

  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,979 Member
    kimses2 wrote: »
    Hi-- just stopping in to say that I've landed a new job and start on the 14th. So that's a relief. Funny though, that my main concern is how I'm going to find time to exercise! For the first time in 10 years I have to go back into an office. I think I'll have to get up early and workout. Just gotta suck it up! I'm fortunate to have this opportunity to open a new chapter.

    Kimses in MA


    Once you start working, carefully look at your day and find the places where time is spent on less productive things and get rid of them to make time for exercise....maybe getting to be earlier and getting up earlier to exercise before work....just keep watching for opportunities....you will find them

    :)<3 Barbie
  • fanncy0626
    fanncy0626 Posts: 7,152 Member
    edited February 2016
    Gloria- Great job on the wall push-ups! I'm just getting ready to start my exercise.

    Kimses - congratulations on your new job! Also, on your commitment to exercise!

    Lillian- hope all your results turn out well!

    Allison - i'm sorry that you had a rough time sleeping!

    KJLaMore - at least you know those push-ups are working! I was a little sore to in my shoulder. I'm not used to doing them. Great job!

    Kim- it was the best time ever with the little puppies! Maybe if you brought your dog to in obedience class he would get used to other dogs and not nip at them. That is one of the main reasons I brought mine because he loves to bite. Maybe he just wants to bite me!

    Good morning ladies I am just getting up. I took care of the puppy and now it's time to take care of me. I will be doing my kettle bell swings and for the push-up challenge 7X 10 today.

    Have a great day everyone!


    Mary from Minnesota
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    Gloria: Congratulations on your nicely chosen goals: smiling, compassion and wall push ups. You've done a great job balancing important priorities. :bigsmile:

    Kimses: Congrats on the new job. I hope you enjoy it there. :flowerforyou:

    I'm taking DH to the dentist today. He has to have some periodontal work done & it will be a while if this time is like last time. I'm skipping zumba/spin & don't mind. DH needs the support and he's always there for me when I need him. :heart:

    Katla in Beautiful NW Oregon

    “Our greatest weakness lies in giving up. The most certain way to succeed is always to try just one more time.” Thomas A. Edison

  • mollywhippet
    mollywhippet Posts: 1,890 Member
    Good morning everyone! I slept a little better last night. Didn't wake up till about 3:30 with some medium-level hip pain, so it wasn't as bad as it had been. I have not walked in the last two days though, so I wonder if it's the medicine making my hips feel better, or if it's the exercise that is causing the pain in the first place. I do know that the new meds are giving me a headache and some shortness of breath. Hopefully those will diminish soon.

    I've been studying my "script" for the talk tonight, and I think it's going to be OK. I whittled it down to two pages of bullet points, with pretty big print so I can see it easily. If I feel like it, I can add other stuff from memory along the way. It's stuff I know well, so hopefully I won't draw a blank. We've had about 40 people say they are coming for sure, but the invitation was out there in cyberspace for all the world to see, so there's no telling how many we will really have.

    My DGD#2 is having a school program tonight at the same time, and I can't go to both. Her dad said that he will take her and take video for me to see later. I hope that works out. He has made plans like this before and then has a breathing fit and can't do it, or has to leave early. I do feel bad about missing it though. She is not very understanding about stuff like that. When I pick them up from school I will have to explain it to her. Not looking forward to that.

    Hubby is coming to the studio for lunch today. I like that. There is a round table and some chairs out in the gallery where we can sit and have a nice quiet lunch, just the two of us. I brought stuff from home to make burritos. (lean beef, low salt salsa, smaller size whole-wheat tortillas, fake cheese)

    Well, I think I'll clean up a little bit before lunch. Have a great day!

  • mollywhippet
    mollywhippet Posts: 1,890 Member
    Kimses - congrats on the new job! What kind of work will you be doing? Don't forget that taking care of yourself comes first!
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,350 Member
    Kimses - Hooray! Great news! :flowerforyou:

    Had another automated call from the bank. :sad: I rang them in the end. Apparently there has been some fraudulent activity on that website. All sorted now, but what a bother. At least the credit card co just sent a text. But it comes to something when you can't even book a hotel room without the Spanish Inquisition.

    Watched Troll Hunter. Great fun, but my Norwegian was not up to it. Thank goodness for subtitles. ;)

    Banana bread pleased DH. I checked it early as I could smell it was done and it was definitely cooked. Good job I didn't leave it the extra ten minutes.

    Sylvia - Good luck for tonight! I used to talk in public a lot, but was always terrified beforehand. Most people are. It was always fine though.

    Love to all. Heather UK
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,699 Member
    yeay for the new job kimses!!

    today it's supposed to be nice, I may end up riding home.
  • miakoda40
    miakoda40 Posts: 467 Member
    Kim - I love, love, love the tent in the garage. It looks so inviting. So since I am commenting on the pictures you know I am several pages behind in my reading. I hope that when I come across your post on how the dinner went that it was a great success. You certainly put a lot of effort into making a pleasant environment for your guests.

    Mia in MI
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,799 Member
    whooo hooo Kimses~
    well with the duolingo doing much better in french than in spanish... took the boys around the block and picked up some sticks out in the yard from last nights storm..
  • Marley2591
    Marley2591 Posts: 39 Member
    Have a wonderful day everyone! Terrible weather yesterday - much better today!

    Cathy (from Canada)
  • fanncy0626
    fanncy0626 Posts: 7,152 Member
    Stronglifts Rest Day

    Goblet squats-3X7X 30
    Russian Kettlebell Swings- 5X9X 35, 17 X 10 X 30

    I had a little issue with the second set of 35 pound kettle bell swings. I felt a pull in my muscles of my back shoulder blade area. I still continued on and after my workout I took a couple of ibuprofen. I have started the 7X 10 push up challenge today. I think they may help to stretch out the area that I pulled so I am going to do them throughout the day. How is everyone else doing?

    Sylvia - it sounds like you are going to have a great lunch with your DH! Very romantic!


    Mary from Minnesota
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    Sylvia: Too bad the school program conflicts with your gallery event. I hope your DS is able to go and see his daughter. It will mean a lot to her. :heart:

    Mia: Nice to see you again. Long time, no see. :wink:

    Katla in Beautiful NW Oregon

    “Our greatest weakness lies in giving up. The most certain way to succeed is always to try just one more time.” Thomas A. Edison
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,699 Member
  • GloworminWA
    GloworminWA Posts: 704 Member
    1X10 - One set of pushups done already - could feel the ones I did yesterday in my muscles as I was doing them - being mindful of form and breathing! Did not sleep well at all last night - even with my meditation music. DGS#1 has hallucinations when he has a fever. He woke up last night and needed me to come into his room because he said there was a bomb outside and he was pulling up the blinds to look. Finally got him back to sleep but I could not get into a position that my arms wouldn't fall asleep. Glad I have the doc appt tomorrow.

    I made a delicious chicken, veggie, rice stew for dinner yesterday. I'll be having that for lunch today. Making turkey, feta, curry burgers for dinner. Think I'll use the naan I have in the freezer to put them in rather than go to the store for sandwich thins which I usually use.

    Speaking of stores - when I moved out of Lacey 5yrs ago they had plastic & paper bags in stores. Well not anymore. They banned plastic bags so if you don't take your own bags with you you have to pay $.05 for a paper bag. I am now doing much better at remembering to take them with me - and then actually take them into the store ;) . I miss getting plastic bags as I use them to line waste paper baskets, clean the litter box, etc. All the extras I would take to the library, food bank, clothing bank, etc.

    Won't be getting to my free Tai Chi for Beginners class today as I now have two sick kids home. On top of them being sick we are all suffering from seasonal allergies after the winds we've had recently.

    Kimses congratulations on the new job! They are lucky to get you!

    Sylvia I'm concerned about the new meds making you short of breath - I would definitely let your doctor know about that.

    I got a text from one of my sisters in CA this morning telling me that my mom is not doing well. She goes to visit with her every Wed and said that Mom fell 8 or 9 times yesterday. She is in a retirement community and the doctor is going in to see her today and do some blood work. Please add her to your prayer list.

    Off to do another set of pushups. Plan is to do 1 set an hour or 2 if I feel so inclined. AND smile while doing them!

  • bwcetc
    bwcetc Posts: 2,777 Member
    Kimses ... Congratulations!

    Beth aka Dances with Turkeys near Buffalo!
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,350 Member
    Mary - I can feel my 9 kg dumbbells today. My waist is telling me something around my back. :ohwell:
    I used to be able go do 30 full push ups in one go. Then I took it down to 20. Haven't done them for ages with so many other things to do. Might try tomorrow.
    I have a lot of upper body strength, even if my hips and knees are rubbish. At high school I was in the District sports for Shot Put and not too bad at Javelin. I couldn't even get a single point in sprinting or hurdles.
    Michele - I don't know what it's called, but you raise one leg up on a support, rest that same side arm on it, lean forward and use the opposite arm to swing a weight backwards. :ohwell:

    The bank have twice rung my mobile with a survey as to how to rate their service today 1-10. :sad: :sad:


    Heather UK
  • lhannon062709
    lhannon062709 Posts: 1,140 Member
  • janetr7476
    janetr7476 Posts: 4,001 Member
    edited February 2016
    Kimses - Wonderful news regarding the new job. I know that is a weight off your shoulders. Congrats, hope it works out well and you are happy there.

    Gloria - will remember your Mom, sending good thots for you all. What age is she?

    I don't know if you all remember me saying that when I returned from AZ I had a letter in the mail saying my family doctor has passed away unexpectedly....well today I saw the new doctor for the first time. A young woman and I really liked her. I had never seen her before so she had not seen me heavier but she kept telling me how good I look. Her nurse told me I didn't look 66. I think maybe they were trying to score points :) I discussed with her starting weight resistance training and she was gung ho for it. She gave me info to bring home and some recommended beginning exercises with weights. Also scheduled a mammogram for me, ugh. Haven't had one in 3 years so guess I must do it. Oh and I was down 3 lbs since I was there the week before Christmas with shingles.

    Janetr OKC
  • Annr
    Annr Posts: 2,765 Member
    Haven't been able to keep up with all of you! If you are dealing with illness or stressful circumstances, my thoughts are with ya!
    Gave blood the other day, so because its a side vein I have a huge black and blue mark. Was up .2 lbs which is nothing, and so being that I went out to dinner and lunch a couple of times, plus donated blood, I was happy it was only a .2 gain. The most important thing was that I attended the meeting and was accountable.

    Got my 10 minutes of laying out in the sun...(sans clothes)..and now its my husbands turn! I know....I know...we are strange people.

    Yesterday my son came home from school and told me about an incident on the bus. A neighbor kid (grade school age) was showing a picture of male genitalia to girls on the bus. I don't know if it was his genitalia, (a whole other situation) or just a random picture. There is a family up my street that have 8 kids, and so a couple of her girls were the ones involved. She and I are hoping that this kid gets some serious disciplinary action taken. It's porn and that was sexual bullying. Her kids are sweet, and were home-schooled so this might be a situation where she has had enough and continues home-schooling. Its a sad thing. She was glad that her girls had my son to "defend them". She told me he is such a gentleman. I think he has always looked out for little ones, and I notice that the younger kids gravitate to my son while waiting for the bus in the morning.

    It's time to start fixing up my community garden plot again! Need to buy some more soil, and before I plant I shall work in some "shrimp manure" that a guy from a seafood processing plant gave me. It's powerful stuff and my spinach exploded out of the ground when I used it last year. Hopefully it hasn't "expired" or anything. If not I can get more. It's $35 to have a plot (like a 9x4 plot) so if I can, I might try to get another plot.

    Well, its offical. It's now a city fine of $250 if you are caught feeding the ELK. So no bags of apples for me anymore. When they were out in our fields, I would come out onto our balcony, and open the storage door, they would know they were going to get apples. One deal is that ELK lingering around the city here, it might bring other animals (cougars) that hunt the ELK. Not good. So even though I do love our ELK herd, I need to just look from afar.

    Well take care all!
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,799 Member
    well wonders never cease~ Tom said thanks for dinner, it was great....HOT spicy friend chicken and HOT mashed potatoes.. and a big glass of milk.. another thing that thrills him are fresh sheets on the bed and after last night with all the racket from the wind and rain , It will feel wonderful..