The cleaner you eat, the less you enjoy processed flavours?!



  • Mapalicious
    Mapalicious Posts: 412 Member
    tedrickp wrote: »
    GMOs help save the world.

    Organic crops help upper class white people feel unjustifiably better about themselves.

    GMOs are a technology that is vastly over-used, under-tested, and making some rich and others poor, and is a political tool. The technology could be used for good. They are by no means "saving the world."

    Organic...yes, you hit the nail on the head. It makes people feel better about themselves. But it also helps us consume less cancer-causing pesticides on average, which is pretty sweet.
  • zyxst
    zyxst Posts: 9,136 Member
    This thread makes me want a bag of Twizzlers. If only I had one to use as a straw to drink this cherry Coke.
  • Espressocycle
    Espressocycle Posts: 2,245 Member
    I like my food like I like my women... dirty.
  • ndj1979
    ndj1979 Posts: 29,136 Member
    ARGriffy wrote: »
    Is it just me? The less processed foods I eat the less I enjoy them. Even down to my protein shake, the false strawberry just tasted horrible today! I guess it's good that I'd rather eat an omlette than a doughnut (same cals!) But it can be annoying when out with friends as it's hard to not look like a food snob in restaurants! !

    I agree completely? I think it's because I'm a good cook though (tooting my own horn here).

    I know how to use herbs and spices and healthy oils on veggies, meats, etc like it's no one's business. I can bust out the most flavorful dishes that will knock people's socks off...and it's a great macro-balance w/o crazy calories.

    I think folks who think "clean" eating is "bland" eating are missing out.

    no one is saying that clean = bland, what we are saying is that clean is a term that is impossible to define and what matters is that one hits micros, macros, and calorie targets.
  • SmartAlec03211988
    SmartAlec03211988 Posts: 1,896 Member
    For me personally... yes, when I abstain from processed junky stuff and go back to it, it tends to taste awful or not as good as I remember.
  • lemurcat12
    lemurcat12 Posts: 30,886 Member
    edited February 2016
    ARGriffy wrote: »
    Is it just me? The less processed foods I eat the less I enjoy them. Even down to my protein shake, the false strawberry just tasted horrible today! I guess it's good that I'd rather eat an omlette than a doughnut (same cals!) But it can be annoying when out with friends as it's hard to not look like a food snob in restaurants! !

    I agree completely? I think it's because I'm a good cook though (tooting my own horn here).

    I know how to use herbs and spices and healthy oils on veggies, meats, etc like it's no one's business. I can bust out the most flavorful dishes that will knock people's socks off...and it's a great macro-balance w/o crazy calories.

    I think folks who think "clean" eating is "bland" eating are missing out.

    I doubt anyone thinks cooking from whole foods is bland. (I don't call it "clean eating," though, and never have a clue as to what that's supposed to mean.)

    Niner is the one who said bland, and I think he was thinking of the stereotypically "clean" diet for people cutting weight in the bodybuilding world (as well as some dieters): plain broiled chicken breast, no skin; steamed broccoli; plain brown rice (or sometimes white). No salt, no fat. With that kind of diet, I wouldn't expect much in the way of creative seasoning, either, since it's utilitarian.

    What I don't agree with is not that healthy cooking can be delicious -- heck, that's been my dieting/maintenance strategy, and I don't waste calories on food that isn't good if I can avoid it. It's the idea that only people who eat poorly would enjoy a doughnut (homemade or not) or chocolate-chip cookie or fish and chips at a pub, and that if you eat healthfully you will lose your taste for these things.
  • lemurcat12
    lemurcat12 Posts: 30,886 Member
    For me personally... yes, when I abstain from processed junky stuff and go back to it, it tends to taste awful or not as good as I remember.

    How do you define "processed junky stuff"?

    A homemade strawberry-rhubarb pie?
  • MommyMeggo
    MommyMeggo Posts: 1,222 Member
    zyxst wrote: »
    This thread makes me want a bag of Twizzlers. If only I had one to use as a straw to drink this cherry Coke.

    Ill take some sour straws to drink the Coke!
  • zyxst
    zyxst Posts: 9,136 Member
    I like my food like I like my women... dirty.

  • Alluminati
    Alluminati Posts: 6,208 Member
    MommyMeggo wrote: »
    zyxst wrote: »
    This thread makes me want a bag of Twizzlers. If only I had one to use as a straw to drink this cherry Coke.

    Ill take some sour straws to drink the Coke!

    Like and like!
  • emaybe
    emaybe Posts: 187 Member
    edited February 2016
    OP, I definitely feel you. I spent years eating seasoned noodles out of packets or grabbing a quick bite from a fast food joint without flinching. The more I focused on whole foods, the less I craved those things. Sure, I'll enjoy a slice of pizza or a bar sandwich once in a while with friends, but it's not something I ever really seek out on my own. Also, I work in a restaurant kitchen and we deal with thousands of weird requests weekly--you're not a food snob for caring what you put into your body, and most reputable places will take it in stride. :)

    [edited by MFP Moderator]
  • janejellyroll
    janejellyroll Posts: 25,763 Member
    edited February 2016
    emaybe wrote: »
    OP, I definitely feel you. I spent years eating seasoned noodles out of packets or grabbing a quick bite from a fast food joint without flinching. The more I focused on whole foods, the less I craved those things. Sure, I'll enjoy a slice of pizza or a bar sandwich once in a while with friends, but it's not something I ever really seek out on my own. Also, I work in a restaurant kitchen and we deal with thousands of weird requests weekly--you're not a food snob for caring what you put into your body, and most reputable places will take it in stride. :)

    [edited by MFP Moderator]

    I think people can discuss and even disagree without demanding that those who disagree with them "shut up."
  • MommyMeggo
    MommyMeggo Posts: 1,222 Member
    emaybe wrote: »
    Why does every comment on these boards end up turning into some ridiculous battle over semantics where everyone tries to prove the OP wrong

    People other than the OP and those commenting read these posts. And if there is misinformation people usually like to provide clarification and with that comes opinions. Its what forum life is all about. Not everything is demeaning- its a conversation between people who disagree.

    And on the internet - where written text is is the lifeblood- semantics actually matter sometimes.
  • senecarr
    senecarr Posts: 5,377 Member
    Sarahb29 wrote: »
    I fully understand what you mean and agree with you. Real strawberries will always taste better than artificial, BUT I will say the strawberries that have the white in the middle (usually huge and pumped up with GMOs) always taste more bitter to me than organic ones sold in farmers markets too.

    I'm not about to get into a GMO debate here, it's just my personal opinion!

    The strawberry "flavor" in some things just taste like you're drinking sugar sometimes.

    It's just as well you aren't as there are no genetically engineered strawberries. Now any strawberry you'd eat is rather modified as strawberries started as tiny berries that evolved to lure thrushes. It is only monks using clever nets and selective breeding that have made what we consider strawberries today.
  • lporter229
    lporter229 Posts: 4,907 Member
    I agree with you OP. I'll cite the example of artificial sweeteners. I used to eat foods sweetened with aspartame and other non-sugar sweeteners all the time. I cut them out of my diet when it was suggested that they may be the source of my headaches. I rarely eat anything that's sweetened with these sweeteners anymore because they taste absolutely horrible to me now.
  • lemurcat12
    lemurcat12 Posts: 30,886 Member
    edited February 2016
    emaybe wrote: »
    Why does every comment on these boards end up turning into some ridiculous battle over semantics where everyone tries to prove the OP wrong while he/she's doing something that's obviously working for them?

    No one is trying to tear OP down. OP asked a question and we are answering. To recap:
    Is it just me? The less processed foods I eat the less I enjoy them.

    Also, a bunch of other people posted making other assertions (like steak is unhealthy) that are worth discussing.

    I don't think what people are saying demeans OP at all. It's interesting that you feel compelled to read that in.

    Clear communication is important. (And not all of us ate poor quality food before deciding to lose weight, and I do find it annoying that some assume we did or that if we don't assert that we don't eat processed food -- since many processed foods are nutrient dense and tasty -- we don't cook or eat whole foods.)

    I also think there's an idea that it's virtuous not to like high cal foods or certain kinds of foods labeled bad. I find that odd. Like I suspect most people are capable of enjoying broiled salmon with brussels sprouts AND some apple pie. Why would eating vegetables or other nutrient-dense foods make you dislike pie? Or for that matter, a delicious pizza made with high quality ingredients at an Italian restaurant?

    (Note: I acknowledge that OP referred to artificial flavors and I do think enjoying some higher quality foods may make one less satisfied with some substitutes and that what you eat influences your palate, of course. I'm more referring to your own comment, which seems to suggest that if people like high cal/lower nutrient foods sometimes they must not be eating whole foods.)
  • snikkins
    snikkins Posts: 1,282 Member
    Banana "artificial" flavoring tastes nothing like bananas, but is ok in its own right. EX) Banana Runts and actual bananas. Strawberry yogurt doesn't taste like strawberries to me, but I enjoy both.

    I think part of the problem is assuming or expecting to the artificial flavors to be exactly the same as whatever it is that they're trying.
  • janejellyroll
    janejellyroll Posts: 25,763 Member
    lemurcat12 wrote: »
    emaybe wrote: »
    Why does every comment on these boards end up turning into some ridiculous battle over semantics where everyone tries to prove the OP wrong while he/she's doing something that's obviously working for them?

    No one is trying to tear OP down. OP asked a question and we are answering. To recap:
    Is it just me? The less processed foods I eat the less I enjoy them.

    Also, a bunch of other people posted making other assertions (like steak is unhealthy) that are worth discussing.

    I don't think what people are saying demeans OP at all. It's interesting that you feel compelled to read that in.

    Clear communication is important. (And not all of us ate poor quality food before deciding to lose weight, and I do find it annoying that some assume we did or that if we don't assert that we don't eat processed food -- since many processed foods are nutrient dense and tasty -- we don't cook or eat whole foods.)

    Additionally, the implication that if you include any processed foods in your diet you must not "care about what goes into your body" is bizarre and -- given what I've seen of many posters here -- not factual.
  • lemurcat12
    lemurcat12 Posts: 30,886 Member
    edited February 2016
    lemurcat12 wrote: »
    emaybe wrote: »
    Why does every comment on these boards end up turning into some ridiculous battle over semantics where everyone tries to prove the OP wrong while he/she's doing something that's obviously working for them?

    No one is trying to tear OP down. OP asked a question and we are answering. To recap:
    Is it just me? The less processed foods I eat the less I enjoy them.

    Also, a bunch of other people posted making other assertions (like steak is unhealthy) that are worth discussing.

    I don't think what people are saying demeans OP at all. It's interesting that you feel compelled to read that in.

    Clear communication is important. (And not all of us ate poor quality food before deciding to lose weight, and I do find it annoying that some assume we did or that if we don't assert that we don't eat processed food -- since many processed foods are nutrient dense and tasty -- we don't cook or eat whole foods.)

    Additionally, the implication that if you include any processed foods in your diet you must not "care about what goes into your body" is bizarre and -- given what I've seen of many posters here -- not factual.

    Great point.

    As well as the idea that we should intuitively know that "processed" doesn't mean "processed" but something else and that someone who eats "processed food" of that type (fast food? grocery store ramen? Twinkies?) must eat only that kind of food or huge amounts of it and not be able to appreciate vegetables and fruit.
  • robininfl
    robininfl Posts: 1,137 Member
    I don't worry about clean vs dirty, but we do mostly make food from ingredients, home cooked stuff for years in my house, and yes some things that are considered fast food and definitely boxed baked goods in the grocery store (twinkies and stuff) taste bad to me, but they pretty much always have. Kind of a food snob I guess.

    But cheese, cream, french fries, ice cream, donuts, white rice and chili paste, fancy cocktails, toast with marmalade...I like a lot of things that aren't healthy, they taste good to me. Fried chicken. And Pizza FTW, heck yes, often we make it at home or go somewhere nice, but even pizza hut pizza tastes good to me, especially reheated in the oven the next day.

    And for whatever reason, diet coke still tastes good to me too even though i avoided it for a year. I do less than once a week now.