

  • DamitJanit
    DamitJanit Posts: 1,329 Member
    Call me crazy but I love to see other people happy and succeeding .

    Good Morning Ladies,

    Heather, so sorry you got attacked by the cheese box. What?? Oh, it was you doing the attacking? That’s not like you so we will look the other way this time. Oh that we could all be as good with our calories as you normally are. I’ve been eating over calories most of the week for some reason. It must be all that d@#$ exercise?

    Cheri, good for you on getting your scrapbooking materials out of storage. So what if you had to move them for a few hours? Sounds like a calorie burning project to me. Some time you will need to share some pictures of your labors of love. I love your new profile picture. Thanks for sharing.

    Beth, sorry for you if your DH is a “Poor Devil” too. That was my DH’s nickname when he was younger because of the bad luck he had. Lol Glad I didn’t grow up that way and only married into the curse. smiley-laughing021.gif

    Barbie, sorry to hear the biopsy results for Brandy. It is amazing how many dogs get cancer. Yes we all know our fur babies won’t be with us forever and it is still so hard when we lose them. I have a friend that lost her 11 year old Golden Retriever yesterday. She started bleeding and they took her to the vet who found advanced cancer. At her age and with other health problems the decision was made to put her to sleep. At least they didn’t have to plan it and take her in as that is so hard for us. Sending best thoughts for Brandy and (((((Huggs))))) for you and Jake.

    Becca, what a good job you did! I can’t remember when I’ve seen the margins so clean. Now there is space for any and all to dump their troubles and rants.

    Joyce, isn’t it wonderful to have the pause button on the remote? I use it so often while my DH tells me what the news is before the news man can tell me. Or what the ending of a movie will be before we get that far. (Not that he has seen it but can often guess the outcome). It often takes an hour and a half to get through the morning news. LOL Gotta love em. watching-horror-movie-smiley-emoticon.gif

    Katla, I also hope you don’t have any more problems with the saddle sores. That has to be pretty uncomfortable.

    Sylvia, smiley-laughing025.gif Thanks for sharing the mirror joke. That same old woman comes to my house too!!

    Heather, smiley-laughing008.gif at you getting so comfy with us that you now share more “personal” information. Oh yes, and glad the soup was good.

    KJ, so sorry about your sis. It is very frustrating when we see loved ones self-destructing.

    Traci, welcome. This is a great place for support and information. Please tell us about yourself to help us get to know you and also sign each post with your name and a location, general or specific.

    Lillian, as you can see, some days I take the time to do the graphics and some days I don’t. The push-ups I’m making time for and gosh am I sore this morning. I had to start ever so slowly.

    Barbie, just this morning as DH kept interrupting the morning news show, we discussed me getting a head set. Then I could quit having to pause the shows.

    m1277.gifto any Newbies that I missed. Come often and join in the chat. This thing works!! Please sign your post with what you want to be called. It makes it easier for us to respond to you. Also a location is great, be it specific or general. We are happy to have you join us.

    I’ve done either 7 or 8 sets of push-ups so far. I’ll count it as 7 since I’m not real sure. So I’ll do at least 2 more sets sometime today. I hope the warm shower will help these sore muscles. Sometime after noon we are having a new TV console delivered. I bought one online sometime in the past year and trying to save money, got one that is really too small. Will probably try to sell it on Craigslist or at the next Garage Sale. I hope all of you have a healthy and happy day. good-afternoon-smiley-emoticon.gif rose.gif

    Words I live by:
    Savor. I have to slow down and savor every bite.
    Opportunity. Each day offers new opportunities for good health and happiness if we just look for them and choose them.
    I Love you, smiley-love013.gif
    Myrtle Beach, SC
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,351 Member
    edited February 2016
    I've just watched "Orion's Belt" which was in Norwegian with no subtitles. :sad: I understood about 6 words. :sad: The DVD has an English version so I might watch that and then rerun the Norwegian. But then, without subtitles I barely understand French films either. :noway:
    Nice views of Penny's Svalbard though. :D Can't wait for June.
    Heather UK
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    Sylvia: I'm glad your DH has officially adopted Spot into his heart. Love the photo of the two old ladies. :laugh:

    TraciJ625: "Good morning, ladies. I'm knew here and trying to figure out how I can see these posts every day without trying to "find" this thread every day. I'm sure I will figure it out! It looks like just the support I'm in need of. Blessings to all of you!"
    Look for the blank star at the top of the thread and click on it. It will turn yellow. That bookmarks the page for you and you can always find it again by clicking on the gray star at the top of the Community page.

    I'm thinking envious thoughts about Heather's life. Broken bones and saddle sores have derailed some of the better things in mine for too long. I'd like to get back into a happier situation soon. I think DH would appreciate it, too. :devil: :bigsmile:

    Riding lesson today! Yay!!!

    Katla in Beautiful NW Oregon

    “Our greatest weakness lies in giving up. The most certain way to succeed is always to try just one more time.” Thomas A. Edison

  • fanncy0626
    fanncy0626 Posts: 7,152 Member
    DJ- Great job on the push-ups!

    I have to travel 3 hours to grandsons basketball tournament so, I did Kettlebell swings today.

    GobletSquats- 3x7x30
    Kettlebell Swings- 22x10x30


    Nice to have some type of exercise done! I have a free day today so I will be eating donuts and Chinese!

    Good luck with the push-up challenge!

    Have a great day!


    Mary from Minnesota
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,799 Member
    afternoon ladies~
    well we went and fed DFIL he basically slept through breakfast, we did get him awake enough that we could spoon wheaties in and get his milk into him.. took his laundry and just finished that.
    I cleaned my bedroom ,have boxes, and put stuff in one that I will tag sale,my summer clothes that are 2 small ,I put in a suitcase and put that away, I have 2 corner shelves with pictures and memorabilia that is very precious to me took that all and put it in a box and dusted the shelves and went through my jewelry ,i only wear a few pieces ,and got rid of some and arranged the rest in my jewelry box...I have to say I like the look of clean and tidy...
    took a shower and am dressed and Tom and I will leave in about an 1 1/2 hrs to go out to an early dinner and up to the concert in Worcester..I will bring my pocketbook, but lock it except for my cell phone in the car, as we are taking the Volt(electric car) and there is a place to plug it in while we are at the concert..
    this thrills Tom to no end finding places to plug in as to use no gas.. a game that pays off I guess.
  • Peach1948
    Peach1948 Posts: 2,473 Member
    I didn't read for 24 hours and got 3 pages behind in posts so won't comment.

    Went to see my mom in the nursing home on Friday and while there went by her house and cleaned out the pantry. Every single thing had to be tossed as it was all out of date. She had cans that should have gone in 2006. The garbage men will have a job tossing all that in the truck.

    Carol ~ Ga

  • janetr7476
    janetr7476 Posts: 4,001 Member
    I think I can get into this :) feeling good and very pleased with myself. Weight training this morning plus 20 minutes on treadmill to stretch:
    Overhead press 3x10x10
    Arm curl 3x10x10
    Triceps extension 3x10x5
    Shoulder squat 3x10x10
    Forward lunge 3x10x10
    Front Raise 3x10x10
    Bent Over Rows 3x10x10
    Crunches 3x10x5
    20 min. treadmill @ 3mph

    Janetr OKC
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,351 Member

    Love to all, Heather UK
  • janetr7476
    janetr7476 Posts: 4,001 Member
    edited February 2016
    Heather, love the neon hug. Thanks and sending one back to you. Thank you also for the inspiration to start weight training. Jack is helping me with my form and I'm really feeling good and thrilled about actually starting it. Jack is so proud of me, and that's a BIG help. I ordered the book Barbie suggested "Strong Women Stay Young" it will arrive today. Excited to read it.

    Janetr OKC
    GRITSandSLUTSandWINOS Posts: 2,573 Member
    Michele from NC now in FL – Hey, this is typical of this person; so, now she can make up her own stories to tell DMGD. That’s what I hate. One day, maybe sooner rather than later … it’ll come back to bite her on her @$$. But, it won’t come from me. I just needed to get it ‘off my chest’ so I would not feel compelled to say what I really want to say to her face. DH already told DOS how it made me feel; because 'if' I had known about it, I would have been there. She’s been divisive as long as she’d been in the family. Several months ago she wrote me an email dredging up 16+ years of how she feels and tried to blame it all on me. Sure, I was probably wrong in some areas; but, I don’t love one son over the other. I'm tired of her saying it; like I am sick of hearing her say, 'they're nothing but poor, white, trailer trash'. If that is the way she sees herself - fine; but, she had better NOT say it in front of me. I've already warned her, that if she did - be prepared for a 'knockout' (unexpectantly). She’s put me into a situation that I am ‘supposed’ to pick one DnL over the other. Sometimes I wish I had not deleted the email and instead, shown it to my DOS; but, I would have only been more upset if he ‘took up for her’ by saying 'she's just having a bad day'. I don't think I've seen her have a 'good' one. since DYGD was born. DH tells me to ‘let it go’; otherwise she’d make it difficult to see our GDs. I want to tell her that ‘she is biting the hand that helps feed her’; but, that’d go over like a lead balloon. Oh well, suck it up … as they (whoever ‘they’ are) say.

    Barbiecat – Love your emoticons; but, my computer’s security won’t let me load any of them. Technicians say ‘don’t do it’, because quite often then carry viruses, malware, Trojan horses, etc.

    I got all my clothes into 5 drawers in my dresser; folded neatly - Marie Kondo fashion. I still have a whole lot hanging in my closet. I might take over the other 2/3rd of the top drawer since DH uses all the ones in the lingerie cabinet in the bathroom except the top one; which I will gladly give it to him. That'll make it easier; and less crowded. I'll need to get him to cut a piece of plywood to separate the 1/3rd of it that we use to hold things like books of checks, etc. I know that I should have purged before I started added back; but, I did not do much of that. I need to go through all my clothes and decide which one I need to give away to charity and which ones I might keep to be altered when I get to my goal weight. Tailor will tell me 'if' they can be altered without making it look like they have been. I've doing some serious caloric intake plans for these next week-and-a-half so that 'maybe' I will lose this 5lbs that somehow found me because I had a week of 'grazing'. I even cleaned out our closets (well; I put the clothes that are alike together). I need to clean out the small closet in the other room so I can put all my coats back in it. DH says there are shirts he is hanging on to that need to be trashed (perfectly good, too); I'll let him do that. I don't know why he won't wear them. He wears the same 3 or 4 that he likes. Much cooler. Maybe then I can hang the clothes that will need to be altered on that 'middle' section of our closet. Damn, wish we had drawn them into our plans when we built the house; but, that is another thing I need to 'let go of'. LOL! At least we have other forms of storage. Now, I put some Oxy-clean into my kitchen sinks with hot water to clean it. It works a lot better than sink cleaner. It'll sparkle until I pour coffee into it instead of pouring it down the drain/food disposal.

    "Hi" to all the 'newbies' and watch for Barbiecat's link to the next month and remember to bookmark it so you can find it again. She'll post it sometime on the last day of the month.

    Happy weekend to all of you! I'm going to try to finish the book I am reading today. Might go outside to do it; it's so nice outside. Cracker has whined for the past 20 minutes because DH left her inside so he can go work on the tractor. He tries to spoil her more than I do; however, he can't keep up with me in that area. She gets 'so excited' on weekends because she gets to stay outside most of the day. We have certainly enjoyed having her; she is such a pleasure. Sitting here, trying to decide if I am going to get her 'clipped' or not during Spring and Summer. If I do, I don't want them to clip her face. Her face is the cutest thing about her. She's finally gone to sleep.

  • TerriRichardson112
    TerriRichardson112 Posts: 18,369 Member
    Annr wrote: »
    wait.....my = and ) turned into smiley faces!!!!! bwahahahahaha

    I thought that was deliberate! Te he he he he he!
    GRITSandSLUTSandWINOS Posts: 2,573 Member
    edited February 2016
    Becca - What kind of smiley face(s) did it turn into? Must have been 'funny'
  • TerriRichardson112
    TerriRichardson112 Posts: 18,369 Member
    Finally finished reading. Thanks for the welcome back. I haven't read so much for weeks. I'm trying the press ups challenge, by the way. It way easier doing them on a chair than on the floor! Also trying planks on the chair. Already have to do wall squats as part of my physio.

    I have been getting out into the fresh air to walk this week. Much more enjoyable than walking indoors.

    :heart: Healing thoughts and prayers to those who need them! :heart:

    [img]http://www.freesmileys.org/custom/image/grey%5E_%5Egeorgia%5E_%5E3%5E_%5E5%5E_%5EWelcome! Newbies!%5E_%5E.gif[/img]

    :star: Let your light shine out in the darkness :star:

    :star: Each one of us is a vital cog in an infinite universe. :star:
    We may not know our purpose, but each cog needs to be oiled and tended.



    Irish Terri harp.gif
  • klanders30
    klanders30 Posts: 2,569 Member
    My family has returned from 2 week trip to India...yeah! They are both sleeping, jet lag will be a tough one to get over this time around. My dd caught a stomach bug and was down and out for her last 2 days, very tough on dear old dad, but he stepped up and took care of her (I am sincerely proud of him, he's very squeemish and scared of germs).

    Seeing them at the airport was super, DH hugged me and said, you are too skinny! NSV!!!

    I feel content just knowing they are here at home. Made an apple pie for them for tomorrow when her stomach gets a little stronger, ran errands and exercised, I just hope they don't want me to stay up all night with them!!! :s

    The work road ahead is going to be tough, I am just going to take it moment by moment and have some faith (as well as a vision board) to meet each challenge and change with calm and grace...sounds too good to be true o:)

    Karen from NY
  • csofled
    csofled Posts: 3,022 Member
    edited February 2016

    Pretty Saturday here in NE oHIo! My crocus have started peeping their heads up!!!

    Took 3 boxes to Goodwill and that felt good. They were all things my daughter was willing to let go of from childhood. Proud of her because she keeps everything!

    Then went to Walmart to pick some Valerian (for sleeping), baseball card holder sheets (new adventure called Pocket Letters), almonds and some turkey sausage for dinner (it was all natural). Got home and hubs wanted supper for lunch. Fine with me. Light dinner in my future.

    Cleaned out the pantry. My shelf is lean and clean....the hubs not so much.

    Reading here and then I'm going to start on an afghan for my niece who is having a baby on Tuesday. Her nursery colors are grey, grass green and navy blue.

    Taking it easy otherwise because had a bad night last night and my hips hurt.

    Check back later,

    Sunny NE oHIo

  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,700 Member
    edited February 2016
    here at the apple store 2c why this thing is loading so slow. but now that we're here at the store, it's running fine. :0/
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,700 Member
    kirby ran 3 miles without holding on the treadmill ! did a 11.21minute mile!! he's getting there! we're gonna have a t-shirt made for him that says, "mind over spine"
  • janetr7476
    janetr7476 Posts: 4,001 Member
    pipcd34 wrote: »
    kirby ran 3 miles without holding on the treadmill ! did a 11.21minute mile!! he's getting there! we're gonna have a t-shirt made for him that says, "mind over spine"

    Love it (the tee shirt). So glad that he is able to do as much as he is. What a trooper he is.

    Janetr OKC
  • fanncy0626
    fanncy0626 Posts: 7,152 Member
    Janetr- great workout!


    Mary from Minnesota
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,979 Member
    janetr7476 wrote: »
    I think I can get into this :) feeling good and very pleased with myself. Weight training this morning plus 20 minutes on treadmill to stretch:
    Overhead press 3x10x10
    Arm curl 3x10x10
    Triceps extension 3x10x5
    Shoulder squat 3x10x10
    Forward lunge 3x10x10
    Front Raise 3x10x10
    Bent Over Rows 3x10x10
    Crunches 3x10x5
    20 min. treadmill @ 3mph

    Janetr OKC


    congrats on your great workout