Cow milk - is it safe for humans to drink? Why the hype?



  • mjwarbeck
    mjwarbeck Posts: 699 Member
    Don't like milk...cannot drink it (cow milk protein intolerance--actually causes GI bleeding if too much).

  • FunkyTobias
    FunkyTobias Posts: 1,776 Member
    I heard somewhere that humans are the only mammals that drink milk after infancy/childhood. Don't know if that's true though

    We're also the only ones that wear clothes, drive cars, cook our food, and post on the interwebs.
  • Alluminati
    Alluminati Posts: 6,208 Member
    rabbitjb wrote: »
    I've had this discussion twice recently in RL

    People believe in: ingesting cow hormones = bad for body

    I didn't understand the points made TBH
    I've heard people talk about this as well. The general consensus is that children (especially female children) should not be ingesting hormone filled milk because the hormones make them develop, mature, and get bigger chests too quick. LOL.

    I suggested that perhaps maybe it wasn't the hormone-ey milk, that it was just an abundance of food in general? But I was poo poo-ed.

    hormone milk = big jugs.
  • runsonrabbitfood
    runsonrabbitfood Posts: 89 Member
    Just watched the 'Pumping Iron' documentary and immediately thought of this XD
  • lynn_glenmont
    lynn_glenmont Posts: 10,020 Member
    I heard somewhere that humans are the only mammals that drink milk after infancy/childhood. Don't know if that's true though

    It's not true. If you raise dairy cows and pigs on a small farm, pigs will often get excess and soured milk mixed in their feed, and cats will certainly drink milk if they get the chance. Pretty sure lots of animals (e.g., rodents, foxes, raccoons) will be happy to slurp up milk if humans are careless enough to leave it around where they can get at it--their problem is that most lactating mammals of other species are not going to stand around and let a raccoon get it straight from the source. Unlike humans, they don't have the ability to tether, pen, and milk cattle.
  • MommyMeggo
    MommyMeggo Posts: 1,222 Member
    I dont much care for the taste of milk and use skim in cereal. I NEVER drink it--- I drink water and wine. LOL.
  • Carlos_421
    Carlos_421 Posts: 5,132 Member
    Carlos_421 wrote: »
    Carlos_421 wrote: »
    Lactose intolerance -> alternate milk

    Everyone else -> milk

    Me, because I say so. Milk is positively delicious (and nutritious!)!!

    Or vegan. Or some just like the taste of the alternate milks.

    But yeah. Personal preference.

    you mean...alien life forms???

    Pretty sure they like regular milk.

    And cats.


    Alf freaked me out as a kid.
  • yesimpson
    yesimpson Posts: 1,372 Member
    As someone who has recently been diagnosed with a mild cow's milk allergy (it gives me digestive symptoms which are unsociable to live with, shall we say), I would proclaim loudly my love for the stuff. LACTO FREE, SOY AND GOAT MILK ARE NOT THE SAME.

    I can still have a little bit, but my days of eating porridge with milk for breakfast, cheese sandwich for lunch, latte mid-afternoon, and ice cream for pudding are gone.

    If you can ingest cow's milk, like it, don't have an ethical objection to it, just crack on and have it.
  • OneHundredToLose
    OneHundredToLose Posts: 8,523 Member
    I'm pretty sure the last several thousand years of humans drinking cow milk proves that it's safe to drink.

    Personally, I don't drink cow milk because I don't like the taste (I know, I'm crazy right?). I prefer almond milk's taste.
  • Graceraeg
    Graceraeg Posts: 84 Member
    If I drink regular cow milk I get sick from lactose intolerance. I drink either coconut, almond, or lactose free milk. Mostly I drink almond milk because I like it.
  • VitaSh
    VitaSh Posts: 113 Member
    Alluminati wrote: »
    rabbitjb wrote: »
    I've had this discussion twice recently in RL

    People believe in: ingesting cow hormones = bad for body

    I didn't understand the points made TBH
    I've heard people talk about this as well. The general consensus is that children (especially female children) should not be ingesting hormone filled milk because the hormones make them develop, mature, and get bigger chests too quick. LOL.

    I suggested that perhaps maybe it wasn't the hormone-ey milk, that it was just an abundance of food in general? But I was poo poo-ed.

    hormone milk = big jugs.

    Dammit I knew I was doing something (like not liking milk) that caused me to miss out on growing naturally bigger breasts!!! Lol.
  • Kullerva
    Kullerva Posts: 1,114 Member
    I have mild lactose intolerance but can handle real milk in small doses. As a kid the docs said the BGH (bovine growth hormone) in the cheap brand of milk we used to buy sent my endometriosis out of control--I got *really* sick for a while--so I no longer drink it. I love almond milk, though, even the unsweetened kind.
  • VitaSh
    VitaSh Posts: 113 Member
    I prefer cashew milk now to almond..although I like both!
  • OneHundredToLose
    OneHundredToLose Posts: 8,523 Member
  • fitmom4lifemfp
    fitmom4lifemfp Posts: 1,575 Member
    People are choosing almond milk, soy milk, coconut milk & what not over our age old cow milk. What's your take on the same?

    "People" <> me or anyone in my family.

    We have always drank cow's milk. Love it! No need for any other kind.
  • AshleyC1023
    AshleyC1023 Posts: 272 Member
    I don't drink any kind of milk. I don't like soy or almond, and regular milk does not mesh well internally. To each their own for whatever reason.
  • jgnatca
    jgnatca Posts: 14,464 Member
    There is an ethical component. Some people think it is cruel the way dairy cows and their calves are treated. The dairy cow also must be milked or die. For some people, this is seen as unconscionable interference in the natural lives of animals.

    Me, I love dairy of all kinds.
  • earlnabby
    earlnabby Posts: 8,171 Member
    I heard somewhere that humans are the only mammals that drink milk after infancy/childhood. Don't know if that's true though

    We are the only ones who make an effort to drink it after infancy, and the only ones who harvest milk as a crop. Other animals will drink it, if given the opportunity. My grandpa was a dairy farmer who only sold his cream. The milk went to the pigs that he bred and sold, which was his second big money crop. Ben and Jerry's were once fined by the EPA because they did not have a proper disposal plan for their dairy run-off and bad batches. The set up a deal with some farmers: B&J would buy them pigs and they had to take the waste to feed them. Those were some very healthy and happy pigs (and a great way to recycle ice cream waste). Dogs and cats will drink milk if set in front of them, as will many wild animals.

    On the other hand, no mammals that I know of intentionally drink milk FROM THEIR OWN SPECIES after being weaned.
  • Christine_72
    Christine_72 Posts: 16,049 Member
    yesimpson wrote: »
    As someone who has recently been diagnosed with a mild cow's milk allergy (it gives me digestive symptoms which are unsociable to live with, shall we say), I would proclaim loudly my love for the stuff. LACTO FREE, SOY AND GOAT MILK ARE NOT THE SAME.

    I can still have a little bit, but my days of eating porridge with milk for breakfast, cheese sandwich for lunch, latte mid-afternoon, and ice cream for pudding are gone.

    If you can ingest cow's milk, like it, don't have an ethical objection to it, just crack on and have it.

    @yesimpson Have you ever tried digestive enzymes, and did they help with that unsociable problem? The reason i ask is, my favourite protein powder gives me the bad gasses, I can't do whey concentrate, and was hoping I could use it again if I also popped some D enzymes..

    OP I love, love milk but it doesn't love my skin :( I could easily go through over 1Litre a day. If you can tolerate it and you like it then there is no reason to swap to anything else, plus it has much better macro's than Almond milk etc etc.
    Just as a side note, the milk I chose came from an organic dairy not far from where I live, so no ethical issues for me.