water :-)
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    edited February 2016
    Sylvia: :heart:

    DJ: Right now I'm working on a dishrag with a the picture of a duck knitted into it. The work itself is doing wonders for reducing the swelling in the wrist that I broke. The bone has healed but the soft tissue is still a work in progress. Movements are smoother, range of motion is improving and swelling seems to be easing after each knitting session. I am keeping the sessions fairly short. :flowerforyou:

    Donna: The acid reducer I took originally was Nexium, a time-release prescription item. Later my insurance required me to switch to a generic, Pantoprazole. I recently read articles on the internet and saw TV news linking this class of drugs to the development of Alzheimers. Yikes!!! I won't take them again. I am taking a different kind of acid reducer now that is an over the counter pill recommended by my doctor. She assures me it has no health risks. I'm supposed to take one in the morning and one at night. It is not a time-release formula and that was an important consideration to my doctor. I am at the beginning of my learning curve so I'm not an expert by any means. :noway:

    Betty: Congrats on the great scale reading. :smiley:

    Barbie: Your words encourage me. My years in MFP have taught me that I can take charge of my own health and improve my life. I work on my health every day, and also work on enjoying life. :star: I have observed tai-chi classes locally and at the Chinese Garden in Portland. I think of tai-chi as a form of dance. I suspect you would enjoy it very much. :bigsmile:

    Mary: Your pup is beautiful and soooo appealing. :smiley:

    Becca: The gift of song is something I envy. Congratulations on a great day. :flowerforyou:

    Sharon: Welcome to a great group of supportive women. :flowerforyou: Here are my tips:
    * Log every bite and swallow even if you go over your goal for the day.
    *Use measuring tools to make sure of your portion sizes. Food scales are great and so are measuring cups or restaurant style dishers.
    *Move more. Doing something you enjoy will motivate you to make it a regular habit.
    *Come here often to give and get encouragement and support.

    My riding teacher invited me to her home today to observe a veterinary check-up for both of her horses, including the one I ride. T's hooves were x-rayed, and afterward the veterinarian cleaned his teeth. The vet was gracious about explaining the process to me, and even let me stick my hand in the horse's mouth to feel his teeth. Amazing! If I ever look a "gift horse" in the mouth, I'll know what to look for. :laugh: It was a lucky day for me when I called a nearby stable looking for riding lessons and they set me up with this wonderful young woman as my teacher.

    Katla in Beautiful NW Oregon

    “Our greatest weakness lies in giving up. The most certain way to succeed is always to try just one more time.” Thomas A. Edison

    February Resolutions :
    1. Log every bite and swallow.
    2. Cardio exercise at least 3 days a week. Work on flexibility and back strength.
    3. Have fun every day.
    4. Drink at least three glasses of water daily, preferably more!
    5. Monitor sleep. Try to average 7 or more hours of sleep nightly.

    1. Find a place I can learn to fall without getting hurt once my doctor says it is ok to try.

  • jmkmomm
    jmkmomm Posts: 3,247 Member
    Yeah, we get $22 every 3 months from Prudential. We could go on with that or sell our shares and buy new windows.

  • fanncy0626
    fanncy0626 Posts: 7,152 Member
    Katla- thanks! I think he is finally growing into his ears! I'm glad to hear that your wrist is getting better. You really did find a very good horse trainer!


    Mary from Minnesota
  • GloworminWA
    GloworminWA Posts: 704 Member
    edited February 2016
    Allie - your story about your husband's comment took me back to when my ex- husband said to me one day that I had not cleaned the base boards! WTH - the baseboards? You notice he is an EX and he can clean his own baseboards! Bruhaha!!!
  • lhannon062709
    lhannon062709 Posts: 1,140 Member
    Still alive, still writing like mad, still have guests, still reading everything, just not writing much. Son and his wife will depart Monday, I'll take 'em into town, then her mother will take them to El Paso for their flight back to Montana on Tuesday. Love 'em, but I'll be glad to have our house back to ourselves.

    I have to spend most of the week in town, volunteered to work the Chamber of Commerce Banquet, which is one of the big shindigs, and will be working on getting that set up Tues/Weds/Thurs. Luckily my best writing hours are these--3:30 a.m. to about 8:30 a.m. It's been helpful while the kids are here, since they don't get up until noon if they have a choice.

    Happy weekend, people...
    Lisa in West Texas
  • KJLaMore
    KJLaMore Posts: 2,837 Member
    barbiecat wrote: »
    :) I've just started reading a book about tai chi......do any of you have any experience with tai chi that you would share?

    I have done tai chi before. I usually do it with a video or a morning exercise show. I started because I didn't have the balance to do yoga, so I started with Tai Chi and after a few months moved over to yoga. An ankle injury (and re-injury) sidelined me from both yoga and tai chi for about a Year and a half. I am beginning again with the Tai chi.

    Pip- LOVE the bike! Good luck selling and I do hope you get back what you put into it!

    Sylvia- Hadn't thought about the CPS and child welfare law differentiation between the states! I do think that the courts would take into consideration, after hearing what the school has to say, the fact that there are grandparents that are able and willing to step up to the plate and care for their grandchildren. I would think they would see this as the least stressful situation for the children, if choosing between strangers, a group home, being split up, and grandparents that the kids love...Prayers and love to you!

    Newgirls- Welcome! This is a great group for finding support in physical health as well as support for your brain and soul! Love these ladies!

    Happy Saturday, all! Heading out to get my shopping and errands done; then spending some time cooking/prepping food for the week. I am going to pick up a Zoodler today! I am so FREAKING excited! I love a good gadget! My son was laughing at me the other day. I have begun naming gadgets, appliances around the house and sometimes talk to them as I use them (we all do this, right?) Like my new kitchen faucet is named Delilah; because I went looking for a totally different type of faucet (but it was to expensive) so I was tempted and beguiled into buying Delilah with her white curvy features. Delilah, because I am sure she will eventually betray me and fail to work one day. Anyhow, DS walked in while I was "working" with Arnold, my meat tenderizer/meat mallet. Of course I was speaking in the famous "Arnold" voice and talking to my chicken "I'm going to POUND you OUT! You're mommy's not here to save you! There ARE no mommies! No one is going to save you! You will be dinner!" and of course as I washed my hands before grabbing a pan for the chicken, I told them "I'll be back!" Yes, my son was on the floor laughing. He is convinced I am losing my mind. Oh well, whatever gets us through the day, right?
  • Lilymay2
    Lilymay2 Posts: 2,524 Member
    Allie - your story about your husband's comment took me back to when my ex- husband said to me one day that I had not cleaned the base boards! WTH - the baseboards? You notice he is an EX and he can clean his own baseboards! Bruhaha!!!

    My DH likes to make the comment about cobwebs .... my reply is ...if you can see it you should get the long handled duster and remove it. Nothing ticks me off more than that comment...especially when he works from home and is there all day!!

    Lillian in West Central Saskatchewan
  • Lilymay2
    Lilymay2 Posts: 2,524 Member
    Finally kicking my flu bug.... just in time too. Curling bonspiel this weekend and I need to get some exercise in so it will be a fun weekend!!

    DH hasn't fully recovered yet..and those man flus are really bad so good thing he is home alone... he won't take anything I tell him to anyway so he can suffer it out all by his self...

    Later all
    Lillian in West Central Saskatchewan
  • kimses2
    kimses2 Posts: 218 Member
    Howdy everyone. Still dealing with this chest cold and now my husband and son have it. Not much working out going on, but I'm down 1.5 this week. Maybe I'll get some yoga in today.

    Mary My daughter who is home from college saw the picture of Shep and now is on my back to get a new dog! That little guy is pretty adorable.

    Kimses in MA
  • csofled
    csofled Posts: 3,022 Member
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,820 Member
    At work and on my second cup of peppermint tea...going to speak with Tom and tell him I am planning on the trip and treating my dad..if he feels up to going :D .
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,730 Member
    edited February 2016
    morning peeps -

    no-excuses = glad the surgery went well and he was hungry, that's a good sign

    annr - thanks for reposting that so our buddy wouldn't miss my comment :0)

    KjLaMore - we aren't selling that bike, we are donating it back to the organization that we got it thru when we bid and won it. i think we bid $600 and won that bike. it's been right where i took the pic of it all this time, home art.

    kirby is going to try to run 4 miles today on the treadmill. gonna try to run 4 miles total, 1 mile not holding then 3 holding. he's increasing 1/2mile of not holding each time. i'm glad he's taking my advice. i don't think i'll run beside him, i will b too nervous watching and not paying attention to myself. i've been wearing 1lb ankle weights when i run. he's been wearing them while he's at work. he's been off all week.

    type to ya later.
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,370 Member
    No time. Have been reading. <3
    Just a pic of me nd the DGC at the playground round the corner.


    Love to all

    Heather UK