

  • fanncy0626
    fanncy0626 Posts: 7,152 Member
    Push-ups 6x10 done!

    It was great fun at puppy class. So many different breeds. The last 15 minutes we let them off leash and I sat on the floor to watch. After about 5 minutes they started wanting to crawl all over me and I had 2-3 puppies loving on me! I was in heaven! Towards the end even Shep came over to love me up.


    Have a great night everyone!

    Mary from Minnesota
  • GodMomKim
    GodMomKim Posts: 3,657 Member
    mary - I'm so jealous!!! Levi doesn't like other dogs - and especially doesn't like other dogs near me! he nips first bites second... but if it is just humans he's just fine....
  • KMHilinski
    KMHilinski Posts: 14 Member
    edited February 2016
    Hi! I am 51 and looking for a good support group. I saw this one and reading through some of the posts, it seems like you all have good advice and really encourage each other! I would like to join you ladies if you will have me! I just started training for my first half marathon, hoping to lose some weight along the way! I am new to posting in forums, so I do not know how to do all the fancy images, bold text or even attach a ticker! I am as they say a work in progress! But I will learn and get there!
    Thanks KMhilinski a.k.a Kat
  • janetr7476
    janetr7476 Posts: 4,001 Member
    edited February 2016
    Kat welcome. Of course we "will have you" and gladly. Many of us were the same as you, no experience in posting and support groups. This is a wonderful, caring, supportive group of ladies and someone in the group will have an answer, suggestion, advice, etc. for what ever challenge you may be facing. Join us often and jump right in.

    Janetr OK
  • jmkmomm
    jmkmomm Posts: 3,247 Member
    Kat, welcome to our group. Don't worry, I don't know how to do those other things either. But I do know how to use my voice in typing. It's one finger typing but I don't care. Where are you from, in a generalized since if you don't like saying where you are from.

    Charlie came home from Karaoke saying he was kind of glad I have never let him buy a gun. I figured he ahd some kind of road rage as usual. But he has pains in his neck hand in one arm and upper shoulder in the other one. That is including the urgent problems with the ulcerative colitis. He is to proud to ask me pull down his pants when he goes to the bathroom or to let me help clean up. I give him his privacy and dignity but he knows I am here if he needs it. He is looking forward to tomorrows evening's supper. I am fixing one of his favorite, rice casserole. I will have to go slowly as far as adjusting it to a more healthy meal. Right now it's white rice, cream of mushroom and chicken and ground beef. I can fudge and use ground turkey or a better grade of ground beef. Right now I am just glad he has had 3 days straight of home cooked meals and I know he is eating fruits and veggies and I am trying to squeeze that fiber into him. I decided tonight that the only reason I ate the potatoes was a vehicle to get the gravy down!!!! So far it hasn't affected his bedtime ups and down but it is better during the day. He had a 2 hour period of time this afternoon he was able to forget about his UC to go get the oil changed with no gas pains, no urgency, just normalcy. He said he actually thanked God for that. Now that's a first for him.

    Enjoyed choir practice tonight except I don't know why that I had problems getting past the A that is close to the upper C. That was pretty much my limit. Some G's were hard if they were sustained long enough like at the end of a song. But yet at the times we had to help the tenors, I could get to the lower E that is below the middle C. That is low for me. Plus I have enjoyed my vision!!!!!!

    Allison, I am still right there with you, shadowing you and ready to catch you if you are tired or exhausted. You are never alone.

    Sylvia, I feel so sorry for these grand kids. the ups and downs they have in their life. They never know which Daddy is going to wake up in the morning. Or if he will wake up.

    Did I tell you I have Charlie's Carpal tunnel scheduled. It's for March 15th. But we have to be there at 6:45. Yep, that is AM. I am going to call and see if there is a later time even if we have to settle for a later date. 6:45 is right in the midst of his diarrhea. We would have to stop so many times just trying to go out the door. And they wouldn't be able to get his vital signs and put his IV in unless they shared the bathroom with him. His bowels usually calm down around 9 AM.

    I settle my computer problems last night just by not turning it off at all. I cleared all my history but didn't turn the machine off. And it was all there for me this morning!

    Joyce, Indiana
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,799 Member
    edited February 2016
    morning ladies~
    yes it is 2:29 am have barely got a wink of sleep we have had heavy rain and a line of storms with heavy wind too.whipping on the windows and scaring the bejesus out of the dogs and me..it is slowing down a bit, but getting water in the basement.. once this all calms down will do a couple of loads of laundry.and make some lemon meringue pie for my DFIL. i put the dog food out on the counter to warm up and took them out in the wind to do there business,Tom usually does this so thought i was doing a favor,he got cranky because I didnt put it in the microwave and heat it up, see it is little things like this that are sending him over the edge.. so took my phone and computer and came into my room..
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
  • GloworminWA
    GloworminWA Posts: 704 Member
    I am feeling so accomplished that I have been able to keep up with the posts lately! Still I read something and know I never saw a post about it - buried somewhere in between other posts! I am also feeling good about my 3 goals for today - smile, compassion and wall pushups - did 2 X 10 which felt so good that I am going to do these everyday. Will increase tomorrow. I don't think I've said anything about my arms going to sleep. It started with my left arm and later my right arm. I'm pretty sure a nerve is being pinched off in my shoulders. I have a doctor appt on Friday as this is disturbing my sleep.

    Speaking of sleep - I'm off to my meditation music and restful slumber - well I can dream about it anyway!

    Hugs and free smiles to all! Fee Tai Chi for beginners tomorrow if the sick child is well.

    Beth is it you who dances with your turkey? turkey-hug.gif

  • KJLaMore
    KJLaMore Posts: 2,836 Member
    Happy Thursday! We got about six inches of slush between last night and this morning. Very wet and heavy snow! I ended up shoveling last night while dinner was in the oven and DH is out there now, taking his turn on this heavy stuff. Hundreds of schools closed. My DYS's college is also closed today, so at least he doesn't have to be making the 45 minute drive to school! I am a little sore this morning from a combination of the push-ups and the shoveling, so I picked no arm work at all today. I have to be able to lift babies all day. Too sore is not a good thing. Wondering how Mia in Ann Arbor is doing? Other side of the state, but haven't seen her on here, lately.

    Gloria- My DH is having the same issue with arm and leg numbness happening at random times. He does have a nerve pinched in his neck. He had three back surgeries about 30 years ago, due to an accident at work. Hope your doc can help you and give you some relief. Yes, Beth is the one with the turkey. Her indian name is Dances With Turkeys ;)

    Kat-Welcome! I am also technologically challenged. But I can find a basic emoticon, bookmark a page, and highlight. But it is all stuff that some one else had to show/tell me how to do. Remember to bookmark this page so you can find it easier. Just click on the star at the top of the page and look for Barbiecat's post near the end of the month, because she posts the link to take us into the next month! Great group of ladies!

    Allie- Hang in there sweetie! Cranky hubbies are a pain in the butt! Thinking of you! IF I lived closer I would be over with my mop and squee-gee helping you with all of the rain damage.

    Well, I gotta fly. Snow days mean surprise days for me because I never know which kids are going to show up for daycare.
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,350 Member
    Morning all! :D

    Just booked the last night hotel in Spain. For some reason the first website I tried, that I used absolutely fine for the first two nights booking at the same hotel, declined two cards. The next website the card went through ok. Since then the two declined cards have been ringing and messaging me. Grrrrrrrrrr!
    Now I've got to check out and book the other nights at Cordoba and Granada. I've got ages to do it, so no panic. I like to pay the bit extra so the booking is cancellable. You never know.
    I will also book the Alhambra entry, but you can't do that until three months before. :D

    I might be able to watch my Norwegian film today as DH is off on a supermarket shop. Otherwise a quiet day, apart from making banana bread with two old bananas DH kindly saved for me. :noway: He needs cake to fatten him up. :bigsmile:

    Love to all, Heather UK

    PS I learnt a nice phrase in Norwegian the other day. For some reason it resonated with me.

    De kommer hjem til oss. - "They are coming home to us". How lovely!
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,799 Member
    so so tired.. my surge counted about 5 3/4 hours sleep.. but doesnt feel like it.. but have gotten 2 loads of laundry done... and will make up both beds. and I did take about a 1/2 hr nap on the couch..
    I am using duolingo to brush up on both spanish and french,but im not doing to well, but hey at least i am trying lol
  • kimses2
    kimses2 Posts: 218 Member
    Hi-- just stopping in to say that I've landed a new job and start on the 14th. So that's a relief. Funny though, that my main concern is how I'm going to find time to exercise! For the first time in 10 years I have to go back into an office. I think I'll have to get up early and workout. Just gotta suck it up! I'm fortunate to have this opportunity to open a new chapter.

    Kimses in MA
  • Lilymay2
    Lilymay2 Posts: 2,524 Member
    Good morning all ... welcome to the new people.

    I am off to the Dr, this a.m. to get my results from all my annual check up tests. Then I will go and find some new shoes for my mom. Physio would like her to have shoes with more grip. I am not sure if that is a good idea as she shuffles along - doesn't really lift her feet.

    Then lunch with DDIL and then I need some physiological relief so I am going to the scrapbooking store :)

    AND - I need to walk 5 miles today so I will parking at the far end of the parking lot and hopefully home before dark so I can take my puppy dog for a walk.

    Have a great day everyone

    Lillian in West Central Saskatchewan
  • Peach1948
    Peach1948 Posts: 2,473 Member
    Kimses ~ Congrats on the new job. Hope it will be an enjoyable experience.

    Quiet day here - Lots of wind and icy damp cold.

    Praying for any of you who are suffering through storms.

  • margaretturk
    margaretturk Posts: 5,090 Member
  • joanl9
    joanl9 Posts: 107 Member
    edited February 2016
    Kimses in MA - Congratulations on your new job. Hoping you re-adjust soon to an office routine and find opportunities to work out that fit your new schedule.

    Kate in Alabama
  • csofled
    csofled Posts: 3,022 Member
    kimses2 wrote: »
    Hi-- just stopping in to say that I've landed a new job and start on the 14th. So that's a relief. Funny though, that my main concern is how I'm going to find time to exercise! For the first time in 10 years I have to go back into an office. I think I'll have to get up early and workout. Just gotta suck it up! I'm fortunate to have this opportunity to open a new chapter.

    Kimses in MA


    NE oHIo
  • klanders30
    klanders30 Posts: 2,569 Member
    congrats kimses don't forget to walk past the snack table at your new office!! Karen from ny
  • miriamwithcats
    miriamwithcats Posts: 1,120 Member
    Kimses, way to go!
  • drkatiebug
    drkatiebug Posts: 1,946 Member
    edited February 2016
    Yay, Kimses!