

  • jazzypdx
    jazzypdx Posts: 178 Member
    Hi All! Technically challenged, just a smartphone, trying to read the thread. Great support and encouragement, love it! Worked way too many hours at my real job, only made it to PF one night, and NO mornings, I did okay on food through Wednesday but today(Thursday) well, needed a hand basket. Buger n fries for dinner ...at 1230 am today (now Friday) when I finally got off work, and I ate a babe Ruth about 9pm from the vending machine, and a vending vanilla latte 'cause hell hot black coffee just wouldn't do for true diet sabbotage right? I did go buy some 16oz Mason jars to make pre-made breakfast and lunch cups, saw some great ideas for delicious healthy cup meals and I am going to try that. Anyway, scale didn't budge, in 4 days, but I know I didn't get the exercise to balance my mostly healthier eating, about 1400 Cal daily. Have a great Friday everyone!
  • Lagopus
    Lagopus Posts: 1,016 Member
    Gosh I've been so busy and I have to go to the airport in half an hour for the first leg of my flight to Stockholm. So many things I want to comment on but I'll have to focus on one just now.

    Kimses, congratulations! I just saw where you summarized the advice you'd received, but I'd like to add one more thing. When you start a new job, you're starting a new way of life, really. So you can try to use that "reboot" your life the way you reboot a computer: to get rid of stuff that has been getting in the way. Kick habits that you know you shouldn't have, and add habits you want. Since so much is changing at the same time, including the people around you, you can create a new you. For example, if your new co-workers see that you always go for a walk on your lunch break, never eat the cookies at coffee time, always take the stairs - whatever - they will start to expect that type of behavior from you, and you will start to expect it from yourself. IMHO. So baby steps, but BIG baby steps.

    I'm hoping for a break myself soon, so I can go back and pick up the things I wanted to say (to Lisa, to TheRealMrsWolf, to Heather, to Sylvia, to Joyce, to Gloria, to Miriam, to Becca, to some of the newbies whose names I haven't yet learned... you get the picture) but don't hold your breath. (Breathe, ladies, breathe.) I've got teaching all next week. And GRANDCHILDREN.

    Oh, and I DO see sunlight today, real actual sunlight on the mountains across the fjord. I even took a picture. Have to upload it, but I don't have time now...

    Sorry for all the adrenalin I'm spilling on the thread. Can the cleaner person get rid of it even if it isn't in the margins?
    /Penny, soon not quite so close to the emoticon-object-026.gif
  • KJLaMore
    KJLaMore Posts: 2,836 Member
    Woo-hoo! Doing the Thank-God-It's-Friday-Happy-Dance! (insert dancing cartoon here) Where do you ladies get those little cartoonies? I am on a laptop, maybe only available on phones and tablets? I am SOOOO tired today! I woke up this morning at 4:00 did my work out, showered, and went into the kitchen and found a note on the table from my DH. My little one that normally arrives at 5:30 won't be here this morning. Ugh! Too awake now, to go back to bed. Ah well, a little more time to linger and read and catch up with all of you!

    Allie-I actually cheered out loud when I read that Tom thanked you for dinner! Whoot! Small victories. I agree about the clean sheets thing, too. Maybe sliding in between fresh sheets is like rolling in your own accomplishments? You know what I mean? LIke when you have a day when you have gotten a ton of stuff done that you feel invincible, and you wish there was a way you could enjoy it more, so you brag to people when you see them; "I did this and this and this..." :p Maybe that is why the sheets feel so good...sleeping in our accomplishment. *sigh makes me want to do my laundry now. ;) Have fun at the GArth/Trisha concert! I saw Garth many years ago; pre-Trisha. He puts on a great show.

    Rori- Love the cruise idea! Or any type of gathering would be fun! Love these ladies!

    Kimses-I forgot to say Congrats to you! Starting something new is so exciting. Enjoy this and I hope it is a successful venture for you and your last (if you want it to be). I am sure you will not be the oldest employee, I hope they see your worth and value you and your skills!

    Pip-There is that bike again! Let us know how the auction goes! Whomever has the winning bid, is a lucky person! Loving the cute little VW keychain! I love those cars. When my minivan is gone (and I don't have all of the little ones) I hope to get either a VW bug convertible or an old Jeep Wrangler (canvas top, of course). Dream cars.

    Gloria- Sorry to hear about your mom! It is pretty much the same story for my MIL. She led a very active life, then a fall and broken pelvis began a litany of health issues. She is 82 and we really have to push her on eating more and staying hydrated and taking her meds! She can be very stubborn some days. Luckily we live only 45 minutes away, so it is a little easier to lend a hand. I have to admit, caring for her after the fall was the motivation for me to start taking better care of myself! Good job on the strength training!

    Mary- I love to read about your weight lifting and your kettlebell swings. I was worried when you thought you had pulled something. So easy to get off balance or out of proper alignment doing those exercises. Glad to see you were able to pinpoint it and correct it. Thank God for Ibuprofen, right?

    Kat-You are running! I am also working my way back into a running program. Ankle injury a year ago sidelined me for a while. I am a new runner, though. I was only running for a year when I rolled my ankle. As a newbie runner, I made the mistake of pushing too hard and paid the price. Like you, I didn't like running when I started. It was a chore. But I knew my body/weight responded better to running than anything else I did/do. I think it was when I got to about 2 1/2 miles that I really started to find "the zone". I made a music playlist for running, then another for cool down. But truly, with or without music, as soon as I hit mile 2, my mind would zone out and I just felt good. Plus those endorphins after running; the best! Oh! Runner's World magazine had articles that were great motivators for me. Also, you should read the book Born To Run by Christopher McDougall and Running For My Life by Lopez Lamong. Great inspirational books and not only about running; about life! Good luck!

    Becca!!!!- Missed you! Have you been posting and I have been missing them?

    Karen-I have been reading about "vision boards". I know they have been around for a while. I have a vision cupboard! LOL! Don't laugh! I have stuff hanging on the inside of my cupboard. All of my motivational stuff and goals...I will see if I can get a pic posted.

    BArbie- Gah! I love the knight! Where are you getting these cool little stickers?

    Well, Lucky, lazy me! I not only didn't have my girl that arrives at 5:30, but I got a call telling my my baby that arrives at 6:30, won't be here until 8:30! Going to head out for a quick walk before anyone else shows up! Have a great Friday every one!! <3
  • KJLaMore
    KJLaMore Posts: 2,836 Member
    Penny-You are always travelling! What is it that you are doing? Is it for work or for fun? And where exactly are you from? LOL! Not trying to pry...your photo and your posts make you a very intriguing person to me! I have decided to live vicariously through you and Heather. You both seem to travel a great deal and enjoy other cultures! KJ (Kelly)
  • margaretturk
    margaretturk Posts: 5,090 Member
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,350 Member
    edited February 2016
    Hi all!

    My brother rang this morning as I had accidentally rung him yesterday, although I cancelled it. It was nice to have a chat. He had just come from having injections in his eyes for his retinas (diabetes 2). My nephew had a brand new work car totalled by someone driving into the back of him at traffic lights. Horrible whiplash, so a specialist is coming to his house to look at him today.
    My 17 year old niece is just now returning from NYC where she has been on a photography course. :D

    My DS #2 has his Open Day for selling their house tomorrow. I bet they are panicking. Big clean up, window washing and garden tidying. DS is at work all day in Brighton, so my 38 week pregnant DDIL is directing proceedings. She sent me a scan of the baby's little face, close up. <3<3<3 Won't put it on here as it might be bad luck.

    Love to all. Heather UK

  • Lilymay2
    Lilymay2 Posts: 2,524 Member
    So... my results came back really good (the Doctor says) just a couple things... she says my ovaries have gone to sleep and I am post menopausal... well that's nice - I guess I missed the "fun" of menopause. I am sure hoping the Dr. is right because I am only 56. Then she said she forgot to send me for a bone scan ...so I truddled off to do that. And low and behold - the scrapbooking store is right across the street - so I went there for some physiological healing...lol !!! parked at the far end of every parking lot and curled last night to make 11285 steps - Yeah 5.1 miles.... need to do that every day to the end of the month.

    Now... off to another city today to take MIL to her eye appointment

    Have a great day everyone

    Lillian in West Central Saskatchewan ....where the sun is shinning and it is going to be a beautiful day :)
  • oceanmelody
    oceanmelody Posts: 399 Member
    Just saying hi and welcome to the new people--I posted something yesterday during lunch but a co-worker came along while I was finishing and even though I could swear I hit send I cannot find it. Out into poofland...
    Oh well.
    I am going to a concert tomorrow where I will be on my feet and dancing for at least 3 hours and I have no idea how to log that. Have any of you ever seen Bruce Springsteen and logged that kind of activity? I know the happiness chart will be sky-high, so I am really looking forward to the weekend.
    Hugs, sisters!
  • fanncy0626
    fanncy0626 Posts: 7,152 Member
    Stronglifts Rest Day

    Goblet Squats- 3X7X 30
    Kennel bell swing-22X 10 X 30

    Spent the night at a hotel so I brought my Kettlebell along instead of my squat rack and weights! LOL now to begin 8X 10 push-up challenge. I will be doing them throughout the day.


    Have a great day everyone!

    Mary from Minnesota
  • sflurbo
    sflurbo Posts: 13 Member
    Hi, just going this forum at 53 years old. I love my fitness pal, it has so much to offer. My goal going out of February and coming into March is to get to the gym for some beginning card as I haven't worked out since before 2012 when my mom became ill and my family made it our priority to keep her home till end life. We succeeded!! So now I need to re-group almost 4 years later, raising 4 daughter, 2 in college now!!! I read all the inspirational posts about self confidence, self esteem, and doing this for the health of "self". So thank you for inviting me, I look forward to our journey "together". :) I might add that a friend introduced me to herbal life, I am on day 3, I am taking one day at a time, looking too far ahead gets me in trouble, causing me to give up and go back to my very unhealthy habits.
  • DamitJanit
    DamitJanit Posts: 1,329 Member
    Just a quick note while I read the posts, to let you know that Mary has once again influenced me. So far today I've done 4 sets of 10 push-ups.bounce.gif Didn't plan it, they just started coming out of my body when I was doing my moving around? Go figure! So Mary, how many sets are you doing today? I might just have to match you. (And yes, my friends, mine are on the dresser or kitchen counter, not the floor)

    Myrtle Beach, SC
  • csofled
    csofled Posts: 3,022 Member
    TGIF everyone!

    Snowy here this morning however with the warmer temps coming this weekend it will all melt away.

    Turns out my daughter will be needing surgery for her torn meniscus. She got it getting up from her couch which apparently is a common thing. She will schedule it as soon as she can. We will go to Chicago for the surgery and then I will stick around for a week or two until she gets on her feet again.

    Wanted to mention a product I have been using with amazing results for my joint aches and pains. Wellese Joint Movement Glucosamine. We get it at Sam's Club. It is in liquid form and has a so-so taste. I can tell on the days I don't take it and the days I do.

    Today's goal is to finish sorting out what goes and doesn't go to Goodwill from all the boxes of "stuff" my daughter insists on keeping. We schlep way too many boxes of her stuff each time we move. On her move from Chicago to Richmond, VA later this summer she wants her stuff. We skyped for 4 hours the other day going over each and every item in each and every box labeled with her name! Literally every single McDonald's Happy Meal toy, each and every doll, each and every Beanie Baby, each and every Disney product......she settled on keeping all her American Doll collection, My Pet Shop collection, AND EVERY SINGLE NSYNC item in her collection. God bless her it was so much fun going down memory lane with her. She is an avid reader/writer and so she has boxes of books and ALL her school work. I'm thinking she better get a 2 bed apartment.

    Hubs had a good week making 5 job applications. AND this coming week he has 2 phone interviews. Virginia Commonwealth University and Community College of Allegheny County. I would be in heaven should he get the VCU position as it is in Richmond, VA where our daughter is moving to this summer!

    I really need some advice on my sleeping issues. I am such a restless sleeper and I never feel rested when I get out of bed in the morning. I'm not exhausted and falling asleep during the day. I don't have sleep apnea (test results negative). I sleep in a separate room/bed from the hubs. The room is dark and cool (run fan all the time). HELP!

    Have a good day. Best to everyone in need!

    Fairlawn, oHIo
    GRITSandSLUTSandWINOS Posts: 2,573 Member
    edited February 2016
    Ladies - I'm feeling VERY B***** today! So mad at my DnL#1 for NOT telling me about my DMGD being inducted into the "Honors Society" at school yesterday. I would have gone IF I had known about it. Her Mother got invited. They spent night-before-last at our house to ride out the storms ... so it was not like it was a 'last minute' thing. Of course, neither did my DMGD say anything about it either; but, she did not have much to say as it was anyway. Both DMGD and DYGD seem to be pulling away from me (I figure DnL#1 is saying things about me, behind my back, to them). I was so hurt; but, lately (especially since DYS has gotten married) she insists that we love them more than we love DOS, her, and their family. Louis said something to DOS about it when he made the comment that he needed to use my car to pick up the girls yesterday because DnL#1 could not get off work to pick them up because of the "HS's program" yesterday AM. Louis asked why I had not been asked ... DOS did not have an 'answer' for that. >:):#:'( She's now used up her very last chance of us ever having a close relationship I'm tired of hearing "Well, I'm NOT DYS's wife!" Sure as HELL NOT - she would inform me of things even if we are too far away to go. She's just that thoughtful. DnL#1 has been so Freaking negative about anything and everything - I almost hate being around her as it is. Maybe she has picked up on that. Except for a few niceties - we really have not had a meaningful conversation since 11/30/15; but, the few times we have attempted to do so, she brings up DDnL#2 and how she cannot compete with her since we 'obviously' love her more than we love her. But, to exclude me from going to something as important as my DMGD being inducted into Honors Society - has just blown all over me! She is the one that keeps her phone on 24/7 with FB as her Home Page; and, then wonders why she can't sleep, or why she always has a headache. GGGGgggggrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr! :'( DnL#1 gets 'mad' if I don't make a fuss over her, whenever she comes down here. To do so would feel like I was lying. I really don't much like her because of the things she has said about my DOS in a very negative way. You don't *kitten* to your son's other about him ... that is something the 2 of them need to work about between themselves. You don't post on FB things that are also something that should be settled between them. I'm sure it is all over FB by now, that I did not come to the HS's Program; with no mention that I was not invited. They are always welcome down here - she just doesn't want any part of me; but, I am tired of her making me out to be the fire-breathing, steam-blowing *kitten* from hell to everybody who will listen to her. :'(:'(:'(

  • mollywhippet
    mollywhippet Posts: 1,890 Member
    Good morning all! Last night went awfully well. We had more than 40 people attend the meeting, and 19 of those already filled out an application to join. We have a dozen or so more who wanted to join but couldn't make the meeting. So, we are off to the races! I really think this is going to work out. My little part of the talk went pretty well, although I got confused at one point and repeated myself just a little bit. Nobody threw tomatoes though, so I guess that's something.

    The meeting didn't take the whole two hours, so I hustled off the the school (only 3 blocks away) and got there just in time to see DGD's last song. She was so happy, because she thought I was there for the whole thing. I didn't tell her otherwise.

    I did not go to the whingding at the restaurant/bar with the other ladies from the co-op. They did try to guilt me into it a little bit, but I stood my ground. It was more important to me to go see my granddaughter's program. So, I'm pretty happy that I didn't cave to the pressure. This morning at the Y, my workout buddy (she's one of the co-op ladies) didn't even mention it, so I guess it went OK without me. The world still kept turning.

    One thing that bothers me a little bit is that at the meeting last night there was a young man and his mother. He is mentally challenged, and thinks he's an artist, and wants to join our co-op. His mother said not to worry, that when it was his turn to work the gallery she would be there with him. Well, he had a big stack of his artwork, which was coloring book pages of super heroes. Apparently, two of the ladies think we should let him into our group.

    We started out planning this co-op by saying that we were going to set high standards for the work that we show in the gallery, and it has to be professional quality, framed, displayed professionally, etc. Those were our stated goals right from the start. This kid seems nice, but his work is just not up to those standards. Not by a long shot. They argue that this would be good for him personally, and I have no doubt that it would, but that seems to be a dangerous precedent to set. We could be deluged by other "special" artists who would also be helped by being part of our group. And I think it would detract from what we are trying to do with the gallery. And if we left him in as a member, then how do we turn away other artists who are not up to snuff. They could say, well you let HIM in! The other organizers are worried that we might be sued for discriminating against him. I see this as a real problem. I suggested that we ask him to be a featured artist for a month or something, but not give him full membership, but that didn't sit well either. I suggested that once we settle on the rest of the members, we should vote on him, so it's not just up to me to be the bad guy. And if they say OK, then it's OK, but I don't think we should rush into it. But now the other organizers see me a the grinch who kicks puppies.

    Well, I am determined to accomplish something today, so to do that I have to get off the computer. Have a great Friday!


  • TerriRichardson112
    TerriRichardson112 Posts: 18,363 Member
    edited February 2016
    Penny I am also playing catch up after a very hectic 3 weeks.

    Kimses Congrats on the new job. You have got so much good advice, I cannot add to it.

    Heather sorry to hear about you nephew. I hope he wasn't too traumatised. Whiplash can be more serious than people realise. I have some residual occasional pain from whiplash after a rear-ender at traffic lights many years ago. The idiot pushed me into the path of an on-coming car and my life flashed in front of my eyes. That driver was more competent than the woman behind me fortunately. Delighted to hear about the scan. You must be so excited to be expecting another little one in the family. They bring such joy.

    Allie I am so pleased that that big lug of yours is finally showing you some appreciation. Enjoy the concert! Is it Garth Brooks? I love his music.

    Karen I love the idea of a Vision Cupboard. Maybe I could utilise one of mine when I finish my declutter. I am liberating space by the week.

    Betty Type Dancing into the exercise database and it will give you loads of options. I suggest disco dancing if it's Springsteen. You're bound to be fairly energetic.

    That's only comments on the last 8 or so posts on this current last page. I have no hope of catching up.

    Sorry I have been MIA. I was away in Austria for a week and then 10 days later in Rome for 4 days. Would have played havoc with my weight if I hadn't walked the legs off myself. Gained 3lbs in Austria then another 2lbs in Rome. Thankfully back down to my lowest weight again. I thoroughly enjoyed both trips, and they were a welcome break from my normal hectic schedule.

    Came home from Rome to discover my aunt Esther had passed away and was due to be cremated 2 days later. (She was my Godmother and only surviving member of her generation in our family.). Esther had no children but one of my cousins has been keeping an eye on her recently and she had made all the arrangements. Esther was everyone's favourite aunt, as she loved kids and spoilt us all equally. She had an aneurism and had a few turns before falling into a coma and dying on Friday 12 Feb. We came home in the early hours of 14 Feb and the cremation was on the 16th.

    On top of that, one of my best friends lost her husband to cancer and we had to attend the thanksgiving service later on the day we came home (14th) from Rome. He was Rector of a big private school near Belfast, and very well thought of in church circles, so the service was a big one.

    Trying to be upbeat! And philosophical. They both lived long, happy, fruitful lives. They will live on in our memories.

    Apologies for missing out so many people. I have been reading but not commenting.

    :heart: Healing thoughts and prayers to those who need them! :heart:

    [img]http://www.freesmileys.org/custom/image/grey%5E_%5Egeorgia%5E_%5E3%5E_%5E5%5E_%5EWelcome! Newbies!%5E_%5E.gif[/img]

    :star: Let your light shine out in the darkness :star:

    :star: Each one of us is a vital cog in an infinite universe. :star:
    We may not know our purpose, but each cog needs to be oiled and tended.



    Irish Terri harp.gif

  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,699 Member
    janetr7476 wrote: »
    Pip - as always, you are THE bomb. My next life I'm gonna come back as a "pip" Ha!

    Janetr OKC

    you are funny... :0)
  • TheRealMsWolf
    TheRealMsWolf Posts: 100 Member
    I agree, Exermom. My go-to breakfast on work days is a protein shake.
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,699 Member
    KMHilinski wrote: »
    Hello ladies!
    Trying to keep up with all the posts! Sounds like everyone is doing well! Day three of marathon training for me, 2 miles! Not going to lie...it was rough and slow, but I got it done! Had to laugh at my husband who has been running longer than I have and loves it. He said once you get past that first mile you will love it and be hooked! I just looked at him and said really? I must not be doing something right then, because I just ran 2 miles and I ain't loving it lol! The look he gave me...priceless! Oh well...it will come, just not there yet lol! Bless his heart, he tries to encourage me and make me feel like I am running so well...I know I'm not, at least not yet. Mostly I get inside my own head and talk myself out of things, like telling myself I'm dying, everything hurts or my fat is jiggling so much people are staring! I need to get out of my own way and not worry about how I look, or that I'm going to die, cuz I'm not lol, it just feels like I am! But being self conscious is a hard thing to just get over! I'm working on it though! Time for bed, have a good night everyone and keep up the good work!

    Kat in Colorado

    keep it up kmhilinski, you'll make it. I'm going to do my 2nd marathon in November so I feel your pain. I remember when I was bigger and I wanted to start exercising again and it had been years. my DREAM was to be able to run 1 mile without stopping. I felt like poop every time I failed. my husband is the supportive kind like yours, telling me I'm doing great so I know what you mean. now that I'm "one of those skinny girls" I have the most admiration for ladies who may be bigger but are running because you're running, so whenever you think that people are looking at you thinking they are laughing at you, not true. some of us are admiring you for doing it. what you may want to try (it works for me) is listen to music but run to the beat of the music so you have to create a playlist (I call mine beat jogging) and all the music on that list is music that I run to the beat. as you improve and get faster, some of the songs you will find will be to slow and you'll have to update it. however for a marathon, I kept the slower songs on there so I can slow down and still keep the beat. the last marathon we did in like 4-1/2 hrs. this one will be slower because my husband is getting over a bike accident (car hit him) so his goal is to do that marathon again. I am ONLY doing it again with him to support him. tell your husband, it's a myth, after the first mile, you'll be hooked, nahhhhhh... everyone is different. music will make it easier and better. I guess we're training together huh... up you're salt intake when you get to longer distances cus you will sweat more and buy some compression sleeves to help circulation in your calves so you won't cramp as bad. sharing is caring. tell me how it goes.
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,699 Member
    morning peeps
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,699 Member
    I agree, Exermom. My go-to breakfast on work days is a protein shake.
    my "usual" is 1/4 steel cut oats, 1/2c 1% milk and a fiber bar.

    the protein shake for me is a lunch thing, not a pre done one, the kind you make youself, I keep the crap at work