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Are all calories the same??



  • GaleHawkins
    GaleHawkins Posts: 8,159 Member
    I'll remain dubious of anyone claiming they eat x calories that does practice some sort of open logging.

    @EvgeniZyntx does not all self reporting remain dubious as social media accounts in general. :)
  • ForecasterJason
    ForecasterJason Posts: 2,577 Member
    What I gather from that article is that carbs on their own do not directly cause cancer, but elevated glucose and insulin levels play a role in cancer development. I tend to think that in practicality, when it comes to the role of carbs, what people should focus on is maximizing insulin sensitivity and improving glucose metabolism (for those in which that is impaired). For some people reducing carbs would help, but there are other ways as well (such as keeping up a moderate/vigorous exercise routine).
  • JoshLibby
    JoshLibby Posts: 214 Member
    edited March 2016
    Well there is a lot evidence that the carbs from HFCS cause cancer. Feel free to debate this all you want for I will not be in the debate itself, but the link is down below.


    Does it hold true for everyone? Who knows, but it should be a concern since the introduction of Corn as a way to make cheaper sources of food in the 1970's, obesity has risen incredibly. Must be a coincidence...

  • senecarr
    senecarr Posts: 5,377 Member
    psulemon wrote: »
    psulemon wrote: »
    I think this varies from person to person. It is the fact carbs can increase cancer risks and fats do not that got my attention base on some research. While my 50 pound weigh loss has now been maintained for one year that I am off of most all sugars and all forms of grain all I know is my joint and muscle pain is well managed in my case if I keep total daily carbs <50 grams.

    Carbs dont increase cancer. And thr healthiest countries in the world are very heavily carb based.

    @psulemon oh how I wish your statement was medically true about cancer risks.


    Folks as many of you know I received my OD degree from Southern College of Optometry of Memphis TN in 1986.

    Many of you know I am 65 and was about house bound with failing health when I started researching how to prevent/cure cancer because the doctors wanted me to start Enbrel injections for pain manage and I was very concerned about getting cancer due to taking Enbrel in my weaken state of health.

    Many of you know I will never attempt to post false and misleading medical info to hurt others. Many of you know I do not give a rats tail what negative people want to post about me.

    I post only for the few that come here wanting to prevent premature death in themselves or other important people in their lives.

    I was blindly doing Low Carb High Fat before I heard/read the term LCHF. For some reason I felt if I could get off of sugar and carbs that my joint and muscle plan might go away and I could avoid taking Enbrel.

    For two months I tried but could not get off of high carbs. Finally Oct 2014 30 days before I was to start Enbrel injections I visualized myself in my coffin because I never got off of carbs and died from cancer.

    To this day I do not remember the next two weeks when I went off of most all forms of sugar and all forms of all grains. My family confirms it was as hellish for them as it was for me. After those two hellish weeks the cravings just faded fast and only try to come back if I eat >50 grams of carbs daily.

    Remember I had peaked at 250 pounds a few time but never more when I was eating 4000-5000+ calories of mostly carbs for many years. I set down and added up my calories for the past 24 hours and it was 2800 after I finished off the last three oz in a box of Philadelphia Cream Cheese for those who questioned my count. :)

    2500 calories is about half what I was eating when I weighed 250 pounds. After going LCHF I lost another 30 pounds which put me at 200 for the first time in 22 years at the time. I have eaten 2500-3000 calories most days for the last 12 months and still weigh 200.

    Since the age 12 I expect I have eaten 4000-6000 calories most days. I grew up on our farm doing manual labor before and after school. After getting out of the Navy and starting to college at age 26 was the first time my weight had hit 198. The arthritis was starting to really slow me down at that point in time.

    Since LCHF I have ditched using the power chairs that I have, My blood work and general health is better than when I was 45. My 40 years of IBS has been totally gone for over a year now. I can get out and use the tractor, backhoe and dump truck around the farm all day but that is more of a hobby in my case. I can change oil and stuff like that once again. I have a very large head that may burn a lot of calories when I am doing research. :smile:

    Seriously folks I do not know why I burn so many calories but I am sure my body would stop burning so many calories if I cut back on the number that I eat but that would be pointless because I enjoy eating 2500-3000 to maintain a non obese weight. I have worked to up the health and number of my mitochondria with some of the anti-cancer protocols that I have been on for the past year.

    Who knows and who cares about this old man. I plan to live to be 110 and realized that was a lie at my weight, failing health and still sucking up carbs like crazy. Now I am having fun again and where I make it to 110 or I die tonight I am good either way or something in the middle. :)

    I am a simple man who views life as short at best then you meet your maker. Best of success to each of you looking for a better way to eat for better health. You will find YOUR way to eat if you keep looking. I think there are many ways to eat for better health. Currently I am very pleased with LCHF at this point in time for my Way Of Eating because it works in my case.

    Your article is behind paid walls. But if you want to do some research on the blue zones, please tell me how carbs cause cancer. They are the longest living society on the planet.

    @psulemon I am sorry if you could not open the link above so here is another link to the article below. Also thanks for your diary because that is the first one I have ever seen. myfitnesspal.com/reports/printable_diary/psulemon

    Another link to the article that you said was behind paid walls in your case.


    Here is a link to the PDF of the article. It contains 16 pages.


    If all else fails for you below is the conclusion at the above links.


    (i) We summarize our main findings from the literature regarding the role of dietary CHO restriction in cancer development and outcome.

    Most, if not all, tumor cells have a high demand on glucose compared to benign cells of the same tissue and conduct glycolysis even in the presence of oxygen (the Warburg effect). In addition, many cancer cells express insulin receptors (IRs) and show hyperactivation of the IGF1R-IR pathway. Evidence exists that chronically elevated blood glucose, insulin and IGF1 levels facilitate tumorigenesis and worsen the outcome in cancer patients.

    (ii) The involvement of the glucose-insulin axis may also explain the association of the metabolic syndrome with an increased risk for several cancers. CHO restriction has already been shown to exert favorable effects in patients with the metabolic syndrome. Epidemiological and anthropological studies indicate that restricting dietary CHOs could be beneficial in decreasing cancer risk.

    (iii) Many cancer patients, in particular those with advanced stages of the disease, exhibit altered whole-body metabolism marked by increased plasma levels of inflammatory molecules, impaired glycogen synthesis, increased proteolysis and increased fat utilization in muscle tissue, increased lipolysis in adipose tissue and increased gluconeogenesis by the liver. High fat, low CHO diets aim at accounting for these metabolic alterations. Studies conducted so far have shown that such diets are safe and likely beneficial, in particular for advanced stage cancer patients.

    (iv)CHO restriction mimics the metabolic state of calorie restriction or - in the case of KDs - fasting. The beneficial effects of calorie restriction and fasting on cancer risk and progression are well established. CHO restriction thus opens the possibility to target the same underlying mechanisms without the side-effects of hunger and weight loss.

    (v) Some laboratory studies indicate a direct anti-tumor potential of ketone bodies. During the past years, a multitude of mouse studies indeed proved anti-tumor effects of KDs for various tumor types, and a few case reports and pre-clinical studies obtained promising results in cancer patients as well. Several registered clinical trials are going to investigate the case for a KD as a supportive therapeutic option in oncology."

    That article isn't about causing cancer, but stopping proliferation.
    Right off the bat - mentioning hunter-gatherer diets in an article about cancer is something that worries me. The most cancer preventative effect of hunter-gatherer life is that many die too young to ever get cancer. Not to mention, Cordain's supposition that ancestral diet is low carb has been debunked over, and over, and over again on these boards. Hunter-gatherers eat all kinds of carb levels, sometimes into 80% of their calories, but not even the Inuit eat one that approaches ketogenic levels.
    And no, you can't starve cancer of glucose to kill it. https://www.sciencebasedmedicine.org/ketogenic-diets-for-cancer-hype-versus-science/
  • ForecasterJason
    ForecasterJason Posts: 2,577 Member
    senecarr wrote: »
    psulemon wrote: »
    psulemon wrote: »
    I think this varies from person to person. It is the fact carbs can increase cancer risks and fats do not that got my attention base on some research. While my 50 pound weigh loss has now been maintained for one year that I am off of most all sugars and all forms of grain all I know is my joint and muscle pain is well managed in my case if I keep total daily carbs <50 grams.

    Carbs dont increase cancer. And thr healthiest countries in the world are very heavily carb based.

    @psulemon oh how I wish your statement was medically true about cancer risks.


    Folks as many of you know I received my OD degree from Southern College of Optometry of Memphis TN in 1986.

    Many of you know I am 65 and was about house bound with failing health when I started researching how to prevent/cure cancer because the doctors wanted me to start Enbrel injections for pain manage and I was very concerned about getting cancer due to taking Enbrel in my weaken state of health.

    Many of you know I will never attempt to post false and misleading medical info to hurt others. Many of you know I do not give a rats tail what negative people want to post about me.

    I post only for the few that come here wanting to prevent premature death in themselves or other important people in their lives.

    I was blindly doing Low Carb High Fat before I heard/read the term LCHF. For some reason I felt if I could get off of sugar and carbs that my joint and muscle plan might go away and I could avoid taking Enbrel.

    For two months I tried but could not get off of high carbs. Finally Oct 2014 30 days before I was to start Enbrel injections I visualized myself in my coffin because I never got off of carbs and died from cancer.

    To this day I do not remember the next two weeks when I went off of most all forms of sugar and all forms of all grains. My family confirms it was as hellish for them as it was for me. After those two hellish weeks the cravings just faded fast and only try to come back if I eat >50 grams of carbs daily.

    Remember I had peaked at 250 pounds a few time but never more when I was eating 4000-5000+ calories of mostly carbs for many years. I set down and added up my calories for the past 24 hours and it was 2800 after I finished off the last three oz in a box of Philadelphia Cream Cheese for those who questioned my count. :)

    2500 calories is about half what I was eating when I weighed 250 pounds. After going LCHF I lost another 30 pounds which put me at 200 for the first time in 22 years at the time. I have eaten 2500-3000 calories most days for the last 12 months and still weigh 200.

    Since the age 12 I expect I have eaten 4000-6000 calories most days. I grew up on our farm doing manual labor before and after school. After getting out of the Navy and starting to college at age 26 was the first time my weight had hit 198. The arthritis was starting to really slow me down at that point in time.

    Since LCHF I have ditched using the power chairs that I have, My blood work and general health is better than when I was 45. My 40 years of IBS has been totally gone for over a year now. I can get out and use the tractor, backhoe and dump truck around the farm all day but that is more of a hobby in my case. I can change oil and stuff like that once again. I have a very large head that may burn a lot of calories when I am doing research. :smile:

    Seriously folks I do not know why I burn so many calories but I am sure my body would stop burning so many calories if I cut back on the number that I eat but that would be pointless because I enjoy eating 2500-3000 to maintain a non obese weight. I have worked to up the health and number of my mitochondria with some of the anti-cancer protocols that I have been on for the past year.

    Who knows and who cares about this old man. I plan to live to be 110 and realized that was a lie at my weight, failing health and still sucking up carbs like crazy. Now I am having fun again and where I make it to 110 or I die tonight I am good either way or something in the middle. :)

    I am a simple man who views life as short at best then you meet your maker. Best of success to each of you looking for a better way to eat for better health. You will find YOUR way to eat if you keep looking. I think there are many ways to eat for better health. Currently I am very pleased with LCHF at this point in time for my Way Of Eating because it works in my case.

    Your article is behind paid walls. But if you want to do some research on the blue zones, please tell me how carbs cause cancer. They are the longest living society on the planet.

    @psulemon I am sorry if you could not open the link above so here is another link to the article below. Also thanks for your diary because that is the first one I have ever seen. myfitnesspal.com/reports/printable_diary/psulemon

    Another link to the article that you said was behind paid walls in your case.


    Here is a link to the PDF of the article. It contains 16 pages.


    If all else fails for you below is the conclusion at the above links.


    (i) We summarize our main findings from the literature regarding the role of dietary CHO restriction in cancer development and outcome.

    Most, if not all, tumor cells have a high demand on glucose compared to benign cells of the same tissue and conduct glycolysis even in the presence of oxygen (the Warburg effect). In addition, many cancer cells express insulin receptors (IRs) and show hyperactivation of the IGF1R-IR pathway. Evidence exists that chronically elevated blood glucose, insulin and IGF1 levels facilitate tumorigenesis and worsen the outcome in cancer patients.

    (ii) The involvement of the glucose-insulin axis may also explain the association of the metabolic syndrome with an increased risk for several cancers. CHO restriction has already been shown to exert favorable effects in patients with the metabolic syndrome. Epidemiological and anthropological studies indicate that restricting dietary CHOs could be beneficial in decreasing cancer risk.

    (iii) Many cancer patients, in particular those with advanced stages of the disease, exhibit altered whole-body metabolism marked by increased plasma levels of inflammatory molecules, impaired glycogen synthesis, increased proteolysis and increased fat utilization in muscle tissue, increased lipolysis in adipose tissue and increased gluconeogenesis by the liver. High fat, low CHO diets aim at accounting for these metabolic alterations. Studies conducted so far have shown that such diets are safe and likely beneficial, in particular for advanced stage cancer patients.

    (iv)CHO restriction mimics the metabolic state of calorie restriction or - in the case of KDs - fasting. The beneficial effects of calorie restriction and fasting on cancer risk and progression are well established. CHO restriction thus opens the possibility to target the same underlying mechanisms without the side-effects of hunger and weight loss.

    (v) Some laboratory studies indicate a direct anti-tumor potential of ketone bodies. During the past years, a multitude of mouse studies indeed proved anti-tumor effects of KDs for various tumor types, and a few case reports and pre-clinical studies obtained promising results in cancer patients as well. Several registered clinical trials are going to investigate the case for a KD as a supportive therapeutic option in oncology."

    Right off the bat - mentioning hunter-gatherer diets in an article about cancer is something that worries me. The most cancer preventative effect of hunter-gatherer life is that many die too young to ever get cancer.
    What is the average lifespan for those people? These days people in the Western world are getting cancer at younger and younger ages though.

  • senecarr
    senecarr Posts: 5,377 Member
    JoshLibby wrote: »
    Well there is a lot evidence that the carbs from HFCS cause cancer. Feel free to debate this all you want for I will not be in the debate itself, but the link is down below.


    Does it hold true for everyone? Who knows, but it should be a concern since the introduction of Corn as a way to make cheaper sources of food in the 1970's, obesity has risen incredibly. Must be a coincidence...
    Yes, food only started getting cheaper in the 1970s, obesity has risen only in correlation with it and not with changes in calories in and out.
    There's a lot of evidence of something in your post, but it isn't that HFCS causes cancer. You frankly won't debate it because you're wrong.

    It is like going, "hey I'm not here to debate this, but actually time travelers are responsible for shaping history as we know it. Links below."

    The link is to what calls itself a review but is more of an opinion piece based on stitching together several correlative studies, that all go against actual animal studies.
  • senecarr
    senecarr Posts: 5,377 Member
    senecarr wrote: »
    psulemon wrote: »
    psulemon wrote: »
    I think this varies from person to person. It is the fact carbs can increase cancer risks and fats do not that got my attention base on some research. While my 50 pound weigh loss has now been maintained for one year that I am off of most all sugars and all forms of grain all I know is my joint and muscle pain is well managed in my case if I keep total daily carbs <50 grams.

    Carbs dont increase cancer. And thr healthiest countries in the world are very heavily carb based.

    @psulemon oh how I wish your statement was medically true about cancer risks.


    Folks as many of you know I received my OD degree from Southern College of Optometry of Memphis TN in 1986.

    Many of you know I am 65 and was about house bound with failing health when I started researching how to prevent/cure cancer because the doctors wanted me to start Enbrel injections for pain manage and I was very concerned about getting cancer due to taking Enbrel in my weaken state of health.

    Many of you know I will never attempt to post false and misleading medical info to hurt others. Many of you know I do not give a rats tail what negative people want to post about me.

    I post only for the few that come here wanting to prevent premature death in themselves or other important people in their lives.

    I was blindly doing Low Carb High Fat before I heard/read the term LCHF. For some reason I felt if I could get off of sugar and carbs that my joint and muscle plan might go away and I could avoid taking Enbrel.

    For two months I tried but could not get off of high carbs. Finally Oct 2014 30 days before I was to start Enbrel injections I visualized myself in my coffin because I never got off of carbs and died from cancer.

    To this day I do not remember the next two weeks when I went off of most all forms of sugar and all forms of all grains. My family confirms it was as hellish for them as it was for me. After those two hellish weeks the cravings just faded fast and only try to come back if I eat >50 grams of carbs daily.

    Remember I had peaked at 250 pounds a few time but never more when I was eating 4000-5000+ calories of mostly carbs for many years. I set down and added up my calories for the past 24 hours and it was 2800 after I finished off the last three oz in a box of Philadelphia Cream Cheese for those who questioned my count. :)

    2500 calories is about half what I was eating when I weighed 250 pounds. After going LCHF I lost another 30 pounds which put me at 200 for the first time in 22 years at the time. I have eaten 2500-3000 calories most days for the last 12 months and still weigh 200.

    Since the age 12 I expect I have eaten 4000-6000 calories most days. I grew up on our farm doing manual labor before and after school. After getting out of the Navy and starting to college at age 26 was the first time my weight had hit 198. The arthritis was starting to really slow me down at that point in time.

    Since LCHF I have ditched using the power chairs that I have, My blood work and general health is better than when I was 45. My 40 years of IBS has been totally gone for over a year now. I can get out and use the tractor, backhoe and dump truck around the farm all day but that is more of a hobby in my case. I can change oil and stuff like that once again. I have a very large head that may burn a lot of calories when I am doing research. :smile:

    Seriously folks I do not know why I burn so many calories but I am sure my body would stop burning so many calories if I cut back on the number that I eat but that would be pointless because I enjoy eating 2500-3000 to maintain a non obese weight. I have worked to up the health and number of my mitochondria with some of the anti-cancer protocols that I have been on for the past year.

    Who knows and who cares about this old man. I plan to live to be 110 and realized that was a lie at my weight, failing health and still sucking up carbs like crazy. Now I am having fun again and where I make it to 110 or I die tonight I am good either way or something in the middle. :)

    I am a simple man who views life as short at best then you meet your maker. Best of success to each of you looking for a better way to eat for better health. You will find YOUR way to eat if you keep looking. I think there are many ways to eat for better health. Currently I am very pleased with LCHF at this point in time for my Way Of Eating because it works in my case.

    Your article is behind paid walls. But if you want to do some research on the blue zones, please tell me how carbs cause cancer. They are the longest living society on the planet.

    @psulemon I am sorry if you could not open the link above so here is another link to the article below. Also thanks for your diary because that is the first one I have ever seen. myfitnesspal.com/reports/printable_diary/psulemon

    Another link to the article that you said was behind paid walls in your case.


    Here is a link to the PDF of the article. It contains 16 pages.


    If all else fails for you below is the conclusion at the above links.


    (i) We summarize our main findings from the literature regarding the role of dietary CHO restriction in cancer development and outcome.

    Most, if not all, tumor cells have a high demand on glucose compared to benign cells of the same tissue and conduct glycolysis even in the presence of oxygen (the Warburg effect). In addition, many cancer cells express insulin receptors (IRs) and show hyperactivation of the IGF1R-IR pathway. Evidence exists that chronically elevated blood glucose, insulin and IGF1 levels facilitate tumorigenesis and worsen the outcome in cancer patients.

    (ii) The involvement of the glucose-insulin axis may also explain the association of the metabolic syndrome with an increased risk for several cancers. CHO restriction has already been shown to exert favorable effects in patients with the metabolic syndrome. Epidemiological and anthropological studies indicate that restricting dietary CHOs could be beneficial in decreasing cancer risk.

    (iii) Many cancer patients, in particular those with advanced stages of the disease, exhibit altered whole-body metabolism marked by increased plasma levels of inflammatory molecules, impaired glycogen synthesis, increased proteolysis and increased fat utilization in muscle tissue, increased lipolysis in adipose tissue and increased gluconeogenesis by the liver. High fat, low CHO diets aim at accounting for these metabolic alterations. Studies conducted so far have shown that such diets are safe and likely beneficial, in particular for advanced stage cancer patients.

    (iv)CHO restriction mimics the metabolic state of calorie restriction or - in the case of KDs - fasting. The beneficial effects of calorie restriction and fasting on cancer risk and progression are well established. CHO restriction thus opens the possibility to target the same underlying mechanisms without the side-effects of hunger and weight loss.

    (v) Some laboratory studies indicate a direct anti-tumor potential of ketone bodies. During the past years, a multitude of mouse studies indeed proved anti-tumor effects of KDs for various tumor types, and a few case reports and pre-clinical studies obtained promising results in cancer patients as well. Several registered clinical trials are going to investigate the case for a KD as a supportive therapeutic option in oncology."

    Right off the bat - mentioning hunter-gatherer diets in an article about cancer is something that worries me. The most cancer preventative effect of hunter-gatherer life is that many die too young to ever get cancer.
    What is the average lifespan for those people? These days people in the Western world are getting cancer at younger and younger ages though.

    Are they?
  • eric_sg61
    eric_sg61 Posts: 2,925 Member
    The tukisenta eat a 90% carbs diet. They just found out their diet causes cancer..........because carbs. Do they look surprised, the guy on the left looks really suprised?
  • lemurcat12
    lemurcat12 Posts: 30,886 Member
    lemurcat12 wrote: »
    That you encourage others to eat enormous amounts of sat fat is problematic, IMO. Why not at least open your diary to support what you claim?

    Good video re healthy diets: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fYnihrPvtqk&amp;feature=youtu.be

    @lemurcat12 if you will read my last post you would know I do not encourage anyone to eat anything. If I had a diary to open you would claim I made it up. :)

    You frequently do promote certain ways of eating, including IMO excessive sat fat and cutting out sugar.
    "Best of success to each of you looking for a better way to eat for better health. You will find YOUR way to eat if you keep looking. I think there are many ways to eat for better health. Currently I am very pleased with LCHF at this point in time for my Way Of Eating because it works in my case."

    Yes, this is nice. If all your posts were like this I wouldn't feel compelled to argue with you.
  • lemurcat12
    lemurcat12 Posts: 30,886 Member
    I'll remain dubious of anyone claiming they eat x calories that does practice some sort of open logging.

    This too.
  • jgnatca
    jgnatca Posts: 14,464 Member
    Corn has been around a lot longer than the 1970's. Most people will die of old age, by way of a heart attack. When I was young, childhood leukemia was a killer. It is no longer. Now there is a whole new branch of medicine opening up; medical care for long term cancer survivors.




  • GaleHawkins
    GaleHawkins Posts: 8,159 Member
    queenliz99 wrote: »

    Again Gale your numbers do not add up. Eating 2500-3000 is your maintenance calories, not buying it and all the exercise you can manage is 1/4 mile a day?

    You have said you ingest 1200 calories in coconut oil but that leaves lots of calories left. How many grams of protein do you eat because you claim you keep your carbs below 50g per day. Again the math is fuzzy.

    @queenliz99 I am not sure where you came up with the 1200 calories in coconut oil and all of the exercise that I can manage is 1/4 mile daily from my earlier post from today? I no longer use a power chair so I walk to the bathroom, car, etc. My daily 1/4 walk is the one physical activity I do daily as long as ice or snow is not on the steep hill which often is at midnight. As you know I typically do not count anything unless some of you want more numbers because I do not diet. I eat until I get very full and I eat again when I get hungry again. My weight management is internal not external for the most part. I just stay away from sugar, all grains and eat medium on protein which no longer require conscious effort unless I eat an unknown source of food. Before my WOE became a habit I did have to count.

    On protein I try to keep it in the 70-90 gram range so I do not knock myself out of nutritional ketosis by spiking my blood glucose levels on protein. Nutritional Ketosis is not a requirement to lose or maintain weigh. I just do it to help lower my cancer risk by living more on ketones (fats) than glucose (carbs) as you read in the article on Keto and cancer prevention I posted above. One blip is: (v) Some laboratory studies indicate a direct anti-tumor potential of ketone bodies. During the past years, a multitude of mouse studies indeed proved anti-tumor effects of KDs for various tumor types, and a few case reports and pre-clinical studies obtained promising results in cancer patients as well. Several registered clinical trials are going to investigate the case for a KD as a supportive therapeutic option in oncology."

    queenliz99 as you know most all social media is fuzzy as is the math. I do not hide behind false profiles on social media. I have nothing to prove. NO ONE should take anything from social media as advice because most of it is not factual. With Chrome I can search anything by highlighting it and clicking on it. That is how I found MFP when I was trying to learn how to use my $15 eBay breath analyzer to measure my ketone levels a couple years ago.


    By the way I blew a .052 this morning setting off the meter's alarm. The meter lets me know if I a getting too heavy into carbs and or protein so I do not have to count them. My bathroom scales fully monitors the net results of my CICO. So I do count/compute my numbers but with digital equipment but you already know I run a software development business from info in my profile. :)

  • lemurcat12
    lemurcat12 Posts: 30,886 Member
    From your own link re carbs and cancer:

    "Accumulating evidence suggests that dietary factors may modulate lung cancer risk, explained Xifeng Wu, M.D., Ph.D, professor, Epidemiology and senior author of the study. Diets high in fruits and vegetables may decrease risk, while increased consumption of red meat, saturated fats and dairy products have been shown to increase lung cancer risk."

    So no, and that you encourage others to forego fruits and veg is ridiculous.
  • queenliz99
    queenliz99 Posts: 15,317 Member
    edited March 2016
    queenliz99 wrote: »

    Again Gale your numbers do not add up. Eating 2500-3000 is your maintenance calories, not buying it and all the exercise you can manage is 1/4 mile a day?

    You have said you ingest 1200 calories in coconut oil but that leaves lots of calories left. How many grams of protein do you eat because you claim you keep your carbs below 50g per day. Again the math is fuzzy.

    @queenliz99 I am not sure where you came up with the 1200 calories in coconut oil and all of the exercise that I can manage is 1/4 mile daily from my earlier post from today? I no longer use a power chair so I walk to the bathroom, car, etc. My daily 1/4 walk is the one physical activity I do daily as long as ice or snow is not on the steep hill which often is at midnight. As you know I typically do not count anything unless some of you want more numbers because I do not diet. I eat until I get very full and I eat again when I get hungry again. My weight management is internal not external for the most part. I just stay away from sugar, all grains and eat medium on protein which no longer require conscious effort unless I eat an unknown source of food. Before my WOE became a habit I did have to count.

    On protein I try to keep it in the 70-90 gram range so I do not knock myself out of nutritional ketosis by spiking my blood glucose levels on protein. Nutritional Ketosis is not a requirement to lose or maintain weigh. I just do it to help lower my cancer risk by living more on ketones (fats) than glucose (carbs) as you read in the article on Keto and cancer prevention I posted above. One blip is: (v) Some laboratory studies indicate a direct anti-tumor potential of ketone bodies. During the past years, a multitude of mouse studies indeed proved anti-tumor effects of KDs for various tumor types, and a few case reports and pre-clinical studies obtained promising results in cancer patients as well. Several registered clinical trials are going to investigate the case for a KD as a supportive therapeutic option in oncology."

    queenliz99 as you know most all social media is fuzzy as is the math. I do not hide behind false profiles on social media. I have nothing to prove. NO ONE should take anything from social media as advice because most of it is not factual. With Chrome I can search anything by highlighting it and clicking on it. That is how I found MFP when I was trying to learn how to use my $15 eBay breath analyzer to measure my ketone levels a couple years ago.


    By the way I blew a .052 this morning setting off the meter's alarm. The meter lets me know if I a getting too heavy into carbs and or protein so I do not have to count them. My bathroom scales fully monitors the net results of my CICO. So I do count/compute my numbers but with digital equipment but you already know I run a software development business from info in my profile. :)


    @KVS1985 I skip the blender part but do 5 tablespoon of coconut oil and 2 oz of Heavy Whipping Cream in my first cup of coffee each morning. This gives me a good start on getting 1600 calories daily from fat for my macro.

    Tapering into using large amounts like I do is strongly suggested if one has a need to use coconut oil.

    Your words ^^^^^

  • psuLemon
    psuLemon Posts: 38,404 MFP Moderator
    Guys, lets try to circle back on track. This thread isn't about Gales or anyone else dietary consumption.
  • JoshLibby
    JoshLibby Posts: 214 Member
    edited March 2016
    http://cancerres.aacrjournals.org/content/76/1/24.abstract This one is an actual scientific study. A lot better than the other I posted. 2016 date too.
  • lemurcat12
    lemurcat12 Posts: 30,886 Member
    psulemon wrote: »
    Guys, lets try to circle back on track. This thread isn't about Gales or anyone else dietary consumption.

    Gale tells others that eating fruit and veg is unhealthy. Don't you think that deserves to be responded to?
  • moe0303
    moe0303 Posts: 934 Member
    queenliz99 wrote: »
    queenliz99 wrote: »

    Again Gale your numbers do not add up. Eating 2500-3000 is your maintenance calories, not buying it and all the exercise you can manage is 1/4 mile a day?

    You have said you ingest 1200 calories in coconut oil but that leaves lots of calories left. How many grams of protein do you eat because you claim you keep your carbs below 50g per day. Again the math is fuzzy.

    @queenliz99 I am not sure where you came up with the 1200 calories in coconut oil and all of the exercise that I can manage is 1/4 mile daily from my earlier post from today? I no longer use a power chair so I walk to the bathroom, car, etc. My daily 1/4 walk is the one physical activity I do daily as long as ice or snow is not on the steep hill which often is at midnight. As you know I typically do not count anything unless some of you want more numbers because I do not diet. I eat until I get very full and I eat again when I get hungry again. My weight management is internal not external for the most part. I just stay away from sugar, all grains and eat medium on protein which no longer require conscious effort unless I eat an unknown source of food. Before my WOE became a habit I did have to count.

    On protein I try to keep it in the 70-90 gram range so I do not knock myself out of nutritional ketosis by spiking my blood glucose levels on protein. Nutritional Ketosis is not a requirement to lose or maintain weigh. I just do it to help lower my cancer risk by living more on ketones (fats) than glucose (carbs) as you read in the article on Keto and cancer prevention I posted above. One blip is: (v) Some laboratory studies indicate a direct anti-tumor potential of ketone bodies. During the past years, a multitude of mouse studies indeed proved anti-tumor effects of KDs for various tumor types, and a few case reports and pre-clinical studies obtained promising results in cancer patients as well. Several registered clinical trials are going to investigate the case for a KD as a supportive therapeutic option in oncology."

    queenliz99 as you know most all social media is fuzzy as is the math. I do not hide behind false profiles on social media. I have nothing to prove. NO ONE should take anything from social media as advice because most of it is not factual. With Chrome I can search anything by highlighting it and clicking on it. That is how I found MFP when I was trying to learn how to use my $15 eBay breath analyzer to measure my ketone levels a couple years ago.


    By the way I blew a .052 this morning setting off the meter's alarm. The meter lets me know if I a getting too heavy into carbs and or protein so I do not have to count them. My bathroom scales fully monitors the net results of my CICO. So I do count/compute my numbers but with digital equipment but you already know I run a software development business from info in my profile. :)


    @KVS1985 I skip the blender part but do 5 tablespoon of coconut oil and 2 oz of Heavy Whipping Cream in my first cup of coffee each morning. This gives me a good start on getting 1600 calories daily from fat for my macro.

    Tapering into using large amounts like I do is strongly suggested if one has a need to use coconut oil.

    Your words ^^^^^

    5 tbsp. of coconut oil is around 600 cals, no?

  • senecarr
    senecarr Posts: 5,377 Member
    JoshLibby wrote: »
    http://cancerres.aacrjournals.org/content/76/1/24.abstract This one is an actual scientific study. A lot better than the other I posted. 2016 date too.

    So now your claim is that sugar causes cancer, not simply HFCS.